I, The System Maker!

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

“Illya is just a classmate, not a friend…” Miyu said indifferently.

Illya’s face was stunned for a while, and there was a look of sadness on her face, but she soon became excited again. After a day of contact today, Illya also knew more or less what Meiyou’s character was like. kind of.

Although she received a lot of blows when she heard it, Illya still managed to get over it.

“Uh… I’m sorry, Illya, Miyu’s words are not malicious…”

Chu Chen smiled wryly and looked at Illya. He slightly underestimated the closure of Meiyou to his heart.

“It’s okay, Mr. Chu Chen… I won’t take this matter to heart…”

Illya shook her head, she still knew a little bit about Miyu.

“Meiyou, you can’t talk like you did just now… If your family is here, they definitely want you to make friends of their own…” Chu Chen said with a gentle face.

Although he wanted to move out of Shirou Emiya, Chu Chen knew that he couldn’t say it directly, so he could only use another way of saying it.

Miyu was stunned for a moment, and her brother’s voice sounded in her mind at some point.

“I hope to create a world where Miyou will never suffer again, so that she can meet kind and gentle friends who can laugh together, and enjoy this warm and small happiness…”

The corners of Meiyou’s eyes became wet, but the girl didn’t let Chu Chen see any flaws.

As for Chu Chen’s words, Meiyou nodded slightly. Since it was requested by Mr. Chu Chen and also expected by his brother, then in any case, Meiyou will try to change herself…

“I see…”

Chu Chen lightly smiled and stroked Meiyou’s little head. Maybe Meiyou couldn’t change her character for a while, but if you know that in the original book, Meiyou and Illya can become close friends, then I believe they can still do it now.

Meiyou is just not good at expressing, after all, she is not a puppet without feelings, so Chu Chen believes that Meiyou will change slowly.

“That… What’s the relationship between Mr. Chu Chen and Meiyou? Could they be brothers and sisters? But I’ve been to the teacher’s house, but I haven’t seen Meiyou before…” Ilya was full of curiosity, and it wasn’t that she didn’t go. I have been to Chu Chen’s house, but why haven’t I seen Meiyou before, or is it because Meiyou just moved into Teacher Chu Chen’s house recently?

“I have no blood relationship with Meiyou, but in name, I am indeed the current guardian of Meiyou. Meiyou has only recently moved into my house… So I will be responsible for picking up Meiyou to and from school in the future…”

“So that’s the case… Hehe, then if I want to play with Mei in the future, I can also drop by at Teacher Chu Chen’s house to play!”

“That’s good, then I’ll prepare the magical girl anime for you to watch…”

“Hmm… I’m really embarrassed to reveal my hobbies so directly in front of Miyu…”

Illya blushed suddenly, and scratched her head with a smile.

“Speaking of which, Illya, won’t you go back with Shirou today?”

Unconsciously, Chu Chen walked to the school gate with Meiyou and Illya in hand, but it was rare that Illya didn’t go back with Shirou this time, so Chu Chen couldn’t help asking, and he didn’t know what happened to Shirou. so.

“This…actually because…” Speaking of this, Illya was also a little embarrassed.

“What I said to my brother last time made Sera seem to have awakened some kind of switch, and then—”

“Every day, Sera would come to the school in person to drag Shirou back. I wanted to walk back by myself, so Sera didn’t come to pick me up. Now Sera stares at me and my brother all day long, as long as I get too close , brother will have to suffer!”

Tsk tsk… Just from the information that Illya said, Chu Chen knew how miserable Young Hero Wei Gong was now.

My condolences and change, Emiya young hero…

—This is the schadenfreude from a certain culprit who made Emiya Shao Xia so miserable!

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Chapter 18

“Miss Luvia…”

That night, Meiyou brought Chu Chen to meet Luvia. As for why Chu Chen came, the reason was very simple. After all, Meiyou told Chu Chen the whole thing. Chu Chen is an ordinary person. , but Chu Chen is also a magician anyway, so it is quite normal to come with Meiyou, and Chu Chen planned to intervene in this matter.

But now that Meiyou told Chu Chen, Chu Chen had even more reason to participate in this matter.

After seeing Chu Chen, Luvia’s face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

After almost glancing at Chu Chen and Meiyou, Luvia immediately understood who this person was with Meiyou.

Meiyou said that she was adopted by a person named Chu Chen, so the person who followed Meiyou would only be…

It seems that this person who adopted Meiyou is not an ordinary person…

Luvia is not stupid. Basically, it can be seen at a glance that Chu Chen should also be a magician.

“Miyu…you are…” Although she guessed it, Luvia still couldn’t confirm it, after all, it was just a guess.

So she still looked at Meiyou silently and asked what the current situation of Meiyou was.

Meiyou didn’t say anything, just silently let Chu Chen and Luvia explain.

“Hello, my name is Chu Chen, and I’m the current guardian of Meiyou…”

“Hello, my name is Luvia Celita Edelfelt, the original owner of Sapphire… Since you came with Meiyou, you should have heard from Meiyou and Sapphire. Are you planning to also Are you involved in the collection of employment cards?”

Having said that, a hint of vigilance flashed in Luvia’s eyes. No matter what, Chu Chen is a magician. If Chu Chen is interested in the job card, then she must take Chu Chen down immediately. , so vigilance is definitely there.

Seeing the vigilance in Luvia’s eyes, Chu Chen just showed a smile.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in the employment card you mentioned. I’m just protecting Miyou as Miyou’s guardian, and classmate Luvia, you should call me a teacher. According to my seniority, I am Sui. The teacher of Qunhara Academy, the international student!”

Speaking of the end, Chu Chen’s face showed a playful look. Regarding Luvia’s information, Chu Chen had read it once when he was in school. Besides her, there was another Tohsaka Rin. At that time, Chu Chen’s The face is actually very wonderful.

Luvia was also slightly startled, and couldn’t help but scrutinize Chu Chen.

“Are you… a teacher? How old are you this year? Did you become a teacher?”

No way, Chu Chen’s face really doesn’t look like an adult who has stepped into society.

On the contrary, it is the kind of young man who is still in high school… So when he heard it, Luvia was still in disbelief.

“Hey hey hey! Is that the point? Shouldn’t we be dealing with that job agency card now?”

Being complained by Chu Chen, a look of embarrassment appeared on Lu Weiya’s face, and then he coughed.

“Cough cough… Then let’s go to the job agency card. I don’t know where the guy Rin Tohsaka is now…” After she and Rin Tohsaka separated to find the kaleidoscope cane, she didn’t talk to the other party. met.

The reason is very simple, she also needs to organize a lot of luggage after she came to Fuyuki City.

After finishing the arrangement, she silently began to prepare for the restoration of the employment card this evening.

At the same time, I was thinking about what to do when I met Rin Tohsaka? In case that Tohsaka Rin finds the cane and replaces his own cane, then he will be embarrassed to death…

“Miss Illya seems to have said that she is going to the playground of the high school department tonight, so it should be there.”

Sapphire suddenly answered Luvia’s self-talk, making Luvia a little startled.

“Illya? Who is that?” A look of doubt appeared on Luvia’s face.

“Miss Illya is Miyu-sama’s classmate and sister’s new Master.” Sapphire explained.

“The new Master, so it is, that guy Rin Tohsaka, oh ha ha ha ha…”

Luvia couldn’t help but let out a queen-like three-smile smile, her face full of smugness. In this case, she was not abandoned by the magic dress alone, so the other party would have no reason to laugh at her.

Chu Chen couldn’t help but rolled his eyes at Luvia, what are you laughing at, aren’t you the same?

Miyu and Sapphire also looked at Luvia, especially Sapphire, with speechless expressions, and couldn’t help sighing.

Luvia-sama and Tohsaka-sama are really good friends… I don’t know why the relationship is so bad…

In the playground of the high school of Suiqunyuan College, there is a girl with black double ponytails, wearing ordinary clothes and a white coat, her name is Tohsaka Rin, which is to be recovered together with Luvia Companion of employment card.

However, the relationship between the two goods is extremely poor, which is really a headache.

And Illya stood silently beside Tohsaka Rin, dressed in a pink and white magical girl outfit. Except for the different colors, there was not much difference between them and Miyu after she transformed.

At this time, in this empty playground, the sound of jagged footsteps came slowly.

Immediately, Tohsaka Rin and Illya turned their heads to look, only to see Luvia, Chu Chen and others slowly appearing in front of them.

After seeing Tohsaka Rin, Luvia immediately showed her very iconic queen-style three-smile smile, and a pair of eyes narrowed slightly to look at Tohsaka Rin in front of her.

“Yo! Tohsaka Rin, you came quite early, don’t you think that if you come so early, the employment card will be yours?”

“Luvia! You bastard… um! Why is Sapphire following that child, shouldn’t you be Luvia…”

Tohsaka Rin originally wanted to say a few words, but after seeing the sapphire, he immediately figured out the reason.

The next moment, Tohsaka Rin’s face suddenly showed a mocking smile, so you are just like me!

“…” The corners of Luvia’s mouth twitched, and her expression became stiff.

“Meiyou! Eh? Why is Teacher Chu Chen here…”

Illya hurriedly smiled and greeted the other party, but when she saw Chu Chen, Illya was also stunned.

“Illya, do you know them?” Tohsaka Rin couldn’t help but glanced at Illya.

“Yeah! Meiyou is my classmate, and Teacher Chu Chen is Meiyou’s guardian and my teacher! But—”

While explaining, Illya turned her gaze to Chu Chen, her eyes full of doubts.

“Why did Teacher Chu Chen come with Meiyou?”

It’s not that Chu Chen can’t come, but isn’t this kind of thing usually hidden? It seems that he is hiding Sera and Liz. As for his parents, they are almost the same when they are not at home all day long.

“I’m also a magician… not to mention I’m Miyu’s guardian, how can I not come when Miyu has something to do…”

When Chu Chen said that he was a magician, Tohsaka Rin couldn’t help but glanced at Chu Chen.

This magician came over, are you sure he didn’t have an idea about the job card?

“Then, now that we’re all here, let’s start recycling employment cards, don’t waste time!”

Luvia naturally saw that Tohsaka Rin was as vigilant as herself, but at least now was not the time to ask, so Luvia immediately interrupted Tohsaka Rin’s thinking and spoke quickly.

“Hahaha, let’s start together, Sapphire Sauce!” Ruby said.

“Okay, my elder sister!” Sapphire nodded and replied.

“Add an imaginary number axis to the fifth measurement variable, and start preparing for inversion! Confirm the existence of the complex number space, fix the center coordinates, and form a reflection route within a radius of 2 meters, inverting part of the realm corridor!”

The voices of ruby and sapphire sounded at the same time, and along with their words, two magic formations, one pink and one blue, began to unfold, wrapping all the people present.

“Hey! What is this for… Where are we going?”

Seeing this scene, Illya panicked.

Aren’t we here to recycle cards? Isn’t it as simple as picking up cards? Why did the special effects start to be turned on inexplicably?

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Chapter 19

“Hey! What is this for… Where are we going?”

Illya said that I am very panicked now, what are you going to do, why can’t I understand it at all!

“The employment agency card is not in this space, and now we are going to the space where the employment agency card is!”

Chu Chen looked at the scene in front of him with interest. It was one thing to see it in the anime, but another to experience it in person.

“Didn’t your elder sister tell you?” Sapphire couldn’t help saying this after hearing Illya’s puzzled look.

“Aha, speaking of it, it seems that I forgot to mention it.” Ruby couldn’t help but say haha.

“Sir, you are really…” Sapphire felt tired for a while, and her elder sister was too unreliable.

Tohsaka Rin coughed lightly, and under Luvia’s playful gaze, she spoke in embarrassment.

“The location of the employment card is indeed here, but the magic distortion of the employment card is another world that we cannot observe with the naked eye, and we are going to that world now.”

“Another world?” Ilya was puzzled.

In an instant, it was as if the whole world had been turned upside down, but everything in front of him was exactly the same as before. However, if you looked up, you could see that the whole school seemed to be covered with mirrors.

“The coordinates are stable, the space transfer is complete!” Ruby and Sapphire said in unison.

“Here is—” Elijah was taken aback.

“This is the Mirror Realm. Simply put, it is the reflection of the world we are in.” Chu Chen said lightly.

The concept of the mirror interface is very easy to understand, and Chu Chen remembers this very clearly.

“So… where is the employment card? Why didn’t I see a card on the ground?”

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