I Want to be a Superstar

v3 Chapter 1152 - Real despair!

The Cleveland Quicken Loans Center, the SuperSonics and the Cavaliers game, a crowning game between the Kings and the Kings, hit a quarter and a half, the so-called Kings with the Kings team is 30 to 57 behind 27 Minute.

   This is something that caught many people off guard.

   Especially the Warriors players in this year’s Finals and the Seven Cavaliers.

   The expressions on the faces of Cole and Warriors players in front of the TV series are quite exciting.

   “Master, too strong…”

   Especially Curry, as Ye Si’s apprentice, is now very speechless!

   In the last three games of this year’s finals, how did the Warriors be ruled by James from the triple-point of IQ, ball quotient and strength. Dreaming Green and Curry are the ones who have the most say, and they are all vividly remembered now!

   Such a powerful guy was actually ruled by his master who had only 70% of his strength left in the eyes of TNT Heavenly Group.

“I know James too well. After the start of the second quarter, after this guy hits a wall with Yes, he will definitely choose to back down. Those teammates who went to play Yes will fight against me in the finals. Just like the pick and roll playing Stephen, always picking and roll playing Steven like stuff, no matter how many points are scored, what’s the use? If you have the ability, just face me!”


   Curry is a little bit eager to smoke Green, God Nima’s kind of stuff, even if I’m this kind of stuff, you can’t say directly, I don’t want face, I also work hard, OK!

However, what Green said is not bad. He met James in the Finals for two consecutive years. Although James was the final winner, for both James and Anthony, although they both recognized James as the strongest, Anthony was their best. Respect.

   Even Beasley, who fell in love with Anthony and killed the two finals, is full of praise for Anthony. This is a true player who is willing to use his strength to fight you head-on.

   And James…

   is too smart. Being smart is scary and annoying at the same time. It doesn’t produce any respect.

   Green is going to duel with James, hoping that James will face him, but James hides when he sees Green, hits him with pick-and-rolls, passes the ball when pinching, and hammers him without pinching.

If it’s a master, if it’s Anthony, facing the challenge of chasing dreams, he would have directly confronted chasing dreams. James is not. Not only does he not fight chasing dreams, hide from chasing dreams, but also use his intelligence to constantly anger Chasing dreams eventually made Chasing Dreams, who had been going to face off with James, lost his composure after repeated provocations, ignoring and avoiding, and chased James’ D.

Although this time the dream chasing is not very cruel, that is, the breeze is blowing, but since Bowen has been chasing the master, chasing D, but the league master is disgusting, even if you just touch it gently, it won’t work, it’s banned. You have never been wronged.

   So about the suspension of dream chasing, no Warriors players blame the league for injustice and favor James and Cavaliers. I blame James for being too disgusting, really clever disgusting!

   And James’s disgusting Warriors in the finals of the past two years are more than just chasing dreams. In addition to chasing dreams to challenge James, Beasley also challenged James.

   Pursuing his dream, he wanted to use his own defense to challenge James’ offense. James refused and chose to use his own offense to beat Curry, the Warriors’ weakest.

Beasley used his own offense to challenge James’ defense. James still refused. James was called by Pippen and many people as the strongest defensive small forward in NBA history. Such a player faces Beasley’s offense. Challenge, you can’t hide it, right?

   But James, but gave most of Beasley’s challenges to Anthony to defend, Love to defend, and he himself, during the game, often defends the Warriors’ dream…

   Well, no kidding, as the Cavaliers’ strongest defensive player, he finally thought of choosing to stand in front of Green when he was defensive, instead of hiding…

   This Nima’s, although Cole explained to them, there is no problem with James doing this. The Cavaliers are originally the weaker side. James chooses to maximize his physical strength and use it in the most useful place. There is no problem.

   From a tactical point of view, there is really no problem.

   But, Nima’s, what about the pride of the first man in the league? !

  Look at what Master Yes did when facing challenges!

Even if he knows that other people challenge himself is a trap for opponents to consume himself, the master will still jump in because of his pride and dignity. In the end, use his strength to defeat Phil Jackson and the Lakers, Spoelstra and the Heat. The conspiracy finally won the respect of the whole world!

   Even if you don’t talk about a powerful **** like the master, it’s the Beasley of their team. As long as you dare to come head-to-head, take care of who you are!

  Even if it was him, every time he met Paul, his whole body was sore, but did he retreat?

   Every time James gets misplaced singles, he played so miserably, did he retreat?

   Even Howard, who has been complained by many people, is miserable every time he encounters Yao, but facing Yao’s challenge, he still dares to face one-on-one.

   Although it’s true that I didn’t win, but at least I just won!

   It can be said that in the finals of the past two years, they met James in the finals. They have a lot of expectations for James. After all, James is a player respected and liked by the master and should be a hero.

   But finally…

   The expectation is very good, the reality is very backbone.

   Curry and the Warriors players who were really tricked by James’ wit and clever IQ, everyone has a strong resentment towards James.

   Really the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

   Every one of them felt that they knew James very well.

   It is precisely because they know James very well that they know more about what James will do after being blocked by Yesh.

   “James is going to pick a soft persimmon again!”

   Warriors players, especially Curry, are the other four starters who are really worried about the Sonics.

   Especially Curry.

  Leonard is his younger brother, the most beloved younger brother.

   Antetokounmpo is his junior, the most straightforward junior.

  KD is his friend. Every time he sees KD, the two beeps on his chest hurt. Every time he pinches so hard, what if it breaks? Do you lose it!

   As for Klay Thompson next to Curry, he was worried about the dumb, bearded James Harden on TV.

   Alas, I don’t know if the young ladies on the beach in Seattle still remember the ‘nightclub duo’, the king of hips, and the king of dance soup.

   The second quarter restarted and Cleveland attacked.

   This time, James did not hand over the ball to John Wall to let him advance, but chose to advance the ball himself.

   Seeing Ye Si waiting for him in the middle circle, James flicked his eyebrows. After knowing his thick eyebrows, he quickly helped James pick and roll, take Ye Si away, and then left Antetokounmpo in front of him.

   “The game restarted, James did not choose to continue to challenge Yes, but was ready to regain confidence from Antetokounmpo!”

   After seeing the start of the James game, he did not continue to look for Ye Si, but chose other people at the supersonic speed, which made the originally quiet scene a burst of noise.

   James’ challenge to Yes in the first quarter was miserable.

   But, just shrinking like this, isn’t it a bit bad?

   When Kobe challenged Yes, it was miserable at the beginning. Didn’t it become more and more courageous?

   “Although James’ choice disappointed many people, there was no tactical mistake. This is a very smart and very James choice.”

   Hearing Buckley seemingly defending James like this, Kenny Smith felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten Xiang.

   Of course he knew that this was a tactical choice, and of course he knew it was a smart choice.

   But at this time, shouldn’t it be more important to show your better state and strength in front of Yes, so that others don’t think that Qicheng leaves can hang you and fight?

  You are avoiding Ye Si like this. What’s the point of hanging up on Ye Si’s subordinates, those little ones?

   And you have to find confidence from Yes’s subordinates, there is no problem.

   Beat Durant, don’t help James Harden!

  Why do you want to pinch the softest persimmon Antetokounmpo or Leonard like a player of his level?

   Cousins ​​is a new star, there is no problem with step by step, everyone can understand.

   But you are LeBron James!

   That is the candidate for the NBA’s strongest player who was thought to be able to challenge 0910Yes just now!

  How can you make such a choice?

   For James, sometimes, Kenny Smith is quite helpless, and they, James, sometimes it’s like it’s not fifteen and second.

   “It’s not me who hit Zhan Mi’s face the hardest, but James himself.”

   The more I think about it now, the more Kenny Smith feels reasonable.

   He actually yelled out to the whole world, ‘The counterattack starts now! ’

   Nima’s, was hammered for a section by Yes, and then started the ‘counterattack’ from Antetokounmpo?

   Do you want to be so absurd!

   James doesn’t know that many Jamie like Kenny Smith is very resentful, and he wants to make a choice for James.

   Now James has only one goal, and that is the group of brothers who beat Yes!

   The starry sky you touched, I have torn it apart?

I do not believe!

   Antetokounmpo is the youngest and rookie in the Sonics starter, of course, is relatively the best to deal with.

  My Tyranny, starting from stepping on him, there is nothing wrong with it!

   Facing Antetokounmpo, James was very domineering. After a certain distance from Antetokounmpo, he played his arrogant crab step fancy dribble at the top of the arc.

   James is very arrogant. Although Antetokounmpo was angry with James betraying Yes, he did not post it like Yesh defending James, but always gave James some space.

   It surprised James that the softest persimmon was so calm.

   This rookie seems to be quite mature.

   Since you can’t come, then I will go!

   “James is going to teach this rookie!”

  Although he is full of resentment against James, if James can give a serious lesson to Antetokounmpo, a kid who performed quite well in this game, Kenny Smith and many Jamie would still be willing to see.

   Regardless of whether the stats are obtained against Yes or against someone else, two points are two points. The last two minutes of the layup is 5 for 5, that is, the layup is 5 for 5, regardless of whether the opponent is released.

   It’s just that Kenny Smith and many other James fans in front of the TV were shocked.

   James, who should have run over, was actually blocked by Antetokounmpo? !

   “This rookie actually blocked James’ offense?!”

   Not only Kenny Smith and the audience, fans, reporters and experts were shocked, but even James himself was shocked.

   This kid is very tall and powerful. Although his lateral movement is not as fast as him, his speed and burst are not weak.

   Coupled with the extremely long wingspan, he can actually use his half-step to seal his shots with his wingspan and height, and also use strength and his explosive speed to block his breakthrough!

   In the NBA, as the offensive side, he is always dominant. With his league level, facing such rookies, he is offensive and defensive. Isn’t it easy to crush?

   But now, this kid actually blocked him.

   And the situation on the court is actually a 50-50 situation!

  Under Antetokounmpo’s defense, he can’t make any progress or retreat!

   If you retreat at this time, it would be really embarrassing, even more embarrassing than being ruled by Yes!

   So, usually at this time, he wants to pass the ball to Anthony, but now, he can only continue to insist on himself, even if Antetokounmpo’s defense is good, even if it is a bet, he has to insist!

   In the end, James could only hit Antetokounmbo’s body, then quickly popped up, stepped back and made a three-point jumper!

   The posture is sideways and not beautiful, but this is a standard Kobe-style attack!

   “One-on-one offense and defense, LeBron James faced the softest persimmon of the Seattle Supersonics and was forced to attack like Kobe?!”

   “Even if James didn’t prepare for Antetokounmpo’s attack this time, and despised Antetokounmpo too much, this result is still too incredible, right?!”

   “This is the strength we touted before that can be equal to the 0910 Yes, and only one perfect season will be able to surpass Jordan and double the title of James who surpasses Yes?!”


   After James used a Kobe-style retreat step back three-pointer against Antetokounmpo’s shot, the entire quick loan center felt more silent than when Yes was ruling James just now!

   “Antetokounmpo actually blocked James’ attack…”

   Even the Warriors players in front of the TV are dumbfounded. I didn’t expect it at all!

   What they didn’t expect was even more.

   After suffering from the soft persimmon Antetokounmpo.

   In the next offense, James had a pick-and-roll with Anthony, switching Yees to Anthony, and replacing Leonard, the second-lowest soft persimmon of the Sonics, in front of him.

  The way Leonard defends James is completely different from the way Antetokounmpo defends James.

   Antetokounmpo is taking a half step, using his height and wingspan to control, using his own strength and speed to explode to persist.

   Leonard is different.

   I don’t know if it’s the daring master or the silly silly.

   This kid, like his master Yes, actually stuck to James in a daze.

   “Leonard dare to entangle James with death?!”

   “Except for Yes in the entire league, even Kobe’s death entanglement with James is very miserable!”

   “In the history of the NBA, apart from Yes, I am afraid that only Pippen can entangle James with death coils!”

   “What kind of player is Leonard? Even if he has a good defense and a lot of spirituality, he performed very well in this game, but he is also worthy of death to wrap LeBron James?!”

   Many James fans who watched the live broadcast on the Internet have directly sprayed this overweight kid.

   But what made them feel extremely unbelievable is that after being entangled by Leonard’s death, James was actually entangled? !

   Although in the end, James still used his own power to push Leonard away.

   But this time, James didn’t even use a step back jumper.

   Because Leonard was topped by James at the moment, those big long hands directly patted on the ball that James retreated.

   LeBron’s guy retreated beyond the three-point line.

   But the basketball in his hand was shot off the sideline by Leonard!


   looked at the basketball that rolled to the sideline.

   The entire Quicken Loans Arena, and even the whole world, was more silent than when Antetokounmpo was defending James.

   And James’ face at this time is even more sluggish than when Antetokounmpo was guarded.

   Looking at James who was dull at this time, Durant raised his eyebrows.

   dare to expose basketball like this in front of this kid…


   This kid’s hand cut the ball when the opponent puts the ball, it is really firm and extremely clean!


   At this moment, as dumbfounded and extremely ugly as James, maybe only Popovich and Bowen.

   Seeing Leonard’s defense this time, the two really felt that their blood was about to spit out!

   Nima, Leonard’s defense of James this time is even more amazing than Leonard’s magical defense of Cousins!

   Even if James really underestimated Leonard and put the ball a bit careless, but this is LeBron James!

   Do you really think he can’t beat Dreaming Green?

   It’s just that he is too smart to maximize his profits!

  His offense, the top of the history!

   Even if it is careless, it is not so incredible that everyone can defend!

   Leonard cut the ball out of the baseline, the Cleveland Cavaliers touched the ball.

   The ball is still in Cleveland’s hands.

   But at this time, the Cavaliers players and fans on the scene did not have any luck.

   After James was ruled by Yes in the first quarter, he played in the second quarter. The preparation was to notify Yes’s teammates to find face against Yes.

   But two consecutive attacks.

   For the first time, Antetokounmpo forced out the most difficult attack.

   The second time was even worse. He didn’t even have the hardest chance to attack and was almost intercepted by Leonard!

   This is LeBron James!

   And Leonard and Antetokounmpo are not Yes either. One is a rookie and the other is an unknown person. With such a player, James has not gotten him twice? !

   “Is this an accident?”

   Even Kobe, who has always been stunned by James, wondered if it was an accident or if he was wrong.

   Soon, he knew it was no accident!

   Throughout the second quarter, James was on the offensive end. It was very uncomfortable to be defended by Antetokounmpo and Leonard, two of his first picks~www.mtlnovel.com~ even in the end…

   “James retreated in front of Yes… actually retreated in front of Leonard and Antetokounmpo…”

   Kobe’s incredible discovery was that James had chosen to avoid Leonard and Antetokounmpo in his last offense in the second quarter, instead attacking James Harden…

   And it made Kobe incredible, and when James and the on-site Cavaliers fans were in despair, James, who was impatient and embarrassed, was actually fouled by James Harden when he was about to run over James Harden…

   ran into a wall in front of Yes. He wanted to find a breakthrough from Yes, but in his opinion, these are small saplings that can easily break through. They are actually towering trees…

   Watching James Harden who fell in front of him, listening to the rapid whistle sound in his ears.

   Why, why is it so?

   He, don’t understand, really don’t understand.

   Antetokounmpo, Leonard, James Harden, Durant, these are all people he once laughed at, but at the moment they can stop him one by one.

   Now, he finally felt the real despair…



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