I, The System Maker!

Chapter 34

Chapter 34:

“This isn’t a fight, it’s obviously very easy to deal with on the other side…” The girl called Tione couldn’t help sighing, and looked at the scarlet ponytail girl – Loki.

“Should we take them down quickly? Aren’t we going to enter the dungeon today?”

“Wait a minute! To be able to fight with Bert so easily, it should be LV5 no matter what, such an existence can’t be famous, and it won’t be full of food and nothing to do. The cluster is good at our station!”

Loki’s eyes flickered a little, and he looked at a certain blond **** the side.

It was an extremely slender girl, with straight blond hair that grew to the waist, and a childlike face like a doll. Her whole body exuded an unusual aura, but with such a beautiful posture, there was no expression at all, which was really a pity.

“Ais, you can go meet them for a while, it seems that things are very interesting…”

“So, Loki, you just think it’s funny!” Tione couldn’t help but say so.


“Tione, what’s wrong with this, I also think these people seem to be quite interesting!”

Tiona looked at such a group of people with great interest.

The blond girl——Ais nodded lightly, and then the whole person was like an arrow, shooting in the direction of Gale and the others.

Hignam’s face froze, and his right hand suddenly grasped the hilt of the Fiery Demon Sword, and then——

With a sharp swipe, the huge magic power turned into flames and formed a slash towards the direction Ais ushered in.

The expression on his face did not change in the slightest. As the rapier in Ais’s hand was swung out, a slight breeze blew up and wrapped around the sword. The next moment, the rolling breeze turned into a cold blow. , collided with the flame slash in front of him.

What surprised Ais was that she actually felt a huge force, and she actually had a tendency to blow herself up.

The foot was a little on the ground, the breeze blew past, and the rapier in his hand slashed sharply, cutting the slash in front of him directly.

But before Ais could react, Hignam had already come to Ais in front of him.


“So fast!” Ace’s face suddenly became solemn.

At that speed, she couldn’t keep up at all.

“Purple lightning flashes!”

As Hignam’s voice fell, the majestic flames wrapped around the flaming magic sword instantly turned into a dragon of red flames, emitting bursts of roars towards Ais in front of him, that momentum, as if about to The opponent in front of him was completely devoured.

But——Hignam still has his hand, they won’t kill people in front of the wind!

This blow was just for the thought of severing the blade in the opponent’s hand.

However, slightly beyond Hignam’s expectations, the blade in the opponent’s hand actually withstood the blow.

On the contrary, Ais herself was directly blasted out.

“Ais!” Loki and the others were surprised.

A group of people rushed up to catch Ais, especially Loki, who rushed to the front like a hungry tiger, and then took a leap, wanting to hold Ais in his arms, but—

Ais twisted suddenly in the air, stabilizing her balance, and then——


Loki jumped straight into the air and fell to the ground, while Ais stood firmly on the ground.

“So strong…” The expressionless Ais looked at Hignum in front of her, her eyes twinkling faintly.

“It’s amazing, even Ais is no match!” Tiona and Tione were relieved when they saw that Ais was okay, and then they couldn’t help but look at the group of Gale wind over there.

“What kind of family are you guys? No matter how you can defeat Ais, it’s still at the level of LV4, and it’s still so easy. Shouldn’t it be another LV5…” Loki didn’t care that he fluttered in the air. He quickly stood up from the ground, and a pair of eyes looked at Gale and the others with a scrutiny.

“Familiar? What is that…” Gao Feng tilted his head and looked at Loki and the others curiously.


For a moment, everyone in the Loki Familiar was stunned.

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Chapter 65

At this moment, Chu Chen himself is not in any world, but outside the world.

Chu Chen can come here at any time, after all, Chu Chen stayed here in the first place.

Chu Chen can freely enter any world that he has put into the system, and there are even more worlds that agents have been to.

As I said before, Chu Chen is interested in powerful worlds, and basically does not go to low-level worlds.

At most, if they need help, Chu Chen will choose to help himself.

So unless someone asked him for help, Chu Chen would not take the initiative to go to those low-level worlds by himself.

Now, Chu Chen is observing the world Illya and the others went to from outside the world, and then chooses to go to that world to help.

Three teams: Ilya, Miyu, Koai, Saeko and Koguro 1st Team, Gale, Four Knights of Storm and Alicia 1st Team, Nanoha, Fit. Yuno and Elf form a team, which is the safest way for Chu Chen to form a team.

First of all, Xiao Ai is an IQ type, so he must match a few thugs, and he can’t match the kind that will affect Xiao Ai, because Xiao Ai himself has experienced darkness, so he uses some dark means to attack Xiao Ai. Saying it doesn’t exclude it.

So Chu Chen gave Xiao Ai the combination of Xie Zi and Xiao Hei. Forget Xie Zi, those who have experienced the end of the world must have a good psychological condition, not to mention Xiao Hei, who is himself under the darkness of Einzbern product…

As for why do you want to match Illya and Miyou to Xiao Ai? Of course, it is to add a strong fighting force to this team! And Chu Chen also has the idea of letting Ilya experience the big storm…

As for why not match Nanoha to them? The main reason is that the combat power is too strong. I’m afraid that they will push them directly, and then Xiao Ai’s brain will not be useful… Well, let’s just pretend that Chu Chen doesn’t want Xiao Ai to play soy sauce.

Then Neyfeet must be together, these two people cooperate with Yuno Elf, a team is completely no problem.

No matter what, Nanoha and Fett’s fighting power is still very strong, and they are second only to Kaze among all of them.

Um! There is still a little bit of uncertainty in the battle between the four knights of Nanoha, Fit and Weta.

Nanoha and Fett might not be able to adapt to Gubelka’s style of play.

Although it is said that the Heart of the Rising Sun and the Thunder Tomahawk have been strengthened, it still depends on the actual situation.

Then there is Hayate and Alicia. Hayate and Alicia are on the same team mainly because they have a good relationship.

In fact, if Huo Feng did not receive his future character template, Chu Chen might only be divided into two teams.

But now that Hayate has inherited the power of his future self, there is absolutely no problem in letting Hayate lead the team.

Don’t underestimate the future commander of the Sixth Division of Mobility, the Big Three of the Administration are not joking with you.

Regarding the overall strength rating, Gale’s combat power is even higher than Nanoha’s. Of course, this is also taking advantage of the Book of Night Sky, but the rating is based on the rating. fit.

Because Gale’s magic is basically wide-area and long-range magic, and her strength rating is so high because of the Book of Night Sky. In fact, most of her magic needs to be stored up. If it is really singled out, it may even lead to some juniors. It can’t be compared. Without her partner, it is difficult for her to fully exert her fighting power.

So this time, Chu Chen asked the four knights to follow the wind. The strength of the four knights far surpassed the original book because of Chu Chen’s magic.

With them here, Chu Chen doesn’t need to worry about Gao Feng and Alicia, but…

“How did Alicia persuade her mother to let her and Fett go to other worlds?”

Chu Chen really didn’t understand this point. That daughter of Presia really felt relieved to let Alicia leave?

Administrator: “Are you all almost there? Squeak when you [email protected] members!”

Haiyuan Ai: “It’s already here… Administrator, you are sending messages faster than expected…”

Elias Phil: “I’m playing ING with my child!”

Miyu Emiya: “I’m playing ING with my children!”

Saeko Poshima: “I’m teaching children to kill!”

Elias Fel: “!!!”

Emiya Miyu: “!!!”

Saeko Poshima: “Cough…just kidding…I’m playing ING with my children!”

Takamachi Nanoha: “Fit and I are breaking through the siege, and we fell into someone’s house inexplicably, and now we are besieged by a group of guys who claim to be demons, and there is actually a guy who claims to be the Leviathan Demon King, her freezing magic So strong!”

Fett Testerossa: “I always feel like that guy called Leviathan is just interested in us.”

Eight Gods Gale: “So you guys also fell into someone else’s house…”

Takamachi Naba: “Hey! Gale, did you also fall over and go to someone else’s house?”

Alicia Testrosa: “Yeah, if it wasn’t for Big Brother Zafella and Big Sister Hignam, we would probably have been arrested by them…”

Administrator: “Alicia, have you forgotten that you are actually capable of fighting yourself…”

Alicia Testrosa: “Eh…that’s right! I forgot!  ̄□ ̄||”

Administrator: “Let’s talk about it, you are in that world, and then I’ll take a look at whose world to go to play!”

Haibara Ai: “My side is a standard doomsday background, and there are monsters called gastruss, which are similar to Saiko’s side, the only difference is that there is a kind of child called the cursed child. , They were infected with this virus when they were born, so they gained superhuman combat power… Well, there is no mystery in this world, it is a low-level world, you should not be interested in the administrator…”

“Dark Bullet”, I basically heard the original intestine creature, and Chu Chen thought of a certain light novel that an old thief who made a fortune because of the stock market became a eunuch…Chu Chen couldn’t help but slightly raised his brows. Saeko, Xiaoai and Doomsday are very fateful!

But this can be considered to touch on Xiao Ai’s strengths… Silently, Chu Chen excluded this world……

Takamachi Nanoha: “This seems to be a world of gods and demons. We are fighting these demons in the hinterland of demons. The self-proclaimed Leviathan Demon King, whose name is Serafuru Leviathan, seems to have come by accident. The hinterland of a demon family seems to be a place called the Sidi family… We don’t know about the rest!”

Serafuru Leviathan and the Sidi family… DXD? Chu Chen almost knew the situation on Naiye’s side.

Administrator: “Nao Ye, the one called Serafuru should have no ill will towards you, that guy is a magical girl control, it is estimated that he saw your transformation, so he is extremely interested in you, I will wait a moment. It will pass, you can explain the situation to the one named Serafuru, as long as you explain that you came to that place by accident, she will not embarrass you.”

DXD’s four demon kings in the underworld are relatively open-minded types. Nanoha and Fett are powerful, and they are still human. Basically, as long as you explain the situation, then they will not embarrass each other. On the contrary, Serafuru is estimated to be dead. Let’s entangle Neyfeet and let the two of them become his vassals… From the point of view of magical girl control…

Admin: “Where’s the blast over there? How is it now?”

Yagami Kaze: “We came to a city called Orari, and fell into a station called Loki’s family. It seems that this world is a world where gods and humans coexist. The gods went down because of boredom, and then made their own prohibitions. The rules of divine power must be no different from ordinary people, and they must live like the inhabitants of the lower world. They give blessings to humans, establish their own families, and give them the power to slay monsters, while the gods experience the lower world 2.2. Everything… Well, this so-called favor is a bit like playing a game… But I have a good impression of this Loki…”

Alicia Testrosa: “Sister Hurricane, are you sure you have a crush on that Loki and it’s not because you share a virtue with her? Just after clearing up the misunderstanding with them, you said, “I want to check. Your body’s nutritional status” as a reason, touched the **** of all the women of the Loki Familia, and even explained that they lacked nutrition or something! Moreover, you didn’t even let Loki’s tablet go. After touching it, what the **** is the two of you still posing like-minded! Don’t you find common ground in such inexplicable places! ”

Alicia felt mad for a while, why didn’t I find out that Sister Hurricane has such a virtue!

Administrator: ω’ll)!”

As expected of you! The night sky attacked the chest king! It was so easy to do something I couldn’t do at all!

PS: Ask for all data! Ask for flowers! Ask for comments! Ask for a reward! Ask for a monthly pass! .

Chapter 66



The cherry-colored and golden artillery bombardment shot towards Serafuru in front of her, making Serafuru even more excited!

At the beginning, according to Serafuru’s observation, Naiba and Fit in front of him were only at the level of high-level demons, and they had the same level of combat power as Rias and his own Cang, and maybe even better than Rias and Cang. That sauce is much stronger.

However, this demonic power could not reach the level of the highest-level demons. Serafuru, who has demon king-level combat power, is fully qualified to comment like this, but——After the real battle with the opponent, Serafuru was shocked.

The fighting strength of these two children is actually able to compete with him. Even if he is serious, he will not be able to win the combination of the two for a while. The fighting intuition of these two children is much more exaggerated than he imagined.

And the staff in the opponent’s hand seems to have some special mechanism. It seems that after the bullet is loaded, the magical power that was originally released has been greatly improved. The two of them even reached the highest level of this shelling. Devil’s attack.

“The magical girl is really amazing, and the improvement span between strengths can reach such a large extent!”

The superior demon is at the level of the most superior demon, and together they can even drag down the opponent of the demon king… This is Serafuru’s evaluation of the two, but it is not enough to give Serafuru a headache.

Because Seraflu’s thinking was just like what Chu Chen thought, Seraflu didn’t want to hurt the two children.

Although the devil is not a good person when he hears it, in fact, the current underworld is a pure and beautiful world with a new style of civilization. If you say it, you can believe it. There are two sisters in the four major demon kings in the underworld, one is a research madman, and the other is a lazy slacker. The majesty of the demon king is all under their feet. !

So Serafuru had the idea of taking these two children as her family from the very beginning.

By the way, Cang Na actually had this idea too, but she didn’t plan to say anything after seeing Serafuru say it in advance. Since her sister likes these two children so much, then she won’t compete with her sister. .

Serafuru looked at the oncoming double artillery bombardment, and waved the staff in her hand violently, and saw that huge ice dragons slowly formed, carrying the double artillery shells in front of her towards Nanoha and Kazuya in front of her. Fett roared away.

The expressions of Naiye and Fit changed, and the staff in their hands were filled with two magic bullets again.

The power of the artillery shells rose sharply, and the huge bodies of the ice dragons began to crack.

“It’s amazing, as expected, magical girls are the strongest! Then let’s be more serious!”

Serafuru’s face was full of smiles, but Canna from below could see it, and her sister was serious.

The next moment, with a wave of the staff, tens of thousands of magic circles were formed in an instant, and Nanoha and Fit were stunned.

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