I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 71

71 Is Gone! (Please Subscribe)

“Li Hong from Kuaidi Shipping Company, Zhu Jiawen from Tiantian Advertising Media Company, Li Mei from Wanxin Company…’

Lu Sheng crouched on the table and listed several important companies in the Yuejin Alliance members one by one.

“Arrange all of these people, the core members of the Yuejin Alliance, as long as they are scared to withdraw from the Yuejin Alliance, I believe that others will also shake their resolve!”

He planned to pretend to be the killer of the Ice and Fire Alliance to scare them.

Huang Yuetao was recovering from his injuries for the time being, and this group of people were scared out of shit by the Ice and Fire Alliance in the chaos.

Lu Sheng has a plan in mind, and he doesn’t need to come to the door himself, just Assist Ditto’s Transform ability.

However, it depends on how Ditto’s current Transform capabilities are mastered.

While Lu Sheng was thinking about it, Zhuo Churan called.


“Mr. Lu, the big thing is bad, “Seven Seven Three” Ditto is gone!


Lu Sheng jumped up and down from his seat, his face darkened.

Why is it gone?

Someone stole Ditto.

After all, such a rare transformation type Pokémon can be called very magical.

Moreover, Ditto is not registered, and if his research is stolen, Lu Sheng will only suffer a loss.

“I’ll go right there! 35

Lu Sheng hung up the phone and rushed to the laboratory as quickly as possible.

After entering the No. 2 laboratory, Zhuo Churan walked up to him with a face full of guilt: “Mr. Lu, I blame me for this, I didn’t look forward to Ditto…”

“Don’t hold the pot first, then look for it. Have you checked the surveillance video?”

Knowing that Zhuo Churan was kind-hearted, Lu Sheng was worried that Lu Sheng would blame the rest of the staff, so he took the initiative to take the blame.

“I checked, but I didn’t see anyone leaving, Ditto suddenly disappeared!” Zhuo Churan said depressedly.

Because of this incident, everyone was busy and panicked.

Everyone was worried about being suspected and tried their best to search, but couldn’t find Ditto.

Lu Sheng moved in his heart and asked, “Have you ever thought that Ditto will become another Pokémon?

“I searched in the nursery room, but nothing.

Zhuo Churan still shook his head.

“I’ll go in and see.”

Lu Sheng came to the Breeder room, first to the nursery room, took a few glances in the corner, and then flipped through the Pokémon babies.

There really isn’t one in the nursery!

“Go, go out and see.””

Lu Sheng went outside, looked around, and found a Squirtle behaving strangely by the pool.

Other Squirtle swim in the water, only it is more difficult to swim.

“Little bastard…”

When Lu Sheng fished it out, he found that it was a small-eyed Squirtle.

“Hey, this Squirtle is so unfamiliar, how come its eyes are like little black beans?

Zhuo Churan took a closer look and frowned, unable to recall a Squirtle of this model.

Look at the other Squirtle, all with big watery eyes!

“Are you stupid, it’s Ditto.

Lu Sheng didn’t have a good air, he tapped “Squirtle” on the head, and said, “Remember, Ditto can’t control the changes in his eyes now, the small eyes must be it!


Zhuo Churan wondered: “Ditto is so small, Squirtle is so big…”

She gestured, unable to understand.

A few other people followed, but they couldn’t understand how the two were about twice as different in size. How could Ditto become a Squirtle?

This group of Squirtle is going to be sent to the paradise tomorrow. They are about 20 days old. They grow faster, and they all grow a circle in 20 days.

“If it becomes Pichu, I can understand better, Pichu is small.”

One lab employee scratched his head, unable to compare “Squirtle” with Ditto.

Yesterday, Ditto was able to successfully transform 70% of his body. If he turned into Pichu today, it would be within everyone’s understanding.

They talked to Ditto privately and thought that Ditto had a soft body and could change shape.

As for skin changes, it is possible to add genes such as chameleons to simulate the color of other things…

Now tell them that Ditto can get bigger?

what the hell!

“Little thing, hurry up and change it back for me.”

Lu Sheng flicked “Squirtle” hard on the forehead, it let out a dissatisfied cry, the color on his body gradually faded, and the round turtle shell and stomach were deflated.

Zhuo Churan and others were dumbfounded.

Hell, it’s really Ditto!

I saw that Squirtle, Ditto, who had shrunk to half size, slumped lazily on Lu Sheng’s hand and grinned at them.

“You bastard, we’re dying!

Zhuo Churan was annoyed and wanted to teach Ditto a lesson, and then he stretched out his hand. He immediately realized that it was Ditto who was limp, and hurriedly retracted his hand, only staring at Ditto angrily.

This guy even sneaks out and pretends to be a Squirtle Water Sport!

While they were searching, maybe it was watching a joke in the pool.

It’s really bad!

Lu Sheng couldn’t help laughing and said, “It will hide and hide with you in the future, just look for its eyes. It can’t control the changes of its eyes at present.”

A Ditto in the animation can manage facial expressions. If you train a little later, you may be able to do it.

Since it is a farce, everyone continues to be busy.

Lu Sheng gave Ditto some nourishing cream and then took Ditto away.

Originally, I was thinking that it might take a few days for Quash. Now that Ditto has mastered the Transform ability, the plan can be carried out in advance!

Lu Sheng took it back to the villa, first pulled out a blue wig, put on a V-shaped mask, and put on a loose suit…

In short, it was the blue-haired man from the Ice and Fire League that day in Mimic.

Masks are the most popular type in shopping malls, blue wigs and clothes are purchased separately, and it is difficult for others to find them.

Lu Sheng practiced while holding his throat for a while, then took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet to find the battle video of that day.

At the end of the day, some scholars privately uploaded videos, and some of them filmed the entire battle.

Lu Sheng took out another VCR and set it up, and changed the environment behind him slightly——

Hang the set, clear any clutter…

Make sure that others can’t find clues from the video.

Lu Sheng recognized 2.0 several times in a row, and then opened the video for Ditto to watch.

“Can you turn into this big python?”

It was originally planned to turn it into a boxer kangaroo, but there are more kangaroo images, and the knife python is more special.

Ditto stared at it for a while, and he really changed his body. His body gradually became longer and became a knife python with the thickness of his arms, and he also had a sharp bone knife on his body!

“Wait around me, don’t change back, understand? Be obedient, and I’ll get you a dozen nutritional creams to relieve your hunger later.

Lu Sheng patted Ditto on the head.


Ditto vomited snake letter, his head twitched.

Getting everything ready, Lu Sheng turned on the camera and stepped back to reveal his upper body.

Ditto wrapped around his waist, showing his blade.

Lu Sheng learned from the blue-haired man’s voice that day and started recording……

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