I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 118

Receptionist Year Three – Demon of the Magic World

“My name is Staedal.”

When the name came out of the Doctor’s mouth, the seat of nobility turned.

“King of demons and beginnings – a god created by your fathers”


“What the hell is that talking about!


The name sounds familiar. That’s the name the demon who showed up at Dolan’s castle was talking about.

Some of the nobles are raising their voices as their bodies tremble.

“It took me a long time to regenerate my body. But thanks to your human magic, it’s finally over.”

The demonic king, the original ancestors created, what it means is close to what is told in the collection of creation stories.

… such an idiot. ‘Cause that’s supposed to be a makeover. Thousands of years ago. Funny and short story, even though it wasn’t made faithful to history.

“What have you done to the Count’s body?”

When Lockman let me and Mr. Heldran out of his arms, he asked calmly as he stood up.

It was supposed to be a sober voice, but somewhere, yes, it was a low voice containing such great anger that it had never been directed at me either.

My shoulder goes up just a little bit, even though it wasn’t directed at me.

But I wonder why the Doctor is there.

The color of my eyes is also glowing like a demon. Besides, this voice is the same voice I heard in my dreams. The Doctor’s body floats straight into the universe and looks down on us.

“What did you do? This man has been shown the power of demons for years, helping me keep me company.”


“Easy to lose and manipulate my temptations”

It seems a long time ago that I made contact with the mouthpiece, and I don’t know how Dr. Aristotle became seduced, fallen, and manipulated. I don’t know the details, but I have somehow come to know the situation with words that are in the storyline even without being explained in detail.

I’m sure the Doctor was immersed in the study of demons. That should have been made up of pure thoughts. At least until on the way.

“I wonder what that means.”

“Well, geez, he must have been spoken to and boned and drowned”

“Director… Knight Commander…”

The director, who was on the audience side, and the chief of the knights, who was on the live side, stood behind us. The director told me inside the arena that all the ice was anaemic, and he came to my side worried.

The Knight Commander stood next to Rockman, put his hand on his shoulder and apologized for not noticing.

He doesn’t say anything about it. But I don’t think I can say it, not say it. I was closest because I should have been a rock man in the Knights.

Dr. Aristotle is a well-known and brilliant researcher throughout the continent. There is no way that the demon, who was willing to send the Doctor everywhere, could not have caught his eye.

The demons I saw in the castle at that time, I felt somewhere spared and confident.

Appear fearlessly in enemy land and surrender everywhere.

Maybe I already had contact with Dr. Aristotle back then.

“Gain a mighty power that no one can beat, eliminate anything that defies, and rid the world of all creatures with more power than I do. Try and see how you can suck magic out of humans, this man made it a brilliant success’

Probably figured it out on the demon side.

That there was a gap in the Doctor’s pure exploratory mind, that he could have had the knowledge that, if he made a mistake, he would be in danger of threatening the lives of the human side.

“A man was attacked in the woods two years ago. A physical examination was performed at a later date, but the symptoms of anemia were slight. Are you saying it was the Count’s fault?”

Rockman, Dr. Aristotle… raised his gaze and asked calmly so again without moving his eyebrows to the demonic laughter.

Two years ago.

I remember a case of a man being attacked in the woods. The man was a man named Gorda Klein, who ran a herbivore ranch. I found him in the woods where Satanas and Benjamin were missing… but if the killer then was Dr. Aristotle, as this demon named Staedal put it, that would be one of the “trials” and the truth as Rockman expected.

Zozo told Dr. Aristotle that the Knights had turned to him for advice on the case against Gorda Klein. Who could have imagined that was not what he had done?

“Lo, Rockman”


“Are you okay?

But why would he, Rockman, be so calm? I’m sure Rockman didn’t realize the Doctor was in that state until now.

Reminds me of the familiarity between the two of us when we met before.

Rockman was also the one who took care of him as a child. I don’t know anyone there for a reason.

‘I don’t have time for long stories. The creatures of the continent wiped out everything but this place.’

To speak of total annihilation, the demon used the power of the collected ice to stop his movement as an organism, but the demon said so.

The people in the audience who suddenly watched heavily over what was going on are now going to make that bluff bigger.

“Look! The whole country is freezing!!

“Hey, hey.”

“What about my family?!

“What’s going on!!

Some of them were women screaming when they realized the situation they were being placed in.

This arena is floating in the sky, so if you want to see it, you can look over the kingdom below.

I have no idea what’s going on with me, but I guess it’s really freezing. I don’t make a scene so far with jokes. I’m not even hallucinating.

Other than this place on the continent, that means I’m sure my mother and father who work already.

All knights and castle-guarding soldiers attack Dr. Aristotle, where demons are possessed, and all magic is broken. It was returned with the same moves before it arrived to the Doctor.

“What’s your purpose?”

The king slowly descends from the audience. Asked Dr. Aristotle, who was manipulated by demons, as he was tightly solidified around by the knights of the escort. While there are royalties from other countries, they seek their intentions at the forefront. Prince Xenon also hurried to see him follow him next to it.

The demon laughs again at the king’s inquiry.

“It is to bring back my dear ice with the power of the collected ice and to rule the world with my power. No one gets in the way and only those who follow me can live in this world……!

I felt signs of breathing from everywhere.

‘Let me tell you something good. This continent is no longer where you live. Better not use magic, huh? Because the more I use it, the more it absorbs into my body. Give me the ice girl there and I’ll keep you alive without releasing the beasts. I’ll treat you like a slave for life. ”

Dr Aristotle, who was floating in the universe, came down to reach this way.

“I see a beautiful glow in you. Sweet ice itself. If we get that power, there’s nothing else we need. But because of the strange clothes and your protection, it’s a good place to smoke until now, kid. ‘

“Come on, Bella. Bella, you talk a lot.”


You’re the longest talker I’ve ever spoken.

Prince Zenon calls me by name and stationary me when I am impatient and I head to Staedal to slander my mouth.

I was watching the look on Rockman’s face next to me, and one day I saw the lonely look on his face at that time when he was getting smaller. Still standing still, watching Dr. Aristotle unconscious and expressionless, but I don’t suppose this guy is calm.

“Give me Dr. Aristotle back.”

Ignoring Prince Zenon’s stillness, he tells Staedal off.

Give me back my mother and father.

I feel angry.

I’m not kidding.

The demons are targeting humans who are protected by Rockman by weaving strange clothes. Does the Ice Daughter mean Mr. Heldran, who is lying down and wearing strange clothes on this occasion right now – my uniform?

I was collecting the blood of the Ice Wizards by reviving the Ice Ancestors for some reason, as this demon says, eliminating anything that has power but itself. If it is true that the Ice Ancestors will be resurrected, and if this demon called Staedal has five shapes of power, as you can see in the Story of Creation, it means that it will be possible to confront all forces. That is the mighty power itself.

That’s all we have to avoid.

“Does a guy like obsessive just a chunk of resentment deprive us of our loved ones!!

Using attack magic, he unleashed the ice column toward Staedal.

Don’t let Dr. Aristotle himself die, so aim for his arms and legs to the point of making a wound.

Thought it would bounce back, but without the demon’s defense, the ice column makes a scratch on the Doctor’s body.

A knight or soldier around him pointed his anticipation at me for being able to make the wound, and the audience broke it off saying it was another blow.

“Ha ha! She’s a powerful daughter. These are the dumb blooded people who kept using magic without knowing they were going to suck it up. Ice blood is extremely honorable among them. It’s unacceptable for shallow people to have that blood. ‘

Staedal floats to the universe again and begins to have a black tornado over his head.

Probably coming up with an attack.

“Hey, you, at a time like this, you can’t leave Mr. Heldran! He’s after Herdra.”


Rockman stood before me and turned his back.

“Not Muicia”

When he said that, he started putting up a gold wand.

From the tip of the sceptre, which is set against the Staedal, arises the light of a scarlet flame.

Although I tried to pull my arm on what I was doing in a position that was like sheltering me on my back.


The moment the area was surrounded by light, only that word of Rockman reached his ear.

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