I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 Zhiling Refuses To Walk

The dazed picture was frozen on the last smiling eye.

She grabbed her head that was about to explode, and the words in those pictures kept replaying in her mind.

Is that her?

Is it herself?

Or the future split from the long river of fate? !

But what happened? It is so beautiful in the picture, and there seems to be a figure in my heart that cannot be forgotten, but everything seems to be deliberately stripped out.


Above the high sky, Lynn’s knife slashed heavily on the growing vines.

He stepped back abruptly, his eyes blood red.

He already has a comprehensive advantage in the real world, and countless huge vines have been turned into broken shadows under the light of his sword.

But in the field of destiny, he was also under tremendous pressure.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his body was like a flickering picture on an old TV, as if it would be wiped out of this world at any time.

Even with the blessings of multiple origins, the gap between them and the godhead of fate is still too great.

And at this moment,

The thread of his destiny is now densely covered with mottled rust and full of twisted pollution.

And if he wants to maintain his full suppression of this aberration in the realm of reality, he can no longer divide the power of the origin of the firstborn to the realm of destiny.

he knows.

This battle must not be delayed any longer!

For a moment.

Lynn’s body changed rapidly. Two sharp horns grew on the top of his head, huge demon wings spread out from his back, and dense runes began to appear on his body.

At this moment, he transformed his clone into his strongest fighting form.

And he instantly abandoned the war knife that the original source turned into, revealing the sharp demon claws.

“This battle! It’s time to end!”

Lynn looked up suddenly, green flames flashing in her eyes.

It was a mixture of the origin of the firstborn and the fel energy that could break the law.

In an instant.

Lynn rose into the sky, completely abandoned the defense, turned the sharp claws into his strongest weapon, and rumbled the power of the firstborn to his claws.


The law of destiny that the aberration body ripped towards him was instantly shattered under the desperate blow.

His eyes were cold and blood red, and his body appeared in front of her almost instantly.

Then came the sharp claws head on,


As if the sky was shattered, the sky was torn apart.

Accompanied by a shrill scream, a split claw mark almost spread from the frantic woman’s forehead all the way to the countless vines on her lower body.

Her chest splattered with blood almost instantly.

And in Fei Ling’s blood bead, there are twisted flesh and blood and mucus, it is the supreme godhead that represents the god of fate!


The frantic roar, accompanied by the mighty power that rumbled from the godhead in his chest, blew everything within thousands of kilometers.

And almost at the moment when the mighty power spread to the girl’s body, the thread of destiny that had been closed in disorder because it was too close to the godhead finally broke several threads.

The girl shouted up to the sky.

The pain caused by her body made her scream and strangle her head.

Her tangled threads of fate are like duckweed in the wind.

And along with that sharp pain, there are countless fragments of memories.

“Are you a bad guy? Or are you here to play with me? Hee hee, you look so weird, why are your branches still forked?”

“It’s not a planting spirit? It’s a human being? Well, a creature I’ve never heard of, but it doesn’t matter. The site here is very large. As the owner of this place, I can reluctantly divide you half, and you can live here!”

“Um… You mean I have a talent in the field of destiny, so you want to take me to practice? Um… It’s very difficult! I think it’s good to be in the sun every day. Practice or something, you know it’s very good when you hear it. Tired things, unless… you can water me every day, hehe!”

“Hey… I really just said casually at the time, I really don’t need to fertilize every day, and I don’t need to water every day, you really make me depend on you, do you want to protect my big tree?”

“Okay! Uncle Big Tree, as a reward, when I bear fruit, I will give it to you!”

That scene flashed through her mind like running water.

It seems to be the growth history of a plant-based goblin, from a little germination to the birth of his own will, from carefree swaying in the wind alone, to an extra partner around him at an unknown time.

It seems that some kind of seed called dependence has gradually taken root and sprouted during the centuries of growth.

But still can’t see the cheek clearly.

I knew that there was a person by my side all the time, but it was always like a reflection in the water, always out of reach.


Above the sky, the destructive battle is still going on.

Even though it was riddled with holes that had been torn apart by Lynn’s sharp claws, the huge vines on the lower body seemed to be able to absorb nutrients from the deepest part of the earth, and they were inexhaustible and indestructible.

And that maddening scream became more and more intense.

Not just Lynn’s line of fate, but everything in the valley is beginning to twist.

Plants dance wildly, sand dissolves, and air burns.

It seems that the fate of everything is changed at this moment by that sharp force.

But instead of slowing down, Lynn’s attack became more intense and rapid.

Sharp claws pierced the sky again and again, and his figure danced wildly among countless wildly growing vines.



Every time he attacked, he brought himself closer to that godhead!

That is the source of the power of this aberration, as long as the godhead can be stripped from her body, then she will completely lose the power to destroy the world.

The whole sky was filled with that mad howl of resentment.

As if the resentment and despair never end!

“I was wrong, I’m sorry… I just found out that I can only bloom, not bear fruit… But you shouldn’t be angry because you didn’t eat my fruit, right?”

“Yes! Yes! I have grown up! The knowledge you taught me has also been studied well, fate! It is a wonderful thing, does that mean that as long as I am strong enough, I can change the trajectory of others’ future at will Woolen cloth?”

“If that’s the case, then I must change your destiny as soon as possible! What would it be better to change it to! Hmm…if you only like me! Hahahaha!”

“Wow! The world outside is really big! You should have brought me out earlier! What? Let me walk down by myself? Impossible! Zhiling, who is rooted in red seedlings, refuses to walk!”

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