I Want to be a Superstar

v3 Chapter 1140 - Super luxury tax and envy and hate James!

   After the opening of the free market in 2013, there is no doubt that the Los Angeles Lakers have become the most beautiful and eye-catching team.

Nash retired, Howard left the team, Charity World Peace announced the Eastward Journey to the Knicks, Odom announced to join the city’s arch-rival Clippers, for a while, the entire Lakers seemed to fall apart, and the entire team had only heavyweight players on contract. Under Kobe, Paul George and Randolph.

   So, when Kobe jumped out of the contract again, even many Lakers fans began to have a guilty conscience, wouldn’t Kobe be ready to leave this time?

   I just didn’t expect that after the Lakers were about to fall apart, they suddenly exerted such strength and completed the reconstruction so soon.

   90 million Bynum in 4 years, 80 million Deron Williams in 4 years, 30 million Duncan in 2 years, 15 million Ginobili in 2 years.

These four heavyweight signings cost the Lakers a total of 65 million in space. Coupled with the original contract of more than 25 million in Lakers Randolph, Paul George and others, the Lakers now even have more than 10 million space to continue signing people. .

   And those veterans who are waiting in the free market to prepare to join the championship’s biggest favorite, this time naturally put all their eyes on the Lakers.

   The Seattle SuperSonics can only use a basic salary now, and can’t sign people. Even if these talented players want to win the championship, they can’t care about money at all.

   Therefore, in addition to the Supersonics, the only targets that those veterans who want to win the championship can choose are the Cavaliers, the Lakers and the Warriors.

   The Cavaliers gave all his contract space to Iguodala.

On the Warriors side, the situation is actually not worse than that of the Lakers. Yao Ming and Beasley are the top salaries, but Curry, Thompson and Green have just expired this year’s contract for the three rookies, and they have not signed yet, and the rest Players, Ray Allen, Bledsoe, Barnes, Jamal Crawford, Barbosa, Barmot, Livingston, etc. are actually not so high in contracts. Livingston and Barbosa are still When the contract expires, except for Ray Allen’s ten million contract, the total number of other people’s contracts is only more than 20 million. Therefore, the Warriors can also have a small space of 10 million to use.

   The four hottest favorites in the championship next season, the Lakers, Warriors, Sonics and Cavaliers.

   The Supersonics and Cavaliers have withdrawn from the free market, and the Lakers and Warriors have naturally become the first choice for veterans who want a championship.

   Compared to the Warriors, a team that has had more than 70 wins in each of the last three seasons, the Lakers’ appeal may be relatively higher.

   This was also done by the Warriors themselves, and it was a terrible loss to the Cavaliers this year.

   Looking at the Warriors from any aspect, it seems to give people an unreliable feeling.

Compared with the Warriors, the Lakers are different. In the playoffs last season, Kobe relied on his own strength to kill a 3-4 defeat with the Warriors. That was still when Howard was slammed by Yao Ming. Howard performed better, but Van Nash’s body was better, and if Paul George was a little more stable, the Lakers would kill the Warriors.

   Next season, Nash was replaced by Deron Williams, Howard was replaced by Bynum, and more importantly, Duncan joined the Lakers. This is Duncan!

   Duncan’s position among these veterans is not too attractive.

   If Duncan and Kobe are both three years younger now, and the attraction of these two people together, the Warriors must be hanged.

   But now, the attractiveness of the two teams is still fighting, the Lakers have a greater advantage, but the two teams cannot be said to be unable to fight.

Now, the few free agent veterans that the Lakers and Warriors are mainly competing for are the Pacers’ free power forward David West, the Celtics’ free small forward Tony Allen, and the Blazers’ free guard, Jarrett Jack, Nuggets’ free guards Billups and Jr Smith.

Of these few focused free agents, Billups is of course the biggest card, but Billups wants to get back to the Pistons and he doesn’t care about the champions or not, so the Lakers and Warriors just test it out. No more temptations.

   In addition to Billups, among these veterans, the strongest and the biggest cards are of course David West and Jr Smith.

  Jr Smith stayed in some accidents.

   jr Smith finally got through to the expiration of his contract. He was about to go to the Cavaliers to find his good buddy Anthony. He had already agreed, but in the end he fell into the hands of Iguodala.

   At the time the Cavaliers contracted 25 million, James allocated very well, 18 million to Iguodala and 7 million to Jr Smith.

   But Nima’s Iguodala is simply not a person!

  His jr Smith is a loyal person, think we are teammates, I will let you negotiate with James first.

   I always feel that if I talk about loyalty like this, do you leave me a little too?

   The space of 25 million knights is a fixed number, you take the big head and I take the small head, but can you keep a little more?

  Jr Smith thinks very well, because Iguodala usually seems to be a man of loyalty.

   Nima, Jr Smith really did not expect that this guy with big eyebrows and big eyes is so greedy!

   ate 25 million all by himself.

   Knowing that this guy is so greedy for money, he even made a shit, and he won’t be over if he reached a contract with the Cavaliers for an annual salary of 7 million!

   As for whether Iguodala can be dug by the knight, it is a matter of his business. When Iguodala swallowed 25 million space, he didn’t worry about whether he could come to the knight!

  Jr Smith is very depressed. The Nuggets are definitely not allowed to stay. After staying for so many years, they will become one with the plateau without leaving.

   He wants the championship, and the brothers want it, and the brothers can’t want him anymore. It would be nice if he could go to the Lakers and Warriors. But what makes him a little bit depressed is that the Lakers and Warriors seem to be not very enthusiastic about him.

   The goals of both teams are on David West.

On July 15, 2013, after a battle between the Lakers and the Golden State Warriors, David West finally rejected the Pacers’ three-year 60 million contract and chose to join the NBA regular season in the past three seasons. Always ranked first, the Golden State Warriors, the only team in NBA history to achieve 70 wins in three consecutive seasons, signed a contract amount of 30 million in three years.

   60 million in three years on one side, 30 million in three years on the other.

   This is to sign the Warriors and win the championship directly without the annual salary of nearly 10 million!

   The jr Smith and many people and even Ye Si are quite eye-catching.

“I always feel that I am a lucky person. Playing in the NBA has always been my childhood dream. After entering the league in 2003, I was fortunate to be able to play in this place of my dreams for 10 years and become a successful NBA player. , This has been very satisfying for me, I have realized my original intention, and I have also earned wealth that can be used for my entire life. Now I am 33 years old and my career has not many years. I hope now, I will leave When I was in this dream land, I left with the championship ring in my hand.”

   “Thank you for your support from family, friends, coaches, teammates, teams and fans all the way, thank you for cheering for me, supporting me, and praying for me. No matter where I go, I will always be humble and grateful to you.”

   In order to chase the dream of a championship and give up tens of millions of annual salary, this behavior of David West is naturally extremely moving.

   Even Kobe and his idol Duncan, who were rejected by David West, could only bless him with a sigh in the end.

   After all, David West is indeed a straightforward person.

   “Don’t be three years old, even if you are only one year younger, I will definitely choose the Lakers.”

   I have to say that although the Lakers are gaining momentum, David West also pointed out the biggest hidden danger of this team. Kobe is 35 years old and Duncan is 37 years old.

   And David West gave up tens of millions of annual salary every year, not to chase stars, he was to chase dreams.

After David West rejected the Lakers’ choice of the Warriors, the Warriors also announced that they had signed a five-year and 160 million maximum salary contract with Stephen Curida on the Yers clause. They also renewed a five-year contract with Klay Thompson. 110 million contract, and Dreaming Green also reached a five-year 90 million contract extension with the Warriors.

   After the Warriors renewed their contract with the team’s 09 Sanjie, they also announced that they would follow in the footsteps of the Sonics and entered the stage of salary explosion.

   Now the total salary of the Warriors has exceeded 180 million and nearly 190 million US dollars!

   This is even more explosive than the Seattle Supersonics!

   Fortunately, the Warriors have been eating the benefits of rookie contracts before. This season is only the first year they pay the luxury tax.

Therefore, there is no need to consider the super luxury tax. If a team pays the luxury tax three times in five years, then the excess of the luxury tax will be less than 5 million US dollars, 2.5 yuan for more than 1 yuan, and more than 5-10 million yuan, then the excess One yuan pays 2.75 yuan and so on. If this year the Warriors want to call the super luxury tax, then the excess 60 million US dollars will not be 60 million, but 330 million luxury taxes!

   To be fair, this luxury tax cannot be paid by anyone except the Seattle SuperSonics.

   Even if the Warriors have been the most profitable team in the NBA in the past three years, they can’t withstand such a terrifying super luxury tax.

The Warriors dare to play the annual salary like this is to bet on Yao Ming’s peak in the past few years. They don’t want to waste the Warriors and perhaps the last three years of the peak. When the Warriors need to pay the super luxury tax, Yao Ming’s contract has ended, maybe The NBA has retired, and the crisis of super luxury tax will naturally be broken by then.

   After the Warriors signed David West and announced that they would withdraw from the free market, the only players who looked forward to the championship had the Los Angeles Lakers.

   The buyer’s market in the free market immediately became a seller’s market after the Warriors exited.

  Jr Smith felt that now that David West is gone, is it finally his turn?

   After all, he did really well with the Nuggets last season, averaging 18 points per game and hit a career high.

   The Lakers deserve a ten-million-year contract.

   What makes Jr Smith quite embarrassing is that on July 16, he still didn’t wait for Kobe’s call. It was indeed the news that the Lakers and Tony Allen and Jarrett Jack completed the signing.

   Tony Allen announced a four-year 25 million contract with the Lakers, while Jack announced that he had reached a four-year contract with the Lakers for 25 million.

   The Lakers used the money that should have been given him 50 million for 4 years and signed two people like this…

  Jr Smith was dumbfounded after seeing these two signings by the Lakers.

   When can the value of NBA players replace quality with quantity?

   For players of the level of Tony Allen and Jack, signing ten is not as good as his jr Smith, just as his ten jr Smith is not equal to one Yes.

   It’s just that no matter how sad, Jr Smith can only swallow this bad breath. Nima’s is too miserable. A confident person like him doubts whether he overestimates his own value.

   After the Lakers used up all their space and signed Tony Allen and Jack, they announced that they had signed a two-year 60 million contract with the legendary player Kobe, who was out of his contract with the team.

   A 1+1 contract, which is convenient for Kobe to continue to jump out of the contract, but also for the Lakers to maintain the flexibility of the lineup.

   However, for such a short contract, Kobe needs to sacrifice some money. Of course, there is no way to sign a maximum salary for such a short contract.

   It stands to reason that Kobe can now sign the same 5-year 190 million contract as Paul, but if Kobe does sign, the Lakers will completely lose their flexibility.

   And Kobe and Paul are different. Paul is a young player and his money has not yet been made, but Kobe has already made his money. Now is the time to make a championship.

   Even if he can’t reach the championship, he is willing to spend money to play more playoffs and win more regular seasons.

   Especially in the playoffs, his current goal is to hope that he is the NBA’s first regular season player with 40 million points, and he also hopes to be the first in NBA history to score 7,000 or even 8,000 points in the playoffs!

   After the signing of the contract with Kobe, the Lakers’ total salary reached 140 million, which also exceeded the luxury tax salary of nearly 15 million, and the Lakers, like the Sonics, pay the super luxury tax.

   The luxury tax of more than 15 million yuan is 3.25 times that is more than 50 million yuan.

   Of course, for the Lakers, this amount of super luxury tax is also acceptable.

Look at the Supersonics. The Supersonics selected Antetokounmpo in the second place. After Gobert was selected in the first round, the super luxury tax that had already exceeded 30 million has become more than 39 million, which is only a little over 4000. The difference between 39 million and 40 million is 0.25 times. The luxury tax of 40 million is more than that of 39 million, and the luxury tax of more than 10 million is paid!

   So, even if the Sonics is just signing a player with a minimum salary, even if the minimum salary is only 1 million, the Sonics will pay more than 10 million more.

   Therefore, even if the SuperSonics still has a supplementary quota, it is very expensive even if it is just a base salary.

   So, after the Lakers signed Kobe, the Cavaliers signed James, and the Warriors signed the 2009 Sanjie, many people are looking forward to whether the Sonics will use this base salary.

   It turns out that if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

  On July 24, the Seattle SuperSonics announced via official Twitter that they had signed a four-year, 4 million basic salary contract with the team’s former point guard and the 19th-ranked player Rajon Rongda.

  This contract with Rondo has successfully allowed the Seattle SuperSonics’ total super luxury tax to exceed 40 million. That is to say, next season, the Seattle SuperSonics will pay 180 million super luxury tax.

Before signing Rondo, the Seattle SuperSonics will only need to pay 16575 million in super luxury tax next season. In other words, although the Seattle SuperSonics only gave Rondo the lowest salary of 1 million, it paid Rondo 13.25 million. US dollars!

   “Sign Rajon Rondo with more than 10 million, how is hao!”

   “I also want to have a boss who is the richest man in the world!”

“Even if the SuperSonic does not have the world’s richest man boss, as long as there is Yes, this 180 million super luxury tax is nothing. You all forgot how expensive the SuperSonic tickets were when Yes was there? Yes ten consecutive lore At that time, the average ticket for a game exceeded 2,000 dollars, and a game was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Yes played too many miraculous games that caused the tickets to explode.”

“It’s true. As long as there is a Yes, as long as there is a miracle, the Sonics can not only be self-sufficient, but also build its own arena. The latest Yes memorial arena used by the Seattle Sonics next season will cost a billion dollars. I heard that Bill Gates I didn’t pay any money, it was all the money paid by Supersonic. How much did Bill Gates spend on the purchase of Supersonic. It has only been a few years. The market value of Supersonic has not only increased by 10 times, but the cash flow is not known. how many.”

   “Otherwise, why do you think Yes has such a right to speak at the supersonic speed? Yes earns the money. He is willing to keep those heroes and pay the super luxury tax. No one can control it, even Bill Gates.”

   “In the NBA, as long as you have enough value, you can do whatever you want, and Yes is the most valuable person in the world!”

   Because of the Supersonic signing with Rondo, the super luxury tax of 180 million US dollars a year was paid, which caused public opinion in the entire United States and the entire world to explode.

   I have never seen such a proud team in the history of human sports.

   In order to sign Rondo back, the SuperSonics had to spend an extra 14 million U.S. dollars, and would send the league a super luxury tax of 180 million a year without blinking. This is jaw-dropping.

Especially James~www.mtlnovel.com~ saw that Yes spent 14 million yuan to sign Rondo back, and then he paid 180 million yuan in luxury tax a year. He instantly felt that the Cavaliers boss gave him the two. The total luxury tax of 100 million yuan has become less advanced.

After signing Iguodala, he and the Cavaliers completed a 1+1 two-year 70 million contract, the Cavaliers and DeRozan completed a five-year 70 million contract, and Daniel Gibson also completed a 5. With an annual contract of 60 million, plus Chandler Parsons’s contract, the Cavaliers’ total salary this season has reached 170 million US dollars. Next season, the Cavaliers will have to pay 45 million in luxury tax. Of course, it’s not super luxury. tax.

   If it is a super luxury tax, the 200 million US dollars is not enough to pay in a year.

   But even if it is not a super luxury tax, 200 million dollars does not seem to be enough!

   What should I do if the 200 million dollars are spent?

   Thinking of this, I was laughing at James, who had signed Rondo back to the Sonics, but couldn’t laugh anymore.

   Nima’s, envy, jealous, hate!

   Actually, it’s not just James, Kobe, Yao Ming, and many people look envious.

   If you can, who doesn’t want to do whatever you want!



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