I, The Strongest Blue Dragon On The Rocks Ship

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Decryption: The Truth of [100 Years of Blank] (Part 2)!

[Because the idea of [Dream Kingdom] is too tempting, it directly leads to slaves living at the bottom of society in many countries,

As well as a large number of people who live by selling labor, they want to escape the original national shock and go to the [Dream Kingdom to settle down…][But for the royal families and ruling classes of these countries, if there is a lack of these oppressive low-level coolies,

Dirty, dirty jobs that no one wants to do that keep functioning properly will be completely stranded…)

[In this way, it will inevitably lead to a serious vicious circle in these countries, and may even eventually die out…)[So, as the [Dream Kingdom] keeps growing, its enemies also begin to grow. …)[As a result, the royal families of 20 countries, including [Alabasta], formed a powerful crusade in the face of increasing core interests…)[Then the royal families of the 20 countries started to stir up troubles and prepared to use this to officially launch the “Dream Kingdom Gate to attack…)[Although the “Dream Kingdom Gate” formed by Nika does not have any army, Nika uses the high-end technology of “Nibiru Civilization” far beyond this planet,

Please ask the craftsmen of [Seven Waters] to build a super battleship that can maximize its power, which is the “Pluton” of later generations.

[Later, when the 20-nation coalition was about to invade the city, Nika had to let [Pluto] show the power of [Dream Kingdom]…)[So [Pluto] drove the boat and fired a cannon at the rear of the camp where the leaders of the coalition army were located, which is where the “Enies Lobby” will be located 800 years later….)[The ending can be imagined. When the leaders of the 20-nation coalition saw “Pluton” with just one shot, they sank such a huge area of land. Naturally, no one dared to do it… )[However, these people did not give up on this…)[After successfully finding out that Nika came from the [Land of God], they secretly sent someone to board the [Red Earth Continent], found the then ruler Im, and declared to her that they were willing to respect her as the “world master”. ….)[At this time, Im was already resentful and angry because of Nika’s long-term disregard for traveling around the world, and the disobedience of the people of [God’s Kingdom] to her escrow…)

(Although Im very tempted by the desire for power (desire), he did not immediately agree to the proposal of the heads of the 20 countries,

Instead, reporting the last trace of “reason”, he sent someone from the lower realm to find Nika and told him to return to [Red Earth Continent] to discuss important matters…)

[Unsuspecting Nika, after leaving [Uranus] and [Pluto] in the [Dream Kingdom], he returned to the [Red Earth Continent] alone.[Next, in the ancient city [Tartalos], which was not yet buried at that time, Nika and Im, the model couple who used to love and have a good relationship,

However, because of the diametrically opposite ruling ideas, an unprecedented fierce dispute occurred…)

[Although the “Kingdom of God” has great power and civilization far beyond all countries in this world, Nika does not want to rule any other country…)[He just wants to create a huge “kingdom” where all races can coexist peacefully, and then influence the world little by little, eliminating human stubbornness and discrimination against other races…)[Nika’s “dream” is to let all the different races in this world live freely and equally under the same sunshine…)[However, his wife Im did not think so. Her thoughts were very different from the man she loved so much. …)[In Im’s opinion, Nika’s idea of wanting freedom and equality is extremely ridiculous and stupid. Whether it is human beings or their [Nibiru], no matter what civilization is inseparable from the ruler…)[Also, Im doesn’t think it’s wrong for humans to treat those “creatures” that are different from themselves as monsters and inferior races, ….)

On the contrary, [Nika’s behavior of forming the [Dream Kingdom] is simply the most serious marital betrayal to Im, who has always been ignorant of it…)

[At the end of the argument, Yimu expressed the most real thoughts in her heart. This backward civilization should be ruled by a powerful person, and she is the best candidate….)[Nika’s “hypocritical” kindness has made him extremely “weak”, and he can no longer continue to be the king of the “Kingdom of God” in a timely manner, and she, Im, will become the “absolute master of this world”] 1[Im gave Nika one last chance before he officially started, hoping that he could reform his ways and then follow him to rule the world together, but Nika resolutely rejected him…)[The war is unavoidable. In order to defeat Nika, Im chose to make a sneak attack during the sage time when Nika was the most relaxed after the last time the two broke up (fire pack), and was successfully seriously injured. other side…..)[Afterwards, in the process of Nika’s serious injury and fleeing, he knew that the people of [Kingdom of God] would never be loyal to his “Usurper” Im,

At the fastest speed, he led the elite forces of 20 royal families to bloodbath the entire [God Kingdom] above the [Red Earth Continent]…)

[Those people of the [Kingdom of God] who were unaware of the danger coming, were massacred by Yimu without knowing it…)[Except for a few survivors who successfully escaped the catastrophe, those who were killed were all turned into the form of [Devil Fruit] by Im using the power of [National Treasure] to plunder and transform… .)[In order to be on the safe side, Yimu also specially added a “maximum” limit to the [Devil Fruit], that is, the fear of seawater (the active ingredient Pyrobroin, is the key substance that constitutes ‘seastone”)….)[Because as long as the boosting power of (National Treasure) is used, Im’s [Tidal Power] can trigger a tsunami group anytime and anywhere, destroying any of you and the resistance forces…[And the so-called [Devil Fruits] host the demons with powerful abilities, but they are actually the people of the “Kingdom of God” whose souls and abilities have been taken away…)[And the restriction that each person can only eat one piece is due to the powerful “blood factors” extracted from the people of [God’s Kingdom],

After covering the original genes of the eater, a unique “lineage factor chain” is formed, and the reason why they are incompatible with each other…)

[It’s just that the population of the lunar civilization Nibiru] is already very rare, and more of them are converted from “gold” to ‘special charged particles”, which activate and give intelligent robots…)[So, even if it is a powerful “Kingdom of God”, there are not many people in existence, which is the fundamental reason why [Devil Fruit] is very rare…)[In this way, Im using the [Nibiru Royal Family] that is comparable to the long lifespan of the giants (ordinary giants have a super long lifespan of 350 years), and activated the [National Treasure] to complete the production of the [Devil Fruit].. ..)[Then Yimu called together those kings who believed that the world should be ruled by the strong, and formed the initial prototype of the World ZF,

And gave the [Devil Fruit] to the kings of these 20 countries, as well as those who voluntarily followed them to attack the [Dream Kingdom Gate…][Under the leadership of Yimu, those kings who were full of ambition for power and rule finally got a powerful force that was enough to compete with [Dream Kingdom]

So Shuangfang soon broke out a huge and protracted war…)

[However, even after the 20-nation coalition received the “enhancement” of the [Devil Fruit] ability, they still failed to stand in front of [Uranus] and [Pluto].

And the desperate resistance of the other races gathered in the [Dream Kingdom] takes a little advantage, and the two sides can be said to lose both sides…)

[However, because Nika’s concept of building the “Dream Kingdom” is to advocate everyone’s freedom, dreams, equality, and non-violence,

Then if this war is allowed to continue, no matter the outcome, it will completely go against his original intention…)

[So, a very bloody scene was staged…)[Nika actually dragged her heavily injured body and stood up again when the “Dream Kingdom” turned against the wind….)

【Nika persuaded hard, and hoped that Im and the kings of the 20-nation coalition could coexist peacefully with 【Dream Kingdom,

In order to express his sincerity, he even ordered (Uranus] and [Pluto] to give up their resistance first…)

[The final result can be imagined…)

(This is also the fundamental reason why some historical documents of later generations will remember the huge kingdom that had great power, but lost in that war…)

[The [Dream Kingdom] that fought back, because of Nika’s “willfulness” and insistence, and finally failed miserably…)

【【Uranus·Uranus】was attacked to death by Im on the spot,【Pluton·Pluto】was killed by the kings of 20 countries in the process of covering Nika’s escape…)

[The remaining “Three-Eyed Clan”, “Kozuki Clan”, “Fur Clan” and other groups without leaders are not the opponents of the coalition forces with 【Devil Fruit ability, so the battle situation completely collapsed….)[When Nika left, he said to Im and the king of the 20 kingdoms: Some things will never be stopped, the inherited will, the dream of mankind, the destiny of the times, as long as mankind never ceases to be free and Equal exploration, these things never end….)[Nika’s words were later regarded by the remnants of “Dream Kingdom” and “God’s Kingdom” as the “Will of D” passed down from generation to generation…[Next, before the [Dream Kingdom] is about to be completely destroyed, Nika realizes that Im and the king of the 20 countries,

It is very likely that after erasing or rewriting the existence of him and the [Kingdom of God] and [Dream Kingdom], we will invite the craftsmen of the [Kozuki Clan],

It engraved the [historical text] that remembers the “truth” of this history, as well as the existence and concept of the “dream kingdom”. …

[And the characters used in the engraving [historical text] are the special characters derived from the moon [Nibiru civilization]…)

(Then Nika handed over 30 [historical text] sub-police to the tribesmen of various races who had settled in the [Dream Kingdom Gate], and asked them to take them to their respective countries for protection…][It is precisely because of this that [historical text] Jihui is scattered all over the world…)

[And the “Kozuki family], as one of the first members to join the [Dream Kingdom], has a very deep feeling for this country full of freedom and equality.

They returned to Wanokuni with the special mission of inheriting the method of reading and writing historical texts, and since then they have started a long journey of “closing the country”….)

(This is also why Kozuki Oden in the original book, after following Roger to the [Ultimate Island Raftel], recorded in his “diary”: “Wanokuni] was once connected to the world…)

[After Nika died of serious injuries, a prophecy began to spread on the sea: 800 years later, Nika’s will will once again lead the world to freedom and dawn…)[The development of the next situation, as Nika expected, after the [Dream Kingdom] was completely destroyed,

Im really ordered the erasure of Nika and everything related to the [Dream Kingdom], and set about destroying all traces of their existence in this world..1

[And in order to appease the rest of the ‘scared” kingdoms, Yimu asked the first 20 kings to persuade the world to make an oath, lay down their weapons, and set up the [Void Throne],

Promise that the world ZF will always maintain equality, maintain the balance between the sea and the world, and have no idea of dictating the world….)

[But later, Neferutari, the king of “Alabasta”, who accidentally learned the truth of “Devil Fruit”

But because he couldn’t stand Im’s bloody and brutal actions, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to enter the [Holy Land Mariejois] and become a [World Noble]…)

0…·For flowers 0..

Worried about being targeted and purged by Im and the other kings of the 19 countries, “Neferutari” deliberately stole the “Dark Fruit” symbolizing “Pluton” from the “Pan Ancient City” before leaving. Come….)

[And after returning to [Alabasta], he used the power of the whole country to grab the [historical text] that recorded the truth of “Pluton”,

Then it was hidden in the mausoleum where the remains of the kings of the past dynasties were placed to protect it from generation to generation.

And taking this as a threat, signed a special police agreement with the World ZF to “regard no previous suspicions” to ensure that his descendants can live in peace…)

[So “Five Elders] will say that Princess Vivi’s father Kobra belongs to the “Nefirutari” family, which is a traitor among the first 20 people…)[This is why in the original book, Cobra took the initiative to find “Five Elders” during the [World Summit] and asked about the past.

After being noticed by the other party that the “Neferutari Clan” has lost the weight to support them, the root cause of [Alabasta] being sentenced to “Lights out”…)

[Furthermore, the [Dark Fruit] was not passed down from generation to generation in the hands of the [Alabasta] royal family as the ancestors of the “Neferutari Clan” expected.

But in the long years, it was snatched directly from the tomb by other invaders…)

[On the other hand, the other 19 people except “Neferutari”, and their descendants, then called themselves “world nobles” Tianlong people, and enjoyed all the privileges in this world, 1[However, the World ZF still encountered great resistance in the process of erasing the traces of Nika and [Dream Kingdom]…)[Even if they burned all the books and records related to it, at that time, the [Dream Kingdom] had just been destroyed not long ago,

The ideas and concepts that Nika disseminated have been recognized by many special races and civilians……)

[Although people do not dare to resist the powerful World ZF, but in their hearts, they know which is good and which is bad…)


[So, many people who have joined [Dream Kingdom], or the countries and races associated with it, are strongly resisting the eradication of the World ZF….)[So a new round of larger-scale cleaning operations began from then on, and there was the [Golden City] Shandola, which was suddenly broken down in the war and declined…)

(But what really gives the world a headache is the indestructible [historical text] scattered all over the world,

Therefore, in order to solve the [historical text], we will solve the thinking of those who can interpret the [historical text],

The World ZF-While secretly searching for the whereabouts of [History Text], while claiming to interpret [History Text] safely,

It was the villain who wanted to use [Ancient Weapon] to start a huge war again, and started a long hunt and slaughter…)

[And those countries and individuals who fought to the death were all assigned to the [Techla Wolf] labor country in [East Blue] in the following days, and began to build the endless bridge day and night. …..)[Finally, while the World ZF successfully erased Nika, [Kingdom of God], [Dream Kingdom], it began to have more alliance countries…)

The above is what Im and the world ZF,

800 years of erasing and covering up,

【Blank 100 Years】The whole historical truth!!

And with the development and passage of time.

After 800 years of alternations.

Including the descendants of the “D family”.

The original history has long been forgotten.

If it weren’t for these [historical text] that can never be destroyed

As a special carrier of that history,

Words passed down.

I’m afraid this history,

It will really be as the world ZF expects.

Completely disappeared from the memory of the world!!!

Following Orbia’s eloquent words,

The secret that the World ZF tried so hard to hide was finally cracked.

The whole world is in this moment,

In endless shock!!

The destruction of the world ZF.

[The end of the era of the great pirates.

The world has witnessed the downfall of a kingship,

And the rise of another brand new kingship!!!

Unlike the rule of the world ZF with those brutal regimes.

The “Dragon Empire” established by Ye Yu later,

That is, the freedom and equality of the [Dream Kingdom] in the fusion gap.

The leadership and checks and balances of the royal power were added.

tiered tax system,

Let those who originally lived at the bottom of society,

The civilians who couldn’t afford to hand in the huge amount of [Heavenly Gold] cheered for it.

Naturally, he also supported Ye Yu, the new king, from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Yu didn’t even need to speak.

The kings and royal families on the sea who have seen with their own eyes his powerful means to destroy the world.

Diligently fear of “God Generals” such as Bullet and Whitebeard.

They took the initiative to choose to join the [Dragon Empire].

Voluntarily accept Ye Yu’s rule.

In just over a month.

Ye Yu has fulfilled the ultimate dream that Nika, Ross and others have never been able to fulfill in their entire lives.

On one side is an irresistible overwhelming force.

On one side is a free, equal and relaxed living atmosphere.

Ye Yu not only accomplished the feat of unifying the world.

Also (Dragon Empire),

Create a happy country full of joy and laughter!!!

And Ye Yu himself,

Then I was haunted by all the girls all day long to applaud for love. …

The waiter helped Jiao and weak,

The beginning is the new time of grace.

Cloud temples, flowers, golden steps,

The hibiscus tent warms the spring (.).

Spring (.) is short and the day is high,

From then on – the king of kun did not go to court early.

Cheng (. Huan) serving banquets has no time to spare,

Spring from the Spring Tour Night Special Night….


Dao, the happy days are destined to be short.

Just half a year after Ye Yu ruled the whole world.

unprecedented crisis,

But it suddenly came to this world in silence!!!! 2.

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