I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 25

Hare Job Edition – 6-1

After the lunch break, we get to the receptionist’s seat. I couldn’t make much time to eat because of the research, but I put it on the rice once and it was checked until I was satisfied, so (although I haven’t solved it) it was good. That stuff is good enough to look into during the break.

Above all, that doesn’t make my stomach poor. Do you starve to death even though you work?


“Welcome home. Then I’ll go take a break after I put this on.”

During the break, I ask the senior woman who was sitting at the reception to speak up and vacate her chair. The break is on a shift basis, so I bowed my head to the senior who was letting me go first. Speaking of which, Mr. Zozo hasn’t come back since he went to the director, but is the story lengthy?

I haven’t seen it since I took my seat in the morning until now.

“That paper. What is it?

More than that, I was concerned about what the seniors said they would stick, and pointed at it.

“Here? I just got it from the neighboring country next door.”

In the hands of seniors, “Ice Witch Exclusive/Expedited! There is a piece of paper that says’. Is recruiting a witch a big deal of work, and what must be an ice-shaped witch? I wonder what kind of work it is.

A senior tells me that the queen of the kingdom of Orkinis is gathering samurai to look at it strangely.


A maid.

As my predecessor said earlier, the Kingdom of Orkinis is a country next door to the Kingdom of Dolan, a little further than the Kingdom of Sheila.

They’re making special recruitments to other countries, and the rewards are very good.

I was shown that too, but the price does…… the salary is more than double what it is here. I was unknowingly dismayed to say that there was a place in the world where so much money was overflowing, why didn’t I gather at my place?

But wasn’t it the kind of work that noble ladies would do in public service and bridesmaid training?

The paper also said that it didn’t have to be noble, and it was kind of a tricky piece of content. Though this isn’t what I could have said about the common people, I wonder if I could be a little more vigilant.

“But what’s the point of excluding ice witches?”

“Nanally ice, right? Isn’t that okay?

“Oh, then, Mr. Hell, why don’t you come?

Soon, the demon’s sister, who had come to Hare to look for work, had joined her companions to talk. The names seem to be remembered by the demonstrators here lately, and some people call me by my last name, like your sister. That doesn’t change anything, but I was glad you kind of admitted it. I feel better.

But it’s a sermon if they see you peppering a public story like this. Iron fists and electric shocks come.

I was so freaked out that I saw the door leading to the director’s office, but I was relieved at first because there was no sign that it would open.

“Hey, Harris, take a look here.”

“What?… Oh, this kid doesn’t look perfect because he seems so pure.”

“Hey, that’s not necessarily true, is it?

While I was doing that, Sister Harris, who had been back from noon and doing clerical work behind me, was joining me there.

“What is it?

“Hmm? Kind of.”

Again when I tried to see the flyer too, it was hidden so that I couldn’t see the parts of the letter sassy. Kosokoso and everyone are watching it so they don’t show me the paper.

I thought it might be the same because I put it on the bulletin board that I didn’t have to hide it like that, and a demon woman who was watching it with me looked at me over the counter and laughed nymphomaniacally.

What’s that smile?

“Mr. Hell,“ but only for maidens. ”

Sister Harris swelled her cheeks if she didn’t tell the woman.

But they told me. I float hatena over my head.

I wonder what’s wrong with that.

“I don’t like it. I’m not even a maiden.”


Surprisingly, I get mysterious teases from Hare’s sisters and other demonic women who were coming to the reception. The woman who just exposed what was on the paper to me said, “That’s a cute reaction,” and walked out the door of Hare waving at me to see if I had decided to work.

What’s limited to maidens?

I am a good adult who has already graduated from school.

Witches caught in such propaganda and gathered together, are in considerable trouble with their lives, or about people with thick nerves.

I’m not going. Are you going?

“Orkinis’ -”

“Senior, we have to go to lunch soon. We’re running out of time.”

“Nanally already.”

Push the back of a senior who still tries to keep talking and have him go for a quick lunch break.

I like to chat, but I want to have some fun with these stories outside of work. When I laughed and waved to talk to him later, the senior laughed happily.

“It’s getting late. I’m sorry I left it to you.”

“Mr. Zozo!

Then Mr. Zozo came out of the director’s office by mistake with his senior, and said so and sat next to me.

The conversation has been prolonged, and apparently he has been talking to the director for a long time, pushing the temple area gritty with his fingers.

“Have you done your errands?


“Excuse me, I’d like to make a request”

A woman of the same age? A girl? has spoken to the receptionist.

Why don’t you focus on your work.

Return the position that was directed at Mr. Zozo and put out the paper.

“Excuse me. What kind of request?”

Two-tied little woman.

“Yes. Today…”

Still, I’m plainly curious if I should say a woman when I’m about my age. The same goes for my maiden earlier……

I guess I’m a woman considering that because I’m eighteen for once an adult, but it’s a subtle place because sensibly it still feels about right in front of me as an adult.

Moreover, even though adults are eighteen, the ritual of adulthood is decided to be done on nineteen, so that seems to be the cause. And only women. Men do adult rituals in eighteen, but only women do it a year late.

They have many reasons, but so far there are no indications that that decision is likely to change.

Oh, my God. Leave me alone.

“Um, it looks like Preria’s been breeding in the neighborhood lately, and the crop in the garden of the house has been vandalized. I was hoping you could do something about it.”

The woman removes the vegetables with round burnt marks from the brown bag. As far as burning is concerned, vegetables are no longer edible. This was a green vegetable called pucci, a commonly eaten object among ordinary people.

I take care of you every day, of course.

“Preria is a fire-type magic animal, so let’s make sure the request turns to the fire-type demon, including finding out where it breeds. Preria is a fire-shaped person.”

“Really? Speaking of which, I think I’ve heard…”

“Usually Preria lives near the volcano, but maybe what was kept has been thrown away and increased”

Preria is a magical animal that lives near volcanoes and in relatively hot places. Some people seem to love them as playanimals, but the trouble is that they are so abandoned that they carry a fate that they can only survive by offering food in their human dwellings.

Preria looks like a very adorable little fat little mouse when she was a baby, but when she grows up, her sharp fangs stick out of her mouth, about half the size of a human being.

Tears become lava, and when you get angry, you throw up fireballs, so I don’t really recommend keeping them inside.

That’s why people who shrivel at its appearance along the way, or whose breeding has become a hassle, throw away both pointy care and prelia.

Humans, I want to complain about what you guys are like, but I still can’t help it because people keep going near the volcano to capture little prelias.

My client seems to know how that happened, so I’d like to send him back to the volcano without hurting him as much as possible, he told me.

This is how much the reward amount will be presented and will be filled in on paper.

“Then I’ll turn this request around early, won’t I? It’s still high, so I hope someone gets caught by the end of the day or tomorrow.”

“Good……! Thank you.”

“Welcome home with care”

bow down and drop off the client away from the reception, bowing his head.

I duplicated the form and just skipped to a reception dedicated to the demon breaker. When that guy takes the flying paper, he looks at me and gets his thumb up. I thumbs back at it too and smile.

After my client left, there was no sign of anyone coming this way, so I turned my gaze back on Zozo, who was in the middle of the conversation.

“Mr. Zozo, so… what’s going on?



The director, who appeared nuzzly from behind, laid his hands on me and Mr. Zozo’s shoulders. I turned around surprised, but the director bears a very dark shadow and looks disgusted.

Weird. I don’t see the usual director energetic.

I’m always fine like an idiot like that! It’s not like that, but I can’t always afford to fist an official who nicked and committed a crude phase.

No, it doesn’t mean a rough guy or anything.

I was worried because I looked like I was going to exhale deeply.

Or come… what?

“What is it?

“That mustache is coming!!


The director will grip our shoulders full and strong.

“Itatattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattattata Could it be the Knights Commander?


And I almost got my shoulder chopped off more than I did earlier.

No, just give me a break. Seriously, please. Ask the director in agony with Mr. Zozo, and he’ll let go of his hand hah if he’s returned it to me. Oh, I’m sorry, what did I say? I stuck my lower lip out.

Good. We almost got our shoulders cut off.

I can see in one shot who the beard surface the director said with a thoughtless look on his face is referring to.

Had something unpleasant happened before this, something that has already given me various stray directives: ‘If you see that beard face, freeze your beard with ice, not salt or haunted worms’.

“I went to see if Mr. Gorda and I could go with Nanary and Arquez to do some memory detection where we found him.”

Mr. Zozo looks at the director as he rubs his grabbed shoulder loose with his hand.

“You heard from Zozo before, but with the Knights and the Kingdom, we have to share information about the demons, right? I told the Cavaliers in the mirror because it was already a hassle. The demons didn’t seem to be here for now, so my kids are going to the woods just to detect their memories.”

The bull and the director’s body are trembling.

It was obvious that it was not trembling from the cold or fear.

“… and then I say, ‘I have no position for the Knights! Say’ or something. Ha! What’s the position of the Knights? I just want to get a handle on that big fat ass.”

Grab a fist and do the trick of twisting it up.

Watching him hate the Knights Commander so hard makes me want to know why, step by step. You say there are demons around, but you’re not aware of them. The usual director wouldn’t do anything to make a scene in the workplace, and he shouldn’t allow that to happen to himself or anyone else.

What the hell kind of person would change the director so much? I’ve seen him before, but I’m curious. I’m very concerned.

I can’t help but quail because I have a personality that doesn’t fit once I’m concerned about what I’m interested in.

Then as far as the director told me, in the end, the Knights were going, so I got the story together, but he told me he was going to pick up the map with the location directly here, and now the director seems angry.

“I don’t have to come either way. I’m talking about showing a map over the mirror, why bother coming?!

As a means of communicating with a distant opponent, there is a Morg mirror. It’s a special mirror made in ancient times, and they say that if it’s that mirror to each other, you can talk to a handshake anywhere in the world. The numbers are small and very expensive, a substitute that I can’t afford to spend my whole life on. There are five existing in the kingdom, one in the castle of Szelch, the king’s castle, one in the Knights, one in the Hare Magic Station, owned one by the Bunathir family and one by the Mozfalt family, called the three great nobles.

By the way, the Arnold family does not own the rest of the three great nobles.

They have some in other countries, but I have some doubts that one of them is here. I don’t know how long it has been in this magic center, but it is the main point of the kingdom that has existed since the founding of the kingdom, so I don’t even know if I think about it.

And they’re bringing in Platoon One and Platoon Eight.



First of all…?

What happened to me when I heard it was first and hardened? and Mr. Zozo waves in front of my face.

The director wondered too, waving just like her.

“To the captain of the first platoon…”

Nike must have said that for sure, and I remember that too.

No, I’m not kidding. Even my personal life was scattered into my eyes, but I can’t stop having such a hassle, such as face-to-face with that bastard until work.

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