I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 36

Hare Job Edition – 7-5


I’ve come to Hare here in Soleil, and it’s about a month away in two days. I can’t help but remember myself at work feeling early in the day but at the same time I would have felt long. The eye lid is heavy.

Whatever it is, it has been a remarkable day this past month.

I knew there weren’t many demons who originally came to this magic station. Though there are more demonic jobs in Soleil, there are fewer people living around here because there are many passing objects for earlier reasons.

Therefore, if the demon receptionist is still available, the request to come to the client’s reception accumulated from the next to the next, and the preliminary investigation was delayed and there was no choice. This makes me want to borrow my seniors’ hands because they’re newbies, and I feel sorry for them again. I can only be here for two more days, but the seniors will deliver the transfer? and are you serious or are you kidding? There are times when I approached the transfer table with one hand. I wanted to cry about the way it looked on the boulder. It’s not like I didn’t like it and wanted to cry. Because they were in such a tragic state that they were worried that they were being hunted down so far. It was not once or twice that I forced Mr. Bell, whose cheeks were pouring day after day, to eat meat.

However, this condition also seemed to one paragraph if it survived the flower season, and the director also put in a drink that it was a little more impatient. It was only yesterday that the director told me that the Soleil people, who had replied with powerless voices, had shown an unprecedented willingness to “fully treat you in the luxury restaurant” Phoenix of Red and Black “when we entered the season of emptiness.

What a director the motivating technique is food, or the people of Hare, is that it should be busy, but it was almost.

“Senior Yacklin, behind you! Yes, sir. Here we go again!

“Yeah?! Wow, that sucks! Hell, do something over there!

“Braggia Arms Megist Ooh! (Maximum arm strength)”

With all his strength in his fist, he punched the little demon out of his mind. The demon that made a noise with Byrne and blew it away becomes a star in the sky with a chillary.

“Ya! If you nanary, you’re a monster!

Mr. Zozo was knocking on his hand.

“No, it’s magic!

Beat the little round demons that sprang up one after the other, and beat them with Boeing Byrne, and go forth into the mountains.

We had come to Steel Mountain for a preliminary investigation and are now being attacked by a horde of demons in the mountains… admirably. Previously, I had a request to expel a demon who looked like a wolf, but this time a different demon has appeared, and I am in the process of investigating it.

Even though the sky was blue and clear, I looked up to the sky as I slammed the demon against Byrne again, wondering if it was still the demon’s fault that was only slowly staring over this steel mountain sky.

Today’s preliminary investigation is coming between Mr. Zozo, Mr. Yacklin and me. It was not the first time that we had gone together, but seven or eight times during the past month we had gone together for a preliminary investigation.

It’s not the first time I’ve come to Steel Mountain either. A mountain of black and gray trees, just like steel. There are medicinal herbs and delicious vegetables and fruit trees in this mountain. There are no mountain owners, no less herbs taken or taken, no less vegetables or fruits. Behind the appearance, it was a very rich mountain. People often visit mountains in search of unknown herbs and fruits.

But it is also true that demons live in such mountains as well.

There are about ten to fifteen requests for demonic extermination of Steel Mountain on the Moon. Too many. Sometimes it’s because of the flower season, but I don’t think people will stop going to Steel Mountain.

“Parasta, keep a good record!

“I know! Oh, hey, up, up!

“Keeon! (Ice Column)”

Seeing the demon fall from Mr. Yacklin’s head, I instantly release the ice pillar with my hands turned. It’s a giant, air-cooled column that stretches from the palm of your hand as if a plant were growing.

You’re small, the demon who’s about to eat him with his big mouth open.

The demon, caught in a large ice column, is stunningly frozen in that column. My eyes didn’t move either, and it was stiffened with it open.

I check it and a few seconds later, I snap my fingers and crush the ice. At the same time, the demons that were freezing inside are shattered. There’s no sign of it.

There is only one eye, a demon the size of a human head.

If any of those black spheres jump to the ground, they will come towards us. If you take one down, there will be no one or two more and no kiri.

Persistent. Unteachable. Persistent.

Although I really wish I could have been hidden by the magic of a seven-color coat, this demon seemed to see me disappearing, and I had to give up and hit him from the front. However, transparency, which is the performance of Mr. Zozo’s uniform, seems to work on demons, and only she is asked to disappear and keep a record on the form.

But the demon, which is the real purpose of the preliminary investigation, is not this demon, it seems to be a larger demon in a more animal-like form. A demon bigger than a wolf-like demon than a tree growing in a mountain. Yet you had more new demons by the time you got here, and I didn’t hear about this state of affairs in my client’s story.

“Oh, no! Use the ice magic!


“The director’s telling me to be careful, too, so good luck with your earlier powers and sword magic!

“Yeah?!…… YES!!

Return to Hare and wrap up today’s survey. The three of us also did a compilation of the survey, and in the seat behind the counter inside the Magic Station, he surrounded the map with three heads lined up.

“Steel Mountain is a no-go, I want you to ban human entry and exit”

“No, you can’t. Over there. Even if I put up a line, I’ll solve it immediately, because even the Knights are burning their hands. If you seal it off weirdly, some people will try to get there, so it’s a problem.”

“It’s really weird over there, isn’t it? But it was in Dr. Aristotle’s book that the mountain itself was a monster.”

“You read books like that, too?

“I’m free.”

“Hell’s spare time is going to be full of letters on his head.”

Mr. Yacklin stroked his brown hair with his hand and meditated his eyes. He, Rigel Yacklin, was the brother of a friend of mine named Carla Yacklin, who happened to be employed in the same place. I remember being surprised because Kara told me she had a brother but had no idea of the details. Though I thought her appearance was similar, Kara didn’t seem exactly alike to her personality, as there were verses with a bit of nature in them. Kara said she’d be an archaeologist after graduation, so Mr. Yacklin told me she was going around. She said her family was sorry that she got into school because of it, but if she learned magic properly and also had demons, she wouldn’t have to worry too much about putting herself in danger anywhere around the world. She was lightning shaped, so if she’s even a suspicious person, she’s going to literally drop the thunder.

“As for the Steel Mountain demons, I’ll take care of them again, but I’ll ask the Knights to lay the formation. At least at the foot.”


“Then I will deliver this request and the investigation to the director.”

He asked me not to, and I rounded up the paper and tied it up with strings, and he gives it to me.

All three of you, take turns at night.


Our senior night manager has been at work, so we’ll take over for her.

After I took over, I took my own black coat and a handkerchief to make my way home. All you have to do to get to the dorm is go through that backyard door, so now you don’t have to hurry or fly through the sky.

Having finished my support one foot away, I waited for Mr. Zozo and Mr. Yacklin in front of the door.

“Is it two more days for you guys to be here every day?

“Sometimes I come to help.”

“Ooh. Thankfully.”

I heard the talk, so I lift my hands and welcome the two of them.

“The three of us can go out and eat today.”

She pounded her stomach and laughed. I was talking to Mr. Yacklin and he said that we talked about whether or not we could have dinner together. If you look at him lying there, why don’t you? and asked with his neck behind him. There’s no reason to say no, so I snort. Salaries have just come out of this before, too, so you won’t have to ketch up on your living expenses yet.

“Mr. Zozo is more today than today, isn’t he?”

“This girl is starting to say,”

Although it has only been a little over six months and three months, the conversation with Zozo has become more fluid than it was the first time we met. We often eat together, and although we are not as close as friends, we are often together more than friends. Although he is a senior at work, he speaks and takes care of himself more than any other senior. I also have respect. Speaking of fellow workers, yes, but her standing in me was only slightly different. It seems odd.

“Excuse me!”

When I hurried to put my hand on my mouth to see if I was offended, that would be better, I was relieved because I was laughed at holding my belly with what I said. They say they’re more tired of being cared for the other way around, so I’m once convinced it’s something like that. Mr. Yacklin said to me as he opened the bridge door to say whether he had the same idea or not because after about three years I wouldn’t mind.

… three years. Long way to go. Though it’s short considering the six years I’ve been in school.

I went across the door first. Following him, I went back north with Mr. Zozo.

Take Jeezy’s body with a fork and carry it to your mouth. Though the rabbit is delicious, the meat of the three-necked beef jeezy is also delicious.

In the store with hints of spices that come to my nose. This was always the grass-fed wolf shop that came with Mr. Zozo.

Zozo, who is no longer in the regular zone, said to the clerk, “Three glasses of rum!,” he asks with his hands up. It was as relaxing as coming home to my parents. It’s always like this, so I’m getting used to it, too. Ning Lo, I’m not as good as Zozo, but I’m becoming a regular, so the lady shop owner here remembered my face. Oh, my God, did you get paid? and is niggardly and shoulder-pounded. I had already been seen when I was coming. That’s the owner.

“Do you both have an opponent for the Flower God (Taleia) Festival the day after tomorrow?

Mr. Yacklin, sitting across the street, leans his cup against his mouth and drinks water, then elbows on the table and asks us that. I couldn’t answer because I was still chewing, but tomorrow , Zozo answered first.

“I don’t know. I’m going to try to defy fortune.”

“Are you going against Master Melakisso?”

“If this is bad for you, I’ll be ready to follow Master Melakisso for the rest of my life.”

I’ve been in the mood for a long time trying to defy the divine message of fortune that I believed in. I still don’t know who the hell she likes, but would you answer me if I asked you now? I look at Mr. Zozo sticking his fist out to the ceiling next door, carrying Jeezy’s meat into his mouth again as a mog. But Mr. Yacklin thought the same thing, and he was just asking her who she was dealing with.

… Oh, it’s a boulder. and oddly impressive.

But are you not willing to teach me, Mr. Zozo told me not to tell and asked for alcohol…. Damn.

“It’s a lot. What about Hel?”

“I promise to meet my friends after the festival”

I have an appointment with Maris. He was told to come to the King’s Island after the festival, but he didn’t tell me why it had to be the King’s Island. I’m not a student in the first place, and I don’t know if it’s okay for me to step onto the island, not to serve the castle.

“During the festival?

“I was thinking about going to my parents’, too, but when I got the letter out, they said they wanted to go together. So I think I’m going to flirt somewhere.”

I could feel relieved that my mother and father are close, but it feels like they have been made excommunicated. But because of the flower season. I was reopening it, hoping it would follow my mind.

“Right. Uh-huh… then go around with me? Flower Divine Festival”

“Are you with a senior?

I didn’t expect to be invited, so I take a serious look at his face. Nike has a job to do, and Benjamin wrote in a letter that he was going with Satanas. Each of my other friends had an opponent as well, although the letter had the topic of the second month of the flower season, it said who liked and with whom to go etc., and a sentence that was as tempting as Zozo’s. So I can’t tell you to go with me to the boulder.

Going with Mr. Yacklin is totally enough to ask if it’s okay with me, Ning Lo, but surely he has a childhood lover…?

Turn to Mr. Zozo, who is also the current situation where rumors have been heard.

“Rumor has it that I purposefully flushed her.”

“Huh? Why?

“Looks like you’ve been having a lot of trouble inviting me. There were people who wouldn’t give up if they refused, so I helped them.”

Isn’t that why it’s good? Why don’t you go? What a slap on my back.

Sure enough it’s not an exaggeration to say man sunshine, there aren’t many pitchy, young men in Hare, but I didn’t know they were in trouble enough to have to lie like that……

“Because I’m not saying it’s impossible. How about if you’re free? Feel that. What do we do?


It’s not bad to spend time alone, but if you’re inviting me, there’s no particular reason to say no. I’ve never been somewhere with a man close to his age (except for Satanas), but I thought it might be fresh and good.

But there are rumors that she’s here, and wouldn’t it be a little too dangerous for me and the two of us to go alone? If I bowl in with an official, they’ll find out she’s not here, and if I suck, they’ll mistake me for Mr. Yacklin’s lover.

I rubbed my hands together and peered into his face.

“Um… do you invite others, just in case?

“No, that’s fine. I was going to stop lying already. If they say anything, don’t worry, I’ll say it well.”

“Really? If that’s the case, if it’s okay with me.”

I guess it’s good if you say you’re good in person. I just need to be honest and answer if anyone asks me, too, and I’m not doing anything nasty. My personality of not lying, disliking, is understood by the people around me, starting with Zozo, so I wasn’t particularly worried about that aspect.

“Ok! We’ll stick it out tomorrow!!”

“Let’s go!

“You’re doing well.”

I look forward to tomorrow.

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