I Unknowingly Rejected My Favorite

Chapter 88: Dirty Thoughts

“That’s all.”

The moment Junseok took his lips off the microphone, applause poured in.

But, the important thing here wasn’t the applause, but the professor’s reaction.

Only when I saw the professor clapping like the other students did I let out a sigh of relief inwardly.

At the very least, we nailed the basics, I guess.

“I was quite worried for this group, since the technique they proposed was quite new, but wow, this is brilliant.”

Doah and I made eye contact after seeing the professor’s satisfied smile before lightly nodding to each other.

“Putting aside the VR medium for a bit, the filming technique was excellent, everyone here would agree with me.”

“While it’s still faithfully following the style of advertisements we’ve seen a lot before, it still gives us a fresh feeling.”

“I have to praise them highly for their willingness to take on such a challenge.”

“But, I do have to point out something that I wish was improved on…”

As expected of a professor, I guess.

There was no way he’d be a yes-man who’d just say everything was good.

After receiving his feedback on what would have been better if we focused on which part, we thanked him and returned to our seats.

“Phew, it’s over.”

As if he was sweating from nervousness, Junseok wiped his forehead, letting out a relieved voice.

“Hey, good work everyone.”

“It was no big deal. At the very least, the professor seemed to like it.”


From next to him, Minji chimed in.

Our group sat at the very back corner of the lecture hall.

I felt sorry for the other presenters, but we were too busy whispering and chatting among ourselves to listen to them.

“Alright, we’ll meet up later at four then?”

“That sounds like a good time to eat.”

Because Doah had a stream at eight tonight, we ended up deciding to meet at that time.

“...Is it okay for you to drink?”

When I looked at my dear girlfriend with worry, she made a circle with her fingers.

“Just a little should be fine.”

Not much time had passed since her streaming incident, so I was genuinely worried about her.

It wasn’t like I didn’t believe that she could handle it well, I was just trying to eliminate any potential controversy at its source.

As I rested my chin, staring at the screen, the presentations were over before I knew it, and the professor came up to the podium again.

“Alright, with this, we will wrap up the advertisement planning course.”

“This semester’s performance seems to have improved a lot compared to last year overall.”

“I hope that what you have learned in this course will be helpful for your job or for elsewhere, really. Now, I will end our course here.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Thank you!”

“Thank you for everything!”

As soon as the professor’s remarks that signaled the end of the semester finished, the sound of chairs being pushed back filled the lecture hall.

We went outside, then discussed our plans in more detail in the hall on the first floor.

“It’s one already, what should we do?”

Junseok asked after he checked the time on his phone.

“I have a liberal arts lecture in thirty minutes, I’ll come over after I’m done with that, okay?”

Minji had a class to attend to, while I didn’t have anything in mind, so I just gave Doah a blank stare.

“Why don’t we just head home then come back later?”

Doah looked at me, asking if her idea was fine. I just nodded my head.

“Alright, Hanseong Pocha at four. We’ll meet there.”

“Yeah, we’ll be off first then.”

I placed my hand on Doah’s shoulder and said goodbye to them, then we each went our separate ways.

“Oppa, do you think we’ll get an A?”

Doah must have been satisfied with the professor’s evaluation, since her smile hadn’t left her face.

“Right… Maybe…? I don’t know.”

Honestly, I wasn’t sure.

Because the other groups also received a lot of good comments from him, it was hard to predict what our grades would be.

“Ah… Still, I think the video came out really well. Hehe~”

There was a reason why Junseok said that he’d treat Doah to drinks.

It was her who stepped up and carried us through the finishing line.

Like, I myself only did the editing, while Doah was practically the film director for our project.

“You did well.”

When I stretched her adorable cheeks, Doah’s face became very much like the PArmySqueeze.

“Ow. Stwop it!”

So cute.

Hearing her saying it just made me want to do it more.

I only stopped after she slapped my forearm several times. Red marks remained on her face, who knows they were there because of the cold or because of me, though.


While touching her cheek with her small hand, as if they were hurting badly, she glared at me.

Damn, even that glare was cute.

Then again, whatever it was that she did, she looked cute to me.

Before we knew it, we had already arrived in front of her house and she suggested that we hang out there before leaving together.

-Beep beep beep beep

That was the sound of the passcode being entered.

When Doah gestured for me to follow her inside, I entered her room.

I always felt it, but Doah’s house seemed to have a fragrant scent.

“Oppa, I’m gonna change my clothes and come back here, okay?”

Taking off her coat, she opened the drawer and took out her comfy clothes.

“Alright, I’ll just sit here.”

As she went to the bathroom, I used my left arm as a support to lean on the bed.


I felt a rough texture against my fingertips.

This was a blanket? Didn’t feel like it.

Curious about what it was, I fumbled with my hand and realized it was the string of something, so I pulled it out to see.

And that curiosity of mine created a scene that was out of a manhwa.

It was light pink underwear.

More specifically, it was the bra that she had been wearing and the thing that I grabbed was its string.

And, as you had guessed, at that timing…


Doah, who had changed into her sweats, looked at me with cold eyes.

“What are you doing?”

Uh, holding your bra with my hands?

While you were watching, I guess…

“Ah... That’s...”


She hit the top of my head with fist.

It hurt a lot, so I knew that she definitely wasn’t holding back. Still, I didn’t know how to react to that.

“What are you doing to someone’s underwear?!”

“No! Wait! This isn’t—! It was on the bed, so I was wondering what it was…!”

“If you knew it was my underwear, you shoulda put it back and played dumb! Why did you keep on playing around with it?!”

Now, that was just unfair!

Too fucking unfair!

“I literally was about to put it back like you said… It wasn’t like I got any weird ideas or anything…”

The way her eyebrows furrowed told me that I fumbled in my word choices.

“...You didn’t get any weird ideas?”

“Yeah! I swear on my life, not even one percent!”

She suddenly bit her lip really hard and pushed my shoulder.

That unexpected attack was enough to break my center of gravity.

My upper body fell onto the bed as I looked up at her with a puzzled expression.

Doah looked down at me, and then…


…she climbed on top of me.

Her butt rested on my pelvis.

Noticing how embarrassing our position was, I inadvertently turned my head the other way.

“Uh... Doah...?”

“Why weren’t you getting any weird ideas?”

As if my answer didn’t please her, Doah’s hand turned my face back towards her.


No matter how much I shouldn’t equate Doah with Luka, Luka was an inviolable territory for me.

Since making lewd jokes or doing something that crossed the line with Luka would earn me a permanent ban…

And I had no intention of destroying my precious mental sanctuary with my own hands…

My mind went in an obvious direction.

Which was, I shouldn’t be thinking about weird things.

The problem here was that for some reason, I kept thinking this way without realizing it when I was with Doah.

It was hard to explain this in words, I didn’t seem to be able to organize my thoughts.

“So? What’s your answer?”

It felt like her gaze was constricting me, demanding my answer.


I pushed myself up, figuring that it would be better for me to apologize than giving her a clumsy answer.

With that, the two of us ended up sitting face-to-face really close.

Not expecting me to get up, Doah’s shoulders trembled and she pulled her upper body back slightly.


Ugh, what should I even…?

Would it be right of me to say it this way?

Couldn’t I think of something else to say?

But, if she disliked it, I should fix it, no…?

“I’ll do it.”


Maybe because I left out too many words.

Doah’s face turned bright red.


She was the one who boldly got on top of me.

How ironic that she became all nervous now.

I reached out and wrapped my arm behind her waist.

Her posture looked way too seductive.

Thanks to that, the distance between the two of us grew even closer.

It felt like she could even hear my heartbeat clearly.

You know what? I’d just say it.

Now, it was my turn to properly express my feelings for her.

It felt like my head was heating up, but that didn’t deter me from slowly opening my mouth.

“Um... From now on, I’ll start having dirty thoughts about you.”

Her face turned so red that it seemed it was about to explode.



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