I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 21 - Someone wants their whole family to die

Mrs. Zhao’s friend is named Wang, and Zhao Pengyu has been calling her aunt Wang. Aunt Wang’s own family background is very different from that of Mrs. Zhao, but the two of them actually played magically together when they were in college. They have maintained close friendship for so many years. The main reason is: this aunt Good character! Good-hearted, not to a friend, is a carefree female man, a female man who can cut his sword for friends. Later they got married well, and the couple were very capable, and they had little assets at home. I had always had a good time, and I do n’t know what happened recently.

As a reminder of Mrs. Zhao, Aunt Wang knew who she was talking about. “Will that sir, is that really the master Gu’s third master? Gu Decheng’s son?”

“Yes, especially god, so many masters have failed to save my son’s life. Gu Ye rescued Peng Yu as soon as he came. This child is not like the legend. His eyes have a god. A smile is good , Speaking is also polite. “In short, in Mrs. Zhao’s view, Gu Ye’s whole body is good and perfect.

Aunt Wang was still a little suspicious. “But so many people have reported that he has a bad brain. How can he forget it?”

“Before, I wanted to get my father’s attention. After all, his father was too busy to take care of him.” After all, there are so many things in the giants, there is a child pretending to be stupid for more than 20 years Well, the more money, the more people, the more complicated the family, the more trouble there is in the family. Madam Zhao is not a person who likes to inquire about gossip. She sees people and only believes in her eyes. For so many years, she has never seen the wrong person. “In short, this child is credible. If you believe me, look for him. If you don’t believe it, you just have to ask if you are free.”

As soon as Mrs. Zhao said so, her friend had no doubts. “Okay, I believe you. You can help me ask if he can come. Money is not a problem.”

At this time Gu Ye was lying at the door of the study. She looked poorly at Mrs. Gu who studied. Recently, Mrs. Gu began to learn to do business. The beauty shop she opened really made money. This made her more and more full of energy. Gu Ye afternoon Enough sleep, running to disturb her studies, annoying her.

“Mom, I have something, I don’t know if I should tell you.” Gu Ye lay at the door, and stopped talking.

When Mrs. Gu heard that he was in such a embarrassment, she reluctantly stopped what she was doing. “What’s wrong? Is it short of money?”

Gu Ye Moma went into the study, and then closed the door, aggrieved.

Mrs. Gu couldn’t help but stand up, “You won’t do anything bad, will you make your father angry?”

Gu Ye pursed his lips. “I recently watched my dad’s face and found that he will have a peach blossom in the past year.”

Mrs. Gu froze in her heart, “No way, your dad is sixty!”

“But he doesn’t look so old, he still has money!” Gu Ye pulled Madam Gu’s hand, his face was uneasy. “Mom, you can’t relax your vigilance. Is there still a few wealthy old men married to new wives?” I know my dad isn’t that kind of person. He can be affectionate to you, but he can’t hold the fox spirits together! I don’t want my mother, I’m nineteen. If I have a stepmother who is a few years older than me, my brother and I Schools can’t look up. “

Mrs. Gu suffocated, thinking of being green, and the violent soul flew two meters high, “Who dares?”

Gu Ye sank his face and filled with indignation. “Now many girls do n’t want to find a job after graduating from college. They are dedicated to the old man as a mistress. Say you have amnesia, do you say terrible? “

As soon as Mrs Gu thought, her face gradually became harder to look. Indeed, many such rumors were heard. Some old men were shameless, and they not only raised a little girl, but several. The old man in his family, even if he is sixty years old, does not yet have white hair, looks like a handsome uncle, has the demeanor of a mature man, and is also rich, which is exactly the goal of a poor girl.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and continued: “If this happens, who can control you? My elder brother will not go home once every six months, can my second brother manage it? He has not eaten a few bites of your meal. My brother was raised by you. We will give you care when you get old. Whoever dares to bully you will do it! “

Mrs. Gu was stunned by Gu Ye’s sudden confession. This sentence really pierced her heart, and she was moved to hug her son. “You said that, Mom is not worried about being old.” She was actually early I thought about this, and when they got old, Gu Decheng must have gone earlier than her. Her son was a stupid child who couldn’t help it, so he knew how to play. The boss and the second child are definitely the best mixed, but unfortunately do not have much affection for her, and the number of meetings is perfect, in fact, it is particularly alienated. If Gu Ye treats her well, the eldest brother and the second child look at the face of their younger brother, and they will not let go of her.

In this regard, Gu Ye didn’t lie to her. After all, she was raised by Mrs. Gu. Even if she is not bloody, Gu Ye wo n’t give up to Mrs. Gu as long as Mrs. Gu does n’t harm her. Duties of adopted children.

Now, Mrs. Gu was so moved by Gu Ye that she squinted her eyes and wondered how to beware of fox spirits, “You really counted your dad had a peach blossom for nearly a year?”

Gu Ye nodded, “Fortune tellers can’t lie.” I added in my heart: But my son can!

Mrs Gu lowered her face and vowed vowedly: “Okay, mother knows, she is really a good son of mother.”

Gu Ye felt guilty about her boasted heart and gave her mother a kneel in her heart. She silently promised that when you get old, I will give you countless of your favorite small money.

At this time Gu Ye saw Mrs. Gu’s face, and suddenly found a trace of unusualness. After seeing what it was, Gu Ye’s mouth twitched, and she said no! It ’s so bloody?

“What’s on my face?” Mrs. Gu covered her face and was a little scared when Gu Ye looked at it. Since knowing that Gu Ye will count, she only wants to hear good, not bad.

Gu Ye solemnly said, “Mom, you will get rich this year.”

Mrs. Gu picked the corner of her mouth, oh, suddenly she couldn’t control her joy.

Gu Ye continued: “Unfortunately, you have peach blossoms.”

Mrs Gu’s heart jumped, and she was anxious, “Can you still live this day?” The husband has Taohuayun, she has Taohuasha, and she wants to live well.

Gu Ye asked her with a distressed expression: “Don’t talk to a strange man. He doesn’t really like you. He was arranged to arrange for you.”

Mrs. Gu “understands in seconds”, her eyebrows look upright, she is domineering: “Want to pit my money, die this heart!”

Gu Ye smiled, and his mother was too cooperative. He thought about spending more on his tongue, but she didn’t expect her to think about money, which made her anxious.

“Just pay attention.” Gu Yexi opened the door. “I’m leaving. If you meet him, remember to tell me I’ll get him.”

Mrs. Gu sneered proudly, “Rest assured, your father has no chance to find you a mother, and no one can cheat my money, your mother will always be your mother.”

Gu Ye went out, turned back expressionlessly, and took it out of his pocket. When Mrs. Gu thought he was going to take out something to give her, Gu Ye pressed her **** and looked serious. Be careful, “Mom, come on, love you.”

Mrs Gu: “…”

This bear child!

Gu Ye turned back and almost couldn’t help it, she was so loud, her mother was so coquettish. After tonight, her mother must be in order to keep his wife, and not let his friend go abroad. When the wind blows in his ears, his dad will hesitate because his only weakness is that his ears are soft in front of his wife. As for that peach blossom, it’s actually a bad peach blossom. Since opening the beauty shop, Mrs. Gu’s maintenance is getting better and better, and she looks good and has rich money. Now it’s terrible. Whoever approaches her just wants to lie to her for money.

Thinking of the stability of the family, I can still have a good life after a little day, Gu Ye returned to his room in a good mood, hopped on the bed, hugged the pillow and laughed out: Perfect!

At this moment, the cell phone hummed under the pillow, Gu Ye took out a glance, it was Zhao Pengyu, and there were four missed calls. Gu Ye quickly answered, “Sorry, I didn’t bring my cell phone with me.”

“Fuck! I thought you were taken away by a female ghost!”

Gu Ye was speechless, “I’m not you.”

“Stop, don’t quarrel. I’ll tell you something serious. Will you be free tomorrow? I have an aunt who wants to invite you to check out Feng Shui. There have been a lot of things in her house recently.”

Gu Ye picked up the “Brushing Dog” on the bedside and said with a deep expression: “When you are free, you have to pay when you have time. How much money you have when you are free.”

Zhao Pengyu told his mother directly: “You say hello to my aunt Wang in advance. Gu Ye is doing charity recently. He needs money, he needs a lot of money.”

As soon as Mrs. Zhao heard it, she immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her friend. I can’t help but say a word to my son: “Gu Ye, then you, you.”

Zhao Pengyu was heartbroken, what happened to him? Speak up!

Zhao Pengyu and Gu Ye promised to pick him up at 9 am tomorrow and accompany him to Wang Shui’s house to watch Feng Shui. No one expected that it was just that night that something had happened to Aunt Wang’s house.

In the past three months, Aunt Wang’s house was really unlucky, and she had fallen out of blood. First of all, her husband’s business was damaged one after another, then his son was smashed by a flowerpot, and he lay on the bed for half a month. The girl went to climb a mountain with a friend, and encountered a landslide, and almost left Xiaoming there. Fatal things keep going, small things are not mentioned.

They also found a lot of gentlemen to show, the family changed from east to west, and also spent a lot of money. The first few days were effective, and the incident happened again a few days later.

On the night of the appointment with Gu Ye, her husband suddenly stopped braking on the way home, and the car flew down the bridge. If there were not many people around, the firemen would come in time and die.

As soon as the next day dawned, Aunt Wang couldn’t help but call Madam Zhao, and the collapse urged: “When is that little gentleman coming? Hurry up and show me what kind of Bodhisattva offended me, why? So bad luck! “

Gu Ye received a call from Zhao Pengyu and knew that his life was off. He had to stumble up and found himself to be the latest one in the family. The whole family has the habit of getting up early to exercise, Gu Ye suddenly felt that he was like a salted fish.

Gu Decheng looked at Gu Ye for a while with complex eyes, remembering those words that his wife said last night, and sighed. The eldest son is far away, and the second son does not often go home. He has two children around him. He will rush out one, and he may not be able to touch anyone in the future. In the future, he also wanted to be full of children and grandchildren, not to be an lonely old man.

Gu Decheng couldn’t help but called Gu Ye who was about to run, “Listen to your elder brother, you don’t want to study abroad with him?”

Gu Ye nodded smartly.

“Why, to be honest.”

Gu Ye hesitated and smiled, “I don’t have the ambition of the eldest brother or the second brother, nor their commercial talents, just leave them to Gu’s future. I just want to go home and see you often, after all, you It’s over sixty, and it’s almost time to retire. “

Gu Decheng did not expect that Gu Ye would say such a word. He almost moved his mind to say whatever he said. After calming down, he still kept his face cold and looked like a strict father to Gu Ye: “You stay In the country, you have to engage in feudal superstitions. You might as well go to practice with your elder brother abroad. I’m still young and I don’t need you to be filial.

Gu Ye smiled, “But your eyes told me not to leave ~ stay ~ can’t leave the old father!”

Gu Ye’s tone is as exaggerated as Er Kang’s retention of Lagerstroemia indica.

Gu Decheng blushed and uttered a sentence: “… Fart!”

Gu Ye jumped back exaggeratedly and said in horror: “You can even speak swear words! Too scary!”

At this moment, President Gu wanted to hit his son again. When Gu Ye didn’t like it, he ran away. Gu Decheng was so angry, but he lost all his temper. His mouth was hooked, he shook his head helplessly, and scolded: “This bear child!”

Before the breakfast was finished, Zhao Pengyu came to the door, thinking that the last time he wore was the same as the second force, and was reviewed by Brother Gu’s family. This time, Zhao Pengyu learned well, wore a British-style t-shirt, and wore a Plane glasses, fitted like a Xueba. Gu Decheng looked at him familiar, and subconsciously glanced at him one more time. Zhao Pengyu immediately showed his identity. Gu Decheng had seen his parents, both of whom were educated. According to Zhao’s family education, Zhao Pengyu should also be a good boy. When Zhao Pengyu said in earnest that Gu Ye was studying together, Gu’s father didn’t think much about it, and just let Gu Ye go.

After leaving the house, Zhao Pengyu took off his glasses and asked, “How is it? Buddies are pretty good.”

Gu Ye thought for a moment, one day his dad knew he was cheated, and what is the chance that he won’t talk about him? The answer is: zero.

Gu Ye was heartbroken and didn’t want to praise him.

Two hours later, I finally arrived at the neighborhood where Aunt Wang’s house is located. This is a high-level neighborhood with a quiet environment. The entire neighborhood is a six-story small building, and the second floor is a household. Generally, three households live in it, although it is not as good as the family. You can have such a big villa with Zhao family. You can also see from your residence that Aunt Wang’s family is also rich.

Zhao Pengyu whispered in the elevator: “Aunt Wang’s husband had a car accident last night and his life was almost gone. Aunt Wang collapsed last night. The two of them have a good relationship and a good temper.”

Gu Yecong entered the elevator, and his face was cold. “Aunt Wang lives on the third floor?”

Zhao Pengyu looked at Ye’s eyes as if looking at a fairy. “This can also be calculated? Buddy, you are too god!”

“It’s not counting, it’s watching.” Gu Ye’s tone was getting colder and colder, and Shen said, “This dark spirit is not a matter of feng shui, it’s a curse, and some people want their whole family to die. “

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