I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 108

Receptionist Third Year Edition/Games Day 1

Dolan has relatively more sunny days than other countries, and rainy days are less year-round.

It’s not a very good thing because it takes rain for the crops to grow, but I still like sunny days because when there are any special events or festivals I appreciate them without obstacles.

They say the rain contains special ingredients, completely different from the water the wizards put out.

They say that the ingredients have a role to play in revitalizing plants and soil, like a growth agent, and sprinkling magically put out water in a dried field just to get wet doesn’t make sense.

But the combination of the wizard of water and the magic of the wizard of the earth, especially the water, seems to be able to reproduce its ingredients brilliantly, and we often see it sold in larger bottles in markets and grocery stores.

With that said, I’ve heard the western mountains are managed by water wizards, but I guess they’re left to include that.

Now let’s get back to work by the end of the rain rigging.

Even today, under the blue sky of Dolan, which was blessed with sunny weather, people were pushing from all over the continent to the island of the arena.

Different races, from the audience to the aristocrats to the demons, are disturbed.

Knowing or not that it was said to be the kingdom of flowers, this island, created of stone, bricks and iron, had tried to dispel its inorganic feel, growing from where flowers and plants seemed to have been bloomed by the wizards of the earth.

Even though it’s not flower season yet, it feels weird because it’s like flower season.

“There, where it fell out -!


Riding on Lara’s back, she passes over a colony with no ceiling.

It’s almost filled up to the fifth floor of the audience, and if today’s ceremony alone is going to be like this, it’s going to be a bitter laugh to see how many people are coming tomorrow.

Please don’t let anyone blur in safely.

We passed the arena and reached the other side.

Jump off Lara’s back and ask her to be about the size of a palm. Let’s get him on the shoulder.

The receptionist over here was still full of people.

The reception of participants runs until noon today. Until the Great Saint’s bell rings.

We’ve got three more hours, but there will still be a six-party group of participants hoping.

“So one more is behind.”

“We can’t register until we have all six people, so please do it after we have them.”

“Which one of you will be ice shaped?

“I’m the ice shaped!

“Semeion spell, please”


Take a good look at the long queues of three rows.

There are two types of reception at the tournament, one that I was just doing and the other that accepts participants.

Of course it is for the audience to accept a large number of people, but apparently it is the receptionist here who seems to have both a single habit and a lid habit.

It looks like there are 30% of groups that can’t be accepted either way, such as a group that tries to go through it willingly, even if it’s not ice shaped, but a wizard that lies and tries to join in, even though it’s basic after all six of us.

I don’t know if I should give up because I’m a good adult, but when I see a fake ice man crying, who forcefully theorizes that I’ve worked desperately hard to get out of this in the last five years, I don’t have to wonder if I should let even five of them out, but the seniors are kicking me all the way because I have to abide by the rules. Exactly.

After five years of hard work in the first place, what is it about lying and naming ice shapes on the day?

You would be in the wrong direction to work hard. Somebody let him know.

“Oh good, nanary! Can you sign up with me?


Speak to those in the back row who were jammed in turn and put the registration form on the empty table to take their seats.

There are three things to do for participants.

Whether there are six of them.

Have the semeion activated and whether it is really a seperate type of six.

Name, date of birth.

This signature is mandatory because only adults over the age of eighteen, that is, men and women who are adults, can participate in the competition.

The information written on the registration form is also used in later matches, and it is automatically a magic contract, so if you fill in a false age even though you are under eighteen, it will not be arranged on the matches table.

It would be the same if you tried to delude your age even if you were eighteen years old or older.

I also started accepting newly formed rows of seniors and people from the kingdom courtroom looking out for tequila and troublesome participants.

“The name of the group is Lost Avantio.”


“Semeion spells in order from left, please”

Six people side by side in front of the reception desk, offering one hand to me.

If the spells are cast from the left in turn, the six shapes are splendidly separate.

After I say thank you, I’ll give you a registration form and ask you to fill out each one of your own names, and also write down your age and shape.

“Now that you’re registered, please proceed to the back. It leads from the entrance behind me to the runner-up seat on the ground floor. It’s crowded, so pack it from the back and sit down. This is the guide diagram.”

“Yay! Thank you, sister!

“Go and come!

I see them walking in energetically and registering with the next group and the next group.

Fortunately, no one is trying to cheat, just not enough people but can I participate? There were many groups asking.

Most people go home and give up if they can’t help it, even if they can complain with crying eyes that they don’t have ice shapes.

I’m putting in a processed registry in the box that I keep between the reception desk next door, wondering if there’s that much ice, so I peeked there and checked, and it still didn’t fill a third of the box. I think it’s about 50 pairs.

Few participants have come from all over the continent.

Then I plugged it to the end, and there were only about three more pairs in my row.

Where one adjacent court person was in charge, a group of Hare Magic Station had registered until earlier.

It seems that Mr. Arquez has fallen asleep, and Zozo was frightened as he poked at him in a hurry in critical time. I remember being scolded by another senior who was in the tournament as well as not feeling motivated at all.

She apologized in a smaller voice even though Mr. Arquez was older when he walked into the back entrance to see if he was narrow shoulders with two men of four women. Where did the usual majesty and sloppiness go?

I couldn’t even see the Satanists, but maybe it was already over before I came.

“The name of the group is Knights of Vestanu.”

Refresh your mind and face the next set.

A mixed pair of six men and women wearing loose and green knight clothes. Read out the name of the group you asked me to do a semeion and fill out the registration form, and look at them again.

“Thanks -… oops? Ma’am, I’ve seen it.”


That’s what a man with loess hair tells me. I was wondering if we’d met somewhere before. If you double-checked the registration form, what’s your name… Bolizley?

Look at the name written on the registration form and round your eyes.

Knights of Vestanu. Bolizley.

If they name me that much, I’ll probably know who this guy is already.

He is a super super super amazing wizard who was also chosen this year for the hundreds of noble modern times.

What did Mr. Bolizley think when he saw me with his mouth pounding and surprised, oh, and he gives a flickering voice and looks at the receptionist next door.

“Isn’t that the disguise Alwes was wearing?

Mr. Bolizley turned right from me and spoke to the group that his predecessors were now accepting.

Only one good thing happened today.

Usually there was an inexplicable chance that he encountered it, that he often came into contact with something about what would make him do it, even though he didn’t even want to be involved, and that the guy who seemed to be in line with me for some reason or another in this kind of place was doing the registration at the reception next door, brilliantly contrary to me today. I was not over-conscious but really had a high encounter rate at times like this, so much so that I was happy to hold my fist on my lap even though I said I was at work when I saw it unconsciously.

So if I had just finished registering for this Knights like this, I would have just left this place and gone back to the original audience reception.

Why, why?

Why are you speaking up?

“I haven’t seen it in six months, but you’re pretty old, aren’t you? You.”

“Screw you, 10,000 years of color-bogged, extremely bad cat dressed, perverted bastard”

I wanted to step on a bunch of King Dolan Knights who had registered next door.

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