I, The System Maker!

Chapter 125

Chapter 125:

“Kuroko…” Mikoto’s face suddenly became extremely surprised, she could smell danger from Kuroko.

The current sunspot, it seems that the strength has not lost to himself, and even surpassed himself…

How terrifying… Subconsciously, Mikoto glanced at the items at the auction, frowning slightly.

Any one of the things in here can greatly increase the strength of these auctioneers, which is simply not human!

Even the weapons here can improve a person’s strength a lot. Although they are not as powerful as those in the auction, they are powerful enough. This is also an irresistible temptation for Mikoto and others…

At this moment, Mikoto’s eyes also lit up, and her heart grew more and more looking forward to what happened next.

In fact, Chu Chen basically prepared a copy of the auction items for everyone.

Mikoto, Kuroko, Luo Hao, Athena, Rias, etc., almost everyone, Chu Chen, was ready.

Of course, whether they can buy it as they want depends on whether they know how to save.

“It’s all big guys…” Rias, who didn’t take pictures of anything, couldn’t help but smile bitterly. It’s 45,000 at every turn. You still don’t let people live. This makes them system-targeted. People really feel Alexander.

But that’s fine. Although you may not be able to shoot anything, at least until the end, after those people’s points are almost exhausted by these appetizers, you will definitely be able to auction a lot of systems on your own side.

Don’t forget, Rias is not alone, and the power of all the family members can still be auctioned off a lot.

Cang Na’s side is also holding the same idea now, and these appetizers should simply be given to them.

Anyway, according to what my sister said, there are a lot of other world things in the system, and even things from their own world can be obtained, such as the power of the infinite dragon god, the power of the real red dragon **** emperor, these are enough for them to see One lit up.

They are still children, and this kind of power is enough…

Of course, now they don’t know the existence of another world, so naturally they don’t have much pressure.

And the sky fell, and there were tall people on it.

“It’s so uncomfortable, why are you so rich! How can I live without money…”

Nagisa couldn’t help but nag immediately, her face full of sadness.

Don’t talk about Nagisa, even Yukina is frowning slightly at this moment. You all start at 50,000, which makes me very uncomfortable. My own points may not have as many as 50,000. I As a child, pocket money is limited.

Unlike the big guys like you, each one has too much money and nowhere to spend…

How can I buy that thing, or say…

Subconsciously, Yukina glanced at Nagisa and the others, and then quickly shook her head, no no no! Nagisa must have something she wants to buy… I can’t let Nagisa spend money because of my relationship…

Yukina didn’t realize it at the moment, her tangled expression was reflected in Sayaka’s eyes.

“This time Nima has earned more than 100,000 points, and the rest is the system and so on. Sure enough, things like auctions are used to make money. You can play more like this in the future. Routine…”

In fact, although those things are easy to use, the manufacturing cost is not high.

Like the Dragon God’s Heart before, Chu Chen borrowed the power of Orpheus a little and created it easily.

And the space orb that was just sold. In fact, Chu Chen asked Origami and the others to break out a space earthquake in this world, especially Mio. A fusion of space orbs.

At most, Chu Chen just adjusted the nature of his power, changing it from violent to auxiliary.

The excited Chu Chen turned around with a wanton smile.

I saw Loki and a group of people stretched out their hands, looked blankly at Chu Chen in front of them, and then——

“Boss! Treat yourself!”

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Chapter 235

The next auction was even more intense than the original one. After all, everyone could see that Athena and Kuroko Shirai, who had obtained the treasure jade and orb, had improved a lot, so the motivation of everyone present was boosted. .

Even some of the cursed sons who knew they couldn’t get the reward got involved.

There is no way, if they can improve their strength, they don’t mind. Although most of the cursed sons originally planned to get the system, but after seeing this group of people, Nima can’t move 120,000 or even 50,000. This guy, the cursed sons also saw it, this group of people definitely prepared an unknown amount of points to buy the system this time.

In this case, they will play a game of strategy and let these people use up all their points.

As long as they increase the value of those items in the front, then these people will waste a lot of points on the basis of the original points. In this case, they have a great possibility to get the system to buy.

I have to admit that this gang of cursed sons really surprised Chu Chen.

After glancing at Qianshou Xia Shi in the auction booth, Chu Chen could roughly guess who was responsible.

Yuan this girl is indeed very smart, and she can play such a strategy almost at once…

Chu Chen didn’t say that they couldn’t play like this. It should be said that they didn’t play like this from the beginning, which means they are good.

You must know that in real auctions, there will be people who are unhappy and will deliberately raise the price and then do things.

These children have only come to play this set now, which is already pretty good…

“These children are quite smart… They actually know how to play like this. It seems that someone is trying to mobilize the thoughts of these cursed children. After all, this group seems to be unexpectedly united…” Xiao Ai looked at the auction Scene after scene at the meeting, she couldn’t help but say that, with her observation level, she naturally saw the thoughts of this group of people all at once. ,

Xiao Ai didn’t have any dissatisfaction with the actions of the cursed children, on the contrary, she was very much appreciated.

Sometimes it is necessary to play some tricks, after all, the war in the auction is also a war.

Subconsciously, Xiao Ai looked at Hestia, Loki, Tina and others in the audience. They should know a lot about these children, right? She was curious who would have thought of this idea?

“If you guessed correctly, it should be Xia Shijiang, and only Xia Shijiang has such wisdom.”

Alicia guessed like this, she was very clear about Xia Shi’s wisdom.

When he and others went to the dungeon to explore, Xia Shi put forward a lot of suggestions in terms of tactics.

At this point, as the leader of the Loki Familia, he couldn’t help but admire the intelligence of the other party.

As a child, being able to do this step is indeed unbearable admiration.

“After all, the goal of the Loki Familiar this time is to let one of them get the system. For this matter, everyone’s opinion is to let Xia Shi go, after all, Xia Shi is smarter than all of them, and his level is also high. taller than them!”

Loki said so proudly, she was indeed very proud of being able to let Xia Shijiang join the Loki family.

She also believes that making Xia Shi a member of the Loki Familiar is also the most correct thing she has done.

The current Qianshou Xia Shi is the backbone of their Loki family and a first-level adventurer.

“Uuuuuu…why didn’t Xia Shijiang join my clan? At the beginning, I poached Xia Shijiang many times, but Xia Shi was unwilling to agree to me. Although Xia Shijiang and I have a good relationship, I just don’t want to. Join my family…”

Hestia couldn’t help crying, seeing Chu Chen and the others rolling their eyes.

“You said it was poaching, how could Xia Shi be so easily poached by you… If Xia Shi became your person so easily, then you wouldn’t be happy, right? This kind of person who just quits jobs casually. Will you be relieved?”

Chu Chen rolled his eyes and couldn’t help but say so.

In this regard, Hestia was also speechless for a while, and Chu Chen’s words were not wrong, it was indeed the case. If Xia Shi really switched jobs so easily, she wouldn’t like Xia Shi so much. It is precisely because Xia Shi is talented and he sticks to principles. Although he has a good relationship with himself, he will not fall for it because of this relationship. Betray your own principles at will, so Xia Shi will be so liked by Hestia, it can even be said to be tangled to death.

Love it and hate it… Hestia wailed in her heart.

“The points have reached such a high level. Brother Chu Chen, who do you think will get the Thunder Stone…”

Um! That’s right, what’s being auctioned right now is something called a Thunder Stone…the one that’s not a Pokémon, don’t think too much about it.

Chu Chen just randomly chose such a name. If it wasn’t for the Thunder Stone that came to mind first, Chu Chen might have named it Lei Lingzhu… Just look at this name symbolically. If you are serious, you will lose. .

This thing can be said to be prepared for Misaka Mikoto. As long as Misaka Mikoto fully integrates it, there is a high possibility that Misaka Mikoto can be promoted to Level 6… Chu Chen is still very confident in what he has made, but Mikoto can get it, That’s another story.

After all, there are so many people here, and the basic points that need to be paid are 20,000 points. After all, this Thunder Stone contains the power of this world created by Chu Chen, and it is the product of Chu Chen’s ultimate use of his creative power.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Chen can be sure that Mikoto can reach Level 6 after integrating this.

“¨”If I guessed correctly, Mikoto should be able to get the Thunder Stone, but it may cost a little more. I just don’t know if Mikoto can get the system in the end, it depends on what Mikoto thinks of herself. Gains and losses are considered.”

The corners of Chu Chen’s mouth rose slightly. Even if Meiqin couldn’t get the system this time, Chu Chen would create a new system for her.

Since they are all looking at it, how could they not give the system to Mikoto… It’s just that it wasn’t a system that was auctioned off at an auction. A lot of.

I didn’t see that the things auctioned here basically start in units of 10,000…

Then, as the final product of the system, the value of the system will naturally rise. I don’t know how much.

Even the sign-in system will get a lot of appreciation.

Lee’s good) 00!” Misaka Mikoto saw that the points offer had risen to 73,000. After hesitating for a while, she directly quoted 00 without saying a word. This made the people around couldn’t help but take a look. It seemed that the other party It is imperative.

After Luo Hao glanced at the other party, he didn’t say anything, but his face was a little ugly.

How can I say it, I haven’t gotten the same product so far, it’s really… a loss!

But after glancing at his points, Luo Hao snorted coldly.

My points haven’t moved at all. As long as I stick to it, I will get good things sooner or later.

And the things that follow are getting better and better! Luo Hao comforted himself in this way.

“00 once! 00 twice! 00 three times!”

“Congratulations to Miss Misaka Mikoto for getting the Thunder Stone! Kuiptos-chan! Please give the Thunder Stone to Miss Misaka Mikoto!”

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Chapter 236

“Sir, don’t you plan to use it? The power of this thunder stone looks very powerful…”

Although the name sounds ordinary, Kuroko can feel the huge energy in it.

This thing is very useful to my elder sister! Kuroko was able to determine this…

Now that she can feel the power contained in that Thunder Stone, it can be said to be very terrifying.

It’s just like when he was holding that space orb just now, it’s really scary enough!

The moment Shirai Kuroko saw the Thunder Stone, his expression changed slightly.

“It’s better not to use it for now. I’ll use it after the auction ends… The energy inside is too huge. I’m worried that it will lead to thunder when I break through, so I’ll use it later…”

Mikoto said this indifferently, after all, she was an electric shocker, and it was normal for a thunderstorm to happen when she broke through.

On the other hand, Heizi frowned slightly, and when he broke through, it attracted a thunderstorm. You thought you were going through a calamity.

Although I wanted to complain about what my elder sister said, Kuroko didn’t refute it.

If my sister breaks through, it will really attract Tianlei… It’s not impossible for things like transcending tribulation.

Mikoto has been promoted from Level 1 to Level 5, and I don’t know how many times she has broken through. Maybe this kind of thing really happens.

“Then, elder sister, are you still planning to auction the system? I still have a lot of points here that I can use for you!”

Kuroko really didn’t have much demand for that thing. Although she really wanted that system to become stronger, if her elder sister needed it, Kuroko would be happy to hand over the system she was going to buy to Mikoto.

For her, the needs of her elder sister are the most important…

Although there will still be some regrets for a little bit… Kuroko said so in his heart.

Hearing this, Mikoto frowned slightly after glancing at her points amount.

“If you can, I naturally want to try it out. Anyway, I still have a lot of points left. At least it shouldn’t be a problem to buy a system. If the points required to buy a system are similar to what Zuptos said If so, then I should still be able to buy a system… and maybe even get more points when the time comes.”

The base of the purchase system given by Kuiptos at that time was 50,000, which was only the lowest estimate.

Moreover, Kuiptos also said that according to the level of the system, the points of the auction will also be different.

She still gave the lowest level of evaluation… Mikoto and Kuroko naturally kept pulling up.

“At that time, I will give my sister some points. After getting the space orb, I basically don’t need to use the points. Even the purchase of the system should be enough…”

Kuroko said so, but Mikoto didn’t refuse, she might really need it then.

“Tsk tsk… 74,000 points to buy a Thunder Stone, this time it’s Mikoto’s loss… Xia Shi and the others really know how to play!”

When Chu Chen saw that Mikoto actually used 74,000 points to shoot a Thunder Stone, this time Mikoto was indeed at a loss.

But fortunately, the buff that the Thunder Stone brings to Mikoto is much higher than expected…

This time, although Mikoto has lost, it is not too much… But, considering that Mikoto still needs to buy a system later, this wave is really a loss… I don’t know if Mikoto can afford it in the future. As for the system, Chu Chen prepared the theme system for Mikoto and Heizi, while the template system for Luo Hao and Athena.

In other words, the points that Mikoto needs to pay are higher than those of the check-in system selection system…

“Next is the fourth auction item! This time the auction item is quite special… It is a special item that can only be used after returning to your own world. It is not a weapon or armor, but it allows you to gain comparable powers. The power of the same martial arts…” Serafuru explained this in great detail, and then slowly lifted the red cloth.

What was revealed was a tube of bamboo slips, on which there was a dazzling golden light, and the power in it was terrifying.

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