I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 526

Chapter 526


The faces of the gods changed dramatically.

And at that moment, the old man hardly hesitated.

At the moment when the law swept out, he turned around suddenly, and his body instantly turned into a long stream, rushing towards the outside of the temples.

Among the gods, there were several figures that exploded almost at the same time, released their own power, and flew out of the temples without hesitation.

And those gods who have just undergone the test are completely unable to stop them from leaving because of their weak bodies.


But just as they were about to leave, the Reality God let out an indifferent snort.

For a moment.

Just outside the hall, the expressions of the gods who had just rushed out changed drastically.

Because right in front of them, the space around them was shattered into countless pieces!

Do not!

That is not the fragmentation of space at all, but reality!

Their reality was directly distorted by that force, knocking them down into illusory broken worlds one after another.





The Reality God stretched out his hand indifferently, looking at the broken worlds that were only the size of his fists one after another suspended in front of him.

And in that small world, it was the gods who were trying to escape from the temple just now.

They scurried around in it like headless flies, but they couldn’t escape the control of reality at all.

Reality God said indifferently:

“I had already guessed that there would not be only a scumbag in my camp, but I didn’t expect that there would be so many.”

“You can’t bear it anymore. Since I summoned you today, you didn’t think about it. Will I really give you another chance?”

The gods trembled.

First of all, they were shocked by the rebellion of the gods in the middle.

The second is the strength displayed by the shock and reality gods.

Just turning his hands, those gods were already kept in his own domain by him.

And the gods can also clearly feel that the strength of the real god has obviously improved a lot compared with the last confrontation with the element god.


The God King behind the Reality God will definitely give the Reality God a great favor.


Reality God snorted coldly and stretched out his hand instantly.

The dagger in the mirror space burst out instantly and fell into the small worlds in his palm.

In an instant, shrill screams resounded throughout the temple.

Reality God’s eyes flickered.

But they didn’t say anything, and didn’t show the lies in the hearts of those gods, but directly included them in their own realm.

He squinted his eyes, looked down at the gods under the stage, and said expressionlessly:


It wasn’t until hours later that all the gods completed their final tests.

The Reality God also showed his generosity to these gods who had no heart and no tricks in their hearts. He used his own power to return all the original shocks they suffered because of this test back to the original.

And this is also the terrifying power mastered by the reality god.

The gods no longer have any heart to disobey in the shock, and they exit one by one.

But even after Lynn’s avatar of order also wanted to retire, the voice of the reality god came from his mind.

“Order, stay here, there are some things I want to talk to.”

Lynn squinted her eyes, without turning her head, said:


This might be an opportunity.

Lynn turned her head slowly, her eyes reflecting the real god on the throne, and the source in her body moved secretly.

She didn’t know the reason why God left him in reality.

But Lynn’s chance was immediately thought, this may be a very chance to kill the reality god in one fell swoop and take his godhood.

Because his current strength has already surpassed these high-ranking gods.


Do you want to replace the reality god here, and then control the entire reality camp?

Lynn’s eyes flickered, and the killing intent in his heart slowly rose.

But obviously.

The Reality God didn’t notice Lynn’s strangeness at all. He waved his hand slowly, and the fragments of reality that covered his body slowly dissipated, revealing his original appearance.

Obviously, he did not regard the “God of Order” as an outsider.

And this moment.

He leaned on the god’s seat, his fingers covered his temples, his brows were furrowed, and everyone seemed tired.

“Go back to your god position, just like when you were still a god, don’t be cautious.”

Lynn’s heart moved slightly.

He calmly returned to his divine position, his eyes flashed, and he asked:

“Did you have any problems?”

The reality god raised his head, and those small worlds slowly unfolded in front of him.

Looking at the gods who were restrained in it, he took a deep breath and said deeply:

“I originally thought that only the vicious Elemental woman would place her insider by my side, but now it seems that the gods who want to spy on me are far more than the Elemental Mother Goddess.”

Lynn’s heart skipped a beat.

“You mean…”

The Reality God said deeply: “It’s very surprising, isn’t it? You guessed right, and even I didn’t expect that among the seven gods with ghosts in their hearts, apart from the two idiots of the Mother Goddess of Elements, there are also people from the Fallen God camp. A lackey, an eyeliner of the Goddess of Life, two scum allegiance to the God of War, and a minion of the God of Light.”

Lynn opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn’t know what to say.

Reality God rubbed his temples, took a deep breath and said:

“Not to mention these, even among the gods who passed the test, at least half of them have made some transactions with other upper gods openly or secretly.”

“Now do you understand why those guys are all silent and don’t dare to let one fart?”

“Because they all have ghosts in their hearts, but as their leader, I can’t really reveal them all to the public.”

So it can only be deterred.

Except for those really hopeless insiders, for other gods, he can only choose deterrence and warning.

Because if you really pull everything on the bright side, then the whole camp will really fall apart.

Lynn: “…”

The reality god raised his head and said: “I didn’t even think that more than half of my gods had second thoughts about me. If it wasn’t for my investigation today, I would never have imagined that there would be so many spies and shaking heads around me. !”


He landed on the throne with a punch, gritted his teeth, and there was almost nowhere to vent his surging power.

Lynn: “…”

He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and said:

“But it doesn’t matter. Whether or not I can achieve the throne of the gods does not depend on these ants. If it wasn’t for my father who asked me to form a faction and check and balance the element gods, I would not be disdainful to participate in these nauseating battles.”

Lynn’s heart skipped a beat.


He vaguely guessed something, but there was no relevant memory in the memory of the God of Order,

But obviously, the reality of God is not as simple as he seems.

“But it’s fine.”

He turned his head, looked at Lynn’s order clone, shook his head and said:

“At least you didn’t betray me.”

“No matter what our rank is now, the fact that you are my best friend in the God Realm has never changed.”

Lynn: “…”

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