I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 What Nanako Wants

Noon, Winterspring Valley.

“Hee hee hee, I won’t hide it from you. After my little apprentice came back from the Sea King’s Palace, he has now successfully become a fifth-order magician!”

“My apprentice is not bad. Hehe, although the rank is only fourth, he has already made some achievements in the fields of alchemy, enchantment and inscriptions!”

“Not bad, hee hee, although my apprentice is not as talented as yours, but I spend 3,000 gold coins every month to send apprentices to attend various training classes, apprentices work very hard~”

In a splendid palace.

Several senior mage sisters are sitting in front of the exquisite tables and chairs, having a tea party in harmony and harmony.

There are various delicate snacks on the table.

What was out of tune with the three young ladies around was that a small hand quickly grabbed a piece of snack, and then, while the three high-level mages were not paying attention, quickly and quickly devoured it and stuffed it into his mouth.


Swallow hard.

Nanako stared, maintaining a dignified look, except for the crumbs on his mouth, there was no sign of gorging.

“Nanako Aunt.” A red-haired girl turned around curiously, holding her chin and said:

“What about your apprentice? Why have you never heard of it again?”

Nanako’s dumb hair moved, picked up his chest at random, and said proudly, “Also… it’s also amazing. He works very hard, has a good personality, and listens to Master’s words very much. He is also a rare talent!”

The girls glanced at each other, covered their mouths and burst out laughing.

Although not malicious.

But Nanako’s cheeky face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The girls turned their heads with tacit smiles and held Nanako’s little hand.

“It doesn’t matter, Nanako Aunt, it will get better. Didn’t he advance to become a second-order mage a few months ago? That means he is very talented!”

“Yes! Yes! Although the speed is a little slower, the talent is a little worse, and it is useless, but he looks handsome!”

“Nanako Aunt, come on! In fact, we and Nanako Aunt’s apprentices are the same generation. If you have any difficulties, be sure to say it, and we will help!”

Several Gao sister mage girls all blinked, very sincere.

After a few minutes.

Nanako puffed out his cheeks angrily, and walked out (▼ヘ▼#) holding a big box of dim sum, breathing white air above his head.


The great Archmage Nanako is looked down upon!

It’s really annoying!

In the past, Nanako seldom came to participate in such a tea party between girls. After all, Archmage Nanako is a grandmother who is hundreds of years old!

If it weren’t for the compulsion of life, Nanako would never have accepted the invitation!

Papa pata walking on the road.

Nanako remembered his disciple’s smiling face again, and sighed in frustration, the hair on his head drooping down.

Although I know that Tu’er is actually very strong, and he is also a famous big man in history, any identity can be used to smash the entire Winter Spring Valley.


The dog disciple is really too goofy! Too goofy!


The real identity of Nanako can’t be revealed, but the identity of the dog is a second-order mage who took five years to break through.

Placed in the entire Winterspring Valley, that is the existence of the floor level.

“Can’t you just be a little bit stronger?!” Nanako (艹臹艹) said:

“That way, when Nanako goes out, he can show off with his head held high!!”

An image like that appeared in Nanako’s mind in an instant.

“(?ω?) Wow!! It’s Deacon Nanako! Deacon Nanako is out!”

“That’s right, it is the most beloved master of the Supreme Master! I heard that under the guidance of Deacon Nanako, Master Lynn has won the first place in more than a dozen fields!”

“I’m so envious! I’m so envious. I really want to have a great master like Deacon Nanako!”

And you can (* ̄︶ ̄) carry the staff, and walk through the eyes of everyone’s envy and admiration.

not take away a wisp of cloud.

If someone greets you, you can answer him confidently (??ˇ?ˇ?):

“Ah—it’s all trivial matters, trivial matters, my disciples got so many honors because of their own efforts, Nanako just gave me a little guidance, humble, humble~”

Even Grandpa Andrew would come to the door every day (?ω?), carrying large gold coins, trying to stuff them into Nanako’s hands.

“Nanako, grandpa really misunderstood you before. Nanako is indeed a very great mentor. If there is no Nanako in Winter Spring Valley, grandpa would have no idea what the meaning of Winter Spring Valley’s existence is!”

“Nanako! Grandpa has already decided that the position of the first deacon is yours. The financial power of Winterspring Valley is given to you. You can have as many gold coins as you want!”

And he would (* ̄︶ ̄) reject him and reply to him.

“No need, no need, Nanako only taught a little Dharma God, the first deacon and gold coins, etc., Nanako doesn’t need it, be thin, thin! (?’▽’)??”

“(o﹃o) Ehehe…hey…”

Nanako fantasized, holding a snack, pattering down the road.


Step on the ponytail.


The whole person slammed on the snow in an instant, and the snack box fell on the ground.

“Pain!” Nanako wiped away the tears that fell from his eyes, and suddenly fell from fantasy to reality.

“No! For the sake of Nanako’s ideals, no matter what, we must let the disciples stand up!?(〃’〃`)q”

Outside the mage tower ruins.

Nanako stared, her ponytail fluttered, and she came to the small tent with snacks.

“Teacher! Master is back!! He also brought something delicious to eat!!”

No sound came.

Nanako (??へ??╬) put down the snacks, then walked to the tent and opened the curtain.


A “╬” appeared on Nanako’s head.

I saw that in the tent, Lynn was lying on his back, sleeping  ̄﹃ ̄, one after another “zzZ” kept popping out of his head, and his hand was scratching his chest unconsciously.

“Master, we’re going in…”

Some kind of weird babble.

ka ka ka-

Nanako clenched his small fists, eyes closed, temples beating wildly, teeth grinding.


“Dog boy!! Get up!!!” Nanakoo(≧mouth≦)o yelled at Lynn.

Then jumped up hard, feet together, and a 360-degree spin down Lynn’s stomach.


Lynn was sprayed straight out, her body bowed like boiled shrimp, her limbs turned upside down.

Nanako’s center of gravity was unsteady, and he suddenly sat on Lynn’s stomach, causing her a second injury, staring, hands on his chest, looking down at the slacker.

“Master…” Lynn ( p’︵‵.) said, “Don’t be so violent when calling the bed… This will kill people!”

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