I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 4 - School violence

When Mrs. Gu returned home, Gu Ye and Gu Yang were packing their schoolbags. High school students were already in school. They were only allowed to go home once a month for only three days at a time, so they brought a lot of things.

Mrs. Gu checked the two’s bags, went to the kitchen, took a lot of jerky, fruits, bread, snacks, and stuffed them into their bags.

Gu Ye stunned Gu Yang’s schoolbag and muttered quietly: “I think there are more brothers than me.”

“Really?” Gu Yang looked dumbfounded and wanted to take out the comparison. Mrs. Gu patted his paw with annoyance, and slightly embarrassed Gu Ye with a bag of beef jerky. The college entrance examination, eat more, learn hard. “

Gu Ye contentedly lifted his schoolbag and said with a smile: “Thank you mom!”

This mom gave Mrs. Gu an expression, and her mood was a little complicated. Looking at Gu Ye’s smile, she couldn’t help but hooked her mouth and rubbed Gu Ye’s head. Study hard! Don’t let others say you’re stupid! “

Gu Yehan smiled and nodded, “Huh!”

“By the way, have you finished your homework for the winter vacation?” Mrs. Gu’s face was soft, but her mother and her son were filial piety, but Gu Yang’s face changed.

Mrs. Gu immediately dropped her face, “Not finished?”

Gu Yang scratched his head, playing hi, what was the homework and forgot.

“If you don’t do it, don’t do it,” Gu Ye touched his brother’s head, a solemn comfort: “Your stupid child has stupid blessing, you don’t need to study hard at all. You are also a life-threatening achievement, you ca n’t learn anything. Then don’t bother to learn. I’ll leave it to you, and this time you won’t scold you without doing your homework. “

Gu Yang lifted his head in an instant, beautiful.

Mrs Gu immediately turned her face, “You can’t learn well by yourself, and you can’t learn well with your brother!”

Gu Ye suddenly approached Gu Yang at this moment, looked at his brows, and was happy, “Oh, fourth, you are going to make a small fortune, rush to buy a lottery ticket, and you will definitely win.”

“Wow! I’ll go now!”

Before Mrs. Gu had finished speaking, Gu Yang had already run away and stomped his mum straight.

Gu Yang really bought a five-note lottery ticket back, which happened to be the draw date that night. After dinner, Gu Yang held the lottery ticket and raised his head reverently, with a serious thought: “Grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandma’s soul bless!” I looked at the door and found no one. I whispered: “Best brother!”

As a result, it really hit!

Gu Yang was excited at home and smashed Gu Ye’s door with excitement, “Brother! I won! I really won! Third prize! Five bets fifteen thousand!”

Although the family has money, the pocket money of several children of the Gu family is strictly controlled. It is impossible to take the money made by his father to pick up luxury cars and buy luxury goods. Gu Yang wants to buy a more expensive toy. Apply in advance and earn pocket money when you need to do housework at home when necessary. This is not a small amount of money for Gu Yang, but Gu Yang is so happy that he ca n’t shake his tail as a propeller and rush to Go to heaven, don’t want to sleep, just want waves.

Gu Ye was going to sleep after taking a bath. He opened the facade and looked at the crazy child’s face expressionlessly. “Shut up and go to sleep!”

Gu Yang was so shocked that he immediately left the lottery holding the lottery ticket.

Mrs. Gu on the first floor raised her eyebrows in surprise, did she really win? Is it true that the third child said that her red dress crossed the poor?


Early the next morning, Mrs. Gu wore a little yellow skirt differently from the past. Mei Dada came out of the kitchen with two bowls of noodles. When she saw the brothers come downstairs, she said gently, “One person, one bowl of noodles, and two eggs, Remember to take a hundred points for each test. “

Gu Ye: “Mom, you can’t get a hundred points for how much noodles and eggs you eat, because a hundred points has something to do with IQ.”

Mrs Gu: “… Shut up!”

Gu Ye sat down and looked at Gu Yang’s bowl again. “Mom, I think the egg in my brother’s bowl is bigger than mine.”

Mrs Gu pumped, “Nonsense! All four eggs are the same size this time!”

Gu Ye was satisfied. “That’s what I read wrong.”

Mrs Gu: “…”

Little **** hurried to school to harm others!

Before leaving, Gu Ye tucked a piece of rune paper into the mouth of two stone lions at the gate, and got into the car with a smile in the eyes of Mrs. Gu.

Gu Ye Gao San, Gu Yang Gao Yi, my brother was in a school but not on the same campus. Gu Yang got off the bus at the North Gate and happened to meet a good classmate. He pulled the suitcase like a large dog with the rope loose. , And the one who ran happily ran away.

Gu Ye shook her head with a smile, and then looked at school again, her eyes narrowed slightly. Before he entered the school gate, he felt a breath of yin and yang. The school has been built in a place with heavy yin since ancient times. It is necessary to use students’ yang to calm down evil spirits. Some yin is also normal. However, the yin is obviously not normal here, and there are hidden red grudges and black evil spirits.

At the North Gate, the driver stopped the car and helped Gu Ye take things off. “Three young people, I’ll put you in the doorman’s room. You have lunch at noon, remember to get them back to the dormitory.”

Gu Yehan smiled and said, “Okay, hard work.”

The driver’s uncle froze slightly, but Gu Ye would smile so brightly one day. Under the sun, the corner of the boy’s mouth is hooked, and the pretty eyes smile into a crescent moon. Long eyelashes are like a small fan, and a small shadow is cast on the white face, and the lips are red and white, and handsome.

Infected by his smile, the driver uncle happily shook his fist at Gu Ye, “Three young, come on!”

Gu Ye nodded, carrying his schoolbag on his back and entering the school. In fact, he had no choice but to live again and go through the college entrance examination again. How could life be so difficult?

As soon as Gu Ye entered the school, he stood at the window on the third floor of the teaching building, and a few students staring at the gate saw him.

“Tell the boss, master fool is here!”

“He even dared to sue his father, the boss who was killed was put in confinement for a winter vacation, but it was bad for him!”

“I promise, the boss will absolutely force him to pack him, and the pack will be obedient.”

When Qian Zhen heard the younger brother’s report, he grinned at the corners of his mouth, and said fiercely, “Damn! I dare to come here!”

Qian Zhen has always been the fifth high school bully. The fifth high school is indeed a well-known high school rate in the city, but there are still some unsuccessful. Qian Zhen is a leader among unsuccessful students. Fighting, fighting, He is familiar with smoking, drinking, and falling in love as long as he has nothing to do with studying.

He is also a local and has a wealthy family. Generally, students do n’t dare to mess with him. A rich second-generation such as Gu Ye can actually compete with him, even step on him, but he was persuaded by Qian Zhen. Extortion did not dare to squeak for half a year, and it was not seen by the family until he was hit.

Gu Decheng angrily, talked to Qian Zhen’s family, so Qian Zhen was locked up for a whole winter vacation, and now seeing Gu Ye coming, Qian Zhen was wicked to the gall, he took a breath from the winter vacation, but his mother found out It’s up!

When the classmates in the class heard Qian Zhen say this, they all sympathized with Gu Ye. Qian Zhen hated Gu Ye very much. This time Gu Ye was really miserable.

Gu Ye came to Class 6 classroom according to that vague memory. As soon as he entered the door, he was surrounded by several big men. Gu Ye raised her eyebrows, didn’t understand the meaning, and then was grabbed by a tall student and dragged out.

“Gu Ye, how dare you go back to sue! Have you ever thought about how you passed in the second half of the year?” Qian Zhen dragged Gu Ye into the toilet and slammed it against the wall fiercely. Just sturdy and scary. The brothers who came with him were also not short, all fleshy and looked super fierce.

Gu Ye later found out that he had been violent on campus, and Gu Ye was suddenly happy.

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