I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 112 - Everyone is a murderer

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng followed Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang and they went upstairs to the house where the fire broke out. The scene was blocked and the police inspected the scene and found out that the scene was not as messy as expected. In the picture, only the balcony area was burned by fire. Now it has been extinguished. There is still water on the ground and the body is no longer there.

Gu Ye stood on the balcony. “It seems to be deliberate to let people know that this house is on fire.”

Xiao Zhang wondered, “It’s weird to be able to burn a person to death without burning anything around him. Everything in the house is placed normally.”

Gu Ye gave a “beep”, shook his head, and said to himself, because this is not what people do.

Xie Cheng walked around the house and walked to the balcony, “What about the corpse?”

“The corpse has been taken back to the autopsy,” Xiao Wang saw the other police officers busy with his own affairs, and whispered to them: “Before the autopsy was burned to death, or it was smoked to death, such a small fire How could you burn or strangle someone? Did you two come here and feel that this case is abnormal? “

Gu Ye smiled. “We are still investigating, and we are not sure. At present, we suspect that ghosts are involved.”

At this time, everyone else was almost inspected. Xiao Wang went to inquire, “It was indeed a fifty-year-old woman who died, and her death was relatively horrible. She wrapped her whole body with a garbage bag and poured half a barrel of cooking oil on her head. , And then ignited herself. The most weird thing is that such a painful death method, she did not struggle after lying, lying on the ground motionless. “

Xie Cheng listened to scalp numbness. “Was she alive when she was burned to death?”

“The autopsy report has not yet come out, and the specific situation is unknown. However, according to the previous autopsy reports, it should be alive.”

Gu Ye silently read Xie Cheng, “The other party was obviously retaliating. How could she burn it after death? It must have made her burned alive.”

Xie Cheng rubbed his arms, and this death method shuddered.

When others left, Xiao Wang suggested: “Do you want to check it in a special way?”

Gu Ye shook his head. “It’s useless, the soul has already been eaten.”

“Who ate it?”

Gu Ye smiled, “It’s not good for the time being, you check yours, we check ours, and finally we have a pair of clues on both sides. There may be unexpected gains. I can’t say anything dead.”

“Yes, you are thoughtful.”

Xie Cheng asked: “Are there anyone in doubt?”

Xiao Zhang said: “We identified the first male owner as one of the suspects at the beginning, but just got the news that he has been in the hospital and has no time to commit the crime.”

Xie Cheng accident, “We heard that he disappeared.”

Xiao Wang said helplessly: “Who did you hear? He was not missing. He was hospitalized. After all, he was hit too much and was taken away by relatives for treatment. He never returned. Until now, the bodies of the mother and child are still in the police station , No one claims. “

Xie Cheng nodded, “We also feel that the first case is different from the others.”

Xie Cheng and Gu Yehe looked at each other and had an idea in their hearts. If the man had no time to commit the crime, then the accomplice would be ruled out, and that ghost would probably be the first woman to be burned to death. But I couldn’t find her now, I couldn’t be sure.

As he was talking, Xiao Wang’s phone rang. After he answered, his face suddenly changed, “What? He set himself on fire again!”

In this sentence, everyone who was present was drawn to their minds. “Okay, I know. We will go immediately to maintain order and protect the scene.” Xiao Wang hung up the phone and said ugly: “Hurry up and go underground garage.”

Xiao Wang ran in front, followed by others. After running into the elevator, Xiao Wang said ugly: “In the underground garage on the opposite side, someone burnt himself in the car.”


“Yes, this community is connected to the underground of the opposite community. There is not only a garage, but also a haunted house. The location of the incident is next to that haunted house.”

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng looked at each other, both of them didn’t look good, and Guaxiang showed that at least two people were still dead. This was the first and one more.

When several people rushed to the scene, the scene was out of control and there were too many people watching. This was originally a time to dance square dances. When I heard a car below was on fire, I ran to see the excitement. Now the fire has been extinguished and the body is in the car.

People in the community property also rushed here to maintain order. Xiao Wang went up and asked about the situation. He learned that the car was on fire when he was patrolled by security guards. After taking out the fire extinguisher in the corridor, he found that there was still a person inside, so he called the police. As for how these onlookers knew, they did not know.

Investigation and monitoring found that there was no second person at the scene. Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang scratched their heads, which seemed to be another suicide case.

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng looked around, but did not find this person’s soul. They were eaten as before. The two of them sensed that trace of ghostly spirit again, Xie Cheng said in surprise: “It seems to be a little stronger than before. Is it because the killer devours the soul, and the baby can’t hold his breath?”

Gu Ye let out his dog’s teeth and let it look around. As long as the other party wanted to kill someone, he had to come back.

Looking at the scene of the crime, Gu Ye had a headache, many people!

Xiao Zhang shouted coldly: “Don’t go in, don’t damage the scene.”

Some people ignore the obstruction, take a look at it curiously, and then scream in fright, Gu Ye frowns, and also looks at the fear. Is there anything good about this lively, not afraid of nightmares?

In this group of people, Gu Ye found an acquaintance who was the aunt who told them about the situation at the gate. Gu Ye walked over and asked helplessly: “Auntie, come here for the excitement of the neighbourhood?”

“Hey! It’s okay to be idle anyway, just look at me.” The aunt didn’t care, and whispered to Gu Ye: “It’s too bad! I just glanced at it, and the people in it couldn’t see what they were burning … boy, why are you here? Are you police? “

Gu Ye smiled. “Underground police.”

The aunt didn’t respond, so curious, “What police?”

Xie Cheng glared at Gu Ye, asking him not to talk nonsense with his aunt, who might spread it out shortly. They were organized underground. There were too many people on the sidelines, and Xie Cheng frightened and said, “Hurry up, this car just went out, and it probably exploded in a while.”

Most of them were aunts and grandpas. When I heard this, I was really scared of death. Some took a step back. Others are happy, “Don’t scare people, this car’s fire has gone out, how could it explode?”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and said earnestly: “It may really explode. The engine is still smoking. It really has to explode.”

So to speak, this group of uncles and aunts were scared. Many people walked away at the moment of the excitement, and the surrounding area suddenly became empty.

However, the scene of the crime scene has been damaged. If the ground is earth, even if the murderer leaves a big footprint, it cannot be picked out.

At this time, Xiao Zhang had copied the surveillance video, and Xiao Wang called Gu Ye and Xie Cheng, and the four came together to watch it.

In the picture, the car drove slowly to this parking place as usual. After stopping the car, he opened the door and wanted to get off. However, in the next second, he seemed to be controlled by something, and he stepped down. Close it and close the door by the way.

Because of the angle of view, this car is just under the camera. What happens inside the car is clearly visible. The more so, the more weird.

The man was struggling in the car for a while, and then he lit his clothes with a lighter, and then he struggled in pain in the car. With his movement, the car was quickly lit.

“This … is suicide again? Why?”

Gu Ye looked at the two policemen’s aggressive faces, and would like to say that the two elder brothers, you don’t have to work hard, there is no need to think about any scientific basis, this thing is not done by people.

A lot of people on the scene had already left. Gu Ye looked around and found that the aunt hadn’t even left yet. She was chatting with people, and the chatter was full of excitement, as if there was nothing in the world that she didn’t know.

Seeing her face, Gu Ye frowned. He was fine just now, but now he saw a bit of death on this aunt’s face. Gu Yezheng wanted to go and see clearly. At this time, a female voice asked coldly, “What are you all doing around here? Do you know the scene of the case? Those who affect the handling of the case will be arrested and quickly dispersed.”

Hearing these words, the onlookers all ran away, and Gu Ye hadn’t had time to stop the aunt. The other party ran faster than him, and his legs and feet were super sharp.

Mu Jingfei came over with a frost on his face and saw Gu Ye, his face softened, “How come you came here?”

Gu Ye reluctantly said, “In fact, I don’t want to come.”

Mu Jingfei patted him on the shoulder. “I was busy with a meeting when you called me. I rushed here before I could call you back. Is this what you asked me?”

Gu Ye nodded. “Almost.”

Mu Jingfei looked at the car. “The scene of the first case?”

Xiao Wang hurriedly said, “Yes.”

Mu Jingfei walked to the car and glanced at the charred body. “Is it so terrible? What has happened recently, one can’t think of it, but can’t think of it.” She took the video that Xiao Zhang handed over, “The case happened Under the camera, on the surface, he committed suicide again. “

Gu Ye reminded: “Sister, not suicide, but homicide.”

“I know, serial killings.”

“I counted a hexagram. This is a mortal situation. The hexagram shows that there is one more death.”

Mu Jingfei’s eyes widened. “Are you still dead? Brother, are you Conan? Where did you die?”

Gu Ye drew the corner of his mouth, “It must be … Jie Cheng is poisonous!”

At this moment, when the aunt returned home, she excitedly told her wife and children what she saw. “The man died so terribly, he was burnt in the car, and he could smell it from afar. The smell of burning meat is not like suicide, is it homicide? In the future, you should be careful when you go out, serial killing, the murderer is too cruel, the police do n’t know what to eat, so far, the murderer has not been arrested. Here, oops, it’s terrible. “

Her daughter-in-law listened in fear, and said helplessly: “Mom, why don’t you go for this kind of fun in the future? What’s so nice about it?”

“Looking at Waner, it ’s also idle at home, or you have a child for me to take.”

The daughter-in-law stopped talking, and she had no children for three years. The old man kept pressing, but she just didn’t have it.

The old man looked at his daughter-in-law and looked upset, and said angrily: “You mouth, just say a few words.”

The aunt didn’t care. “What happened to my mouth? I did the same when I was young. Why didn’t you abandon me?”

“You … embarrassed.” The old man said, but she took a cigarette and a lighter and wanted to smoke one.

The aunt snatched it. “Don’t smoke. Daughter-in-law and wife should not smell smoke during pregnancy.”

After hearing this, her daughter-in-law went back to her house with a blank face. The aunt also realized that she had said that, and she threw the cigarette on the table with an ugly face. The old man picked up the lighter and looked at her helplessly, “Oh!”

He still took out a cigarette and touched the lighter. No one saw it. In the dark corner of the balcony, a young woman looked at them resentfully.

At the moment the lighter was lit, the lighter exploded in the hands of the old man, a set of ghosts rolled over, and the flames of the fire suddenly became countless times larger, attached to two people, and the fire suddenly changed. The big and old couple were all covered with fire, screaming and rolling in the living room.

After hearing the movement, the daughter-in-law hurried out and looked at it. She was scared and screamed. She hurried to the bathroom and poured a bucket of water onto the father-in-law who was rolling to her feet. Then she drank the water and ran out. See, her mother-in-law had ran to the balcony, holding the railing and turned into a fireman. Strangely, she felt as if she were being held back.

The daughter-in-law cried out in fright, and hurriedly called the police. When Mu Jingfei arrived, they saw the scene in front of them and looked at Ye silently. It was too accurate. I do n’t know if he was a raven mouth, or should I say He is a little fairy.

Gu Ye spread his hands and said helplessly: “The second one is dead.”

Mu Jingfei was desperate. “Time is too fast. You have just told me that there is no chance for protection and people are gone.”

Gu Ye helpless, “I can’t help it, this is life.”

Xie Cheng went to check, “The old man still has help. Hurry to the hospital, the old lady … the soul is gone.”

Gu Ye saw the family portrait on the table and sighed, and it really was this aunt. When she left, her face was dead, and the ghost only found her temporarily. If she didn’t watch the excitement, she might not have this disaster. So everything is fate.

The dog’s teeth smelt and whined a few times, Gu Ye looked down at it, “Go after it, we will come later.”

At this moment, in the haunted house, the woman was holding a new soul in her hand and said fiercely: “If you guys are not blocked there, the fire truck will come in, and my child and I will not die. My child, a Five years old, one two years old, because you blocked the fire truck, they are all dead! You all have to die! “

No matter how the new soul struggles, the woman tears away her soul, eats it bit by bit, her eyes are red, and her body is filled with ghostly spirits. After eating this soul, her face is much better, and her neck is burnt. The traces disappeared and the soul power increased a lot.

The ferocious breath rushed behind her, and the woman turned back vigilantly. A big dog with three heads looked at her with teeth, and the woman took a few steps back, “Three dogs? Are you here to catch me to hell?” I ca n’t go now. I want revenge. I still want to find my child. Did you see my child? ”She blinked, and said,“ A five-year-old, so tall, a boy, a two-year-old Girl, it’s only so tall. Have you seen them? “

The dog’s teeth looked at her diligently, and he stepped back two steps vigilantly, staring at her tightly, for fear that she would run next second.

“You can’t understand me? Forget it, I’m going to find a child.” The woman stood up, and the soul seemed to be burning with flames. The temperature was very high, and dog teeth could not stand for a while, not far or close behind Follow her.

The woman sneered, “Follow me again and I will eat you.”


Gu Ye’s side, “The dog tooth found the breath and has gone after it. I now want the information of the first house, especially the woman.”

Mu Jingfei retrieved the information and showed him, Gu Ye pointed to the first deceased, “Lü Qian, it should be her who has been killing people.”

After reading the report, Xie Cheng regretted: “This mother is young enough, these two children are more pitiful, and they suffer such a crime at such a young age.”

Gu Ye nodded. “Combining the previous clues, she is retaliating against those who blocked the fire rescue because of watching the excitement.”

Xiao Zhang found another video, “This is the original rescue video, taken at the door.”

The video was played again. Everyone sat down and watched. Usually there was no fire in this place, so everyone had no sense of rescue at first, and they hadn’t seen how the fire truck rescued the fire. Not only were many people watching at the gate, but also private cars stopped to watch the lively, and some deliberately slowed down the video, which also blocked the passage of fire trucks. The fire truck finally came in, and there were still things downstairs blocking the fire passage, and people watching the crowd became obstacles, blocking the rescue.

Seeing this, a few people were speechless and gave up their sorrow. “There are those who applaud the firefighters. They think that their consciousness is quite high. At this time, they should not hide away and not delay the work of the firefighters. Is that the best fit? “

Gu Ye wondered: “This aunt is just watching the excitement, it doesn’t seem to be the most prominent. Why did she die?”

“I have a clue,” Xiao Wang said, “I just heard about this. The deceased and her wife bought food on the day of walking and walked home. The fire engine siren kept ringing behind. I didn’t know who pushed them and loaded the vegetables. The bag was torn and the dishes were scattered. They were going to pick up vegetables and stopped the fire truck. It took half a minute. “

A few people didn’t know what to say, especially Gu Yehe Xie Cheng, who had previously heard her say that the car would not delay the rescue of the fire truck, and maybe the mother and the child would not die. Why was she? Everyone feels that it is not their own business, and what they do is not a big deal. In fact, they are inadvertently delaying a few seconds, which is life.

From the standpoint of the old couple, it is very important that the dishes are bought for money. Standing on the side waiting for rescue, let alone half a minute, waiting an extra second is suffering. Who can say that the mother and child will be rescued without delay for half a minute? If there is no ghost revenge, can this be regarded as never happening?

The atmosphere was a bit depressing. After watching it, everyone thought about it, and no one spoke.

Mu Jingfei drew six circles on the pause screen at the end of the screen. “These six people are dead. Everyone has blocked the rescue more or less, but the law does not blame the public. So many people cannot all Captured. But each of them indirectly caused the death of the mother and child. “

Gu Ye stood up and said faintly: “You can’t watch so many people die. Everything that these people do will result in retribution, but if she kills, she will also have cause and effect. It is impossible to reincarnate. If she doesn’t stop her again, if the thing that protects her fails, she will lose her mind and become a murderer. By then … “

Xie Cheng also stood up and added: “Everyone on this screen is going to die.”

Gu Ye nodded, “Yes, let’s go find her, you go back to sleep, and deal with it tomorrow.”

Mu Jingfei worried: “You pay attention to safety.”

Gu Ye smiled, “Relax, sister, we are professional.”

Gu Ye followed the breath of dog teeth and chased out more than 50 kilometers all the way. Xie Cheng Tucao: “This sister is enough to run, are you sure that dog teeth are not playing, are you really chasing this sister?”

Gu Ye Duding said: “Dog teeth are not the kind of mad dog running around, it is very sensible.”

“Okay,” Xie Cheng yawned and looked at his watch. It was more than three o’clock. He found a bottle of Red Bull drink from the car. “The last bottle, do you drink it?”

Gu Ye shook her head. Just as there were a few old ghosts passing by on the side of the road, Gu Ye stopped the car and asked them, “Uncle! Have you seen this woman? Chasing a dog with three heads behind him?”

Several old ghosts looked at Gu Ye and asked incredulously, “Where do you talk to us?”

“Yeah,” Gu Ye tucked in a few coins, and took out the picture of Lu Qian. “Have you ever seen this woman?”

A few ghosts said happily: “I have seen that she often wanders around this place. She saw her just now, and she was looking for a child.”

“Looking for a child?”

“Yes, she asked everyone if she saw me, did you see my child?”

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng looked at each other, but her child was not with her?

At this moment I saw a woman in the distance, hurried to a tree, looked up and asked the hanged ghost hanging on the branch, the gesture was like a child.

“Sure enough, it’s Lu Qian.” Gu Ye drove after him, far away. The woman turned her head and saw Gu Ye’s car coming far away. She was frightened, panic turned into a plume of black smoke, and fled quickly. .

Xie Cheng asked in amazement: “Crouch! What does she run?”

Gu Ye wondered, “How can I run when I see the car?”

Xie Chengduding said: “Gu Ye, she absolutely knows you! It is also deliberate to hit you. She even knows your car, and still does not know what you are doing? When you go out next time, remember to wear a mask, regardless of arrest People still catch ghosts! Or break up with you! “

Gu Yeyusai didn’t know how to justify, “… well.”

After two hours of chasing, they failed to catch up with this ghost who was hiding his breath while running, his eyes narrowed and the sky was bright. Xie Chengqi patted Gu Ye, “You are scared away!”

Gu Ye was so tired that he really didn’t know how he had spread all over the world.

It is not a way to chase further, Gu Ye sank his face, “Go back to sleep and stop chasing.”

Xie Cheng frowned. “Are you serious? What if she kills someone again?”

Gu Ye said seriously: “Then let her come to us, I just thought of a way.”

When Xie Cheng heard these words, he fell asleep in the car.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and pondered for a while, turned the car back to the police station, found a hotel next to the police station, and just fell asleep, he heard the sound of crying outside.

Gu Ye closed her eyes and asked anxiously, “What’s going on?”

Ye Li stood by the window. “I heard that the female ghost’s husband has returned and came to lead the corpse. The scene was a bit out of control.”

Gu Ye sat up with dark circles, “Before letting him go, I had to look at the body and verify the idea.”

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