I Unknowingly Rejected My Favorite

Chapter 62: I Want To Do It

༺ I Want To Do It ༻

A hectic week passed by.    

After a long wait, Saturday morning finally came.

There weren’t any classes today, but I still opened my eyes after hearing my alarm ring, groggily fumbling around, trying to find my phone.

Though I could hear it, for some reason I couldn’t find it.

So, in the end, I forced myself to get up and successfully turned it off.    



It was Saturday, why did I wake up so early?  

Ugh, I wanted to go back to sleep.

But, I couldn’t close my eyes again after forcefully opening it.

So, I half-heartedly tidied up my room.    

Before I started dating Doah, I wouldn’t even think about doing this.

But now, I pretty much had to because I wouldn’t know when she’d might visit my room, so I gave my all in cleaning it.  

I got rid of the crumbs in front of my computer, and the stray hair strands strewn here and there.     

After meticulously cleaning my room using the mini vacuum I barely used since I purchased it, I nodded in satisfaction.    


That should be enough to not get scolded by her if she were to come over right now.

After tossing the remaining laundry inside the laundry basket, I hopped back into bed before unlocking my phone.    

There weren’t any messages from Doah.     

She was probably still sleeping since it was early.     

Though, I did receive a message from someone. Someone who could make me frown just from seeing his name.

[Hey. Taemin, are the rumors true?]    

The message was sent after 2 am, so I hadn’t seen it yet.

As for the guy who sent it… it was Yoonje.   

[What rumor?]    

I could vaguely guess what he was referring to, but rumors often derailed from the truth.

Usually, they’d exaggerate the truth and mix something that was far from the truth inside.

Almost like a tumor.     

Surprisingly, Yoonje responded instantly even though it was early Saturday morning.   

[I heard you announced your relationship with Doah after cursing at Jihee?]    

What did I say? Really couldn’t trust those rumors.

[…I didn’t curse her.]    

[Really? But that’s what everyone said.]    

[I just said she was fucking ugly.]    

[Oh lmaooooo. I really like your style.]  

[Who told you that?]    

I knew Yoonje caught wind of rumors quickly, but this was unusually quick even for him.

[Our class’s group chat is going crazy with stories about your girlfriend lmao]      

Even though we were in the same class, I wasn’t part of the group chat.   

[Damn, you pretended that you had no interest in her at all, but you confessed to her anyways! Haha!]

…I wanted to retort those words, but my fingers refused to budge. 

No, rather than that, it was more fitting to say that they couldn’t move.

Because his words were very close to the truth.     


I responded embarrassedly.     

[Hahahahahhahahah Jihee is fucking pissed right now, huh?]    

[…It’s her fault for picking on Doah.]    

[Oh~ Taemin~ Look at you, defending your girlfriend.]    

Seriously, didn’t he have something better to do? This was the weekend, why was he replying to my texts so quickly?  

[Anyways, congrats on finding a girlfriend. I thought you were gonna cosplay as Prince Charming until you graduated.]    

…Oh, shut it.

What kind of Prince Charming would watch a Vtuber while munching on snacks?

[Alright. Thanks. I’m going back to sleep.]    

[Alright haha. See you at school.]    

When my conversation with Yoonje came to a close, I let out a deep sigh.    

…More rumors, huh?    

Listening to rumors from someone else’s mouth always gave me a strange feeling. 

It felt like shooting someone to make sure they were dead.

Definitely not a particularly satisfying sensation.    

Park Jihee…    

Even after I returned to school, she appeared when I least expected it.    

She was the kind of girl I absolutely loathe.

Especially her insincere laughters, I couldn’t stand hearing it at all.   

Couldn’t she just leave me alone after I rejected her? Instead, she kept on approaching me like a fly.

Asking me things like if I have any intention of dating anyone, or if I felt lonely as of late.     

I even gave her curt responses and left her on read, but she was still so persistent.

Well, normal people would probably yield after that much, but not for me.     

I had no intention whatsoever to feed her ego.

Besides, I knew that dating her so half-heartedly wouldn’t lead to a good ending.     

The moment that she found out I spent sixty hours a month watching a vtuber would be the moment she abandoned me without a second thought.


Thinking about her so early in the morning made me feel down, so I unlocked my phone and gave Doah a call.

She said I was free to call her anytime.     

Normally I wouldn’t call her and let her sleep in. However, she gave me permission, so, fuck it.


「Hgnh… hello.」    

From her voice, it was clear that she had just woken up.   

As expected, she had been sleeping.

「Ah. Sorry I woke you up.」    

Now, I felt guilty for unnecessarily calling her, so I tried to end the call, but she immediately prevented me from doing so. 

「Ungh…hmmm, it’s fine…Don’t hang up…」    

That casual tone of hers…mixed with her drowsy voice…my heart was melting…

It was so cute, I couldn’t help but gradually want to tease her.    



「Try talking to me casually again.」     

「I don’t wanna…」    

「I’ll hang up if you don’t.」    

「Noo… Don’t…」    

She really didn’t want me to hang up that badly, huh? 

「Are you going to karaoke today?」    

I brought up our unfinished conversation from yesterday.  

Whilst talking on the phone about what song she would sing for me in exchange for $5, we fell asleep. We hadn’t yet been able to set a specific time, only promising each other that we would go eventually.    


「With who?」    

Ah. This felt kind of disgusting.    

I was the one who asked, but I also felt disgusted about it, but well…   

She was my girlfriend, so this much clinginess should be okay, no?    

「…With Oppa.」    

「Which Oppa?」    

「My boyfriend…」    

My lips began to wriggle in joy. 

I wanted to see how she looked now.

「Then shall we go later?」     


「Do you want to sing with your Oppa, Doah?」    

「Yeah…I do…」    

Alright, that was enough teasing.    

「I’ll message you the details then. Get some sleep and call me back later.」     


As time passed, all I could hear was the sounds of her breathing.     

After confirming Doah had fallen asleep, I stretched my body happily.    

So this was why people always made a fuss about getting into a relationship.

* * *

Huh? What was that?

I opened my eyes, confirming that there was no one else beside me and let out a sigh of relief.

That was…a dream, right?  

The dream was so vivid, to the point that a drop of sweat dripped down my forehead.

It was also really bizarre.  

That was the first time I had ever dreamt like that in my whole life.

I ran a finger across my lower lip.    


With hazy eyes, Taemin-oppa was feverishly plundering my lips.     

Like an affectionate beast, he licked both my upper and lower lip one by one before shoving his tongue into my mouth without hesitation.    

Our saliva became increasingly entangled.     

The silver colored saliva that connected us failed to resist gravity, leaving a scandalous mark on our clothing.    

It was lewd…and almost vulgar…    

It was only a dream, but the fact that I even dreamed such a thing was embarrassing!

Seriously, Kim Doah, were you a pervert?!

Why were you dreaming about something like that?!     

I heard from somewhere that dreams were reflections of one’s subconscious desire— No, no way! 

Forget about it! The feeling should go away after I talk with Oppa!

He was someone without a desire for physical affection.     

Even Hanbit unnie asked me if he was a eunuch.     

And so, I decided to make a morning call to him, but…the chat log looked strange…?

…I made a call in the morning?    

I didn’t remember anything whatsoever.    

The log showed that I called Oppa for eleven minutes and twenty seven seconds, but I couldn’t recall any of it even happening.

It seemed like he called me first, which was nice, but…  

…I didn’t say anything weird, did I?     

That dream of mine kept throwing my mind into the gutter!

Pretty sure I said something like, ‘No, don’t touch me there~’ in my dream…

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I got, so I decided to just give him a call instead.

Yeah, I just needed to ask him.

The phone ringing seemed to take unusually long today.

After around 10 seconds had passed, Oppa finally picked up the phone.    



「Oh. Are you awake now?」    

Hearing his calm tone made my heart at ease.

It was like nothing had changed.    

「Yes. Just a little bit ago.」    

「That’s great. Did you see the text I sent?」    


Did he text me or something?    

As I gave off an air of confusion, Oppa laughed awkwardly before replying.     

「Yeah…you said you wanted to keep doing what we were doing earlier.」    

Do…do what?    

「You seemed to really love it too.」    

Almost instantly my whole body went numb.

…What on earth did you say to him, Kim Doah?    

But I was too afraid to actually ask that question.

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