I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 69

69 Fast Growth (Please Subscribe!)

After Lu Sheng had put everything in, he turned on the monitor and called someone in.

Zhuo Churan and others checked the vitality of the seeds as usual, and they were still 100% alive!

But when he observed Ditto’s culture tank, Zhuo Churan exclaimed: “Mr. Lu, come and see, there is a situation in the No. 100 large-scale culture tank…

Large tank No. 100 is Ditto’s seed.

Lu Sheng wondered what the situation would be, and after looking at it in the past, he realized that the Assist instrument was not needed, and he could already observe that Ditto was growing continuously.

Instead of forming an embryo, it becomes a mass of mucus-like objects, constantly absorbing nutrients from the culture medium, and the body shape becomes visibly larger with the naked eye!

Ditto’s many messages flashed through Lu Sheng’s mind –

According to some guesses by players and viewers, some think that Ditto is the product of the failure to copy Mew, and some think that Ditto is Mew’s vomit…

Ditto can transform into other Pokémon just like Mew, and Ditto can also transform into a human, but most of Ditto’s eye parts remain unchanged and remain pea-eyes.

Some Pokémons have Transforms, and the Ditto Transform process is more like a lump of ooze re-shapes!

They can transform into larger objects 757, or into smaller objects.

It can be seen from this that they may have a very strong ability of cell division and reorganization.

Self-reproduction also depends on division, not Soft Boiled.

Only Soft Boiled with another Pokémon…

Ditto in the culture tank, not yet formed, cell division and recombination are proceeding rapidly, faster than other Pokémon!

If other Pokémon Seeds slaughter the world’s GMOs for nutrients, Ditto slaps them.

From the investment to now, in just a few minutes, it has grown into the size of a fist.

If you continue to grow…

Afraid that it won’t be ready in a day?

Lu Sheng decided to stay a little longer in the lab to observe the development of Ditto.

Zhuo Churan and others were not surprised by Lu Sheng’s redesign of the four Pokémon, but after seeing the development speed of Ditto, their mouths never stopped…

“Wow, why did you grow up again?”

“God, the nutrient loss of the culture tank is too fast, and a tank must be replaced after half an hour. This is a large culture tank.”

“Mr. Lu, what monster did you design? If a monster…”

“Wow wow, why is it like a puddle of plasticine, is it a design failure?

A few people came over from time to time to take a look, to change the culture medium for Ditto, and to record information for Ditto.

Two hours later, the display on the culture tank prompts that the absorption of culture medium has stopped!

In the transparent culture tank, a pool of ooze was squirming, as if to crawl out of it.


Lu Sheng laughed and hurriedly let go of the culture medium.

The culture medium slowly descended, Ditto lay on the glass, opened the black eyes of Mung Bean Normal, and looked at everyone.

“Damn it, what a creepy feeling!

“Mr. Lu, what kind of creature is this, it’s so strange, it’s not cute at all.

Everyone was shocked.

This is the first time I have encountered such a strange situation.

Lu Sheng’s scalp also tingles, but thinking that he has a Pokémon Pokédex, Pokémon is very close to him.

“Let it out, I didn’t design it like this, maybe something went wrong, but it’s not a big problem.”

The incubator is turned on.

Ditto looked left and right, and Black’s little eyes were full of curiosity.

It shook off the culture fluid on its body and was picked up by Lu Sheng.

“I don’t know if you can use the Transform skill now?”

Lu Sheng looked at the apparently small Ditto in front of him and thought to himself.

If Ditto turns into a few people later, I’m afraid it will scare people to pee.

After all, it was born, and it may not have mastered the abilities brought by itself. It should be able to learn it later, right?

Lu Sheng took the soft towel handed by Zhuo Churan, wiped the culture solution on Ditto’s body, and Ditto narrowed his eyes——

Anyway, the eyes (aeca) are very small, and it is almost the same as not squinting when squinted, so you can’t really see it!

All in all, Ditto is very comfortable in Lu Sheng’s hands, making small movements, similar to purring when a cat is comfortable.

“That, Mr. Lu, what does it like? Or a nutritional supplement?

Zhuo Churan was a little embarrassed.

Usually, I am afraid of some soft creatures. This kind of ooze is Normal, and the skin is still a little purple, which gives a very strange feeling in general, and makes Zhuo Churan fear like a wolf!

Zhuo Churan stood two meters away, glanced at him when he spoke, and quickly moved away, goosebumps all over his body.

“Try the nutritional supplements first, bring all the various models, and let them choose by themselves.

Lu Sheng felt that Ditto should be special, and he was able to open his eyes when he was born.

The feeling of holding it in your hand…

Kind of like a dollop of marshmallows.

After wiping it on the body just now, there is no longer a disgusting sticky feeling, and it is very elastic.

Lu Shenglong squeezed his hand, thinking something evil in his heart.

“Mr. Lu’s smile is so good…”

When a few people around saw it, an idea came to mind.

They don’t know Lu Sheng’s inner thoughts, they think they think too much!

Zhuo Churan channeled more than a dozen different types of nutritional creams, squeezed out a little bit, and reached out to Ditto tremblingly.


Ditto was interested, looked closer, opened his mouth, and rolled all the nutrition monsters into his mouth.

“Hey, why did you eat it all! Nutritional cream shell…”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is the first time I met such a reckless Pokémon baby!

“Spit it out!”

Lu Sheng was also startled, and patted Ditto quickly.

Ditto’s mouth was clearly churning, and it took a few seconds to spit it out.

Wet nutritional cream shell, the nutritional cream inside is almost sucked!


Everyone was speechless.

The way small things eat is a bit special, and the efficiency is also very high.

The other Pokémon have to smoke for half an hour, it’s good, the mouth rolls, and then spit, it’s gone!

Ditto smashed his mouth and slammed into a nutritional cream from Zhuo Churan’s hand.

After doing this a few times, it clapped its hands happily when it tasted one of the nutritional creams.

Although its two palms are not very visible, everyone knows that it is particularly satisfied with a certain type of nutritional cream.

“OK, just feed it that type in the future.

Lu Sheng squeezed Ditto’s elastic cheeks and said, “Send it back to spend with another Pokémon first.

Zhuo Churan wondered: “It looks so special, will other Pokémon accept it?

“Try it, and then you’ll know.”

Lu Sheng knows that Ditto can partner with any Pokémon, because he has the magical ability to become anything.

Maybe spend some time with other Pokémon, and Ditto will gradually discover its special abilities!.

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