I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Stupid Lolita, I Still Need An Apprentice To Help You



Lynn was sitting on top of the white clouds, clutching his stomach, out of breath with laughter.

“Hahaha, so why are you still afraid that I will find out? Master Loli, are you going to do something wrong? Hahaha!”

Lynn’s interest grew as she watched the sneaky little voice and shadows zip across the street.

After all, it is still very rare for Master Loli to sneak around and sneak around.

Moreover, in Lakeside Town these days, Master Loli is always mysterious. She has been absent all morning and doesn’t know what she is doing.

Must have a good look.

Under Lynn’s gaze.

I saw Nanako walking all the way down the street.

Soon, she came to the slums on the outskirts of Lakeside Town.

Dirty streets.

Nanako sat down in the corner, then stretched out a small hand and deftly opened the large package he was carrying.

Immediately, jewels are shining.

Inside was actually full of golden coins.

Nanako picked up a few gold coins and was silent for a while, a hint of hesitation flashed in his blue eyes.

But the hesitation soon disappeared.

She shook her head vigorously, her ponytail fluttered, and then took out a thick stack of parchment from her arms.

“Duncan, seventy-one years old, two sons died on the battlefield, five-year-old granddaughter died last year, and was bedridden with serious illness, the land of the farm was also mortgaged to the nobles, and there was nowhere to make a living…”

She muttered lowly.

Then right under Lynn’s gaze.

She raised her head and looked at a dilapidated low house not far away, her body slowly becoming transparent.

She cast invisibility for herself.

The funny smile on Lynn’s face faded slowly, silently watching his master sneak carefully into the house.

Gently place a few gold coins on the table.

And a few packets of herbs.

Not far away, on a dirty and dilapidated bed, an old man was wheezing constantly, his mouth opened and closed, and he was babbling in his sleep.

Nanako was silent, his blue eyes filled with grief that could not be concealed.

“Little Ellie… drink the medicine. After you drink it, your illness will be cured. Grandpa mortgaged the farmland. The gentlemen are very kind and gave Grandpa a dozen silver coins… Grandpa is rich, and he will definitely be cured. Good for your sickness…”

“Little Ellie…your father will be back soon…he will buy you dolls…you have to wait for him…”

“Little Ellie…” The old man slowly opened his cloudy eyes, his lips still opening and closing dreamily.

“Have you come back to see Grandpa…”

Nanako bit his lip, walked over and held his old and rough hand, and said in a low voice:

“Hmm, grandpa, little Ellie is back, take a good night’s sleep, grandpa, your illness will definitely get better.”

A shimmer of magic light gently soothed the emotions of this aging man.

In a trance, the expression on the old man’s face became a little more relieved, and the cloudy eyes slowly closed again, as if the painful asthma suddenly became much better.

Slowly, a steady breath came from the bed.

Nanako wiped his eyes with his sleeves, shook his head vigorously, lowered his head,

She didn’t stay here too long.

Under the blessing of invisibility.

She quickly left the family, took out the list again, and walked to the second run-down family in the slum.

“Andre Ang, a veteran, was a knight, was sent home after losing a leg and an arm in the war, because the subsidy was embezzled by the lord, and he is destitute to this day…”

“Ms. Clark, 31 years old, raised three children alone, her husband was burned to death in the square two years ago as a heretic, it was later proved to be a misunderstanding, she went to church many times to pray, so far to no avail… ”

“There are currently about 121 orphans in the slums, ranging in age from 5 to 14 years old. Every winter, this number will be greatly reduced…”

From a distance, I listened to Master Lolita whispering the parchment scroll in his hand.

Watch her sneak in from house to house.

Watching the gold coins in her backpack slowly become dry.

Lynn was silent, not saying a word.

Only the moon in the sky is very round and bright.

The misty moonlight sprinkled on the dilapidated slum, weaving a seemingly beautiful veil.

For a long time.

Nanako’s package was finally completely dry.

She stood on the street, looking at the endless dilapidated street in silence, the parchment scroll in her hand was much thicker.

She gently tied the parchment and placed it carefully into the package.

He lowered his head and bit his lip, not knowing what he was thinking.

for a long time.

She raised her head vigorously, took off her mask, a big smile appeared on her face, wiped the moisture in her eyes, and tried her best to become cheerful.

Although there are always deficiencies in many things.

But at least I did my best.

Nanako, you have to be happy.

You are a powerful magician in Winterspring, there is nothing you can’t solve!

She tried her best to hum a song, she tried her best to walk briskly.

“But how will you find a reason tomorrow…” Nanako pondered and said to himself:

“Well, if I told my disciple that Nanako’s gold coin was accidentally lost, he would definitely not believe it…”

above the cloud.

Lynn looked complicatedly at the master on the street.

He was suddenly dumbfounded, and suddenly wanted to laugh and scold.

“Sure enough, it’s a stupid loli.”

Lynn held her chin with a smile, sat on the cloud, looked at Nanako on the street, and said softly:

“Since you sneaked out at night, why didn’t you take your disciple’s gold coins with you? Master, no matter what reason you find to tell me, my disciple will definitely believe it.”

Lynn took a deep breath and rubbed her suddenly sore nose, her smile unchanged.

He looked softly at the list drawn up in his hand.

“It seems that these are useless.”

With a flick of his finger, the list instantly turned to ashes.

Originally, he thought that Master Loli would soon forget…

After all, they are noble magicians.

From the moment they mastered the supernatural power, it means that they have been completely separated from the bottom layer.

Master Loli is really naive.

She didn’t know that under such a reality, no matter how much gold you gave them, it couldn’t change their status quo.

Even at some point, these gifts of sympathy will become the source of their calamity…

But at least…

In her pure cognition, these gold coins can indeed help these suffering people get through the current difficulties.

And that has beaten a lot of people.

Lynn smiled slightly.

[Stupid loli, I still have to help you at a critical moment →_→, stupid, at least hide the ponytail! 】

Nanako, who was jumping up and down the street, suddenly froze.

Duo Mao instantly stood up.

She immediately widened her eyes, then turned her head quickly and looked towards the street behind.

“That was… was Nanako hallucinating… How come I seem to have heard the dog…”

The wind whistled.

The streets were empty and there was no one.

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