I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 119 - The princess is really gone! (1)

When he was out of the library, Gu Ye called the father and agreed to meet up. He and Xia Xiang went to the City History Museum that day. Xia Xiang’s grandfather was the old curator of the City History Museum. When he was young, he was an archeologist, an expert of his own kind.

The old man was full of spirits, a literati style, and wearing glasses, but it may be a genetic problem, not tall, thin, but also a baby face, a distant old man. Gu Ye looked at Xia Xiang again, and almost didn’t hold back the music. Xia Xiang looked at him like this and knew what he was thinking. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and just wanted to poke him. Look at me!”

Gu Ye is innocent, what did he say, he didn’t say anything, why was he anxious?

The old man invited Gu Ye to the museum and told him about the princess. “Princess Anle has been dead for more than 500 years and appeared in a private auction abroad a year ago. Because the body did not rot, it aroused the interest of a wealthy merchant in China. Bought it down and brought it home. Unexpectedly, the rich merchant died three months later. After several hands-offs, the three wealthy merchants who collected her died. The third wealthy merchant’s son thought she was too unfortunate and gave her to To us. “

Xia Xiang told Gu Ye: “Everyone said that this princess had a curse. Whoever collected it died, and those who like to collect mummy collections did not dare to accept her. It was not easy to sell, and it was sent to the museum to fear death.

The old man sullenly frowned, “Do n’t talk nonsense, others can donate, which shows noble morality, be grateful.”

Xia Xiang quickly greeted, “Yes, we must study the noble morality of others.”

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: “I just want to study whether there is any so-called curse in this corpse. From the coffin to the corpse, I researched it and found nothing that caused death. I just thought Find some colleagues to take a look. Just the day before yesterday, she put her in this research room. Someone who searched the data said that the princess was away. “

Gu Ye’s eyes brightened, and he asked with interest, “Run?”

“Yeah,” the old man walked forward with his hands behind his back. “Yes, someone saw her go out here with her own eyes, and we still have surveillance. In fact, you don’t believe in ghosts, you just want your opinion for reference.”

Gu Ye saw Xia Xiang, so exciting, run by yourself!

Xia Xiang’s eyes signaled that he should not be so happy. The researchers in it didn’t believe in ghosts. His grandfather could believe it because his eyes can see ghosts from an early age. His grandfather was used to it. He said, “I’m coming to you this time. I’m looking for you privately. Many people don’t know. Waiting for them to find it scientifically, maybe the princess is rotten outside. They can’t find it.”

“Have you called the police?”

“No, say the corpse went out by itself, who believes?”

During the conversation, the old man called several people over. “This is the person who was present when the incident happened that night. These two were my students. They were my assistants that night.” A young man, “Li Xuan, this girl is Ding Xiaoxiao.”

The girl named Ding Xiaoxiao kept staring at Gu Ye, her eyes were full of excitement, Gu Ye estimated that the other party might know him, politely smiled slightly, and Ding Xiaoxiao immediately blushed. Li Xuan immediately frowned, and looked at Ye’s eyes coldly, and looked a little hostile.

Gu Yeming didn’t know, so when he looked at his elder brother wearing a security uniform, the old man introduced: “This is Lu Qiangjun. He was on duty that night and watched her leave.”

When the big brother called Lu Qiangjun mentioned what happened that night, his face turned pale, and he said in horror: “Yes, I watched her go out, and gave me a glance at the door, too terrible! Even alive No matter how beautiful the time is, dead bodies are dead. The meat on the face is dry. It is terrible! I have a video here. Do you want to watch it? “

“Let’s take a look.”

“Some of you wait a moment.”

When Lu Qiangjun was playing the video, Ding Xiaoxiao walked to Gu Ye and said shyly, “I suspect the princess is going to find his love. I have research materials. This princess has several relationships, and every time It was broken up by her father Emperor. She liked three people before and after, and all three died. Finally, she married the person she did not like most. After two years of marriage, the man also died. The princess finally died in her twenties. He died at the age of five. “

After listening, Gu Ye asked seriously: “This princess is unlucky. Those who like her are dead.”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled for a moment, then shook her head and corrected: “No, she just has a more upset relationship, which is too miserable.”

Gu Ye was speechless. She said that the public initiative was still early, and she had such a rich emotional history only in the twenty-fifth. Where was she miserable? Don’t you change your heart quickly?

At this time, Lu Qiangjun found out the video and started to play it. In the video, the princess first moved her limbs and then sat up suddenly. Then she stood up struggling. At first, she wobbled slowly and slowly. Stiff, then she stumbled to the door. At this time, the security captain Lu Qiangjun came over and found the princess coming out by himself. Lu Qiangjun’s panic could be seen from the video. He was so frightened that he shouted, “The princess is gone! The corpse is scammed!”

Xu Shi heard Lu Qiangjun speak, and the princess turned stiffly, scaring Lu Qiang directly. The princess turned stiffly again and headed for the gate. As soon as the picture turned, the security guard at the gate was frightened and screamed. At this time, the gate opened slowly, and the princess went straight out.

Looking again, Lu Qiangjun was still pale, “I almost scared urine at that time.”

Gu Ye patted him sympathetically and took away the bad luck attached to him. “Normal people will be scared when they see this, and you behave well.”

The elder brother smiled embarrassedly, “Thank you Master for your encouragement.”

The old man asked Gu Ye: “Did she leave by herself, really haunted?”

Gu Ye smiled: “Can’t rush to make a conclusion yet. I’ll go around the hall first and tell you later.”

“That way, Xia Xiang is familiar with it, and let him take you around.”

The whole museum didn’t find ghostly and dead spirits. There are still a few dead bodies in the museum, but these old antiques have been dead for many years and nothing. There is a portrait of a princess hanging on the wall of an exhibition hall, Xia Xiang explained: “It is said that it is a new museum opened for the princess, and there is no time for the exhibition, and people are gone.”

Gu Ye stood in front of the portrait of the princess and looked at the other person’s portrait and sighed, “It really looks beautiful. No wonder so many people like her.”

Xia Xiang laughed. “Why do you gossip like this? What’s important now is not the princess’s emotional history, but where did the princess go? Are you really looking for lovers?”

Gu Ye was amused, “Don’t be amused. How many years have her lovers died, all underground? Is she going to find it in the tomb? She may not even know where she is buried. Is she going to find their reincarnation? It ’s absolutely impossible, I do n’t think this time is a ghost. ”

Gu Ye took out the evolution version of the catching ghost and burned it here. There was no reaction here after the spell was burned, indicating that there was no ghost, not even the hidden ghost. Gu Ye smiled and said, “It ’s not a ghost. of.”

Xia Xiang reluctantly, “Go to my grandfather. If you can’t, call the police and tell the police that she’s gone. It’s so weird that we can’t help it.”

Gu Ye said when he went back, the old man’s complexion was dignified. It was okay for the ghost to do it. If it was done by people, it means that there was a problem in the museum.

Ding Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly, “How could it not have been done by a ghost, and what did it do? She obviously went out by herself.”

Li Xuan couldn’t help but say, “Smile, don’t be so feudal and superstitious, we’re studying history, studying corpses, don’t talk about these ghosts.” He looked at Ye with some look down, and the so-called master is the folk god. I don’t understand why the dean asked such a master without a beard to make trouble.

Ding Xiaoxiao was very stubborn. “But the princess was resurrected after 500 years, and I went to look for lovers across the space of 500 years. Don’t you feel very romantic?”

Li Xuan’s mouth twitched and opened his mouth, but he found no reason to refute.

Gu Ye almost came out, this is a typical little girl who loves brains and wants to be romantic. He smiled and asked, “Have you ever heard of a corpsesmith in Xiangxi?”

Ding Xiaoxiao said excitedly: “I know, I’ve seen on TV that the corpseman held a bell in his hand, flashed, jingled the bell, and the corpse behind would follow him. They usually rushed at night and rested during the day. They will also live in specialized inns. It is said that they have been seen in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic, but they have not been seen in recent years. “

Li Xuan smiled indifferently, “The cadaver was someone who died in a foreign country in ancient times, and the corpse can only be transported back to his hometown. The spell that leaves the bell is already scientifically cracked. Now. “

Ding Xiaoxiao admired, “It’s amazing.”

Li Xuan immediately straightened the pole and said proudly: “This technique must be completed by two people, usually a combination of a master and an apprentice. The master walks with the bell in front, and the apprentice follows. For the sake of antisepsis and for the road Light, they will dismember the corpse, as long as the limbs and head, the heavier torso is thrown away, and replaced with lightweight straw. Then a long bamboo pole is supported at the armpit, and it will be invisible after putting on a large robe. The steps of the master and apprentice are unified, and the body will follow. “

Ding Xiaoxiao asked curiously: “Does anyone else see that the middle has been replaced? Will the family of the corpse not investigate it? How can they explain to the family of the deceased?”

Li Xuankan talked, “Generally, after the body is returned to the house, the corpse maker will say that he should not watch it again, do not disturb the undead, and do not watch it up close to avoid the corpse, and he buried it in the coffin on the spot. Not to mention the antisepsis No matter how good, people have been dead for more than ten days, even one month old, they all have a bad smell, their face may have rotten, and the family knows that it is their own family. Who would take the clothes and look carefully? Let ’s say, that People are more superstitious, and they will believe whatever they say. “

The people looked at Li Xuan in admiration and said that they were right.

Gu Ye also nodded. “It’s very scientific,” he said with a smile. “However, there are things that can only be trusted and not trusted.”

Li Xuan smirked and said nothing.

Xia Xiang saw that Li Xuan was somewhat hostile to Gu Ye, and looked at Ding Xiaoxiao, whose eyes had been falling on Gu Ye, couldn’t help laughing. This was really a disaster.

Gu Ye didn’t know where he had offended Li Xuan. He spread his hands and said helplessly to the old man: “I have nothing to say. Call the police. It’s definitely artificial.”

No way, the old man can only call the police. The cultural relics are lost, or cultural relics with more than 500 years of history and relatively scientific research value. They came directly from the Interpol team. When the people of Mu Jingfei came to see Gu Ye, they could n’t laugh or cry. With an exaggerated look: “Consultant! How come you?”

Gu Ye helplessly spread his hand, “I’m probably really a Conan walking, wherever I go, I’m either dead or a corpse.”

The police asked about the situation at that time and made a detailed record. Ding Xiaoxiao was saying that the princess had gone to find the lovers himself. The girl was full of love, and the police couldn’t help laughing or crying. When the other party was finished, Gu Ye asked wonderingly, “Why would you rather believe that she went to find a love man instead of believing that there was a cadaver?”

Ding Xiaoxiao said earnestly: “Because the cadaver stole the body is not romantic enough.”

“Well, girl, you won.” Gu Yepei stretched his thumb convincingly, turned his head and was pulled away by Xiao Wang.

“What’s going on with the corpse?”

Gu Ye roughly said, “… In short, like we use a spell, they have their own secret technique inside the door, let the corpse listen to his command. Of course, do not deny the scientific explanations that Li Xuan said, there are also, But he has the ability to do so. “

Xiao Wang reaffirmed, “Really?”

Gu Ye nodded. “It must have been done by someone. I don’t know if it was a corpse rusher. I heard bells in the video, so I have such an idea for you.”

Since Gu Ye said so, Xiao Wang immediately reported up and asked others to look for other clues. He directly traced this clue to the cadaver. He asked the people in the museum: “Is anyone from Xiangxi?”

Unexpectedly, there were really two people from Xiangxi. These two were fellow villagers. One of them had been here for more than ten years, and that was the security captain Lu Qiangjun who saw the princess go out. The other was a new temporary worker who was scared to open the door at the gate. Because the princess was lost, Lu Qiangjun dismissed him angrily. Coincidentally, this person was introduced by Lu Qiangjun.

Gu Ye’s mouth twitched. The dismissed person is likely to be a corpse driver, did he get rid of the opponent’s misconception?

Xiao Wang was helpless and asked him, “What did your fellow do?”

Lu Qiangjun looked, “To be honest, we are not familiar with it. It was a friend who introduced me and said that this man is from my hometown and wanted to find a job. When I first arrived, I had no work and no place to live, so I let him do temporary work here. “Who knows he’s so unreliable and doesn’t hold anyone back, let it go.”

Xiao Wang recorded: “He let go?”

“Yeah, as soon as he arrived, I couldn’t let him in to stand guard, just let him guard the door. Not many people came at night. It was a good job at the beginning.

Wang Xiaomei asked, “If you’re not familiar with him, you should give him a job?”

Lu Qiangjun is kind and kind. “Unfamiliar, all the folks in the township. It’s not easy in the field. If you can help one, you can help one.”

Asked on this call, Xiao Wang was certain that the security guard was suspected whether it was the legendary corpse maker or not. After finding the registered ID number of the person in the museum, the police began to check where the other party was.

“Yes, this is Fuyongen. I checked in and out of this hotel two hours ago.”

This man didn’t even come out of the imperial capital. He lived in a three-star hotel, but fortunately, he needs to register with his identity card wherever he lives now. As soon as Xiao Wang received the notice, he immediately led someone to chase him. Unexpectedly, when they got there, the staff at the front desk told them: “Sorry, Fu Yonggen went out half an hour ago.”

Xiao Wang asked anxiously: “Do you know where he went?”

The staff member said embarrassedly: “I only saw him calling a taxi, but I don’t know where I went.”

The police had to adjust the nearby surveillance to investigate the whereabouts of Fu Yonggen. Before they were found out, someone sent a message to inform them: “As soon as they were found out, Fu Yonggen booked a ticket back to Xiangxi in the morning, and the temporary station ticket was going to return to Xiangxi. It looked very anxious. Depart. “

Xiao Wang immediately led people to the station to stop people, reminding the staff at the station to detain him and not let him go. If he ran back to Xiangxi, they would have to work hard again.

There was a traffic jam on the road. After waiting for Xiao Wang, they rushed to the train station. The staff at the train station told Xiao Wang, “The car has already left, but this person did not get in.”

Xiao Wang wanted to scold the street, “What the hell, playing around in circles? He couldn’t make reservations, couldn’t get a ticket to get in the car, what was the torment?”

The policeman running with Xiao Wang was also furious. “How do you feel like he knows we are coming to him?”

Xiao Wang thought it and felt that it was not right. It was better to ask Gu Ye for this kind of fantasy and evil things. Gu Yeyi heard Xiao Wang’s narrative and said helplessly: “Anyone who does this business is generally considered To order something, maybe you know you’re going to him and get in touch with you. “

“What then? Who has time to play with him.”

“Don’t worry, if it really is him, the corpse can’t pass the security check, he can’t go, I’ll figure it out for you.” Gu Ye took out his dear Gua Pan and found someone to take the position. Look, is there a bridge near you? “

Xiao Wang looked around and was surprised: “Yes!”

“Go there and find a place with a lot of people waiting for him, surely you can wait.”

Xiao Wang went doubtfully. There was a bus stop near the bridge. The two waited there for about ten minutes and saw a little dwarf wearing a mask getting out of the car. The shape of his eyes, Xiao Wang recognized him, and froze, “Is it Fu Yonggen?”


The other party dare to quibble, Xiao Wang tore off the other party’s mask, the other party has a pair of big eyes, big eyelids, pulled down, it is better to recognize. Xiao Wang sneered, “Don’t admit it, just walk with us.”

“Why do you catch me?” Fu Yonggen jumped quickly, others were thin, and his strength was quite strong. Xiao Wang and their two talents would hold him.

“Why grab you? Didn’t you count in your own heart? We’ll let you back if you haven’t committed anything.” This manpower was too great, and he had to be handcuffed, only to find that the man’s wrist was tangled Gauze, blood stains as soon as he struggled, Xiao Wang asked coldly, “How do you get this on your wrist?”

Fu Yonggen’s face was innocent, “I just feel that my life is difficult and I don’t want to live anymore. Your policeman cares about my life and my death?”

Xiao Wang was amused. “How do you know I’m a policeman? I’m wearing plain clothes.”

Fu Yonggen opened his mouth and murmured for a while, muttering: “That’s just looking at the image.”

Xiao Wang admiredly sent a message to Gu Ye: We caught you, you are too divine, just count it. However, the boy looked like a slipper, and he would definitely count, and at a glance we could see that we were police.

Gu Ye: I’ll go to the police station right away. You should talk to him less, not to mention him birthdate, or being touched by hair.

Xiao Wang replied ok, and sure enough, Fu Yonggen followed him on the way to talk with them, “Where do you live? I think you are familiar, shall we not be fellows?”

Xiao Wang was too lazy to look at him and gave him a glance without saying a word.

Fuyong Gen paused. “You guys are police at such a young age, how old are you?”

Xiao Wang still ignored him.

Fu Yonggen said innocently: “I don’t know what I have committed at all. I am a poor worker. Have you misunderstood?”

“What do you want to ask? Ask now, don’t get me to the police station, I’m afraid there.”

“Why don’t you two talk?” Fu Yonggen tried to pat the shoulders of both of them, and was pinched by Xiao Wang. “Be honest.”

The police officer next put his mask on his eyes, “Shut up, shut your eyes, close them.”

No matter what Fu Yonggen said later, Xiao Wang and the two of them ignored each other. After getting out of the car, they sent Fu Yonggen directly to the interrogation room and reminded colleagues, “This person is a bit evil, wait until our consultant comes. “

When it comes to consultants, everyone knows that Gu Ye is a consultant who does not pay. Generally, Gu Ye’s involvement is not a difficult case, and the people in the bureau joked, “It’s over, don’t want to sleep tonight.”

“Oh, the consultant is here.” Gu Ye heard the words as soon as he came, and he couldn’t help crying. “When did I become a consultant and my brothers and sisters didn’t pay me?”

Xiao Wang took him inside with a smile, “Serve the people, the underground police are also the police. I’ll take you to see the boy. It’s a bit evil and has great strength.”

Xiao Wang rolled up his sleeves and let Gu Ye look at his wrist with a purple trace on it. “This was given to him when the other party was struggling. I don’t know how thin he is.

Gu Yemu’s eyes sank. He pulled up Xiao Wang’s hand and drew a spell on the back of the other’s hand. After tapping twice on the back of the other’s hand, the blue-purple trace gradually disappeared.

Xiao Wang’s eyes widened. “What’s the matter?”

Gu Ye explained: “This is not the trace of the scoop, he touches the body all the year round, there is corpse poison.”

Xiao Wang was startled. “Will I become a zombie? Should I apply glutinous rice?”

Gu Ye laughed. “It’s not as exaggerated as the TV show, it may make you feel bad. For two days, you have righteousness, and it will disappear much faster than normal people. Normal people have a serious illness.”

Xiao Wang quickly called his colleague and let Gu Ye take a look. Sure enough, he found such finger marks on the other’s wrist. It’s normal for police officers to stumble, and they don’t take such a small injury seriously. Gu Ye concocted according to law and eliminated the traces on the opponent’s hand. When they saw such a magical scene, both of them looked at Gu Ye admirably and extended an olive branch to him. “Serve the people after graduation, consultant.”

Gu Ye quickly shook his head. “No, I don’t like to obey the rules. Don’t discredit you.”

The two were extremely sorry, and today they saw Gu Ye’s ability. They felt that Gu Ye was just a big bug. With him, solving the case is like opening a case and saving a lot of effort.

Fu Yonggen sat in the interrogation room, looking innocent, and saw Gu Ye, who was obviously not in the police station. He had a little doubt in his eyes, and lowered his head to hide the vigilance in his eyes.

Gu Ye looked at him and smiled, “Just your eyes, you know it’s a mortal life. The eyes are dark and dim, the skin is thick and broad, and the **** is violent. It is difficult to return to ten evil ways. “

Fu Yonggen frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Meaning is that a person like you is fierce and irritable. Even if you get rich, you will be punished by national laws because of your mischief. If you continue to touch the corpse and cultivate the magic, you will not end well.

Fu Yonggen’s face froze. “I don’t know what you mean. This is the police station. You even have feudal superstitions.”

Gu Yexuan laughed, saw the injury on his hand, and asked, “Where did the injury on your wrist come from?”

“I can’t figure it out. I want to commit suicide. Can you manage it?”

The more unhappy Gu Ye looked at him, the two police officers used such a detrimental move, showing how poisonous his heart was, and that there were lawsuits against him, and he had killed someone. Seeing his virtue, Gu Ye wanted to slap him with two hands, and he was also polite, “Do you want to feed her with your own blood?”

Fu Yonggen has actually recognized Gu Ye. Gu Ye’s face is not unfamiliar to them. In addition, Gu Ye is now famous and has a bad temper. No one in the circle wants to offend him. Even if you don’t like him, you will look at this face, in case you encounter someone you do n’t know, offend him, or cause trouble. Unexpectedly, Gu Yelian knew everything in their field. Fu Yonggen’s face became more and more ugly. Just now he was innocent, but now he was pale, and his nervous hands were holding his fists. He said so many mistakes, so he didn’t say a word.

Gu Ye smiled: “Do you think I don’t know what you want to do without talking? You want to train her into a zombie, a 500-year-old corpse, and it’s great when it’s refined. It’s fierce buddy.” Gu Ye He patted the table and teased, “Aren’t you all right to find excitement? The ability of your half-bottle has been made into that she may not listen to you, but you will die if you are back bitten.”

Fu Yonggen was stimulated by Gu Ye’s words, “Don’t talk nonsense! I don’t know what you’re talking about! You’re half a bottle!”

“Well,” Gu Ye reluctantly asked, “why are you anxious? When someone says you ca n’t do it, you get angry, what is your guilty conscience? Forget it, do n’t talk about your ability, you say you ’ve done it.” Gu Ye Xiaoyi said, “Have you heard of a corpse rusher?”

Fu Yonggen frowned, “I haven’t heard of it.”

Gu Ye said earnestly: “I see you like a cadaver.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Fu Yonggen stood up irritably, “I know you, you are Gu Ye, and you can’t make nonsense!”

Gu Ye smiled. “You’re a corpse maker and you’ve practiced half a bottle of Taoism.”

As soon as Gu Ye said half a bottle of Taoism, Fu Yonggen couldn’t restrain his anger, and couldn’t disguise himself. He said irritably: “You fart! The corpses are all ugly and are physically impaired. Where do I qualify? “

Gu Ye’s seal applauded him, “That’s great! Since you don’t know the cadaver, how do you know those conditions?”

Fu Yonggen looked up, opened his mouth, and uttered a sentence: “I watched it on TV.”

From these reactions, he can see that this person is a corpse maker. The disappearance of the princess must be related to him. Xiao Wang admired Gu Ye admirably, and suspected that Gu Ye had repaired psychology. Seeing the other person’s temper, and knowing that the other party didn’t want to listen to the half-bottle sentence, he was seized by Gu Ye and he was provocative all the time.

Gu Ye finally advised, “I urge you not to use this magic again, or you will be backswept, and the princess will twist her head off and kick it. Let’s talk about it, where is the princess hiding, everyone should have lunch. “

Fu Yonggen sneered, “You have no evidence to prove that the princess was taken away by me. She went out by herself. Niubi went to find it by herself. If you can’t find you, you have to let me go.”

Next, no matter what he was asking, Fu Yonggen became a gourd who saw his mouth without saying a word.

Gu Ye shook his head and told the other person seriously when he went out: “Actually you don’t look good.”

Fu Yonggen’s face was instantly angered, and he didn’t speak, making him uncomfortable.

“Without evidence, we really can’t keep him closed.” Xiao Wang said earnestly: “I thought of an adventurous idea, can I let him go and let him go to find the princess himself, our people will follow him.”

Gu Ye nodded, “Yes, he will definitely look for it. Generally, refining zombies needs to feed the corpses with their blood regularly, at least once every three days.”

After discussion, Xiao Wang immediately applied to release Fu Yonggen. Mu Jingfei was busy with other cases in the past two days. This case was completely handed to Xiao Wang. After hearing the report, he approved it directly and let them Take good care of Ye’s opinions and try to solve the case as soon as possible.

Listening to that meaning, I believed Gu Ye very much, and Xiao Wang couldn’t help crying. “Mu’s statement made me feel like I was a errand. You are our team member.”

Gu Ye hurriedly said, “But don’t, I don’t want to get this salary, I want to make money, a business with millions of dollars.”

Everyone was joking and joking. Things had to be done. After releasing Fu Yonggen, Xiao Wang immediately arranged two people to stare at him. On the same day, Fu Yonggen found a hotel, and that location was near the place where he caught him.

Xiao Wang felt weird now and asked Gu Ye: “Why does he live in this place? Is the princess’ body hidden nearby?”

Gu Ye said with a smile: “Sure, he has to go out to feed the princess with blood at night. It’s too much trouble to get away.”

Xiao Wang calmly said: “You can’t go out to find it, so as not to frighten the snake. Now pretend that nothing happened, keep an eye on him.”

That night, everyone found that Fu Yonggen was sleeping very calmly and had no intention of going out, Xiao Duding said: “This kid must know that our people are monitoring him and pretending to be a good baby.”

Gu Yedan said: “Don’t worry, no more than three days, he will definitely go out.”

On the second day, Fu Yonggen was a little anxious, but still had no intention to go out. When Gu Ye heard the news, he told Xiao Wang very surely, “He must go out on the third night. Now. “

On the third night, Xiao Wang went to guard himself, and found that Fu Yonggen pretended to be nothing, and he could see a little anxiety in his physical movements. From the curtain, he could see that he had been pacing back and forth a few times. Open the curtains and look around carefully, as if looking for someone to monitor him.

Xiao Wang raised their vigilance, and in the middle of the night, a little brother in a takeaway outfit, carrying a kebab in his pocket, entered the hotel, and Xiao Wang immediately raised their hearts. When he was close, he was afraid to be found. When he was far away, he was worried that the little brother would be in danger. Xiao Wang immediately asked Gu Ye: “Can’t get on?”

Gu Ye yawned calmly and said, “No, I didn’t see on Fu Yonggen’s face that he would be a victim of lawsuits recently. He killed someone. It should have been five years ago. In short, the little brother will not be in danger. . “

Xiao Wang was relieved, and after a while, he saw the takeaway brother wearing a mask, and rode away on the tram. Xiao Wang immediately recognized the other party, “It’s Fu Yonggen. Let’s go and see if that brother is okay, and the other change clothes and follow me!”

Like those who squat, they usually bring a few sets of clothes, regardless of occupation. Take-away brother’s clothes are the most common and most commonly used. After a few people change their clothes, they ride on the tram and start chasing. It was learned on the road that the takeaway brother was just stunned. There was no danger. Xiao Wang was relieved a lot. After chasing for ten minutes, I saw Fu Yonggen hiding the tram in the grass under the bridge from a distance, and ran into the grass by himself.

“It is true that the consultant said that he must feed the princess with his own blood, which is terrible.”

Master Gu became a consultant completely, and the team members all called it very smoothly. Xiao Wang nodded. “This man is stolen and got. Go and catch him.”

Fu Yonggen thought he had perfected the shelling of this golden cicada. In these withered grass, after shaking the bell and discovering the breath of the princess, he stumbled and ran to see the sleeping princess lying in the grass. He looked left and right, all around was dry grass, and he couldn’t see anything. He quickly opened the gauze on his wrist, cut his own sword with pain, and dripped blood into the princess’s mouth. Mantra.

Strangely, as he said, after the blood dripped on the dry corpse, the corpse absorbed all the blood, and as the blood entered the body, the dry skin on the princess’s face gradually recovered, and the eye sockets were not so Deep, though skinny, looks more personal than before.

Fu Yonggen swallowed with excitement, couldn’t help but gave some more blood, to refine the zombies, it took three days to feed them once, and fed them seven times, so that she could listen to his command. He planned to wait for the princess’ body to be more flexible, so they hurried to the night and walked back to Xiangxi. As long as they hid in the mountains, no one could find them. After the princess has been refined, he will bring her out. No matter what he does in the future, having a princess is equivalent to having a magic weapon.

He knew it was dangerous to come out now, but there was no way. If he didn’t come today, it would be like giving up all his previous achievements. After the blood was fed, Fu Yonggen looked around from side to side, nervously sweating. He took out his mobile phone, brightened the light a bit, and looked at the princess’s face carefully. After finding that the effect was good, the corner of his mouth could not help but hook up. At this moment, the princess’s eyes opened narrowly.

A pair of dead gray eyes stared straight at him.

Fu Yonggen was frightened, sitting on the ground with a buttock, and it turned out that the zombie had already awakened. He came back again in surprise, stretched out a finger, and slowly shake it in front of the princess, and found that the princess ’s His eyes moved left and right.

Fu Yonggen patted his face in surprise, calming himself down, so he might be able to leave tonight.

He whispered, “Close your eyes.”

The corpse closed his eyes obediently, motionless.

Fu Yonggen couldn’t resist the joy of his heart, and wiped his sweat with excitement: “Sit up.”

The princess opened her eyes again and stared straight at him without moving.

Fu Yonggen swallowed nervously, wondering if he was too nervous, which caused him some hallucinations. He felt that he saw taunts and contempt in the eyes of the princess.

Fu Yonggen hasn’t responded yet. How could the zombie who drunk his blood did not listen to his command? Several cold winds rushed at this time, “Don’t move! Police!”

Fu Yonggen was so frightened that he lay on the ground, and then was caught by two people.

The policeman took a sigh of relief when he saw the corpse of the princess next to him, “Xiao Wang waved his hand,” Bring him back for questioning, the princess’s body was also returned to the museum, and I hope to sleep tonight. “

Fu Yonggen was pulled up and put on handcuffs again. At this time, someone went to see the princess and found that the princess looked like a living person and was frightened. “Where is this 500-year-old corpse?” The policeman poked at the dead body’s hand and said in surprise: “Our skin is still elastic, oh my god, it ’s so magical. How can science explain it?”

Xiao Wang helpless

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