I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Master Loli Pays At10Tion To The Influence

For Elena, who often came to this place, this was something she could never imagine.

She knows very well that the lakeside town under the control of the Holy See has always ignored the life and death of those poor people. They only care about the annual tax and capital, and to keep the poor people in the lakeside town, they just want to use the head count. Come and apply for more financial aid from the above.

But today, everything has changed, it’s almost like a magical reality!

Lying on the rocking chair, Lynn looked at the selection of the king of the secret source in his hand, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he didn’t say much.

“Let’s go have a look.”

Lynn stood up, smiled slightly, put away the book, and said:

“Look what the hell they’re up to.”

Above the lakeside town square.

The crowd surged.

I saw that the church people had built dozens of simple wooden sheds on the square. Under the maintenance of the soldiers, everything seemed to be in order.

Some wooden sheds are distributing food, cotton clothes and various daily necessities to people.

Some wooden sheds have specially sent many priests and doctors to provide free medical care to the poor who are seriously ill and injured.

On the bulletin board not far away, it was already surrounded by people in ragged clothes.

There was an announcement that apparently had just been inked.

Because many poor people don’t know how to read at all, there are two knights next to the announcement who are responsible for reading to the surroundings.

In summary, the main points are as follows.

1. Comprehensively reduce taxes and exempt all unnecessary taxes.

2. All people in Lakeside Town can receive free medical treatment after registration, and those who are seriously ill and disabled can apply to enter a sanatorium for recuperation after registration.

3. The church will fund the renovation of slums and issue subsidies.

4. The church will open up jobs in various fields one after another, with silver coins, meals, places to live, and free medical subsidies.

Etc., etc.

Dozens of new regulations are listed in the entire announcement.

Many civilians even have a feeling of dreaming after listening to it.

Do not!

Even in their dreams, they dared not imagine such a thing.

Don’t even think about it, these are in reality.

“My God is above! Is this God’s mercy to us?!”

“Those noble masters are really so kind? They have silver coins to take, food to eat, and a place to live… This… What a joke!”

Many people still couldn’t believe it, and their faces were stunned.

Because in their inherent cognition, this is simply a fantasy.

on the square.

Nanako looked at this scene in amazement, even she could see many people she helped last night.

“This this……”

Her mind was buzzing, she couldn’t imagine what she saw.

Lynn walked to her side with a smile, crossed her arms, and smiled:

“It seems that those people in the Holy See have changed their natures, Master.”

[A lot of things can’t be solved with money. I know that Master, you are kind enough to help them, but if there is no good order to maintain, the gold coins you gave Master will only be bad news for them. 】

[But there is no problem now. Although some bad methods have been used, at least for a long time, this town will become beautiful. 】

[Reforms and policies are to be carried out slowly. Although this pattern of oppression that has remained unchanged for thousands of years cannot be completely reversed, it will at least give people hope, right? 】

Lynn’s mouth twitched.

Nanako blankly listened to his disciple’s inner voice.

For a moment.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little sore in her eyes, as if something kept churning in her heart.

It turns out…he knew it all…

She lowered her head, her nose suddenly sour, and she tried hard to keep that kind of thing from flowing out.

What a… a nasty, wicked apprentice…

Obviously, he already knew about the stupid things Nanako did, and he quietly followed him last night.

He also secretly pretended not to know.

And one person quietly solves everything…

pat- pat-

A drop of tears fell to the ground.

“Nanako-sama, you…why are you crying?”

Elena looked at Nanako beside her in confusion and astonishment.

Nanako rubbed his eyes hard, then shook his head hard, his ponytail flying.

She raised her head, and a pure and cheerful smile bloomed on her face with some tears.

“Because, Nanako is really happy and happy.”

A gust of wind whistled past.

The fluttering catkins are scattered all over the sky, which is extraordinarily gorgeous.

Tapping Tapping-

Accompanied by the sound of horses’ hoofs, a carriage galloped on the road to the nearest City of Silver.

In the big carriage, Elena and the girls covered their mouths and looked at Lynn who was sitting across from them with smiles on their faces.

I saw Lynn’s face full of embarrassment, and his body remained in a rigid posture, not daring to move.

On his body, Nanako’s small body hangs, his eyes are closed, his small nose fan is gently slack, and his lips are slightly opened and closed in the even breath.

One of her small hands grabbed the clothes on Lynn’s chest, and the other hand restrained his wrist. She was nestled in Lynn’s arms in a very comfortable position, and she looked very cute when she slept.

But Lynn was embarrassed.

Especially when there were three smiling girls sitting across from him, this made him even more restless.

“Mr. Lynn, don’t move around, or Lord Nanako will wake up.”

Lynn coughed awkwardly and said, “No, no.”

The girls all covered their mouths and snickered, their eyes full of envy.

Since the Holy See issued the announcement in the morning and distributed food and clothing to the people in the slums, they have also participated very actively and became volunteers.

And Nanako-sama is the most active and enthusiastic one among them.

Throughout the day, Nanako had a very happy smile on his face and worked tirelessly to help those who were unable to receive benefits due to injuries and illnesses.

It didn’t stop until evening.

After that, Nanako-sama fell asleep in Mr. Lynn’s arms.

So there is this scene.

Elena smiled.

She could see that Nanako-sama was very happy today, and for Mr. Lynn, for some unknown reason, there seemed to be something unexpected compared to the past.

The sound of hoofs.

Nanako fell asleep with his eyes closed, and seemed to have no idea what kind of dream he had, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Unconsciously, he let go of the little hand that was gripping Lynn’s wrist.

Then he hugged his chest tightly, buried the whole person in his chest, and his breath slowly regained its stability.

The expression on his face is reassuring and relaxed.

“The disciple is… the worst and worst villain in the world…”

Along with the breath, Sisi’s dream babbles.

Hearing the voice, Elena and the others on the opposite side all covered their mouths tightly, trying not to snicker.

“Mr. Lynn, did you do something very bad to Lord Nanako?”

Lynn accused: “How can I, don’t say some unfounded things!”

Several girls all covered their mouths and laughed.

Lynn looked embarrassedly at Master Lolita, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms.

【So what happened? 】

[Why does Master Loli behave so abnormally today, do you know what I did last night? 】

[No, I acted alone, how could Master Loli know? 】

[But what is the reason for that? 】

Lynn was confused.

[Also… blue-haired loli, if you want to hold me to sleep, let’s go back and talk about everything, any posture is fine, but there are still people, there are still people! 】

[Influence, pay attention to the influence! 】

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