I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 163: Witch and Monster

In a certain canyon in the Kingdom of Ghosts, you can see a simple shrine located in it.

And there are many soldiers with swords guarding in front of the shrine.

"Look, something is flying over?"

"Wait, there seems to be two."


The soldiers strictly guarded the shrine. Suddenly, someone looked at the sky in the distance in shock.

In the sight of the soldiers, two figures were flying rapidly in the distant sky, and then they dived into the canyon and landed in front of the shrine.


The soldiers' expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly drew their swords, looking at the two people who landed on the opposite side in surprise.

But when they saw the appearance of the two people opposite them, especially the women among them, the soldiers immediately changed their attitude, from the original surprise to a respectful salute.


The soldiers quickly knelt down and saluted the woman opposite.

"Get up!"

The one the soldiers called Miko-sama was a beautiful woman with long flaxen hair and a crown on her head.

Her name is Maitreya.

Facing the soldiers' salutes, Maitreya adjusted his mentality and immediately returned to his usual grace. He gently raised his right hand to signal the soldiers to stand up.

The soldiers stood up obediently.

At the same time, when they looked at Miroku, they subconsciously glanced at Naraku who was standing next to Miroku.

That's right.

Miroku is a witch from the land of ghosts, and Naraku comes with her.

To be precise, Naraku came with Maitreya.

"You guys retreat first, I'm here to deal with the monsters." Maitreya immediately ordered as the soldiers stood up.


The soldiers were startled at first, and then respectfully retreated.

It is obvious that Miroku, a miko, has a transcendent status in the Kingdom of Demons, and her status is not even inferior to that of the daimyo of the Kingdom of Demons.

Especially the soldiers guarding the monsters obeyed Maitreya's words.

"This is the place where monsters are sealed, but I want to remind you again that monsters are not as easy to deal with as you think. Once you undo its seal, the world will inevitably fall into a crisis of destruction."

After the soldiers moved away, Miroku turned to Naraku beside him to persuade him.

She was captured.

And when he revealed the whereabouts of the demon, he also recognized Naraku's identity.

But even though Naraku was a famous and powerful man in the ninja world, she didn't think Naraku would be a match for the monsters.

Maitreya became worried when he thought about the possibility that the demon would be released from the seal next.

Naraku glanced sideways at the other person: "Really? You said that, but I want to see it even more."

While speaking, Naraku raised his hand and waved, and invisible gravity swept out immediately.

Boom! ! !

The shrine was crushed and collapsed by the gravity impact, exposing the cliff wall behind the shrine.

You can see a gate on the cliff wall.

Gravity struck again, and the door instantly exploded, revealing a dark palace inside.

Naraku ignored Maitreya and stepped forward into the palace.

Behind, Miroku saw that his persuasion was useless, gritted his teeth and followed Naraku's footsteps.

If the other party insisted on breaking the demon's seal, she would have no choice but to fight to the death.

If the other party failed to restrain the demon in the end, she could only try to see if she could seal the demon again.

Even if the price may be his own death.

"It's a pity that I don't have any descendants, otherwise even if I die, it might not be a good ending."

Following Naraku into the palace, Maitreya couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The fate of their lineage of witches, starting from stealing the power of monsters, is destined to be entangled with monsters endlessly.

Given the choice, Maitreya naturally doesn't want to die.

But now there is no choice.

With her power, even if she succeeded in sealing the demon again, she would still have to pay the price with her life.

Maitreya's only regret now is that he left no descendants.

Once she dies, the miko lineage will be cut off.

I just thought that even if I left my bloodline, my heirs would continue to be entangled with the monsters.

Maitreya suddenly felt that ending the line of miko by himself might not be a good ending.

The fear in his heart made Maitreya think wildly.

Unknowingly, when he came back to his senses, Maitreya found that he had followed Naraku through the dark palace and came to a wonderful space.

The palace is not the end. After passing through the palace, it seems that you are greeted by another space.

In this space, there is a road leading to a stone gate, and on both sides of the road, there are dense stone statues.

"These are the spies' undead legions. Once the spies are freed from the seal, the other side can awaken these stone statues and transform into an unkillable army."

After regaining consciousness, Maitreya first looked at the stone door at the end of the passage with fear, and then he tried to persuade Naraku again, pointing to the stone statue below to explain.

Naraku glanced at the many stone statues below that looked like terracotta warriors and horses. He didn't pay attention at all. He raised his hand and blasted out gravity waves.

Boom! ! !

The invisible gravity wave was like a heavy hammer, hitting the stone door on the opposite side.

A sealing spell was placed on the stone door.

But when faced with the unparalleled gravity wave, the stone door immediately cracked with a deafening roar, and then exploded.

Roar! ! !

The moment the stone door exploded, a roar came from the dark space inside the stone door.

The next second, a dark purple dragon-shaped energy flew out from it, striking at Naraku and Maitreya with astonishing momentum.


To be more precise, it pounced on Maitreya.


The dragon-shaped energy was very fast, but Naraku was faster.

Halfway through the dragon-shaped energy, the surging gravity wave had already swept out first.

In the violent collision, the dragon-shaped energy was intercepted and knocked away by the gravity wave, turning into a twisted energy ball and returning to the sky above the stone gate.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

A roar came from the twisted energy ball.

The energy ball was the Wuliang.

It originally wanted to seize Maitreya's body unexpectedly, so as to take back its power stolen by the witch lineage.

Now that it was destroyed by Naraku, the Wuliang was immediately enraged and prepared to kill Naraku first and then take back its own power.

In the roar, the twisted energy ball emitted a dark purple light circle, which quickly radiated the entire space.


Countless stone statues at the bottom of the space were covered by the light circle.

In an instant, these stone statues seemed to be injected with life, and they all held spears and rushed towards Naraku at the entrance.


He glanced at the stone statues that were rushing towards him indifferently, and violent gravity instantly fell from the sky and pressed on all the stone statues.

A deafening roar echoed.

All the stone statues fell to the ground together, and were even quickly crushed into gravel under the constant pressure of gravity.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that his undead army was suppressed, Wuliang was shocked and angry, and immediately extended nine dragon heads.

Opened his mouth.

The nine dragon heads gathered energy together and fiercely sprayed fierce energy waves towards Naraku.

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