I Unknowingly Rejected My Favorite

Chapter 43: When Will You Be Ready?

༺ When Will You Be Ready? ༻

「He’s so annoying though.」

This was the first time I heard Oppa being so aggressive.

It felt so different from the time when he rejected me.

Back then, his voice sounded cold and indifferent, but this time, it sounded like he was venting his frustration from his chest.

Just a moment ago, there was a mushy atmosphere between us, but his words changed it in an instant.

「Huh? Why? Giyu is cool, though!」

Tomioka Giyu, one of the Hashira in Demon Slayer.

He was the main character’s senpai, and I really thought that he was cute and cool.

I always enjoyed it whenever he came out as he had a little bit of silliness in him, which made him seem human.

「Have you watched the movie?」

Oppa suddenly asked.

「I haven’t.」

「Sigh… No wonder.」

He sighed deeply and continued to lecture me in a sardonic tone.

「Watch it first.」

「I don’t think I’ll come to dislike him even if I do.」

「Either way, you still have to.」

He insisted, his tone was very firm.

「Well, let me finish watching this one first, then.」

Honestly, I enjoyed the series, so I woulda watched the movie even if he didn’t tell me.

[Mhm, just watch, you’ll definitely change your mind. If you’re a man, you won’t be able to stand him.]

Hearing his comment made me chuckle.

[Oppa, I’m a woman.]

[That goes for women too.]

A part of me wondered what part of the movie made him act like that, but another part of me was excited because I had discovered a new side of him. Let’s pry a little further, shall we~?

「By the way, Oppa.」


「You seem to like Demon Slayer quite a bit, huh?」

For a moment there, he went silent. Then, he let out a cough and cleared his throat.

「Ahem… khm…! Ah. Well, I enjoyed watching it.」

「So, who’s your favorite character?」

Since he went to such lengths, I wonder who his favorite is?


「Rengoku? That stupid guy?」

「…You only think that because you haven’t got far into the series yet.」

Earlier, he attacked me aggressively, but this time his reaction was rather weak.

「Really? Will he become cool later?」

「The word cool isn’t enough to describe him.」

「Oho… Go on…」

After a moment of silence, he added a short line.

「…I cried at the theater.」


I imagined him crying alone while watching an anime in the theater. So cute!

Crap, I couldn’t stop myself from grinning.

Seriously, Taemin oppa…

The more I got to know him, the more surprising side of him that I discovered.

And those things made me feel even more attracted to him.

「W-Why are you so quiet? This is so embarrassing.」

Did he know that I was covering my mouth to hide my grin right now?

His abashed voice came from the other side of the phone.

「Sorry! I was just imagining the scene and thought that it was funny.」

「No, Doah, seriously, if you immerse yourself in the story, you’ll cry too!」

「Sure, sure, I believe you. Want to watch it together with me?」

I sneakily set up a date.

This was the way of the pros! You set up a date in a natural way rather than randomly doing it for no reason!

I was proud of myself for being able to do this now that I had mastered Hanbit unnie’s Introduction to Dating.

And my date was Taemin Oppa, the most unconquerable man among men!

I was sure my move was pretty smooth, but….


His question drew a question mark over my head.

Wait, I just thought that it would be nice to do something together, but I hadn’t thought that far!

「Uh, where should we watch it?」

Well, the best option would be my house.

It would be most comfortable to watch it onNetflix on my laptop while reclining on my bed.

But I couldn’t just say that, could I?

Barely a week passed since he asked me to take things slowly.

If I were to ask him to come over again and ‘Netflix and Chill’, he might think of me as an easy slut.

「First of all, the screen has to be big.」


Having been thinking about the location, I blinked stupidly at Oppa’s words.


「You need a big screen to get the feels. Sob.」

I was thinking that we would be watching the movie on my tablet or laptop, so his words were completely unexpected to me.

[Maybe somewhere like a DVD bang?]

D-DVD bang?

W-Wasn’t that the kind of place where they usually did lewd stuff?

O-Or was I tripping?

Oblivious to my thoughts, Oppa shared his search results with me.

「There’s one at the back of the campus. We can go there and watch it.」

Seeing how casually he led the pace made me feel confused again.

「A-Ah… O-Okay… W-We’ll be going there…?」

「Well, I don’t know if it’s a good place or not, so I’ll look it up and get back to you later.」


「Alright, now, watch all the episodes first, then we’ll get to the movie, okay?」


「No, seriously, if you don’t do it, you won’t understand the story, so make sure to watch everything.」


「Good, now go and finish the series quickly.」

…Wait, was that it?

This was how our first call ended?

There was definitely something sweet between us in the beginning, but really? It ended like this?

「…So, what are you going to do now, Oppa?」

「Me? I’ll just do some other things on my phone and go to sleep, I guess?」

What about listening to each other’s voices until we fell asleep? Did he not want to do that?


「Yeah. Good night.」


「You too, Oppa.」

With that, I heard the beep that signaled the call was disconnected, I buried my face in my pillow.

“…Well, that wasn’t so bad, I guess…”

I managed to set up a date with him and I found out that he had an anime that he genuinely liked.

Of course, I wanted to talk a little more, but whatever.

We’d be calling each other until dawn a lot in the future anyway.

I’d be a thief if I tried getting everything at once.

Anyway, a DVD bang…

With a slightly heated face, I sent a DM to Hanbit unnie.

[Sensei, do you have any tips for a DVD bang date…?]

* * *

Monday morning.

As usual, there was that feeling of disappointment due to the passing weekend, but today was different.


Today was the first day of me commuting together with Doah.

Standing in front of the mirror, I fixed my outfit, although there wasn’t anything else to do.

Doah’s birthday would be this Friday.

With October coming to an end, the weather had started to move toward winter.

I grabbed my black coat, long enough to cover my pants’ pockets, and headed out the front door.

“Fuck, it’s so cold…”

We decided to meet in front at 9:40.

From here to school would take a ten minutes walk, so as long as Doah was on time, we’d arrive in time.


Her voice flowed through her bright red muffler.

“Huh, you’re so early.”

I left my house at 9:35, but Doah was already there.

“Since you were always the first to show up, I thought that I should be the one who comes first today, hehe~”

Her muffler covered her mouth, so I could only see her face from the nose up.

But, when she smiled, her eyes curved like a crescent moon. I found myself smiling back at her when I saw it.

“Alright… Shall we go?”


The two of us started walking side by side.

We made small talk as we made our way down the slope.

“You know, I think we need to figure out the world that we’re going to shoot on.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll do your workload for that, Oppa.”

“Huh? You sure?”

“I mean, you did the same at the beginning of the semester, right? I figured that I should at least pay you back…”

She didn’t really need to.

Wait, actually, wouldn’t it be better if she were the one who did it rather than me?

Like, she was the pro here.

It would also be much more efficient than me searching around.

“If you want to, go ahead… Let me know if you need help, okay?”

Of course, I couldn’t just say something like, ‘Alright, I’ll leave it to you then~’, so I gave her a polite reply.

“Uh… Oppa?”


“You know, about the place we were supposed to go.”

“The movie?”

Our new appointment.

Watching the Demon Slayer movie together.

She would enjoy it for sure.

I literally went to the theater to watch it and cried all by myself.

“Y-Yeah, u-um… Are we really going to watch it in that place…?”

Of course since the bigger the screen, the better your impression of the movie would be.

Without a second thought, I nodded vigorously.

“Yeah, of course.”

I even called the store owner to ask if the movie was available.

And the price was around 20,000 won.

Since it wasn’t much different from watching it in the theater, the price wasn’t that bad.

“B-But… I-Isn’t it a little too fast…”

Her voice suddenly faded to a muffled whisper.

Maybe she hadn’t finished watching the anime yet? Well, I could give her plenty of time.

“When will you be ready?”

Her ears were bright red. Maybe because of the cold.

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