I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 18 - Why do girls lose money?

Thirty years ago, Beijing needed to build a water conservancy system and build a bridge. When the last bridge pile was built, everything was unstable and everything was tried, but it didn’t work. There is only the last section of the bridge left.

At that time, people’s thoughts were still relatively backward, and the contractor asked Mr. Yin Yang to take a look, saying that it was ground breaking here, disturbing the land **** and the river spirit. They needed to pierce and the offerings must be human.

To piling a pile is to pierce the pile while the offering is alive, and here it is sealed into a cement pillar while the person is alive. In such a cruel way, where can I find someone? If you are not careful, you will cause a life lawsuit.

At this time, someone gave an idea, it is better to buy one in a remote mountain area.

At that time, the person in charge who had just contracted the project was immediately impressed. He bought an individual from a mountain so far away from the capital, and he didn’t know it, no one knew it, and no one could detect the disappearance of the population. In this way, they found a poor family with five children in the mountain.

That family could not guarantee three meals a day when they were poor. When they heard that the money was enough for the family to eat and drink for several years, it also allowed three sons to go to school and discuss with each other. They decided to sell the unpleasant second daughter. Because the eldest daughter can be married after two more years, and after so many years of meals, she can earn some gifts. The remaining three are sons, who pass on incense, are treasures and cannot be sold.

Only the second child, eighteen years old, has a mole on his forehead, looks dark, and does not like to talk. This kind of kid is really not flattering, not even a close friend. Seeing like this, even if you marry You won’t get much gift money, and this kind of lost money might as well be sold for some money. The contractor said that he had bought it for a fool to be a daughter-in-law. They didn’t even hesitate and took the money and sent the girl out of the house.

In this way, the eighteen-year-old girl was beaten into a cement pillar by a black-hearted contractor. Amazingly, this bridge is really closed like this.

However, at this time, strange things began to happen. First, some workers died one after another, and then people who walked the bridge often had accidents. The contractor realized that something had happened, and then went to the Mr. Yin and Yang to find out that it was a con man! I don’t know where to hear the story. After listening to such a slap, I humped such a method, but did not expect that it really caused human life, and scared him long ago.

Within a few days, the contractor was also killed in his home, and the people involved in the burial had died terribly.

Gradually, the topic of the evil nature of the bridge spread, and not many people dared to leave. Later, it was rebuilt locally, and the bridge, which had never been walked, was filled because it lost its value, and nothing happened after that. Gradually, except for the local elderly, the younger generation did not know that there was a bridge there.

The poor man took the money, provided the three sons to school, started a business, and gradually became rich. Later, the three sons were also good at each other. They even bought a house in Beijing. Maybe it was God’s will, and the new home was next to the bridge.

Just as a family was living a small life, strange things suddenly started to happen in the family.

First, the little grandson was pushed down from the stairs, his head was bleeding, and he was locked in a cabinet after he was ill, almost frightened. The child said that it was a big sister. From the description of the face, the whole family was shocked. Isn’t this the second child who was sold in the early years?

Immediately after that, there were more and more strange things. There were flower pots in the sky, and some people laughed in the middle of the night. The gas stove fired on its own. The chopping board was full of blood. The grandchildren all snapped and saw the girl.

At this moment, the old man and old lady were scared. They suspected that something happened after the second girl was sold. Maybe her life was gone. This is the revenge. She was scared and asked her to come to the house to see. Finally, he told them that they wanted To calm down the anger of the second daughter, we must find her an intimate relative and let her live a good life in another world. She can’t die, she needs to be alive, preferably her age is similar, and she looks good. So, there was the incident that Zhao Pengyu picked up the package. In fact, at that time, someone was peeking at the whole process of Zhao Pengyu’s picking up the package.

People like Yu Ze almost killed his nephew, how could he just ignore it? Immediately someone was asked to handle the matter, the road was closed that day, and the small bridge was excavated in a few minutes. It was indeed a skeleton. Upon examination, the woman was eighteen years old when she died.

Police quickly joined the investigation and found a tragic case that had been buried for 30 years.

The contractor and the worker who operated the incident all died that year. The Mr. Yin Yang was said to have died a few years after the bridge was built, and he could not plead guilty. The master who gave the idea of ​​in-laws couldn’t run away, the girl’s parents were still alive, and it was also illegal to sell the biological daughter, and the old lady was immediately invited to the police station for investigation.

The old lady relied on the old man to sell the old for a few days, and then she was taken to the hospital with a pretense of dizziness, and then returned after being cured. After a few times of tossing, she was still tossing, and was lying in the ward exhausted.

The police came to the ward and passed the findings of the incident to the two elderly people. “Do you watch the death of your daughter Liu Qiao yourself, or shall I read it to you?”

The old lady reluctantly looked, and the old lady did not pretend to be dizzy, and began to reason, “Daughter is born to us, we raise, who would want her to die? If you do not sell her, my three sons will You have to starve to death, Mr. Police, you should judge, should she make a contribution to the family? Now we all have a good life. She is a filial daughter who comes back to toss my little grandson. Our old Liu family is a grandson. This root Xiaodu Miaomiao. “

The police heard this absurdity and pressed angrily: “Then you recognize the body first, and let your family take it home, and let the dead be buried as soon as possible.”

“That won’t work,” said the old man, unwillingly. “Our hometown has rules. A dead girl can’t enter the ancestral grave. It is unlucky to find an in-law for her. This has been dead for so many years. The gift money is similar. “

The police officer in charge of the case was temporarily suspended from interrogation and left the ward and poured a bottle of cold water on his neck.

No one saw it. After the police went out, a dark shadow, expressionlessly stuck on the dark corner of the wall, staring at the gray eyes, watching the two old men quietly, gradually, the corners of the eyes flowed out two Bloody tears.

Gu Ye, who was in class at the school, jumped to his heart, his nervous fingers changed, and his face suddenly changed. After the class, Gu Ye stood up and rushed to the school phone booth. “Zhao Pengyu, give me your phone number for an accident, something will happen . “

Zhao Pengyu has been discharged from the hospital. After a few days of rest, his body is completely fine. He is preparing to pack things to go to school. When he heard Gu Ye’s tone, he hurried to the window and shouted downstairs: “Xiao, Gu Ye, looking for you ! “

Yu Ze has stepped into the car with one of his feet. He heard this and stepped back. He actually turned back. Zhao Pengyu looked at him for a moment. When did his little sister talk so well?

“I am Yu Ze.”

Gu Yeyi heard Yu Ze’s voice and said very quickly: “Mr. Yu, the female ghost should have been stimulated. I noticed that she was out of control. She is likely to kill innocent people. You have purple Furious, she’s afraid of you, can you go to her house and see? “

Yu Ze’s face was calm, and while Gu Ye was expecting, he faintly said, “Okay.”

Gu Ye was relieved, “Thank you! Hard work! Ah! I’m going to class, good-bye Mr. Yu!”

Yu Ze heard the other side hung up the phone in a hurry, shook her head helplessly, and immediately made a phone call after going out. “Check where Liu Qiao’s parents are and what they just did.”

Now, only her unscrupulous parents can stimulate Liu Qiao. After reporting the words of Liu Qiao’s parents truthfully, Yu Ze made another phone call, “Find the little grandson of the Liu family, and bring his parents to me.”

Yu Xuan’s operation was fast and accurate, and she suddenly learned Liu Qiao’s thoughts. Liu Qiao, who was hurt by the performance of her parents, was uncontrollable. The child has been picked up. She was afraid of Yu Zi’s purple qi, and did not dare to find Yu Ze. She returned to the hospital with resentment, staring resentfully at her parents who were lying sick on the hospital bed, her pupils red.

Why do parents treat her this way? Because she is a girl, born to lose money? Why didn’t they look at her straight from childhood? Why doesn’t she get a good face no matter what she does? Why was she sold in exchange for family happiness? Did they know that the feeling of being sealed in the cement was so cold? The feeling of suffocation is uncomfortable. Do they know that she is so noisy just to make them regret it and make them look at her with a distressed look, but why can’t she ever get what she wants?

Liu Qiao walked towards his parents step by step, standing between their two beds, spreading their hands, covering their mouths and noses one by one, and watching the two old men’s eyes staring out of his eyes, his limbs trying to Struggling, the painful features were distorted, like the expression before her death, and the corner of her mouth gradually evoked a weird arc. At this moment, I was so happy.

The next day, the nurses found that the pair died on the bed during a rounds check. After the forensic examination, they died of suffocation. Strangely, after checking and monitoring, no one came in this ward.

Fortunately, since the death of the pair of old men, Gu Ye never felt Liu Qiao’s ghostly spirit, and the master who had the idea to find a living person to be an in-law was also sentenced. The next day was calm and calm, and Gu Ye sprinted before the college entrance examination.

As soon as Zhao Pengyu was involved in Yu Ze, it spread quickly in the giant circles. Many famous masters could not solve the problem, but Gu Ye, an 18-year-old child, solved it. Gu Jia’s third son returned to his home to heal his brain, not only won the first place, but also fortune-telling?

The giant circles feel that it is too fantasy and impossible! Until he heard rumors again, Zhao Pengyu’s parents visited Gu Decheng in person, and then they believed the rumor. They were all shocked. Has the third child of the Gu family kept hiding for 18 years? A child, why is there such a deep mind? What did Mrs. Gu do to him, forcing him to look like this? Imperceptibly, the young stepmother’s strength is a shame.

Gu Decheng is worried about another thing. Many people say that Mr. Feng Shui or fortune teller, how many of his life is short of things, Gu Ye has been engaged in this kind of things, the more accurate the more accurate, will it have an impact in the future? No matter how I think, I don’t feel secure.

“In the future, I still can’t let him do this,” Gu Decheng worried. “Choose a major for him, and he must not be involved in this area.”

Mrs. Gu, the stepmother, is also not good at making a decision for Gu Ye. He asked tentatively: “Or else, discuss with the boss and the second child? Didn’t they say they will stay for two days when the third child and the fourth child are away?”

Gu Decheng groaned, “If it doesn’t work, let the boss take him to study abroad. No one abroad believes him.”

Thinking of Gu Ye’s difficult temper, Mrs. Gu secretly hid all the valuable ornaments in the house. Gu Ye certainly didn’t listen to his dad’s arrangement. At that time, the boss and the second child also came back. Gu Ye’s dog temper dared to fight with the three of them. At that time, the family would definitely be a chicken flying dog. Mrs. Gu pondered for a moment, and the trembling and thrilling things were hidden.

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