I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 413

Chapter 413 I Sense That It’S Coming

And in the center of the big pit that was bombarded by Lynn’s magic, after a lot of earth and stones were stripped away, a tunnel leading to the ground was revealed.

“It will be very dangerous below, remember, you must follow me closely, otherwise, I may not be able to guarantee your safety!”

Lynn raised her head suddenly, grabbed her wrist, and said:

“Let’s go!”

The girl nodded vigorously, her eyes firm.

Because this step has been reached, there is no reason to retreat.

And after the blast just now, the monster must have recovered completely, and they will always face a terrifying counterattack.

The next moment, Lynn led the girl quickly into the dark corridor.

And as soon as he stepped into it, a rotten breath rushed towards him.

I saw that the stone walls inside the entire corridor were covered with dense dark vines like blood vessels, and they seemed to have life, pulsing slowly with time.

And just before they had any reaction to it, a scream suddenly came from the deepest part of the corridor.


The vines on the inner walls seemed to come alive, dancing wildly in an instant, rushing towards them like densely packed poisonous snakes.


Lynn waved his hand suddenly and switched directly to the source of annihilation, casting a blade-like barrier around their bodies.

Lynn’s eyes were dark, grabbed the girl without the slightest fear, and rushed towards the depths of the passage full of vines.



Under the protection of the barrier constructed by the annihilation source, Lynn and the others are like beasts, constantly sprinting forward.

And all the vines that rushed over were cut into countless pieces the moment they touched his barrier.

But Lynn knew it wasn’t the monster’s true power at all.

Rush all the way.

It’s like struggling to move forward in a quagmire.

In the next moment, Lynn smashed the twisted vines on the road ahead with a punch, and the eyes suddenly opened up.

They appeared in a wide underground hall.

Lynn found information about this place in Silver Song’s memory, this hall was the sanctuary where they listened to the goddess oracle before their fate goddess lost contact.

And as long as you break through here, the lower part of this hall is the real private bedroom of the goddess of fate.

“Have you sensed the position of the godhead?”

The panting raised his head, looked around, and said, “No, there is no special induction. If I really have something to do with the Goddess of Destiny, maybe we haven’t really penetrated into the core area of that monster.”

Lynn turned her head suddenly, her fingers snapped open.

When they came, the tunnel exploded in an instant, and the earth and stone that fell from the collapse instantly engulfed the tunnel, completely blocking the back road.

But Lynn knew that there was absolutely nothing to stop those vines for too long, they were all pervasive.

“Let’s find a way to the lower level!”

“it is good!”

The two stepped forward immediately.

But just before they took a few steps forward, the girl’s body suddenly trembled, her pupils suddenly enlarged, and an extremely cold and twisted breath enveloped her body in an instant.

She suddenly gasped violently, her pupils trembled, she stepped back, and said:

“It…I sense…it…it’s coming!”

Almost at the moment she had just finished speaking.

The entire hall suddenly rumbled and vibrated violently, as if it were about to collapse.

“Be careful!” She turned her head suddenly, trembling, and a huge sense of crisis came over her face.

Almost at the same time, the wall on their side suddenly burst open, and a vine with a thickness of at least tens of meters and covered with twisted blood vessels and tumors burst out of the wall instantly, screaming and piercing towards Lynn.

Lynn’s eyes narrowed.

Under the lingering storm, it seemed that time had a brief dullness.

His body rubbed the edge of the vine to dodge, and his hand was already holding it out of thin air. A long knife completely constructed from the power of the firstborn’s source was constructed in his hand. .


Slashed with a knife, with a dazzling divine light, the vine was instantly cut in two.

Countless dark blood splashed all over the place.

The shrill and twisted screams came from the vine like a madman, and it twisted like a madman as if it had its own life.

And it was at this time that Lynn heard the distorted sound of the aberration again after stepping in here.

“Aren’t we going to be together forever?!”

Sharp female voices, with madness and ferociousness, rumbled from all directions.

On the surrounding walls, on the ground, and above the dome, cysts appeared one after another, and empty faces appeared one after another in the cysts.

They screamed and kept repeating the crazy words.

“Aren’t we going to be together forever?”

“Aren’t we going to be together forever?!”

The girl covered her ears hard, and in this terrifying voice, she shouted forcefully, as if this was the only way to resist the sound that could make people fall into madness.

Lynn narrowed his eyes, almost as soon as the voice sounded, he felt a strong sense of distortion and erosion from the field of destiny.

He didn’t hesitate.

Almost immediately, he switched the origin to the origin of destiny, and the long knife in his hand smashed the faces that emerged.

But even so, he could still feel the influence from the field of destiny.

He couldn’t help but feel resentment and anxiety in his heart.

This is an intense pollution directed at your soul and destiny!

If it weren’t for Lynn having a lot of origins as his foundation, if not for his high enough personality, if not for his experience of being backlashed by fate, it would be difficult for him to resist this terrifying spiritual pollution.

“Let’s keep going!”

Lynn drinks.

He pulled the girl close to him, wrapping his strength around her body.

Because he has also seen that under the terrifying spiritual pollution, the closed loop formed by the thread of fate in the girl’s body also showed signs of disorder.

The aberration had taken all her attention away.



One after another, vines with a thickness of dozens of meters rushed out of the wall in all directions again.

Lynn picked up the knife and slashed the vines one by one in the middle.

Then his blade stabbed into the ground suddenly, and rose vigorously, and the entire ground and wall were instantly divided into two from the middle.

And under his violence, Lynn finally found a passage blocked by countless twisted tentacles in the deepest part of the rift that day.

“let’s go!”

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