I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Ea10 Like Peanuts

But it was too late.

It was at the moment when she had just finished speaking.


A terrifying giant hand full of lava suddenly protruded from the huge crack.

This is the last Demon Lord-level existence sent by the Blood Domain Demon Lord.

Powerful flame plane controller!

The invincible fire element lord!

“There is an ambush outside!!” The Thorns Witch screamed.

She has seen it.

Those two hands are waiting for the rabbit!

As if I heard her scream, and as if I felt something abnormal,

The giant hand protruding from the flame lord paused slightly.


Then it suddenly shuddered.

The ten fingers opened in an instant, and then quickly retracted at an unimaginable speed.

Although I didn’t see the expression, I could still imagine the terrified look on his face.


What did he feel!

But it was too late.

At the moment when the hand was about to be withdrawn.


I saw the two starlight giant hands hidden behind the cracks suddenly stretched out, their hands forming claws.

With one hand, he grabbed the arm that was completely condensed from flames.

Then yank it out.

Witch of Thorns: “!!!”

Nanako: “It came out! (ΩДΩ)!!!”

Arnold said dully: “What is this existence, is this the monster that the Cyclops said?!”

And then under their shocked gaze.

Above Yueerlan City.

“let me go!”

A roar.

The gigantic fire elemental lord was desperately trying to escape, trying to get in again through that crack.

The gate is like a powerless little loli who has fallen into the hands of a hateful monstrosity who has evil intentions.

No matter how hard he struggles.

There is no way to escape the suppression of those two giant hands.

And then under the shocked gaze of the crowd.

The two starlight giants grabbed the huge flame lord, and then pressed it hard as if they were playing with mud.

The body keeps shrinking!

Keep shrinking!

The huge flame lord didn’t even let out a fart.

Accompanied by shrill screams.

Then it was pulled by the two giant hands, and then it was abruptly pressed into a handicraft.

at last.

A wisp of blue smoke gurgled up from the gap between the fingers of the starlight giant hand.

Then there was no movement.

Nanako grabbed the ponytail (ΩДΩ) and said, “It’s gone!”


In Yueerlan City.

Vivian and Jian Puppet shuddered as they stared at the young man sitting in front of the stall on the street, staring, teeth chattering incessantly.


They almost witnessed the whole process of the teenager from crushing the Cyclops by casting spells, and then beating and crushing the flame lord.

And the pair of starlight giants above the sky.

It was a magic he unleashed at will.

What makes people feel terrifying is that the pair of starlight giants are so powerful that they hardly emit any magic power fluctuations.

That is…” The sword puppet trembled and said, “The power of the forbidden level…”

When his master was alive, he had seen his master take action several times.

The forbidden level is an extremely terrifying magic second only to the demotion of gods!

And the one who can perform this kind of powerful method must be a world-class dharma god with the lowest strength!

And this moment.

The boy was still sitting there casually.

Both hands are constantly kneading and squeezing.

And above his head.

The two starlight giants also followed his movements, constantly kneading and squeezing the sad flame lord.

Vivian trembled: “Grandpa Sword Puppet… I think I’m crazy… This must be a dream, isn’t it…”

Jian Puppet said dully: “Although I can’t dream, I think dreams are more real than this…”

And then under their blank stares.

The starlight giant hand above the sky slowly disappeared.

And when Lynn opened his hand, a bead with billowing flame energy appeared in the palm of his hand.

The sword puppet was shocked for a moment, and said: “That is the core of the high-level demon lord?! He… what is he? He actually pinched that flame lord directly… it exploded…”

And then right under their watch.

Lynn reached out.

He tossed the bead in his hand high up.

Then open your mouth.

It’s like knocking peanuts.


Sword puppet: “!!!”

Vivian: “(ΩДΩ)!!!”

eaten! !

He ate the beads made by the flame lord directly like smashing peanuts! !

What a joke!

Is he a god? !

God wouldn’t be so dick!

Such a powerful flame lord is really inferior to a peanut bean in front of him? !

The starry sky giant hand that appeared in the sky has long attracted the attention of the soldiers in the entire city.

They looked in this direction of Lynn in shock.

In fact, when he dealt with the Headless Horseman and the Son of Blasphemy, those soldiers had already noticed his existence.

“That person… is he a god?! Is he the savior who came to protect our Yueerlan City?!”

“God! It’s too powerful! This is the real god!”

With tears in their eyes, the soldiers knelt down and worshipped in Lynn’s direction.

Even a powerful demon lord is so unbearable in front of this existence…

Their Yue’er Lan City is worry-free!

Lynn chewed the flaming peanut in his mouth, and seemed to feel the gaze from all directions, and he was stunned for a moment.

“Not good…” He chewed, stood up casually and said:

“It’s been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones, this time I’m playing a bit of a game. Now is not the time to be like this…”

Then Lynn let out a breath.

Close your eyes.

Just under the gaze of Vivian and Jian Puppet.

He reached out his hand gently.

Then the thumb and middle finger are pressed together.


He snapped his fingers gently.

In an instant.

Vivian and the others instantly felt an invisible wave that passed directly through their bodies.

The eyes of everyone in the city instantly became dull and empty.

And then in their minds.

All the memories of Lynn that I just saw dissipated like smoke.

Instead, there is another memory that has been completely tampered with.

After a few seconds.

Everyone in the city returned to their senses in confusion.

Then their eyes lit up, and instead of kneeling in Lynn’s direction, they kept kowtowing to the sky.

“It is the great divine master!! It is the divine master who shelters us!!”

“Master Violet’s closest comrade-in-arms! The most powerful mount! The great divine master has not forgotten us!”

“Holy Lord, you are the savior of our Yueerlan City!!”

The people wept bitterly and kowtowed continuously.

And at the same time.

Far away in the barren lands of remote areas of the continent.


I saw a huge lion with golden light all over its body sneezed fiercely.

It looked around blankly and patted its head suspiciously.

“Huh? Why am I sneezing? Is someone thinking of me?”

He looked around strangely.

He didn’t take it to heart, he shrugged, carrying his own rags and wrapping his rags, searching for a new hiding place for himself.

“According to the bad character of that bastard, after knowing that I am still alive, he will definitely try to trick me. Fortunately, I run fast…”

He muttered, running wild with his tattered package on his back.

“That idiot, I’m the divine master! Can you trick me, hum, still think the master is your pet back then?”

“Times have changed! Old stuff! Hahaha!”

With that said, his figure quickly disappeared into the ice and snow.

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