I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 572

Chapter 572 Genesis

No one knows why the only existence in that universe is sleeping.

It’s as if he’s been that way since he appeared.

And slowly over time.

One after another disordered and chaotic dreams were gradually born around the sleeper, as if in the endless sleep, his chaotic consciousness, which had never awakened, also began to affect the sleeper. Chaos.

And in endless time.

Those big and small dreams derived from its consciousness also slowly began to spread.

From the very beginning it was just a projection around it.

After endless time, the bizarre and chaotic dream gradually began to occupy the entire universe within reach.

Dreams continue to merge.

It then slowly replaced the entire universe, and eventually a new world filled with chaotic streams of consciousness.

The figure raised his head and said, “That was the first disordered world.”

But despite the influence of its dreams.

This universe is no longer as dead as before, but again, the world is still a piece of nothingness.

But soon.

This situation ushered in a change.

Although chaos has been replaced by dreams, there is still a steady stream of dreams born from the sleeper’s chaotic consciousness.

Gradually, those dreams that were born later were gradually twisted and squeezed into disordered creatures.

At first they were just around the sleeper, like satellites around Haori.

But as more and more disordered creatures turned into dreams began to appear, a large number of disordered creatures began to unconsciously move towards the wider void.

And the pattern of the universe has also been initially established.

In the countless hours that followed, more and more disordered creatures began to appear, they devoured each other, killed each other, and the entire universe was increasingly shifting in the direction of disorder.

But until a certain point in time.

The situation suddenly changed.

The eternal sleeper seemed to suddenly have a sign of awakening, and the projection to the entire chaotic universe was in the chaotic stream of consciousness that was constantly radiating, and gradually began to become regular.

And the order that was born from the consciousness of the sleeper began to condense little by little.

And in the end, in this disordered dream world, a huge order aggregate completely different from other disordered creatures was formed.

This is considered a sign that the sleeper is about to wake up.

And the disordered creatures that spread throughout the void were like beasts that smelled blood, and began to madly attack the dream of that order, wanting to tear it apart.

They are both fearful and disgusting.

But it seems that once the dream of order is formed, there is no way to make it disappear.


The countless disordered creatures that intended to tear it apart, but under its influence, were gradually ordered and became part of the orderly dream.

And it seems that countless hours have passed,

The dream of order has swelled into a bright sun in this disordered world. The most powerful group of disordered creatures born at the beginning of the universe were almost all ordered and became part of the dream of order. .

And with the expansion of this dream.

The signs of the sleeper waking up are becoming more and more obvious.

And that orderly dream began to gradually begin to transform towards a unified will.

It seems that as long as the final will is formed, it will become the main body of the sleeper and end all the chaos and disorder that has been born over the countless years!

Let all things be unified!

Lynn raised his head, looking at the evolution of the night sky, and said:

“It failed.”

Lynn found oh, that dream of order, the precursor to their orderly world.

And the fact is not what Lynn expected.

The end of disorder is order, and the end of order is disorder.

It was almost the moment when the dream of order wanted to give birth to a unified will.


Everything that made up its existence disintegrated in an instant.

It was an indescribable explosion!

Its interior began to be fragmented and divided into thousands of substances and energies!

The unified will also disintegrated into thousands of laws in an instant, and it spreads all over its entire dream world in panic.

But at this moment, Lynn’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he saw in an instant that at the moment when the huge explosion occurred, the chaos seemed to suddenly have some kind of extremely subtle fission, and it seemed that something was torn into this world by the huge energy in an instant.

“That is……”

And the world.

It is the product of the broken unified dream.

The old man didn’t seem to notice the change in Lynn’s expression, looked up and said:

“Its evolution has failed, or in other words, it wants to give birth to the will of order through normal evolution, even if it is just a dream, it is not that simple.”

“And at this point in time, you were pulled into this original world from another universe.”

Disorder is still the theme, and order is just an accident of chaos to the extreme.

Lynn squinted, trying to capture the soul that didn’t belong here.

But it seems to be quickly annihilated in the chaotic laws.

Can’t find it.

And after the orderly dream was broken, its interior went through hundreds of millions of years of chaotic evolution, and then gradually began to converge in an orderly direction.

World after world formed upon its corpse.

And the countless laws that were born from the initial split also began to converge, interact, and began to devour and annihilate each other.

It was a chaotic and frenzied time.

The laws are not yet completely stable, the world has just been born, and every world is on the verge of collapse and convergence.

Countless creatures began to appear one after another under the distorted effect of the law of life.

But they often don’t live for a few seconds, and they are soon annihilated in the torrent of laws.

And even if they survived, without the aggregation of souls, they would be just a bunch of unconscious walking dead.

They still cannot be called life.

But even so, there are still a small number of lucky people who, in these violent years, accidentally gathered soul and matter, and possessed the initial consciousness.

And in the blink of an eye, countless years have passed.


The law begins to solidify and begins to subside.

And the countless worlds that were born in the beginning, can survive until now, and only less than one ten thousandth is left.

This is an unimaginably huge screening!

And among the lucky ones born in the first place who can survive till now, without exception, they have evolved to be extremely powerful and terrifying, and even because they are contaminated with certain laws and the breath of heaven and earth, they are born to form a symbiosis with certain laws!

time! space! truth! order! confusion! cause and effect! create! destroy!

Those high-level laws that were originally born were gathered in those specific life forms and formed the first hundreds of godheads!

“And you, Master, are different.”

The old man raised his head hoarsely, closed his eyes and said:

“I don’t know if this is lucky or unfortunate. After you were torn into this world, you should have been quickly annihilated in the chaotic flow of laws, but your soul was accidentally smashed by the original law of reincarnation. brand.”

“And because of the particularity of the law of reincarnation.”

“You will never be truly annihilated. At the very beginning of your constant destruction and rebirth, you have experienced hundreds of millions of cycles of life and death.”

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