I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 32

Hare Job Edition – 7-2

Dinner was really good. I ate so much that I couldn’t eat dessert, but ended up flattening the sweet egg stew of the pepper and cocot bird as well. Cocott birds’ inert eggs are treasured for making sweets because they are sweet without any flavoring. Natural foods without seasoning, so to speak. Contrary to that, birds laying salty eggs are called Goggot birds, which are not suitable for making sweets, but are commonly used for cooking.

But these two are a little pricey, so it was an unbridled ingredient for me to save money. That’s not what I was able to say when I was eating out.

“Good night, Mr. Zozo”

We’re going back to the dorm and trying to break up in front of the room.

The dorm was built on three floors, and me and her room had a room on the third floor, its top floor. Sister Harris also lives on this floor, even at work, but often face-to-face with her peers from time to time.

The hare was made of basic wood, but the roof and outer walls were brickwork, and this dorm was built in the same way. So if you don’t live in a dorm or you don’t like a dorm residence, all of them say, ‘I don’t like being at work even though I’m done with work’.

Sure, I wouldn’t deny that, but I wouldn’t even feel fine dust about that if I let you in the room, so I was making myself comfortable. I don’t necessarily have to live in a dorm, but the majority of staff want to live in a dorm.

Besides, most married people built houses and went from there, and people with lovers could not bring their counterparts into the room, so they signed with a nearby inn and went from there.

But there were only a few of them, and in the meantime, I witnessed a woman’s senior bringing in a lover. I don’t have a man-saver spell or that kind of magic in my dorm, so I really put it in, but I don’t think it’s any different that I want to spend time here scratching my dorm mother’s eyes. You won’t be able to calm down in this place.

And when I told Zozo I was witnessing that with him, he was biting his thumb as he said, ‘It’s going to be dangerous ?’ What a pimple of an eyebrow.

“Good night. Ah… wait! Yeah, I’ll give it to Nanary.”

We were supposed to break up with each other, but that’s what she tells us, and I’m rushed to push what I got from inside the room against my chest. The momentum was tremendous and I lost my posture for a moment.

When I took the pressed one and looked at it, it was that epidemic magazine she always had in her hands. Plus the same thing they showed me during the meal.

Seriously, look at that, I turn to Mr. Zozo.

“Give me this…?

What have you done to give me something that I care about without letting go of my skin? Besides, this epidemic magazine feels kind of brand new. Better than what she showed me at the grass-fed wolf store, I was in a condition that I haven’t bought in a while. I don’t see a wrinkle on the cover called a wrinkle, or the opposite of a piece of paper that I can do because I rolled it.

“I always buy four books for viewing, reading, storing and distributing.”

Confused me, she said so and laughed at me showing the same epidemic magazine from her nostalgia.

… it is the first ear.

But isn’t it the same for storage and ornamental use, and if you twitch lightly, you idiot! and stood up and was denied. If you let her tell you anything, the more heaven and earth you treat it differently, and the first thing you do for viewing is decorate that beautiful cover like a furniture accessory, while for storage, in case something else – yeah… and was overheard about the difference for a while.

Turns out she would be a good reader for the people making the magazine for now.

Then I will look again at the magazine in my hand to see if this is for distribution.

“I talked to him today, and I knew I was sure.”


“You should look more at all things.”

With his hands on his hips and a bishy index finger on me, he said so in a clear tone.

“Nanally, I’m gonna ask you about your job, but you’re not gonna show any interest when it comes to anything else.”

“I like to work.”

“You’re doing it again, Zozo.”

“Sister Harris.”

The neighbor’s neighbor, sister Harris, hung her glasses on her head and snuggled her face out the door of the room.

Are you taking a bath? My hair is wet and my cheeks are red and upbeat. She kept her eyes closed and looked at us because she was not wearing glasses.

The room sounded like a voice even if it was a little far away, and I got out wondering, and I put my head glasses down to my eyes and put my nose bone on it.

“I’m getting some books from Zozo, too. When you look at people with lovers, you tongue them, and you recommend them to strange, unminded people like us.”

“Because I can’t, I’m just wondering if my friends could at least moisturize me!

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Her outfit, which came out in the hallway, was so perfect that a man couldn’t show it, she just wrapped a piece of bath towel around her naked. I’m not surprised by the outfit as I’ve been through a women’s dorm residence, but I get weird palpitations when I show up dressed like that in the hallway. If there was Nike or Maris, I’d be sure to say, ‘You’re a girl, so be ashamed!’ Oh, my God, they’re going to say it.

“Zozo and Nanary are going to Soleil tomorrow, right?

“Yes, it is. If I sit there for a month, the nanaries will be sunny and alone.”

“I’ll do my best!

When I was holding my fist and burning my fighting spirit to myself I still wouldn’t see it, so besides work, I was about to be told another long story… so I said good night and fled to my room. Outside Batan and the closed door, there was still no sign of the two of them returning to the room, and a slight talk was being heard. I’m a lot more worried about Zozo. No, I can see Harris talking to each other.

I take a breath and fall asleep on the sleeping table, but that epidemic magazine is in my hands unchanged, and I decide to put it on my desk because it’s not sneaky to give it back.

In my room, filled with reference books, dictionaries, and drawings, that one book looked remarkable.

Speaking of which, and trying to read a letter from Maris handed to me by her dorm mother this morning, I take the red note out of my desk drawer.

“Maris is a jerk too.”

At a time when I was singing my nose while saying it that way, I was also approximate.

“To Nanary. How are you? I’m sure you’re doing fine, because you’re tired of hearing what I’m saying…. Oh, my God, and you’re so precious! Why do you write to me every other week? You’re not like I’m a heavy woman! I get back to you every two times! It’s one time!!… There’s more to brushing than that. By the way, I write to Master Alwes every three days, but I’ll get back to you properly. He sends it out to the castle because he’s rarely in the mansion, but I wish you could apprentice him and write to him, too. Speaking of which, we’re about to start flowering. As always, you don’t have this letter of love, and you’re going to have a wasted time delivering flowers to your parents or to your friends. Let me hear some heartbreaking stories once in a while. Social conversations have only bored me because of you and Nike. – Pursuit. On the first day of the second month of the flower season, I’m going to the King’s Island, but I’ll be off work everywhere that day, so I’ll see you when I see you. From Maris Hestia Lovegol Carromines’

As I stared at the text of the letter, I rolled back to the bedroom.

There are a few things that bother me, but first I am aware that I am brushy as she says. The paperwork, etc. is the earliest before breakfast, but the letters to my friends are kind of very difficult to write. You want to talk more directly than a letter, or you’re still going to try and error and write it up at a fortnightly rate. I know it’s not enough from her being pen loyal (fu and make-up), but I can’t help it, so now let’s make an effort to be able to return it in one piece.

Besides, there was an extraordinary amount of struggle over Rockman sending letters back every three days.

I can’t believe I can’t do this to him.

… or we can often write to each other once every three days.

What happened to the nobles?

“Red note……”

I looked at the note Maris put in for me.

… red. Speaking of which, Maris was a fire-shaped witch, I recall.

And that Benjamin was also fire-type.

On second thought, they are both passionate about love. They were two people who were half incapable of burning, or the word “flame of passion” snug.

Rockman is also fire-type, but that would look better to say inflamed than passionate. It’s not a long story that that female whee gets stabbed by a woman one day.

“When you touch the flames of passion, the last thing you will melt is yourself”

“… None”

The fire shapes are rough, and you can’t help but care about that fortune. And does it melt? Physically?

After I put the letter from Maris back in my note, I decided to take a bath and go to bed.

The next morning I waited in front of the back door as directed by the director.

“Soleil is a troubled place because there aren’t many people.”

“Are we short of people?

Mr. Zozo is coming with me, so now we were both in line there talking about today.

It gets a little chilly in the early morning, albeit during the flower season. The air was awake.

But the sun was warm, so the scent of deep greenery, the scent of flowers blooming on the side of the road, and the scent of curette flowers blooming around the magic guide station drifted in the cold air, and I felt good. The nostalgic, old smell calms my heart.

“I mean, there’s not enough people, well… there’s not enough people. ‘Cause you’re the only rookie this year, and you’re the only one with the best grades, so I can’t help but skew the numbers.”

“Wouldn’t it be exam based or something? Then there’s going to be plenty of them.”

“We were all talking about that. Arquez, who is now halfway in, came in by doing the director’s exam…. Sometimes, it’s a job that anyone like this can do, what a dislike to someone else.”

He says that he has been told that by people who didn’t do their job well, or who were drunk after drinking at a restaurant in the magic center.

Zozo stretched the wrinkles between his eyebrows with his fingers to me when I heard it and frowned.

“Our work is plain but life-threatening, and I don’t suppose that’s a big deal compared to demons and knights. But we’re here to protect our client’s life and that of the demon. So there are people who have lost their lives in the past, not because of a preliminary investigation, and we have to be there to determine if it’s a dangerous request or not. Whatever it is to be ridiculed, it doesn’t change that much. Of course I respect the demons.”

“… we all know only the seniors at Hare’s reception with a smile on their faces”

“It’s a loss, isn’t it?


She says out of the way.

I also only saw the front side until I aspired to get a job in Hare, so I didn’t know why I had to study a lot and learn magic and do good grades. And when I revealed to my friends that I was going to get a job in Hare, I said, “Why are you here?,” he said wonderfully.

From everyone’s point of view, that’s still the place.

“But I often meet the Knights when I work outside, so we understand each other’s work and we have respect for each other. So some people move from the Knights to Hare like Arquez, and they hold it.”

The Knights sometimes work with Hare, so they understand that it’s not easy for each other when it comes to work.

“Whatever that is, there are quite a few kids in the Knights who have lovers.”

“Oh, really?

“Dahlia brought you in last time.”

“Are you from that knight?

“You said you were already at work! It’s not a meeting place. It’s a job outside! The director is still alone…

On a slender hand like a white fish, Mr. Zozo was slapped in the brain with pessimism.

“Solo, what?

The director, not white or black, was standing behind us in a blue, ankle-to-ankle hem uniform unlike Hare’s staff. He’s wearing a big blue round hat again, and he looks at Mr. Zozo with a subtle face that he doesn’t know if he’s laughing or not. If you look closely, your mouth is cracked, so I guess you’re not laughing. I feel intimidated because I’m tall.

The cuffs that were spreading like skirts rolled up to the elbows.

“Unique… you’re a good woman with a unique colour”


You were somewhat satisfied with Mr. Zozo’s clarification, and the director nodded in a good mood.

“Zozo, can I have a nanary, please? Please follow the instructions on this form. And then it’s a little hotter than the north, so let me know how your uniform works.”


“Bye, Nanary, go”

When I asked Mr. Zozo all the way, the director stroked my head next to hers.

Yes, I was going to reply well, but seeing the director smile stops the movement.

“What’s wrong?


The director kept his hand on my head, looking strangely round his eyes and peeking into his face.

Mr. Zozo tilts his neck at how I look, too.

“Come on in.”

“Welcome home, good luck”

The voice of a woman who can’t possibly hear passes beside her ear.

I blinked two or three times, keeping an eye on the director.

– I remember this feeling. That was a long time ago, when I had such feelings, like love at first sight in Hare.

I couldn’t move at all at that time, and the smile on the person’s face was terrible.

It wasn’t the sun, it wasn’t the moon, it looked like a star.

I don’t know how old that guy was.

But the sight at that time remains strong in my brain. Long brown hair without habit, its tea mixed with red, calm eyes like a sunset color, which drew loneliness and made a smile at me.

Beautiful receptionist sister who always sits there and smiles and turns everyone around.

I wonder why you didn’t notice when we met.

I’ve been face-to-face many times already, but I notice it on occasions like this, etc.

Maybe not.

But I only have good memory.

The person who drastically changed my life…

“The director is a good woman after all.”

“What are you talking about, you idiot? Look, be careful.”

To an accidentally known admirer, I opened the door to the bridge, holding down my squeaking chest.

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