I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

Chapter 81

081: Mr. Mask And The Weird Little Nurse

Tang Yiyi finally resisted!

Although she was terrified that every part of her body was trembling wildly, she still resisted.

The hand behind her clamped tightly around her neck, preventing her from turning the slightest.

She wanted to close her eyes, but after seeing the scene in the sky, even if she closed it, it was useless.

what did she see?

She saw the eternally dull sky.

Saw the ocean that took up half the sky, and the heavy clouds that took up the other half of the sky.

The most important thing is to see the looming empty eyes in the ocean, and the ancient indifferent eye in the thick clouds!

I saw countless tentacles faintly exposed.

Saw trembling, madness, fear, death!

At this moment, her brain completely entered a state of downtime.

Even if there is a monster screaming frantically in her ear at this moment, she may not respond.

She felt her brain memory flashing wildly, and finally the chaos became one piece after another.

It seemed that there were countless harsh screams raging in her ears, and it seemed that there were countless steel needles stirring frantically in her spiritual world!

Her eyes began to turn white, and her will began to blur…

“Ananda Shesha, erase her related memories…”

At this time, Mr. Mask’s hoarse voice sounded again, but the target of his speech was someone in the air.

The eternally empty eyes of “July 17” followed.

Yes, Ananda Shesha didn’t even pay attention to Tang Yiyi just now!

Even so, its spiritual influence is so great!

Of course, the reason why Tang Yiyi is like this is also part of the reason for the “old days” in the air.

Ananda Shesha’s gaze did not last long.

Just stared at Tang Yiyi.

Then he looked away.

Even so, at that moment, the relevant memories in Tang Yiyi’s spiritual world also dissipated.

Permanently and completely dissipated.

She passed out immediately.

Mr. Mask then carried Tang Yiyi, walked to the bedside of the ward, and opened a space window.

The bedside of the real world unfolds before your eyes.

Mr. Mask put Tang Yiyi by the bed, just so that she was lying on the bed, as if she fell asleep beside the bed.

There was no surveillance in the ward, and no one came in or out for a while.

Therefore, Tang Yiyi disappeared for so long, no one noticed.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Mask turned his head, looked at the mysterious people, and said in a low voice:

“Hospital, it’s time to clean up.”

Qingshan City, Shanyao District.

Horror World Magazine.

Even though it was late at night, there were still people working in the magazine.

In a certain office of the magazine, the editor-in-chief Chen Jianghe was reading a manuscript with an extremely serious look.

The light from the computer screen illuminated Chen Jianghe’s face. He was a little tired, but his eyes were more excited and bright.

The manuscript he read was the one he had just completed, and the name of the manuscript was called “Eternal Watching from the Deep Sea”!

That’s right!

Since Chen Jianghe received the manuscript of “Ananda Shesha” from Chen An, he decided to dedicate a manuscript to this extremely excellent painting!

Yes, this is Chen Jianghe’s emphasis on “Ananda Shesha”, or rather, Chen An!

After having the idea of ​​​​with the manuscript, Chen Jianghe immediately began to act, but after thinking about it, he finally chose to write this manuscript by himself!

no way!

He somewhat distrusts other authors.

He is an excellent author himself, so he chose to write it himself.

This “Eternal Gaze from the Deep Sea” took Chen Jianghe a lot of energy.

Modify modify.

In the end, it was late at night that he completely completed “The Eternal Gaze from the Deep Sea”!

Chen Jianghe always felt that Chen An belonged to that kind of genius type of painter.

It is really a lucky thing that the magazine can cooperate with Chen An.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Jianghe will find a way to help Chen An obtain better channels.

At this moment, “Eternal Gaze from the Deep Sea” has been officially completed.

The rest is the final touches, and then the official publication…

Chen Jianghe feels that “Eternal Watching from the Deep Sea” will surely receive a lot of praise from readers.

After all, its pictures are so good.

Even if the article itself is not well written, with the picture of “Ananda Shesha”, it is enough to give readers a great sense of substitution and horror.

Maybe, because of this picture, the magazine’s sales will go up…

Chen Jianghe smiled and shook his head.

Really think more and more.

After reading the manuscript, he let out a long sigh.

A sense of exhaustion followed.

He looked back and looked out the window, the bright moon was hanging high.

He couldn’t help but think of the exhibition and Chen An again.

“I don’t know if Xiao Chen’s painting in the exhibition is finished, but he said it’s almost finished…”

Chen Jianghe muttered in a low voice.

After a pause, he muttered again:

“What is the name of the work Xiao Chen said he participated in the exhibition?”

Chen Jianghe thought about it, and after a few seconds, he finally remembered:

“It seems to be called “Old Days Come”?”

“Well, it sounds a little creepy…I really want to see that painting now…”

In the cognition of the mysterious group.

The Creator is absolutely noble and supreme, so there must be absolutely no danger in the place where the Creator is.

Therefore, Mr. Mask decided to clean up the “reversed people” wandering in the hospital.

However, considering the movements of the two Dahanhans, the flaming bear and the devouring vine, and the possible impact when the movement is too large.

In the end, Mr. Mask chose to do it himself.

Let the other mysteries stay and protect the creator and the little master.

Mr. Mask believes in his own strength.

In other words, even if he encounters an unsolvable opponent, he still has a group of powerful friends behind him, right?

With a decision, Mr. Mask set off.

Mr. Mask left the ward and walked alone in the empty hospital in the shadow plane.

In front of him, there is a space window, which allows him to see the situation in the real world at any time.

He walked in the direction that the weird little nurse he had just seen left.

He was looking for the little nurse.

Of course, if he encounters other dangerous things on the road, he will also take action to solve it.

Mr. Mask is a mystery in itself.

Although the hospital in the shadow plane was dark, silent, and empty, he didn’t feel much.

Instead, he had some curiosity about that weird little nurse, Mr. Mask.


This curiosity is a serious one.

Mr. Mask wants to see what this so-called “dangerous” in the “old days” is like.

Walked for a while.

Mr. Mask never found the weird little nurse.

It made him a little bored.

He doesn’t have to worry about the creator’s side, there are members of the mysterious group such as flame bears and swallowing vines guarding.

Creator is absolutely safe.

If they can’t, there are Ananda Shesha and the old days to support them.

So, don’t worry at all.

Mr. Mask came out to solve the problem by himself. If he solved it perfectly, it would be a proof of his wisdom and responsibility as a mysterious group, not only that he was strong enough in wisdom.

In terms of force value, it should not be underestimated.

Thinking about it carefully, Mr. Mask still has some small expectations.

Looking forward to that little nurse showing up soon.

After walking for a while again.

Mr. Mask paused for a while, and the smile on the mask seemed to be a little thicker.

He finally found the weird little nurse.

At this moment, the latter is wandering aimlessly in a corridor.

Head down, arms drooping.

Walk backwards.

Like a walking dead.

The curiosity in Mr. Mask’s heart grew stronger.

He looked at his surroundings.

Just right, here is a state without a camera.

Then, Mr. Mask stepped and came to the real world.

the moment he appeared.

The wandering nurse suddenly stopped.

Although she turned her back to Mr. Mask, she still seemed to sense Mr. Mask.

Mr. Mask didn’t take action immediately, but just looked at the other side so curiously.

I saw that the weird little nurse first stood there for a while, and then began to slowly back away.

Mr. Mask is more curious.

Just stand still, waiting for the other party to come.

In fact, even if Mr. Mask knew about the weird talk about “going away”, he would not really do what the weird talk said.


He is mysterious, he is the creation of the creator!

How can you be afraid of a strange nurse?

Sensing that Mr. Mask was motionless, the strange little nurse seemed to be stunned.

However, she did not stop backing away and continued to approach Mr. Mask.

In fact, the methods mentioned in the strange talk are useless at all.

It doesn’t matter whether people are moving forward, backward, or standing still.

The results will not change.

The reason why the strange talk says that is for the sole purpose of deepening people’s fears…

Mr. Mask waited in place for a few seconds.

The weird little nurse finally started to speed up her retreat, her limbs twisted and moved like a spider.

She soon came to Mr. Mask.

Then, stop.

Then slowly turned around again.

During this process, Mr. Mask always looked at her quietly, without any change in his eyes.

The little nurse then slowly raised her head, revealing a terrifying face full of teeth.

She originally thought that Mr. Mask would panic first, then flee, so that she could take advantage of the opportunity, but Mr. Mask remained motionless…

Are you freaking out?

The little nurse slowly opened her mouth, all her teeth exposed, making a roar…

Mr. Mask remained motionless.

He couldn’t help but not show the slightest fear, and there was even a hint of disgust in his eyes.

The little nurse was stunned.

He opened his mouth again as if he didn’t believe in evil, and even his eyes widened.

Mr. Mask still did not respond.

It’s just that the disgust in his eyes is more intense.

The little nurse was so embarrassed that she grabbed Mr. Mask with both arms. She wanted to grab Mr. Mask, tear off the other’s mask, and stick her own face on the other’s face to contaminate the other!

Until this time, Mr. Mask has no action.

I saw that his right hand instantly pinched the little nurse’s neck and lifted it up with one hand.

Then hit the ground hard!


The little nurse put her legs up and stomped slightly.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had turned into a monster, Mr. Mask would definitely kill her.


Mr. Mask clapped his hands, a little angry.

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