I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 7

Until I can be a receptionist – 6-2

Your father and mother are here today. I could never find you sitting in your seat, but you’re here to look at me because of me, so I never want you to look like a disappointed loser.

Besides, next to the royal seat, where the Knights of the Kingdom and the nobles are sitting, I can’t help but notice that the great man of Hare is also here.

I don’t mean to distract you at all, even if it’s not.


On the teacher’s signal, the 25 girls not caught in the flames simultaneously had a magical setup. I’m one of them, of course.

The challenge cannot pass without cutting the spread quickly, and we have to carry our people to that glass plate place that is floating on top. Within the time of five minutes, there will be limited time to travel and carry your companions.

This assignment. Rather than squadrons, it will naturally be my responsibility if I fail here because the judgment and strength of each of the 25 people will decide whether or not to accept it.

… Wow, I hate that.

If I fail, I can throw something harder than a pillow from Absolutely Benjamin.

I could easily imagine a melamera shaking like that red hair burning flame.

“What shall we do…”

But the teacher told us to cut the spread, but we have to make certain decisions before that happens. It’s a very improbable decision.

I’ll take a look next to myself.

Miss Maris’ hands were set up to create magic, but they remained motionless.

“It’s easy for the teacher to say which one. We’re buddies, aren’t we? It won’t be easy.”

Miss Maris threw up like that in a painful voice, even though she wasn’t supposed to be in flames. She naturally has important company, too. A friend of mine who’s spent five years in a room with me, and for me, kids like Nike and Benjamin. There’s no reason to get lost. Or lost, naturally.

Miss Maris’ sophisticated red dress hem is shaking every bit.


I heard Benjamin’s voice from the burning flames.

“… nanary”

Slightly, the painful breather Nike’s voice also reaches his ear.

About half of the squadrons were gone from the scene to help either side. Leave the other child in flames.

It seemed very painful. It would be hot.

Me, too, if we don’t hurry up, we’ll both get buttered by heat. Besides, the teacher said it would burn or something, and even though the healing teacher said it could cure them, they are currently advanced and hot, and painful is painful.

If you look at the clock time floating above the arena, you have about three more minutes.

The teacher said it was magic with the King’s power, but such advanced magic didn’t seem necessary for breaking it.

Maybe it’s not a glimmer of magic, I thought, but apparently that’s not the case, and a different squad girl still cut off one of her buddies in the wind and carried him up.


Choose one side or the other.

Nike, who is usually ruthlessly bad at being hot. But I’m sure you won’t complain either way.

Benjamin has a magic mould of fire, but he can’t use magic. Now the same goes for his round hips. Hot doesn’t change, and your skin could burn like everyone else.


I can study.

Because I don’t hate to remember new things, and if I have the knowledge, I can only be useful in different places for a certain amount of time.

The reason I’m working so hard on my magic studies is because I need it for what I want to be in the future. It’s nothing more or less, and if I had a slightly more comfortable idea, I’d like to beat that idiotic flame.



When you cast a spell, the frost covers the surface of your body and clothes. Everything where my skin is coming out of my toes to the top of my head.

This is the magic I recently remembered, and the magic type was taught to me by the ice teacher. I tend to get hit in the body by some kind of flame attack, so when I overflowed wondering if there was any way I could defend myself, I was prompted to recommend this to my teacher. Manipulating a thin frost is a delicate task, and if you suck, you don’t freeze the inside of your skin. The teacher took the time to teach me such magic carefully.

I’m the only magical type of ice in the school year after all, and nowhere else. It seems that there are a few of them in different grades, but the number of children named Ice was still very small.

I was always alone in classes that were divided into magic types, so I was alone with my teacher every time.

It was heartbreaking to be alone, but they taught me carefully for that matter, so I also think it would have been nice to be alone by now. And I thought it would be good if it was the exact opposite of him.

“Could you, too”

Miss Maris, still standing, looks at me wrapped in frosted armor and says something.

“Maris, you’re lost.”


Think again objectively about what this challenge is making us do.

I stuck one hand out towards the two in front of me.


Freeze the flaming spreads that are grabbing them with ice.

And he used his other hand, and cast magic also upon the spreading of the children who remained alone. It pours the magic into it extensively well and at the same time freezes it. I’ve got a lot of concentration and arms to narrow the subject down, but, oh, I’m frosty, but I’m sweating from my forehead.

We have to avoid freezing everyone even if we make mistakes.


“Nanally!? Stop!!

Benjamin and Nike are screaming but ignoring anything.

This is ice on the flames, so as for offensive magic, it goes well with me. I make it, I think I was good with ice after all.

“Stop it because it burns!

Make a noise and crush the hardened crawl, squeaking your fingers. It floated with floating magic to prevent the two of them from falling to the ground the moment the cramp disappeared.

Apparently all the spreads I tried to freeze were successfully wrapped around the ice as well, and the children left alone in flames were liberated and lying on the ground.

“Because it’s good! I’ll fly that far with floating magic, so stay still!

If my thoughts were off, I might fall for the assignment quickly.

But help one side or the other, abandon the other, yes pass. I’m not happy at all when they say something like that and the aftertaste is too bad.

That’s a good idea to get a recommendation from an official at Hare, but it’s better than being the guy with the worst personality for this.

But if this disqualifies me, I think I’ve done something wrong to both of you. Then I’m going to give Benjamin and Nike permission to throw as many pillows as they want at me.

“The teacher said he couldn’t help! But that’s all, I just can’t help you safely, and I’m not disqualified for saving both of you!” Squad, “it doesn’t make sense if I have to go up there!

The flames gradually wrap me from my feet. I can’t help it because I helped them both. Even the others have done it.

I had managed to cover my whole body with frost, but it had evaporated and melted away. Maybe it was still immature magic. And I wonder if it’s because of the King’s power.

Strange though, it wasn’t that hot.

Either that or Rockman’s fire is hotter. It’s barbaric. Much worked out unconsciously.

Look at me on fire, Nike and Benjamin look like they’re about to cry. I didn’t mean to help you both at the same time to make you look like that. It is very unwillingness on my part to be crying in front of two beautiful people.

Am I trying to float, too, or there were traces of spreading burns in the hands of the two men trying to cast magic against me.

Gradually carry the two to the top glass plate.


“It burned, ’cause this weak flame won’t kill you, and Rockman’s flames are still hotter!

Unwillingly, if it’s hot, I’m used to it.

Because b… (omitted below)

“Oh, Kalomaggia Zoon.”

Make a circle with your left index finger and thumb and wave your arms to the side.

Then Lara appeared before me making a sound with Bong. I think it’s bigger than usual because I let it out hoping for this size. The white wolf looked at me and barked.

“This is!! Master!

“Lara, me, over there”


Lara doesn’t even take heat for a thing, but faces me on my cheek.

Instructing her to go to the table on top, Lara crystallized and put me on her back. I can turn my hand around my neck and fall. One of Lara’s abilities, crystallization, is that it won’t scratch a single attack.

It lightly carries me in flames without anything.

The hair in my sight was burning with chillies, and, ah, I was also in a rush out of place to see what I might do to bald. The frost is so peeling off, and I can’t activate any more magic at the same time because I’m using my powers to float them both.

You’re lying, I wasn’t thinking about it at all. If I keep burning like this, my hair will burn and become ash. It’s water colored hair, but these days I’m finally starting to like it…… my hair roots are to be eradicated.

Oh no, what to do bald!!

I don’t like it!!


For some reason, my hair seems destined to be burned no matter what.


Then about two minutes later, the teacher signaled the end.

I opened my eyes as I meditated when I got to the glass plate that was floating above me, feeling the heat draw. The flames that were wrapped around me disappear, and they finally release me. The body is somewhat easier just because there is no flame, but the wind cleared my skin a little.

I collapsed on the spot as soon as I got there, and I honestly don’t see what’s going on around me.

“Benjamin, the fire is out!


In the meantime and beside me, you were holding my hand, despite being hot, and you two were in my eyes. Lara sits on the side.

My skin wasn’t burnt, but it seemed to burn and rot, and my skin was curly. Even though it didn’t hurt until I saw it, as soon as I saw it, the wrinkles and the pain ran. Even the weak wind was the source of severe pain.

“I said if I pulled my leg, I wouldn’t forgive you, but I told you I didn’t have to be so impotent! Idiot!”

“Uggs, you nanary. I tried to soothe it, but the water didn’t work either. Sorry,”

Benjamin and Nike’s hands were also rotten. When I see that, I forget my pain for a moment and I’m going to cry a little.

You’re going to turn two beautiful white fish-like hands into these reddish-watered hands. What an apology to the two parents. I’ll take responsibility for it in the future, so I guess I should say I’ll have it as my wife…. No, you can’t, you’re kidding me or something. Let’s not. Looks like Benjamin should wear satanise.

“I’ll heal the injured, please let me through!

I heard the healing teacher and he rushed right over to me.

The teacher slowly pulls off the two hands that were holding my hand and directs them to the other teachers who came later. And when he came back over here again, he knelt down and peered into my face.

“It’s all right now, I’m gonna fix it.”

“Shh, shh.”

“Oh, you have such a beautiful face… I’ll get right to it. This child has been wrapped in flames for the longest time, so it’s top priority.”

The teacher puts his hand on my forehead with his face up. A different breeze came from the teacher’s hand. That’s a comforting breeze to plunder into the wound, and it doesn’t hurt at all. It didn’t take that long to figure out this was the healing magic of the teacher. I don’t even know if it’s because they’re always healing me, but I can feel safe from it in my heart.

Phew and I exhale, because the teacher is a girl… and whine about some sermon dialogue. Shit, maybe I’ll be preached. But I don’t like to preach until this time. It is enough to be preached to your mother.

“But you were fine, Mr. Nanally.”

But they say that unlike I expected.

Behind the teacher I saw Nike and Benjamin getting other teachers to heal their wrists and arms. Relieved.

“Now announce the passing squad”

Even while they are healing, the teacher in charge of this challenge is letting his voice expand to sound all over the arena.

Yes, I was distracted by the injury, but I hadn’t heard the acceptance of the assignment yet.

I finish my ears and meditate my eyes.

“Squad Sally Bonne, Squad Maris Carromines, Squad Nanally Hell, Squad Carla Yacklin, that’s it.”

I’m done talking.

And our name hangs on a big piece of paper and floats over the arena. That was the names of the passers-by the teacher mentioned earlier.

I look for Miss Maris with my eyes open and lying down. If she said she passed, she should be in this place as well.

I couldn’t move my neck because it hurt, but if I looked desperately just for my eyes, a girl like that lay there just like me.

The red dress didn’t burn. It seemed strange and intact, but the limbs peeking from it look burnt and painful.

Apparently Miss Maris helped two of her people as well.

“Wait! What about us?

To the teacher’s voice, the children who evacuated here at the beginning argue.

“I told you, you can’t be the” squad ”that couldn’t get through. Even if I can’t help you safely, I can help you both. When did I tell you that you would pass if you helped one person? I told you to help your people.”


Sure, the teacher said he couldn’t help safely, but he didn’t say a word about passing if he helped one. And I was told, just in case, ‘Look, I’m gonna say it again, okay? I can’t leave a squad I couldn’t get through’. And after that, in what the teacher was describing, he says, ‘If I can get to that place, I’ll pass’.

The squad is all three of us, squad. If I abandon one of you and you’re missing it, it’s not the squad.

“Some of us aspire to be demons. And the Knights and those who will inherit their homes in the future.”

The teacher starts talking out loud again.

“What are we going to do when our people and loved ones are taken hostage? You also need to read behind their demands, but this isn’t like that. Don’t tell me not to overstate my power, but think about the limited possibilities of being able to help, and can you move your actions quickly”

“The four seemed to get lost at first, but they each made their final decision to themselves by cutting Hel into feathers. That is the result. This battle is dominated by magic technology, but the purpose is, as I said before, for adults to see you on the road to the future.”

I wonder if that’s about the Knights of the Kingdom or the nobles.

Oh, some Hare people if it’s for me.

“We may also sometimes need the strength to abandon our people. but this time I wanted to identify the strength to save. If they were caught, they might not have had a choice, but they would have tried to save the people who tried to help them both and also stopped them. I think you need kindness.”

“A squad blinded by the passing of an assignment and making a ruthless decision shall be disqualified on this occasion”

The last thing the teacher said that, I closed my eyes again and let go of consciousness.

The skies in the arena I saw before closing were beautiful blue.

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