I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 529

Chapter 529: All The Same Poor Bastards

This sudden scene instantly made the faces of the three median gods change drastically.

They immediately retreated, and directly distanced themselves from the God of Power.

They never imagined that such a drastic change would occur. Who is that person? !


Just under their shuddering gaze, the hand directly penetrated the chest, and a fine power like quicksand slowly emerged around the godhead that was caught in the hand.


That godhead was instantly swallowed up in the quicksand package.


Their pupils shrank suddenly, and their faces became pale.

Feeling the mysterious power contained in the quicksand-like power, those three words appeared in their minds almost instantly.

Their hearts also sank to the bottom in an instant.

How did they meet the Firstborn here? !

They knew right away that something was wrong!


The God of Blood was the first to react, and immediately shouted.

He turned around, and at an unimaginable speed, he immediately hurried away in the other direction.

The remaining two gods were also shaken, but they still maintained a little sense of reason. They did not choose to go in the same direction, but scattered.

If so, they might still have a chance!

Damn i!

Damn it!

How could they be so unlucky!

Sure enough, the firstborn is in the realm of the gods, and he has always been hidden among them, like a beast hunting in the dark night, ready to give them a fatal blow at any time!


A loud bang.

After losing his godhead, the body of the God of Power instantly exploded into countless blood mists.

Lynn looked up, her eyes burning.

“There is still a windfall?”

Today his first target is mainly the God of Power, but since there are other gods willing to bring it to his door, he is also very happy to enjoy it.

In an instant, Lynn raised his head, and one clone after another suddenly appeared in his body, chasing after the scattered gods.

“No! This news must be reported to His Majesty the God of War immediately!”

The god of blood was extremely anxious.

He immediately mobilized his perception and wanted to contact the God who was far away from the boundless distance.

But almost as soon as this thought appeared in his mind, for some reason, he suddenly resisted instinctively.

It was as if a voice in the soul whispered in his ear.

Do not.

You do not want.

His eyes became empty, and his eyes gradually became trembling.

He gradually found that his thinking began to become extremely stagnant, like walking in water. Any decision he made seemed to have a voice that was constantly opposing him and constantly swaying his thoughts. .

Even the thought of running away slowly became unbelievable.

And his speed is also in the change of thinking, and gradually becomes slower.


What is this…

At that moment, he suddenly trembled all over his body, his eyes were horrified, and two words appeared in his mind instantly.


Do not!

It’s destiny!

But when he realized that something was wrong, it was too late.

The space around him suddenly became pitch black, and countless shadows spread around him like vines.

In an instant, his body was dragged into the gap of shadows.

“Do not!!”

He let out an extremely shrill scream, and the surging laws kept seeming to let him get away.

But to no avail.

And that is, in the next moment, in the intertwined shadows, a figure slowly emerged in front of him.

His expression turned pale.

And at that moment, he finally saw the man’s face clearly.

Feelingless and indifferent like facing a corpse.


A blade completely condensed from the Law of Shadows penetrated into his chest with a puff, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The laws of immensity rushed towards his body from all directions, suppressing all his power in the deepest part of his body.




And the next moment, he didn’t know anything.

At the same time, in the other two directions, the hunt has come to an end.

With Lynn’s current personality and strength, dealing with the median god is simply chopping melons and vegetables, and it won’t take too much energy.

Four median godheads!

Lynn felt the strength in his body fill up again, and it gave him a long sigh of relief.


In the void, Lynn’s body gradually appeared.

After devouring these four median godheads, he slowly discovered that compared with before, he seemed to be able to make him feel something that he had never been able to feel before.

He turned his head, and the void around him was reflected in his eyes.


He noticed that there seemed to be some kind of mysterious power that quietly wiped away the traces of cause and effect he left in this void.

And this feeling has never been felt before.

And enough to explain.

After devouring so many godheads, his current strength is gradually approaching the god-king rank.

But this is also enough to explain the terribleness of the king of gods.

Immediately, Lynn frowned slightly, his consciousness locked on the few godheads he had just harvested.

“It’s a bit of a coincidence.”

The three median gods appeared, but it was as if someone could arrange for them to come.

Deliberately want him to come and devour them.

Lynn narrowed her eyes.

He immediately searched for the memory of the three median gods.

It didn’t take long.

He understood what had happened.

“Is it a direct order from the King of God to them?”

Lynn’s eyes twinkled.

this moment.

He has probably understood it. It seems that there is another God King besides Karma on the side of the Reincarnation God King.

And that God King may be the master behind the invisible camp of the God of War.

I see!

I see!

He laughed, and at this moment, for the first time, he had this unprecedented empathy for the god he had always hated.

And the most ironic thing is that they are powerless, and they don’t even have the chance to know.

One eats and one gets eaten.

Ha ha.

How ironic!

They’re all the same, the same doomed idiots, the same foolishly wanting to laugh.

“In that case, at least I will make your death worth enough.”

Lynn closed her eyes.

His body was slowly reduced, and then slowly turned into the appearance of the four median gods.

Under the control of their common will, they didn’t stop, and flew quickly toward the void according to the location in their memory that Lynn read.

Everything seems to have not changed.

The only difference is that these four gods have become four sheep in wolf’s clothing.

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