I, The Self-Discipline Captain Of The Uchiha Guard!

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Alternative Son-In-Law

Shiba Konghe, who has social bullshit, is also quite bold. While receiving Bai Ye with good snacks, he also talked a lot about the Shiba family.

During the chat, Shiba Konghe also took out a spiritual bead core while smoking.

“By the way, are you interested in joining the guards!”

After all, as a famous family, he also has quite strong strength. Apart from the fact that Bai Ye is a little embarrassed by such an extremely social cow’s personality, it is a good battle to make him a member of his own guard team!

After hearing Bai Ye’s words, both Jin Yan and Yin Yan jumped up in the back, dancing happily and even moved tears on their faces.

As a destitute nobleman, he can finally have the opportunity to return to Jinglingyan now!

Watching the two of them dance and dance happily, Shiba Sora took a few puffs of the cigarette and put the pipe on the table silently.

“I won’t join! I’m not suitable to live in those crowded places! Not to mention the current life is not bad!”

Declined Bai Ye’s kindness, for Shiba Konghe, he has experienced too much from the famous family to the present, and it is not a bad thing to be free now.

Hearing such a sentence 123, Jin Yan and Yin Yan’s eyes widened, and they did not expect that Shiba Konghe would refuse such a request, a choice that could once again change the fate of the Shiba family!

“Hahaha, don’t be so nervous, if Lord Bai Ye asks for anything, I will assist you as soon as possible!”

That bursting personality has restrained a lot in front of Bai Ye. After some kind words, Shiba Konghe also pointed out the location of Rukongai District 5 to Bai Ye…

Good guy, I still have the map given by Yamamoto Liaozhai in my hand, can I be at this level now, the stronger the emotional strength, the more I will become a lunatic?

After a while of embarrassment, Bai Ye couldn’t help but continue to move towards Rukongai.

After all, it doesn’t make any sense to stay here too much!

Along with starting a walk again and visiting the suburban scene of Rukongai, a Shinigami by the stream caught Bai Ye’s attention again.

A man dressed in white with a strange red headdress on his head stood by the stream and muttered to himself…

This dress looks like Jing Lingyan’s prison uniform, and the guy in front of him has an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Especially with that kind of headgear, Bai Ye couldn’t help feeling that the person in front of him was very important, but for a while he couldn’t think of what this character in the anime was doing…

“Agent Shinigami? It shouldn’t! At least it shouldn’t look like this!”

For a while, Bai Ye was also very curious. After all, the guy in front of him looked quite familiar, but he just couldn’t remember who the guy in front of him was…

Walking in front of the man, Bai Ye looked up and down the guy in front of him.

Have a saber? This red hair accessory is well groomed?

Why doesn’t it look like a prisoner should be, is it the prisoner who escaped while fighting Aizen?

When he saw Bai Ye walking towards him, the guy couldn’t help but run away in the opposite direction at his fastest speed.

Seeing such a staggering running method, Bai Ye couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Maybe I’m wrong, even the most ordinary fan team can use Shunpo, maybe it’s just some unknown criminal…

Seeing that the prisoner was fleeing to where his guards were stationed, Bai Ye did not continue to chase after him.

After all, if you look around, you can already see members of the guards from hundreds of meters away, so Shinigami in prison uniforms will not turn a blind eye!

However, at the same time, in Kurothushi Mayuri’s laboratory, a strange scene suddenly appeared…

While researching Bai Ye’s sealed state, a strange thing happened in an instant, the data on the instrument fluctuated greatly, and the alarm sound of the entire laboratory started to sound (cjeg)!

“Who are you! What do you want to do! Are you creating conflicts and causing war?”

Along with Kurothushi Mayuri turned off the alarm and inquired about what went wrong.

A woman in white appeared in Kurothushi Mayuri’s laboratory.

Almost instantly Kurothushi Mayuri pulled out his Zanpakutō and faced each other.

This woman is not a member of his team, not even Shinigami from Reiatsu’s point of view! Holding Bai Ye’s sealed state in his hand, what do you want to do!

After Kurothchi Mayuri mulled hundreds of possible potential answers in his head, an idea popped into his head.

It may be a spy left by Aizen! After all, Tousen Kaname has already been bought by Aizen. If the guy in front of him stole Bai Ye’s sealed state, he would not be able to fight or even cause Bai Ye to lose his weapon… But this kind of thing happened enough to make Bai Ye hostile to him !

It is very likely that Aizen has merged with Hōgyoku in the broken world, and is ready to make a comeback after creating conflicts between Soul Society and Bai Ye!

In Kurothushi Mayuri’s mind, this was the most likely thing, but the woman still didn’t open her mouth to give any explanation, and even started to move slowly towards the door!

“How could it be possible for you to escape! Since you don’t speak, it means you have acquiesced! You are the spy sent by Aizen!”

With a frown, Kurothushi Mayuri immediately took two steps forward.

There is no further warning, for Kurothushi Mayuri, such a guy can be put to death!

“Open your claws and kill Jizo!”

He immediately released his Bankai to the woman who robbed Bai Ye sealed state.

I don’t know what kind of ability that woman has and how strong the fighting strength is, so Kurothushi Mayuri didn’t come forward to attack for the sake of safety.

After all, Ni Mengyin, the tool man, is not by his side, so it is not a wise decision to release Shikai’s attack or use his own technology.

Bankai released with few creature types.

Wearing a red cloak with a body like a caterpillar and a gigantic baby on its head, Koshijizo appeared behind Kurothushi Mayuri!

“Kill her! If sealed state is taken away by this guy, there will be serious problems!”

Without any waiting, Kurothushi Mayuri directly issued an attack order to Jizo.

Jump up!

In the small laboratory, the gigantic figure of Kushira Jizo couldn’t help but look extraordinarily spectacular.


However, in the next second, Kushira Jizo did not attack the woman in white who walked forward.

Immediately, he rushed towards Kurothushi Mayuri with that huge body! With the sudden eruption of purple poisonous gas after pressing Kurothushi Mayuri under him, the entire laboratory was filled with deadly poisonous gas in just a few seconds! .

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