I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 40

Hare Job Edition – 7-9

The nobles walk in rows on the path of red earth leading to the castle. Along the way there is a path divided into two strands, but if you go right, you will reach the school of the kingdom, and if you go left, you will reach Castle Süzerk in White Asia, where the Dolan royalty lives.

Naturally, we were all going left today as we headed to Szelc Castle. Maris takes me down the road, too.

“How’s your job?

“What do you say?

“Are you well approaching what you want to be? That means.”

Walk in chat.

When I asked if Maris as well as her family were coming, my parents seemed to be heading to the castle first, and she said she was waiting there with the maid to wait for me.

The story changes, but the samurai person who looked chilling behind me at that time was beautiful, and I thought that was Maris.

“Um, not yet, I guess. I’m still on my way. I’m sure if I don’t do it for years, like the director…… refined every day. How’s Maris?

“What do you say?

“About the house. You’ll inherit the Marquis, won’t you?

She is the eldest son and the Marquis is just one child.

The letter may also contain a chilling story about it.

“Then I’ve seen it nearby since I was a little girl, and now it’s the form I’m helping with that extension. And I didn’t write to you, but I’m the caretaker for the princess.”


A princess is a princess!?

“Once every three days, though. It’s a different role than being a samurai. I am taking care of you because you have been nominated by the King. The truth is that the Duke family is more desirable, but there are no young women in the Duke family today. Alwes’ mother, Norwella, helps from time to time, but that one is giving a slight child to his stomach right now, and you can’t rely too much on him, so if I don’t try”

“Rockman’s mother has a baby in her stomach?

“He said he figured it out by the end of the season of light, and his stomach hasn’t swelled yet,”

Now he’s eighteen years old, just like me. And on top of that, I hear you have a brother. But my brother didn’t even hear any rumors at school, so he’s probably over six years apart from Rockman. And assuming as early as possible that his mother was fifteen, Rockman’s mother is now nearly forty years old.

“I’m a little admired for the companionship you’ll always like.”

“Yeah. Wow.”

Eighteen years old away. My brother or sister, I want one, too. I’m sure she’s very cute. But if you say that to your mother, you give it to yourself! And it will end in anger.

“So in order, does that mean you’re the next Marquis person in the Duke’s house?

“Yes, I was chosen when I was to decide among those few Marquis houses. I’m afraid, but watching a princess is a lot to learn. And…”


“Lord Alwes spends more time on this island’s quarters than on the Duke’s mansion. Heaven is heaven for me, because it is occasionally different in the castle!

Talked excitedly. I wonder how happy I am.

When I heard he was exchanging letters with him so many times, I was wondering if he would get the letter so soon.

“He said he was writing to me once every three days, but I was convinced of something”

“Ugh. Sometimes you give it back by hand”

You look happy.

Talking to her doesn’t exhaust the conversation as much.

Even if silence persists in it, it does not become awkward silence, and it is easy to spend because we do not consider the situation to be evil to stop talking to each other in the first place.

Silence is also a fine conversation. It’s not that we’re friends because we can’t run out of conversation, but it’s good because we’re friends who can casually look at their faces, laugh casually, and look up at the sky casually, even if we run out.

“Come here.”

When I entered the castle grounds and the red earth road became a white brick-packed road, I was pulled by Maris to the garden next to the road.

There are a number of small trees planted and at the end of the blue lawn this is big to call a pond again…… I see something like a lake. The maze-like green implantation I saw one day is also delicately made, and when I try to match it with the fountains distributed everywhere, I get the illusion as if I’ve gotten into one painting.

I couldn’t even afford to take a closer look when I came before, but when I saw it again, I ran out of rolling words. The castle is more amazing than that, but the size of this garden is so magnificent that hundreds of houses are likely to be built.

I’d like to run this garden in a straight line to my father, who seems to have recently come out of his stomach, just once. And lose weight, Father.

“The garden is amazing. I mean, I just feel amazing.”

“No, Ning Ro. If I don’t hear anything, I’ll be worried…. So will you turn this way?

Maris is small and touched me, and this made me stand behind the little tree again, and I took about three steps away from me. Off the road in a place where we will soon reach the castle, we will be hiding behind trees in the garden.

I went off the road and into this place, and laughed huffily at me freaking out that I wouldn’t be angry, whether the person at the time knew or was used to being scared of anything.

She’s good, but I can’t stand it here. I mean, can you do it or something like that.

“I’m coming.”

“Hey, Maris, what?”

Maris trying to do magic with her index finger against me. I tried to open my mouth to see what the hell I was going to do, but sooner than that, she cast a spell and cast a blue light on me.

– Shrewshull.

– Shrewshull.

– Howan.

I am magically hung and three turns to the side with that recoil.

And if I thought I felt uncomfortable with my body in the meantime, I realized that the form of clothing that wrapped me, the touch, was different at the same time as the rotation stopped.

“Hey this…”

“Pretty pretty, isn’t it? I made it specially. I will.”


The white toned dress had a fine floral pattern with light blue embroidery, with patterns of spreads and leaves. There is no cloth to cover the shoulders, on the contrary, it is attached so that slightly clear sleeves spread from the two arms towards the tip of the hand. It was hilarious.

If you raise the hem of the skirt and look at the shoes, the shoes are turned into sharp white footwear with high heels.

“Sewing is my specialty.”

“Can you make a dress in brackets called sewing is no longer beyond what you’re good at… ugh”

On the fabric around the stomach, the flesh on the waist is tightened. Maris waved her finger, so maybe it was her fault.

“Shall I squeeze a little more around my waist? The clothes you were wearing were moved into the carriage. I can’t take that necklace off, so I left it there.”

I touch the necklace with the cupilet in it.

Where to find the extra blue clothes you were wearing (in the carriage). Instead of that, pierced laced, then heavy-duty clothing.

I was wrapping my dress around.

“Wear this, to the castle…?

“Even complaining about my standpoint?

Try to be objective about who you’re wearing.

On top of not having as many breasts as she does, a face with only minimal makeup. I don’t wear makeup from time to time, but I have applied red on my lips specially today. However, when I wear a dress that makes me want to keep my head down even when I have a face with so much hair on my thin makeup, I don’t feel half irregular.

It’s like a king wearing a sock with a hole in it.

Of course in this case the king is the dress, and the socks with holes are me.

“Come on, let’s go.”

Maris, on the other hand, was satisfied with my outfit or he pulled my arm back on the road to the castle. I mean the road, but it’s already in the grounds, so I can see the castle door open. As I approached there again, the knights lined up all the way along the sides of the road, so I finally felt that they had come… so full of despair and sadness.

If you know you’re coming to this place, at least if you’re ready for your heart!!

“Wait, wait, Maris, I don’t know how to do this or anything, so hey,”

Entering a castle with unpleasant memories with Maris ignoring my bewildered voice.

I feel strangely often involved in rich houses this year for whatever reason. Besides, it’s all in the form of trespassing, something that you can’t stand out and tell people.

It freaks me out even though no one complains about it because of it.

“Or Maris from the Marquis of Caromines.”

“A friend of the civilian?

“Oh, there he is. And Marquis Palais.”

Less this year than last year.

The people around us are naturally all aristocrats, so it seemed unusual to see me or anyone else who would be an unfamiliar civilian. When you have so many people but you can look at them like that, you impress me, apart from how uncomfortable it is, to distinguish between people who are not firmly and those who are.

I’ve heard the aristocratic child talk about the social world being a spiritual militant, but that’s all I use my nerves to remember the faces and names of other aristocrats, so maybe I can’t tell.

I asked Maris why it was good to take (but alone) people outside the aristocracy only for the upper nobility, but I was also surprised that it was quite simple.

Anything, when the old Duke shrugged in front of the king in half a joke, expecting ‘I wish I could call him a friendly civilian guy here’, what a ‘uh, good one, at all. Because you’re good, and your friend is definitely not a bad guy. Oh, but you’re the only one I can call. And it’s just the Flower Divine Festival,’ etc., and it seems to have begun to come out with an understanding. Is that still telling, or is it now a good thing that only one person can call from a house of Duke and Marquis identities?

What a free king. If you want to lose your current king, you’re supposed to lose him, too, but it’s probably proof that the country is at peace that keeps this nasty custom going.

Besides, he also said that the Duke was that Chancellor Curoli, and he accidentally laughed out of the blue. It’s always one great man or one freak who changes the course of time.

“We did a little at school, didn’t we? Never mind, I won’t let you get into a tough circle. Besides, Mr. Alwes seems to be bringing someone you know.”

“Someone I know?

You know that?

They even took me to the great hall of the castle.


Look, Maris told me to walk, but I was distracted by the change in the interior of the castle. When I used to come, the aisle walls were colored with gold and white, decorated with some paintings, and the floor was red. But the floor I was walking on was deep green, the walls were floral, and the paintings were nowhere. And when I go into the big hall, I see the difference again. The painting of the angel, which should have been on the ceiling, is gone, and the painting of the sun and the moon is there instead. Glossy crystalline stone floors sparkled everywhere and looked like stars floating in the night sky.

He tells me that Maris would be amazing.

Sure, she’s right, something called a castle is awesome. Artfully excellent, but how many times a month do you change the interior? Must be spending a lot of money too.

The great hall was overflowing with aristocratic people.

There is still no sign of anyone sitting in the large chair where the royal family would sit, and we do not see Prince Zenon or anything like that. Besides, it’s this gathering, so naturally there must be Rockman. Maris also had his name in his mouth earlier, and there’s no way he’s not here.

I greeted Maris’ parents earlier.

A pair of couples, with the same color as her hair. Maris’ mother was a beauty, and her strong eyes were seen as her mother’s proximity. Contrary to that, his father, Marquis Caromines, had dripping eyes, but his laughing face somehow overlapped his daughter.

Nice to meet you. You two, you’re Mr. Nanally? I always thanked you for the interesting story, and you responded with pleasure, but even as I find myself concerned about the saving of those words, I get acquainted when I look at Maris.

Since I broke up with her parents because I was going around saying hello, I was also hanging out with her socializing beside Maris. He said it was because he wouldn’t let him into a tough circle, but he was quite right, most of the time reuniting with his nostalgic aristocratic classmates.

“I can’t leave you alone, and of course I don’t think I should. But if you got tired, I’m sorry.”

After we had a conversation the whole time, Maris seemed sorry for letting us hang out.

Instead, I wondered if I was the one in this circle and not in the way, but I don’t really care if Maris is willing to do so.

But I’m not on a par with her either, so I’m still worried about the gaze around me. That was true on the road until it came, but civilians stand out no matter how bad. I could see horizontally that the curious eye was still being turned on by the gentleman with the moustache and the lady hiding her mouth with a fan. I know they may say I’m over-conscious, but at the time Maris said don’t worry, I knew they cared about me around.

Since there are several other civilians, I only pray that you look at them.

Stand softly behind Maris, who is more than my only heart, feeling a little uncomfortable.

“Hey, lady, it’s not a ghost!


You don’t like being behind me, you looked right back and put me next to you.

– Tons.

Then someone slapped me on the shoulder from behind.

I couldn’t speak, so my shoulders bounce up in a pimple.

“Yo, Nanary”

“Huh… Saturners!?

Turning his neck to the side, there was Satanas getting his hair done in his outfit. I’m laughing at the glass with one hand. Did the silver hair with habits apply hair conditioning or was it slightly tedious?

I wish I could remember the magic of straightening out my habitual hair if I were to apply it so much, but Saturners is the first to study, but when it comes to using magic, it’s a good idea for all wild children.

But why is Satanas here?

“Right? You know, right?

When she sees Maris next door, she puts her hand on her mouth and laughs ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho.

“Nanary was here, too. But he didn’t tell me.”

“What is he?

“It’s Rockman.”


Why is his name here?

According to Satanas’ story, I hope Rockman and I don’t go out for drinks often, and that’s when he asked me if I’d come to this dinner party, the ball.

When asked what was wrong with Benjamin, she said that she seemed to want to spend the night with her family, and that she had never been more questioned than if she told me she had business at night. It’s cold in a weird place, so I could tell from the side that Satanas, who is talking about it, is also somewhat confused.

“Even Rockman won’t think I’m coming, and it’s not natural. Right?”

“Oh, I’m writing to Master Alwes to tell him I’m going to ask you out.”

“I thought you knew.”

“You said that Master Alwes was taking that insane man Satanas, so I would invite Nanary,”

“When they call me by that stream, I sound insane, too.”

I see.

Is that why Maris knew Satanas was coming here?

But I still don’t see Rockman anywhere.

He said Satanas came earlier, and Rockman was with him at that time, but he said he still had work to do and went somewhere.

Satanas was fine with being left alone in Satanas, too, and for a while they were looking at the beauty around them and making their eyes shine.

There’s really nothing this guy can do.

“You’ll be a good story, and no. Maybe it’s a story. It’s funny to tell your father and mother about Nanary.”

“You don’t talk to me normally!?

“I don’t really have any friends to say this far. Take care of yourself, Nanary.”

“What makes this guy angry?”

Even though it is the Satanists who are said to be insane, for some reason I am being ridiculed.

But did Rockman know I was coming here today? At that point.

“Enjoy the flower season at best”

So when I think of that word, it’s really hateful.

“Sometimes I use it as a pillow in my letters to Alwes.”

“So have a normal conversation. You didn’t say anything weird.”

“Oh, my God, that’s so weird.”

“What that face?”

“No. Not if we’re chatting here. It’s about time the royals showed their faces, and here we go.”

“Oh, flushed, flushed”

Fan your face with your hands and turn your back on me, Maris. I see her with my jito eyes. Satanas pounds on my back.

He’s got a good personality.


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