I Unknowingly Rejected My Favorite

Chapter 60: Ugly Bitch

༺ Ugly Bitch ༻


Doah just sang a sweet new song for me.

Yes, she only sang a super short verse, but I had the feeling that it would make it to the top charts!

The composer was a real pro, dude really gave Doah the part that was perfect for her voice.

Ah, so exciting!


「Do you normally say I love you a lot, Oppa?」

Saying I love you? Me?

「Uh…barely, I guess?」

I was too embarrassed to even say those words to my parents.

Since I had never had a girlfriend until now, I had no one to say it to.

Obviously I wouldn’t say that to my guy friends.

「Then, how could you say those words so easily just now?」


Hearing the dissatisfaction in her voice, I instinctively knew I fucked up somehow.

「…I haven’t been saying it because I really wanted to wait for when the time was right.」

Every word that came out was laced with frustration.

「Now I feel disappointed…and annoyed…」

This time, she didn’t run away.

Instead, she told me her feelings honestly.

That was why I decided to give her a proper response.

「But, I wasn’t saying it for the sake of saying it.」

Those weren’t just empty words.

I really found her loveable, and that was my way of showing my support to her.

And while I never said those words out loud in real life, I typed them a whole bunch online.

「So, you’re trying to say that you’re telling Luka something that I haven’t even heard before?」

「But you’re Luka.」

Look, I could understand her feelings if I were praising other women or a popular idol right in front of her face.

Dense as I was, I knew that was rude.

But, I said those words to her this time…

I just expressed my support to Luka, why was I getting scolded for it? It was completely justified for me to feel like I was wronged.

「…But, I still don’t like it.」

「…I’m hanging up.」

She hung up without even hearing my reply.

On my phone screen, a red screen appeared, indicating that she really had ended the call.

Meanwhile on my PC monitor, there was a paused video with Luka winking at me.

“Ugh… I just got in trouble because of you, Luka-tan…”

I started writing up an apology to Doah. In the apology, my reason was because, ‘Luka is way too cute’.

* * *

Friday morning.

After washing up and getting dressed, I left the house ten minutes earlier than usual.

I didn’t want to go to school together with Oppa today.

The more I thought about it, the more resentful I became.

‘But you’re Luka’ he said. Ugh.

Like, seriously.

Just say my name properly instead of Luka!

Was it that hard to do?

I shoved my hands deep in my pockets as I kicked the innocent floor.

Honestly, what I wanted was for us to both say ‘I love you’ for the first time when the mood was right.

When the atmosphere between us grew more heated as we stared into each other’s eyes…

I’d never dated before, but surely scenes like that could happen in real life, right?

Also, I hated how he made excuses instead of apologizing when I told him that I was upset.

…What a jerk.

He texted me a few times, but I hadn’t read them yet.

I planned on talking to him after school ended though, or if he gave me a call before that.

Or maybe when my mood was better.

Of course I didn’t plan on breaking up over something trivial like this. Like they said, time heals all wounds, so waiting for a little while should fix it.

I arrived at the classroom earlier than usual.

There was still quite some time left before class started, so there were barely any other students here.

While waiting, I decided to browse the internet, so I took out my tablet after I was done taking out the stuff I needed for class.

“Are you Kim Doah?”

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over my desk.

The voice was unfamiliar, so I looked up to see who it was.

This was definitely the first time I’ve heard this person’s voice.

She was wearing a black leather jacket.

Her face was adorned by thick make-up, as if she was attending a huge event or something.

She called out my name again, and with a glance I could tell that she gave off a ‘Look at me, I’m great because I have a lot of followers on Instagram’ vibe.

“Hey. I asked if you’re Kim Doah.”

“Yes, I am.”

Her tone was pretty aggressive.

The blunt, informal speech irked me a little, but since she seemed like a sunbae, I replied to her politely.

She rolled her eyes up and down, as if scanning me.

After that she let out a giggle.


Ugh, I really hated the way she was addressing me.

Using ‘Hey’ to someone you just met for the first time? That was extremely rude.

“Stop trying to seduce Han Taemin.”

Suddenly, my boyfriend’s name came out of her mouth.

“Who are you even?”

Before replying to her properly, I wanted to know who she was first.

Like, seriously, what was wrong with her?

“You don’t even recognize your own sunbae from your own department? Seriously?”

What era did she think this was?

I didn’t even know how to respond to her condescending attitude.

Like, seriously? People were still acting like this in this day and age?

“I’ve never seen you before.”

“Park Jihee, class of ‘18”1T/N: In original sentence she just says 18, which in Korean sounds like Shibal (Fuck), so she’s trying to be very rude here.

“I see, that’s why.”

“Stop involving yourself with Han Taemin.”

I could feel the irritation that I felt this morning start to boil again.

“Excuse me, Sunbae-nim. I’ve never tried to seduce or force myself on Taemin oppa, not even once.”

Since I was so pissed off, I added one more thing to my words.

“And even if I was doing that, it isn’t any of your business, Unnie.”

“Ah, seriously, kids these days are so full of themselves.”

She looked as if she were staring at a disgusting bug.

As more students entered the class, I felt their attention focusing on us.

“Han Taemin and I are in that kind of relationship, so know your place, okay?”

Fully aware of the attention we were getting, she lowered her voice and whispered to my ear.

“Because Taemin really hates girls like you.”


What the hell was this woman even talking about?

Of course, I wasn’t suspicious of Oppa at all.

He watched my stream sixty hours a month, there was no way that he’d involve himself with a girl like this.

There was a part of me that seemed to believe what she was saying though, so I couldn’t really write it off as they didn’t know each other at all…

Because of this, I only got more and more confused. A list of questions grew inside my head.

“You shoulda told me that you’d be leaving early. Jeez.”

At that moment, a familiar voice came from behind me.

My dear boyfriend whom I had been ignoring.

“Huh? Taemin!”

The Sunbae named Jihee who had been glaring at me with an icy expression, now smiled brightly as she approached Oppa.

“What do you want?”

Now it was confirmed that they weren’t total strangers, but Oppa still responded to her greeting in a cold voice.

“Why are you here?”

“Hey, we haven’t seen each other for so long! Why are you so cold towards me?”

“What are you coming here for?”

So this was how he usually acted.

This was the Taemin oppa that most people at school knew.


His words lacked even the slightest bit of affection toward the Sunbae, and they shot straight to the point.

“Ah, I just heard that this girl has been causing you lots of trouble lately.”

She tilted her chin towards me, adding in a bunch of exaggerated gestures.

“I just wanted to warn her a bit, so you wouldn’t need to tire yourself out to deal with her.”

Oppa’s eyes widened as he turned to face me.

As if trying to confirm with me if her words were true or not.

I didn’t say anything and just sent him a piercing stare.

“…She never tired me out at all.”

After looking away from me, he turned to face her directly.

“Huh? What do you mean? There’s been rumors going around the school that say you’re stalking her or something.

“Haven’t you suffered through a lot because of her? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.

“I know you’ve been having troubles because you just returned from the military, so just tell me about it, I’ll gladly help you.”


Her hand that was reaching for Oppa’s shoulder didn’t end up touch his body.


Failing to reach its destination, her hand pathetically returned to its original position.

There was a slight red mark on the back of her hand.

“The reason I didn’t ask for your help is…”

His frightening expression made even me hold my breath.

Compared to when he usually looked at me, his expression looked completely unfamiliar.

“Because I don’t need your help.”


Her voice wasn’t the only thing that started to tremble, her eyes too.

“Also, who are you to warn Doah?”

As his words gradually became harsher, I noticed that he became angrier and angrier.

“Have I ever asked you to do it? No, I never did. And how could you even have the galls to tell her off without confirming whether the rumors are true or not? What if she’s actually the victim, huh?”

Realizing that she was backed into a corner, the Unnie realized that she couldn’t just brush everything off now, so she raised her voice.

“You were the one who said you hate annoying things! Especially rumors like that! That’s why I tried to help you out of the kindness of my heart! Why are you acting like this to me?!”

The tip of her angry index finger was pointed at my face.

“Doesn’t this worthless bitch keep on bothering you?”

Sunbae couldn’t continue speaking.

Because Oppa had grabbed her fingers.

“…Who the fuck are you to call my girlfriend worthless?”

Then, Oppa wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Apologize, you ugly bitch.”

…Actually, Oppa, the Unnie was really pretty, objectively speaking.

In any case, with that, our relationship became public knowledge.

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    T/N: In original sentence she just says 18, which in Korean sounds like Shibal (Fuck), so she’s trying to be very rude here.



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