I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 18

When several Su Amen discussed the level-related incidents, it seemed to the primitive people that they didn’t know what messenger-specific language was being spoken.

The leader of Hillary waited for the messengers to finish talking, and then smiled to let everyone continue to eat.

No one dared to move the knife and fork.

Except threonine.

Suddenly all eyes looked at Su ammonia fork a lettuce, fork a bacon, fork a piece of meat that does not know anything, and fork a …


Someone swallowed.

Hou Lotte’s second move, he followed the ammonia slyly. The latter ate whatever he ate, and he didn’t listen to the primitive human leader Balili, who recommended the treasure honey chicken.

When others saw this, they followed.

Suddenly a strange scene formed on the dining table.

However, no matter how the eyes did not look at the treasure chicken in the middle, the scent was drilled into the nostrils and into every pore in the body.

Increasingly fragrant, more and more irresistible.

The faces of the people were sullen.

The hands with poor willpower were stretched out to the middle, and he was about to touch them. The fear of cannibalization awakened him, and he hurried back. But next time, he still couldn’t resist the temptation and stretched out his hand. It was sober soberness about to reach the destination and retracted.

Repeat this cycle.

A strange enthusiasm and pain mixed on their faces, especially those who had eaten Babao honey chicken, and even the muscles on their faces were about to twist.

The primitive people around turned a blind eye to this weird scene.

Su ammonia didn’t care much when she saw it. Only when someone really couldn’t resist the temptation-such as Meng Bao’s fat man-saw that a piece of chicken was about to be torn off, and Su ammonia seemed to inadvertently make a crisp sound between the knife and fork, to wake people up.

Come back and forth a few times, sister Tao they are sweating profusely.

“First of all, sir, if you have a way, use it quickly, everyone can’t bear it anymore.” Pingyang completely let go of that faint heart, and prayed.

Su ammonia is still not panic. “Don’t worry, it’s not time yet.”

Others could not do anything about Su ammonia. After being almost seduced by the aroma again, Shi Fei finally opened the book and took out one of the props.

-Sensory Deprivation Device.

The sensory deprivation device that was supposed to deal with the enemy was used on himself. Shi Fei didn’t even know if there were any side effects when using this. But now he only has this method, trying to peel off his sense of smell to resist the increasingly fragrant taste.

The other person saw it, and the brain full of aroma only sounded this stubble, and quickly opened the book, looking for the props available at the moment.

So Su ammonia watched them with a variety of props.

Sister Tao used a protective cover to cover herself and Zhou Tianxin. Pingyang took out a gas mask and didn’t know if it was useless. Lotte took out a light ball and did not know what it was. After asking about Su Ammonia, he shot it on himself and it looked quite useful.

What makes Su Ai most funny is Meng Bao, who has no good props.

The fat man looked around and found that no one helped him. Even Ping Yang, who had taken care of him before, stopped paying attention to him after he was exposed, and only racked his head to look at the poor resources in the book in an attempt to find a useful one.

There was nothing useful in the book, but he found a few cloves of garlic on the dining table.

As a result, a nostril blocked the garlic, and the fat man who could only breathe with his mouth open came out fresh.

Not to mention, at least the seductive aroma suddenly faded a lot.

Su ammonia looked interesting in this picture, and the leader looked angry.

But they can’t help it, they have to obey the rules.

So a complex dinner came to an end.

Several people in Pingyang were waiting for the time that Su Ai had said. They all thought that the story would be like the magic of Cinderella, and when the time was right, it would be the same. For example, the chicken that scared them.

However, no one thought that this magic would look like this!

As soon as the bell at 12 o’clock struck, several people in Pingyang had no time to fear the hordes of zombies around them, and they were attracted by the changes on the table.

The Babao honey chicken gradually grew bigger and bigger, and finally became Qi Weiqiang’s puppet corpse under the scared eyes of several people.


Okay, the evidence is conclusive, they really eat human corpses.

The only consolation is that Qi Weiqiang’s real body has disappeared from this level, and it is only a puppet that he has lost.

“No, no! Then the one we ate yesterday …” Shi Fei thought, his eyes grew more and more frightened.

By his reminder, Pingyang’s face became increasingly pale.

There were no dead people yesterday, but this dish still exists yesterday.

So who ate this dish yesterday, what did they eat in their stomachs?

“Look there!” Zhou Tianxin cried suddenly, pointing at the corner.

That place is used to dump the garbage they left over yesterday.

At the moment in the pile of garbage, something is changing rapidly. Those with good eyes can see that there are some bones.

-Chicken bones.

Chicken bones dangled together and stretched together. What finally appeared in front of everyone was the customs angel they were looking for!

Pingyang, Shi Fei and Meng Bao have no idea whether they should rejoice or continue to vomit.

The angel has found it, and they can clear the level, but this also means that what they ate yesterday was exactly this angel’s meat!

But there is still nothing to eat.

At least Tao Sister Zhou Tianxin and Hou Letian did not touch.

Seeing the angel appear at this moment, the three of them were in full joy, and they had to walk towards the angel’s side when stepping forward.

As long as they meet angels, they can submit customs clearance!

But they forgot that they had fallen into a circle of zombies.

The text is so large that for those present, it is just a two-word effort. The zombies were just awake, still a little shy, and their movements were not flexible. Even if the zombies were not far away from Pingyang, they only moved forward two or three steps.

“Fast defense!”

“What about the weapons, take them all out! Are there any weapons of mass destruction? Stop hiding and keep everyone here, everyone will die here!”

“Damn, it’s no wonder that the last batch of people couldn’t get through the customs! To find angels, you have to face up to this group of zombies. So many zombies are too late to hide, who will come forward ?!”

“This is really the most obvious contrast I’ve ever seen of angels and demons.”

The situation is urgent, and as they say, no one is hiding. Do n’t throw money out of the bright side of the dark side, which is extremely powerful. What guns, guns, and bullets are no longer cherished at this moment. There is a chaotic shot towards the surrounding.

Anyway, the zombies were crowded in a circle, and they didn’t worry about hitting.

Hou Letian threw a few bright arts, only to find that his boss had not yet acknowledged that he was standing still.

There is nothing to defend or resist at all!

“Boss Boss! Did you run out of weapons yesterday? Hurry up, I have a light scepter here for you to use. Although not offensive, it can also protect you from being bitten by zombies!”

One of the disadvantages of the lowest level of light spells is that they cannot move greatly when casting. Otherwise Hou Letian passed over to Su ammonia by himself.

Hou Letian’s cry made several other people see the status of Su ammonia.

Sister Tao gave a snoring sound and separated one from the double cannons in her hand, and she was going to pass it to Su ammonia.

Although this guy is mysterious and secretive, Anyway also provided them with key evidence for clearance. Sister Tao loved and hated clearly and didn’t mind helping him.

However threonine was confiscated.

Sister Tao raised her eyebrows, and if she didn’t know what to do, she would exit. Lotte was anxiously preparing to persuade.

Both stopped at the same time.

Not only these two people, but the others who were attentive to the zombies also couldn’t help but stop their movements and stared at Su A.

To be precise, it was looking at Su A’s hand.

Su ammonia’s hand was pressing a zombie’s head squarely, without moving, letting the zombie stretch his teeth and dance, just can’t touch the target!

This man was able to suppress the zombies with his bare hands! !! !!

Found this, several old players’ eyes were about to stare out.

However, Su A’s next move made them not only stare out their eyes, they couldn’t even close their chins!

Su Ai didn’t wear the title of Demon King, the hand holding the zombie couldn’t see how to move, a white light flashed, the zombie was gone, and a new treasure chest appeared on the ground.

And this is just a small appetizer.

Su Ai leaned forward and rushed into the zombies without hesitation.

The mood of worries of several people in Holotien had not yet risen, one after another the white light flashed, one after another, one after another, unexpectedly had some strange melodies.

I do n’t know what Su Ai did. The zombies all went to him, and Hou Letian, who was standing in the same place, was like a meal that had already been simmered. Compared with the braised pork just out of the oven, there was nothing at all. Attractive.

In the dark night with little starlight, the icy bonfire was swaying, making those dazzling and strange figures.

Su Ai’s figure was completely invisible at such a night, and was wrapped tightly by layers of zombies, and only the white light and treasure chests could let outsiders know his location.

“… Are I dreaming?” Even Sister Tao looked dull, and there was no disdain or impatience on her face, let alone others.

“Hey, what is it?”

“My mom! I heard for the first time that someone could deal with so many zombies on their own! I don’t know if the first few gods in the personal rankings can do this.”

“I’m afraid this is the great god? I can’t think of anyone else besides the great god.”

“… I only have one idea now. I can make a fool of being this little brother!” Of course, this is what Lotte said. He once again thanked his instincts, and even wondered if he would burn three pillars of worship for his instincts.

Although the great **** did not clearly affirm his younger brother’s status, he did not refute it.

When Lotte lacks everything, there is no lack of skin.

A few people who only looked at the attitude of the big brother even forgot that the clearance angel was next to them.

The author has something to say: coo …

Yesterday the last day of September, I forgot to ask the little angels to reward me with a little liquid qaq

Happy National Day, this is yesterday’s make up … Gu [poor baba jg]

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

String sound like 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

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