I, The System Maker!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

“By the way, let’s update the system network first, so that Meiyou can join the network as quickly as possible…”

At the same time, Miyu, who was taking a bath while familiarizing herself with power, suddenly received such a prompt.

[In the process of system update… After the system update is completed, the host can chat with system holders in other worlds. The systems owned by these system holders are all manufactured by the same manufacturer as this system, please look forward to the host…]

Chu Chen: “…the same factory? So I’m a factory? ( ̄ー ̄)…”

Miyu was stunned for a moment, but didn’t say anything…just… the system holder of other worlds?

Parallel world? Miyu thought so in her heart, and at the same time looked up to the person who made the system.

The ability to hand over the system to people in other worlds at will, this is a good indicator of the level!

However, Miyu didn’t think much about it. After all, for her, saving her brother now is the most important thing.

Originally, my idea was to escape from Ainsworth and live with the flow, but now that I have a goal, I must save my brother no matter what.

After taking a shower, Meiyou went back to her room after talking to Chu Chen.

It’s just that Meiyou doesn’t understand a bit, why is Chu Chen sitting there motionless like he’s in a daze?

Are you thinking about something? But why does it seem so strange?

However, Miyu didn’t ask too much, just silently returned to the room, then spread out the bedding, and walked slowly to the window to close the window.

Just as Meiyou was about to close the windows and curtains, change into her pajamas, and then go to sleep, she seemed to have seen something, and her eyes hurriedly looked out the window, only to see something that seemed to dance in the night sky. You couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback.

“What is that?” Meiyou couldn’t help muttering to herself, then walked slowly to the window.

The next moment, Meiyou’s eyes focused on the flying thing, and soon, she was a little surprised to find that the thing seemed to be flying in her direction now.

But the precocious Meiyou is not afraid. After all, she has even experienced the pursuit of Ainsworth. Now there is nothing that can make her feel afraid unless she sees Ainsworth again. Related personnel.

At this moment, I saw that the thing was flying quite fast, and it soon entered the range of the house.

As the thing got closer, Meiyou gradually saw what it was.

It was a flying staff, about as long as his own arm, with a blue body, a golden ring at the top of the staff, and two blue gems like eyes inlaid on it. In addition, the two sides are decorated with bows, and the hollow part is set with a golden six-pointed star, which is an obvious magical girl’s staff.

“Huh? Staff?” Meiyou tilted her head with a look of doubt on her face.

“Hello, I’m Kaleidoscope Staff Sapphire, would you like to make a contract with me and become a magical girl?”

Sapphire is different from her sister, ruby is the kind of no-nonsense, and sapphire is very similar to Miyu.

I have to admit that Sapphire has found a master who is most compatible with him, which is really good.

Meiyou couldn’t help tilting her head, slightly startled, the doubts in her eyes never disappeared.

“Magical girl?”

“Yes! As long as you make a contract with me, you can transform into a magical girl!”

Sapphire said with certainty, she believed in her own vision, this master is at least more qualified than Luvia!

Miyou was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something, and then continued to look at the sapphire in front of her.

“So, what is your purpose? Why do you want to make a contract with me?”

A little bit of vigilance flickered in Meiyou’s eyes. Judging from her initial attitude towards Chu Chen, she did not lack vigilance.

“In order to solve the magic distortion of the city, and the reason for the distortion of the city is because of something called a job card.”

Speaking of this, a look of shock appeared in Meiyou’s eyes.

Career card, isn’t that… Einsworth… So that’s it, did you come here with me?

When thinking of Ainsworth, a complicated look appeared on Miyu’s face, and a flash of sadness flashed across her face.

“That employment card…”

“Job card, that is something that even the magician in the clock tower, the home base of magicians, can’t analyze it, a week ago. The clock tower actually sent someone to eliminate the magic distortion in this city, but I suddenly returned because I discovered the existence of the rank card, and sent the rank card to the clock tower for analysis.”

“According to the analysis, we know that the class card is created by a very high magic theory, but the specific manufacturing method is still unknown. However, the class card is hosted by a heroic spirit. strength.”

“Through the limited expansion of the step-up card, you can connect the heroic spirits in the seat of the heroic spirit through the card, and then temporarily manifest the heroic spirit’s Noble Phantasm. If the job card is obtained by an evil magician, it is too dangerous, so after learning the power of the card, the clock tower immediately sent us to collect it.”

After a moment of silence, Meiyou did not answer directly, but continued to ask.

“Then why did you find me?”

“It’s like this, because my Master Luvia and Miss Rin came to carry out the mission together, but because the relationship between Luvia and Miss Rin was too bad, we not only put the mission aside. , and also fought against each other, my sister Ruby, who was created at the same time, couldn’t bear their nonsense, so we left without authorization like now, and chose to find a new Master to complete the task.”

While saying that, Sapphire couldn’t help but be surprised by Miyu’s calmness.

Are children of this age so calm now? This is really surprising.

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Chapter 10

Chu Chen glanced silently at Meiyou’s room upstairs, and said nothing, just smiled softly.

With his sensing ability, he had already noticed the moment Sapphire appeared, and he could only sigh the will of the universe. Even if he abducted Meiyou home, Sapphire could still find Meiyou. From ah!

However, Chu Chen doesn’t plan to go up now. According to his own estimation, Meiyou should not tell her about Sapphire. After all, she has only just met each other, and Meiyou may not completely trust herself. In addition, in the eyes of Meiyou , he is not a magician, so in this case, Miyu will only secretly solve this matter…

Since Meiyou doesn’t plan to say anything, then Chu Chen won’t have enough to do to force him to ask each other. It would be better to protect Meiyou secretly with the past… This is why Chu Chen chose to bring Meiyou to his home. one.

With the reason of Meiyou, Chu Chen also has this reason to intervene in this matter.

Silently, Chu Chen continued to invest in the improvement of his own system, but…

A speech in the system network left Chu Chen stunned for a moment.

Illya: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why would there be a staff that somehow wants to sign a contract with me, and then the original owner came to me after signing the contract, now I’m being hunted down! ”

Haibara Ai: “Why is this? Illya, are you alright… Didn’t you strengthen your body and magic power? Since you have signed a contract, use that wand to counterattack the opponent, you can’t keep running away!”

As expected of Xiao Ai, even in such a critical situation, he could think of a way to help Illya.

Illya: “Eh? Attack? How to attack… I haven’t learned this kind of thing! Woah ah ah! I just waved my staff casually, how could I send a slash… Eh! That person was killed like this! I fainted…ヾ(﹏

Haibara Ai:”…”

Poison Island Saeko: “…”

Yukino Yukino: “…”


The corners of Chu Chen’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch hard, the plot seems to have changed a lot…

Tohsaka Rin chased and killed Illya? In the end, I was stunned by Illya’s slashing blow…Fuck…what kind of plot is this!

Chu Chen can understand that Illya stuns Tohsaka Rin. After all, after so many physical enhancements and magic enhancements, Illya’s magic power and physical fitness have become extremely strong. Just this, Ellie Ya’s strength is far beyond the original,

Even if Xiao Hei will give out a large part of the magic power in the future, Illya’s magic power should not be reduced too much.

Poor Tohsaka Rin… Abandoned by his own staff, and now Illya has knocked him unconscious…

Haibara Ai: “I always feel that Ilya is a complete farce on your side…”

Poison Island Saeko: “Illya, you think so if you don’t want to chase and kill, they probably don’t want to chase you!”

Illya: “That’s not it! It’s all Ruby’s fault! Haunting me and taunting others, and then the person who was chasing me immediately launched an attack… The bullet-like attacks scare people to death!”

Yukino Yukino: “The ruby is the staff you said… Then what are you going to do next? I can tell from a glance that you have been involved in a troublesome matter. You can’t be with that one. Ruby cancel the contract!”

Illya: “I’m carrying that person secretly into the room now, and then I’m asking what happened… After all, I knocked her unconscious, so I don’t want to just throw her in my yard. here…”

Haiyuan Ai: “You are really kind, everyone has attacked you directly…”

Xiao Ai smacked her lips, and if this was replaced by a bad temper, she would have thrown the other party directly. .

Illya: “Well… I wasn’t injured either. Ruby also said that it has the highest level of magic defense, and it’s mainly because of Ruby…”

Obviously, Illya had a deep resentment for this ruby staff who got on the bus first and then made up the ticket.

Chu Chen also felt amused for a while. Compared with sapphire, ruby’s personality was indeed a bit too bad.

Sapphire will at least ask if the other party is willing or not, but ruby, if it is pleasing to the eye, it will directly use the strategy to get the other party.

Like Illya, Ruby didn’t care about Illya’s wishes, she just kidnapped her…

“Having said that, Rin Tohsaka could have noticed when Ruby and Illya signed a contract, and Luvia should have been able to notice when Miyu signed a contract with Sapphire…then…”

In an instant, Chu Chen’s face became very strange, and Luvia would come to the door soon.

“Huh? Miyu jumped straight from the window…”

Chu Chen is not worried that something will happen to Meiyou. Have you ever seen any magical girl who jumped from the second floor and fell to her death.

He was surprised that the reason why Miyu went out now was to find Luvia? It should be Sapphire’s proposal…

Thinking like this, Chu Chen didn’t intend to go out and have a look. From the perspective of the system, Chu Chen could know what Meiyou was doing now. Although there was a feeling of having a surveillance video installed, Chu Chen would not normally use this ability.

The reason for such a function is actually mainly for the safety of Illya and the others.

For example, if Ilia encountered any danger, Chu Chen could use this observation site to advise Ilia and others.

Therefore, Chu Chen entered the Meiyou live broadcast room without a word, and at the same time watched the live broadcast while improving the Meiyou system.

In Chu Chen’s line of sight, Meiyou has transformed into a body, and then silently jumped out of the window.

“Master Meiyou, aren’t you going to tell your family about this?” Sapphire couldn’t help but ask.

“…I don’t have any family…” Meiyou was silent for a while before she replied.

“It was Mr. Chu Chen who took me in and gave me a place to live… Although Mr. Chu Chen seemed to have some bad intentions when he took me in, in fact, I am very grateful to him, so I can’t involve Mr. Chu Chen. In such a dangerous thing…”

Hearing that, Sapphire didn’t say much. Since Mr. Meiyou didn’t plan to involve Chu Chen downstairs, Sapphire would not persuade him to say anything. Everything was based on the thoughts of his master.

It’s just that Sapphire has some curiosity, Miyu-sama seems to have an unknown bitter past…

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Chapter 11

“Sapphire… Damn, how dare you treat me like Luviaseletta Edelfeldt!”

Luvia complained while searching for the sapphire.

Although she also thought about it on the way, where she and Tohsaka Rin quarreled and even took out their employment card to kill each other, this kind of thinking was indeed a bit excessive, but whoever called them two had a relationship. Very bad.

But what made Luvia angry was that Sapphire broke the contract and let them fall from the air.

If this is the ground below, the two of them will probably fall to the death. Do you know…

And even if she didn’t fall half dead this time, Luvia felt that her face was completely lost.

“Lord Luvia, good evening, it’s great to see that you are safe and sound.”

Meiyou slowly appeared in front of Luvia with the sapphire, and Luvia’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Although she was very disappointed with her past Master, Sapphire spoke very politely.

And Luvia didn’t have such a good temper. When she saw the sapphire in front of her, she said directly.

“You have the guts to say such things! How dare you do such a thing to me, Luviacelita Edelfeldt!”

“This is also because Lord Luvia is not doing her right job, and she actually wastes her power in a fight with Miss Rin, which is really disappointing!” Sapphire also said this with reason.

When Sapphire said that, Luvia was speechless for a while, indeed she was wrong in the beginning!

And it’s still the most important thing to recycle the employment card. If you don’t let Sapphire back first, the task will not be completed!

“That’s good! I will try my best to restrain myself from fighting with Rin Tohsaka! In short! Sapphire, leave with me!”

“No, I said that Mr. Luvia is no longer my Master and does not hold my qualifications. Mr. Miyu is my new Master!” Sapphire refused Luvia without hesitation, slowly talking.

Luvia was stunned for a moment, then looked at Meiyou in front of her, and then frowned slightly.

“Sapphire, stop joking! Do you know how dangerous it is to recycle employment cards? You actually drag a young child into such a dangerous task, do you know what you are doing?”

Luvia looked at the sapphire in front of her with a serious face, and said slowly.

Watching this scene in the live broadcast room, Chu Chen couldn’t help but have a look of admiration on his face.

She also knew that she couldn’t drag a child in. It was much better than a cane that was cut first and then played.

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