I, The System Maker!

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Haiyuan Ai: “Illya, have you been on vacation in Africa recently? First, the height increased by 1cm, and then the blood of the African chief… You are really…”

Illya: “o(╥﹏╥)o!!”

Illya, who can’t be hurt, is completely broken inside!

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Chapter 21

“Miyu, are you okay… Did my attack just now hurt you…”

On the way back, Ilya almost came out of the previous blow.

Now Illya pays more attention to whether Miyu is injured. She must know that her shelling just now basically wiped the opponent’s body, which means that her own attack may also hurt Miyu, so Illya is very worried about this. a little.

Of course, it’s more because I can now have a better relationship with the US tour, and Illya is very happy now.

At the same time, Meiyou also realized that, in many cases, it is not possible to solve problems by working hard alone.

For example, in his previous situation, if it wasn’t for Illya, he would have been seriously injured by Rider.

Illya has been holding Miyu’s hands all the time now, her face is full of worry, while Miyu is a little uncomfortable.

No way, Miyu couldn’t get used to this kind of overly enthusiastic attitude anyway.

“I’m fine… Illyas Fei… Illya…” I suddenly remembered that Illya had told me to just call the other party’s name, so Miyu silently changed her tune when she was halfway through calling her name.

Although it’s a little uncomfortable to call the other party’s name directly, but… Miyu will try it…

Miyu is indeed trying to treat Illya as her friend… and she can’t successfully collect these employment cards by herself, and now Miyu is also aware of this.

“Huh… it’s fine! It really scared me to death…” Illya sighed in relief.

“You did a great job this time, Illya… You still saved Miyu, you are much more powerful than my guardian! At that time, you can actually burst out with such a powerful force… ”

Illya is obviously not confident now, and what Chu Chen needs is to help Illya build up her self-confidence.

These early enemies, Illya and Meiyou, can basically be dealt with. Chu Chen should help to deal with Saber and Berserker later. With the magic power and swordsmanship that Chu Chen has obtained from Illya and Poshima Saeko, he can deal with Saber. Needless to say, although it is a bit of a headache to deal with Berserker, Illya and Meiyou both have magical girl transformation cards, maybe they can be dealt with without Chu Chen’s shot… And Chu Chen himself also has a magical girl transformation card…

Tohsaka Rin on the side also nodded heavily, the satisfaction and pride on his face were obvious.

“That’s right, Illya… Well done this time! As long as you fight like this today, it’s not a problem at all to recover those job cards!”

Illya smiled and scratched her head. In fact, she didn’t think she was as powerful as Tohsaka Rin said…

And this is because the system helps itself to open and hang, so it is so powerful! So Illya doesn’t think she’s that powerful… If she was really that powerful, she’d probably be at the forefront just like Miyu.

Ilya knew very well that she still lacked the courage to fight like Miyu.

“But then again, Ilyasviel, the magic power in your body is indeed abnormally strong… The attack just now is obviously not something that a normal child can unleash, although the kaleidoscope staff can provide almost infinite power. The magic power, but the output is based on the owner’s own situation to plan the upper limit anyway. You can burst out such a magic power cannon, which means that the magic power in your body is astonishingly high… This is completely It’s not something normal humans can have!”

Luvia couldn’t help looking at Illya in front of her so carefully, and sighed while smacking her lips.

Her sighs are not unreasonable. She and Tohsaka Rin consider themselves to be the best among the younger generation of magicians, but now they find sadly that they seem to be no match for children like Illya…

Even if I use the kaleidoscope staff and Illyabi, I guess it won’t compare…

“Are children of this age so defiant now?” Luvia couldn’t help but glance at Meiyou again.

Although it is said that Miyou is not as exaggerated as Illya, but when she is approaching Rider, the speed that Miyou shows at that moment is not comparable to her… She now seriously doubts whether she is not keeping up with the times.

Feeling Luvia’s gaze, Miyu couldn’t help shrinking her shoulders.

“Okay, Illya will trouble Tosaka-san to send it back. I’ll take Mei away first… Bye…”

Tohsaka Rin just silently watched Chu Chen take Miyou away, and then tilted his head to Luvia’s ear.

“Hey hey, Luvia, is this guy really okay? I know he’s the guardian of that child, but he’s a strange magician no matter what. Lancer and Rider’s cards are okay to put on that child’s body? ?”

It’s not that Rin Tohsaka is worried, but as a magician sent by the clock tower to perform a mission, she needs to be vigilant like this.

“At least he won’t take action on the employment agency card until he has recovered all the employment agency cards… So don’t worry for the time being, and we have basically zero intelligence about the other party at the moment, so we can only look at it like this. …”

Luvia could at least be sure of this, and she could see that Chu Chen really cared about Meiyou.

So at least for the child’s sake, he shouldn’t casually shoot at the employment agency card.

“What are you talking about… Miss Rin, Miss Luvia…”

Illya looked curiously at the two people who had their heads together, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Yah ah ah, these two people knew what they were conspiring at a glance… Otherwise, with their personalities, how could they get so close…” The ruby cane was crooked, and the tone was full of playfulness.

“Hey hey hey… that’s what I said…” Ilya recalled the relationship between the two and couldn’t help smiling.

“Cough cough cough… In short, you should pay more attention to that guy, it will be fine if you are careful! Of course, I don’t want that guy to be a magician who wants to win the job card…”

Tohsaka Rin is just the most basic vigilance, not expecting things to develop in that direction.

After all, if Chu Chen really intends to seize the employment card, it will obviously lead to cracks in the relationship between Illya and Chu Chen, and even the relationship between Chu Chen and Meiyou may have problems.

Tohsaka Rin is not blind, so it is natural to see that Illya respects Chu Chen as a teacher, and Meiyou is also satisfied and likes Chu Chen as a guardian…

She didn’t want their relationship to go wrong because of their employment card.

Isn’t it their fault in some sense…

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Chapter 22

Haibara Ai: “So that’s the case… It turns out that I have to fight those heroic spirits who are the incarnations of legendary heroes when I reclaim the job card. It’s really tiring. Compared with fighting these zombies who have no fighting consciousness and only know how to bite…”

Yukino Yukino: “According to the previous Resident Evil dungeons, this is indeed the case!”

Saeko Poshima: “The only trouble is that these check-in tasks are not easy to complete…”

Xianzi frowned slightly, looking at these people in the room, he sighed deeply in his heart.

Illya: “Is your mission difficult to complete? Just kill these zombies and protect people, right?”

For Ms. Saeko, who is very capable of fighting, is it not a piece of cake to complete this task?

Illya doesn’t understand why this task is not easy to complete?

Saeko Poshima: “The point is that there are too few people here who can fight these zombies in a decent way… Once I leave here, it will be very troublesome, and I also want to rush into the zombie pile by myself and kill it… By the way, Xiao Ai herself is now returning to her own world in order to complete her mission as soon as possible…”

Haihara Ai: “Don’t worry, the matter on my side will be resolved soon… I’m also a little concerned about the antidote to the zombie virus… But every time I have to be careful, and after the research, I have to take the entire laboratory It’s a bit cumbersome to put all of them in the system space… When I solve my own affairs, I’ll go to your side…”

Speaking of this, Xiao Ai was also helpless. In fact, she didn’t want to bring the research on the antidote to the zombie virus back to the original world, but she was a little worried that people in that world would move their own things, so she simply brought it back, but every time After this research, Xiao Ai will put the entire research room back into the system space, so as to ensure that the zombie virus will not leak out.

She was also afraid that because of her carelessness, she would cause a Resident Evil crisis in her world.

But fortunately there is no problem at present, and now Haibara Ai is fixing this famous detective…

Illya lay flat on the bed, recalling the scenes that happened tonight, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

The biggest achievement tonight, it can be said that I and Meiyou have finally become friends…

Illya: “Meiyou, are you home yet?”

Emiya Miyu: “Well… I’ve already arrived home… Illya, so are you…”

Yukino Yukino: “!!”

Haibara Ai:”!!”

Poison Island Saeko: “!!”

Illya: “What’s wrong with you? Is there any problem with Miyu and I greeting each other?”

Illya suddenly panicked, why did they all show this expression?

Yukino Yukino: “Of course you and Miyu say hello to each other, of course there’s no problem. We are surprised how your relationship with Miyu has become so good? It was clear that Miyu ignored us before… sentence…”

Haibara Ai: “Is this the affinity of the legendary magical girl? I got it…”

Illya: “No… Miyu and everyone can actually be friends…”

Emiya Miyu: “No…my friend is only Illya, and Illya alone is enough…”

Yukino Yukino: “…”

Haibara Ai:”…”

Poison Island Saeko: “…”

Administrator: “Illya, does your face hurt?”

Chu Chen suddenly felt a burst of laughter, Meiyou’s words were similar to when he successfully made friends with Illya in the original book!

At that time, Meiyou also said that he only had Illya as a friend, and then he attacked Illya’s friends. There is no way. Others regard you as a friend, but you actually said that you only need one friend and give it to you. , you are all thinking too much, can this not hit people…

Illya: “Don’t ask me, I just want to be quiet now…”

Miyu Emiya: “Illya, who is Jingjing? Is he your new friend?”

Illya: ╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻!”

Miyu Emiya: ‘◇’)?”

Chu Chen silently withdrew from the system network, and continued to focus on the employment card in his hand.

This is the latest Rider job card that I got today, and Chu Chen was very curious about the structure inside.

The job card should be Aindsworth’s direct replacement of part of the power of himself and the heroic spirit on the Heroic Spirit Throne through the replacement magic, so that part of the heroic spirit’s power can be directly replaced by himself, thus realizing the dream call (Install).

Chu Chen wanted to study the power on the job card to see if he could reproduce the job card.

In any case, Chu Chen’s props are also unpredictable EX rank, maybe he can use this kind of power to re-engrave this kind of job card. Chu Chen has always been very active in finding ways to enhance his power. .

After all…it’s no problem to solve Saber’s job card just by relying on his current strength, but Berserker and Chu Chen lack the corresponding means to kill the opponent, Berserker can’t kill himself, but Chu Chen can’t do the same in the twelve trials!

Chu Chen is not the protagonist of the Invincible series, and there is no power in this world that can be obtained without hard work.

ha? You said that Chu Chen prostitutes and Hui Yuan is sorry for their plug-ins! That plug-in was also made by Chu Chen, so how could it be considered a free prostitute? Chu Chen gave the system to others, and it would be no problem to receive some compensation. Besides, Xiao Ai didn’t lose anything.

[Haihara Ai completes the event check-in: get 1 chance to make a wish for the defective Holy Grail. 】

Chu Chen raised his brows slightly, Xiao Ai completed her task so quickly.

But having said that, the task itself is limited to 48 hours, and with Xiao Ai’s enthusiasm, it is normal to complete it now.

Haibara Ai: “I’m going to start making a wish to revive my sister, everyone bless me… Anyway, resurrecting my sister is the most important thing, even the destruction of the black organization is not so important!”

Of course, one of the reasons is that she is afraid that the black-clothed organization is by her side, and then accidentally kills her own people, so Xiao Ai will collapse!

Yukino Yukino: “Come on! Little Ai!”

Poison Island Saeko: “Come on! Little Ai!”

Administrator: “Come on! Xiao Ai!”

Emiya Miyu: “…Come on!”

Meiyou hesitated for a moment before speaking, after all, Xiao Ai was trying to save her sister…

This is the same feeling that I wanted to save my brother, so Miyu silently gave her blessings.

Illya: “Come on! Sister Xiao Ai!”

Haiyuan Ai: “Cough cough cough… I’m sorry, Illya, although I am very grateful for your cheer, but… you can forget it, the blessing of the lucky E African chief, I can’t bear it…”

Illya: “o(╥﹏╥)o”

Illya: “Uncomfortable! I want to cry! It hurts my heart!”

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Chapter 23

“Is this the Holy Grail wishing opportunity?”

In the research room, Xiao Ai with brown hair looked at the Holy Grail in his hand, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

I finally waited for this day. After I had the system, I also thought about taking revenge on the Black Organization, but after hearing about the various worlds, especially the world of Illya, which has the legendary magic, Little The desire to revive her sister in Ai’s heart became stronger and stronger. Since there is such a world, it is not impossible to revive her sister.

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