I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1155 - Miracle generation!

The Seattle SuperSonics and Cleveland Cavaliers’ NBA new season opener is over.

160 to 102, the Seattle SuperSonics defeated the defending champion Cleveland Cavaliers at home by 58 points.

This game, this result, at the moment this game ended, the air in the entire Quicken Loans Arena seemed to freeze.

With this result, the most embarrassing is not only the fans, but also the Cavaliers players on the court and the Cavaliers owner and Cavaliers general manager David Griffin.

A 58-point loss, if it were an away game, the Cavaliers players would have left the court as soon as the game ended.

Even before the end of the game, the starting team was replaced. The main starting team had already left, leaving the team’s substitute rotation to accept punishment during garbage time.

Even if this is just an ordinary home game that doesn’t concern anything, the main players of the Cavaliers and the home fans may have already been scattered.

But, is this game an ordinary home game?

of course not!

This game is the night of the championship ring award of the Cleveland Cavaliers!

The Cleveland people have waited for decades, waiting for the glory to be added after the game tonight.

Therefore, even if the team loses in front of the dog, they can’t go, they can’t go, they can only endure the pain, and continue to watch their team be beaten by the Seattle SuperSonics under their noses.

Finally, the assault scored a shame score of fifty-eight!

This Nima, they rejected the tens of thousands of dollars from the local Seattle tyrants before the game, just to stay in the quick loan center for a night of Xiang?

Before the game, when the game started, they thought about being crowned king under the eyes of yes, the first man in NBA history. What a great honor this is!

But now, yes took his Seattle Supersonics and personally turned their crowns from gold products to papa products, all yellow, but can you wear them on your head?

It’s not disgusting!

It stands to reason that after such a game, the fans will quickly retreat, and the losing players will also quickly leave.

But now, whether it is a Cavaliers player or a fan, because of whether the ordination ceremony should be carried out or not, they are in an extremely entangled situation.

Do you really want to be ordained?

Do you really want to bring this Baba crown to your head?

When the Baba crown melted on King James’ head, their King James was confused. Are they going to cheer or not?

This Nima is really tangled and painful.

The Cavaliers fans at the scene struggled.

James on the court felt that his soul had been hit hard, and now he was also tangled, the look on his face was uncertain.

Don’t you celebrate the championship you won hard last year?

But how to celebrate now?

James, who felt that his spirit and soul had been hit hard, looked up and glanced at the 160-102 score, celebrating his home game by yes and supersonic Wei Xiang?

James closed his eyes in despair, but closed his eyes and opened them immediately.

“Your Majesty, please eat Xiang!”

Nima’s, as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard Rondo’s voice like that of the eunuch, shouting such a sentence, and then Leonard, Antetokounmpo, Durant and James Harden, the big guys, Leonard and Antetokounmpo pressed his hands, Durant pressed his legs, and then James Harden smiled and held a spoon, carrying a bowl…

This picture made James disgustingly afraid to even close his eyes.

Now the knights are very tangled up and down, and the staff on the knight scene are the same. What should I do with these celebration supplies?

Go out or not?

“It’s miserable…”

“The Cavaliers are probably the worst defending champion in nba history…”

The reporters and commentators in the stands thought that the last few minutes of this game were the most desperate moment for the Cavaliers.

In the last few minutes, James also woke up and wanted to break the Seattle SuperSonics score control crazily, but as soon as James woke up, yes personally came to control him, and the Cavaliers wanted to change the fate of May 8th. But what is desperate is that no matter how they change, they can’t escape the fate of being controlled by yes, Leonard, Durant, Harden and Antetokounmpo.

I thought it was desperate, but I didn’t expect it to be the most desperate disappointment for the Cavaliers after the game.

“I’m just now James and the Cavaliers players. The Cavaliers fans must really want yes to take the Seattle SuperSonics up and down, give them the Quicken Loans Arena, let them close their doors and entertain themselves at Quicken Loans Arena. Ordination ceremony.”

“It must be the case. Even if it is the only championship in NBA history that has not been blessed by its opponents, it is better than the only championship in history who did not perform the ordination ceremony because of the most humiliating defeat.”

“But looking at this posture, yes and the Sonics players are not ready to leave, except that yes is still expressionless, everyone is smiling and looking at the Cavaliers who are difficult to advance and retreat at this time.”

“This side, it’s too miserable, too embarrassing, but also too interesting, hahahahaha!”

Barkley was laughing in the commentary, while Kenny Smith next to him was ashamed and angry.

This side is indeed too embarrassing.

The Supersonics is determined to stay and watch the Cavaliers players eat.

Even for self-entertainment, he is not going to give the Cavaliers.

But what can be done?

Didn’t the Cavaliers and James ask for it?

It’s okay to have a Mao’s post-match ordination ceremony!

Before the game, can’t it during the game?

You have to let yes and supersonics be your background!

If you have this ability, it’s fine. But, do you have such ability? !

How about it, now you have become the worst group of people in the world!

The Cavaliers are indeed very miserable now.

But to say that they are now the worst group of people in the world, that is not necessarily.

Because at this time, Vicki and Bowen in front of the TV, watching the data of Rondo’s game on TV, they felt that they were much worse than the Cavaliers.

Kawhi Leonard: 8 of 15, 2 of 4 three-pointers, 5 of 5 free throws, 23 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 4 steals and 1 block.

Rondo: 7 of 9, 6 of 7 three-pointers, 1, of 3 free throws, 21 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists.

This is the post-match player stats now played by tnt after the match.

The Seattle SuperSonics scored 20 on five in this game, and Rondo and Leonard were two of them.

Although the score of the two is not as high as the remaining three.

yes 30 points in this game, Durant scored 28 points in this game, James Harden scored 25 points in this game, but apart from yes in this game, whether it is Durant, James Harden or Lun Nader, Rondo or Antetokounmpo, the performance of these five people is almost inseparable.

Even in terms of performance on the court, Leonard’s offensive and defensive performance and Rondo’s offensive end in front of James’ explosive performance in scoring in front of James, these two are even more eye-catching than others except yes.

And these two are very eye-catching, with LeBron James, who is 50-50, and James Rondo, who used to be their Spurs players!

Leonard was used by them for Rondo.

And Rondo was personally cut off by them and sent back to Supersonic.

Regarding the strength shown by Leonard and Rondo in this game, Vitch knew that he and his Spurs would be forever nailed to a pillar of shame that would always be with the Trail Blazers and the Raptors…

“Rondo, it seems that we are arbitrarily deciding…”

After the trembling voice of Bowen in the wheelchair finished speaking, Vikki’s body also trembled slightly.

If Rondo is resurrected at the Seattle Supersonics…

They have been criticized by the Spurs in the first place.

Because of Rondo, they can still keep a certain position, because the fans still miss their good.

I think they are wrong, but Rondo is also wrong.

Coupled with their contributions to the Spurs, fans are willing to give them the opportunity to continue to support them.

But if Rondo is resurrected at supersonic speed, and Leonard really shows the strength of a long-term offensive and defensive superstar, the nature is different.

It’s not that Rondo’s thorny head, lack of ability or unwillingness to contribute to the Spurs, but his lack of vigilance!

Whether it is to keep Leonard or trade Rondo with Leonard, it is the right choice.

However, he chose to trade Leonard for Rondo and cut Rondo for the wrong option that avoided all the correct options.

Coupled with Duncan’s departure, if Spurs fans really don’t believe him anymore.

Even if Bennett, the No. 1 pick, who was given high hopes by Spurs fans this year, failed to play, or did not meet expectations, fans would throw the pot on him instead of favoring Bennett’s general manager.

At that time, he will be completely lost in the Spurs, and he will really become the same type of dementia as his master Larry Brown, and there is no time to turn over again!

Thinking of this, Vitch even had a cold sweat.

He doesn’t want to become a master Larry Brown. Larry Brown was once one of the most prestigious coaches in the NBA and one of the most prestigious coaches in the United States. But now?

It’s almost like a mouse crossing the street!

The Pistons fans didn’t remember his goodness, and the 76ers fans didn’t feel grateful for him. They ended up in Jordan’s hands and were finally driven out of the house by Jordan…

Thinking of this, Vitch really has an urge to cry.

He is a very strong man.

He now feels that he is miserable, so miserable that he wants to cry.

He felt that his first half of his life was very smooth, why did he suffer such a blow in the second half of his life?

The hatred that Vitch is now, it’s heartbroken.

I spent more than 100 million for Rondo. If I knew that Rondo had this perverted habit, why couldn’t I spend a few more dollars to equip Rondo with a pet bell, and spend another one million with a basic salary for Rondo? ‘Master’ rang a bell for him!

“Could it be that I am really demented…”

After Vitch mumbled foolishly, Bowen next to him was frightened.

Teacher, don’t have this kind of hint in your heart. Many elderly people who don’t have Alzheimer’s actually become demented because of constant self-suggestion!

After the Seattle SuperSonics and Cavaliers’ game, who is the worst person in the world?

James or Vicki?

Well, this may only be known when the two face each other.

However, for Anthony now, he must be the most entangled person in the world.

Caught between the wings of yes and James, he is really uncomfortable.

He could see that James still wanted to perform the ordination ceremony, and he wanted it too.

If it was before, he would definitely go to yes at this time to persuade yes to take the supersonic players and leave the Quicken Loans Arena for the Cavaliers to entertain themselves.

But now, since this game knew that he was misunderstanding and wronged yes, Anthony really had no face to ask him to leave with the supersonic in front of yes.

After all, LeBron did him too much, what did people say to you?

And what did you do to yes?

His loyalty really prevents him from doing what he can do to persuade yes to make concessions at this time.

yes did not stare at them and smile like other supersonics.

Therefore, now the entire Quicken Loans Arena has fallen into embarrassment.

The Cavaliers still want to hold the ordination ceremony, the Supersonic players just don’t leave.

“Hahahaha, this is the most interesting season opener I have ever seen, and it is also the worst NBA championship I have ever seen!”

Barkley laughed out pigs, in fact, although the Quicken Loans Arena was quiet and awkward.

But many of the audience in front of the TV are laughing pigs.

This game, this result, this development is simply amazing.

The Cavaliers and Sonics players are now staring.

It doesn’t matter to the Sonics players, I just consume it.

But the Cavaliers can’t help it.

They are the party of May 8th. If it weren’t for the ordination ceremony, they would have left long ago. Would they stay here and be publicly executed?

“Hahahaha, yes and the supersonic guys are so interesting. It was originally a coronation ceremony for James, but they made it into a execution ceremony for James and the Cavaliers!”

Kobe felt he was about to laugh and cry.

“It can only be said that James and the Cavaliers were too arrogant before the game. He is the best confidant of yes before. He should know how careful yes is. Don’t you want me to support you? Then I will stay to support you. It is difficult now. It’s James. No matter how thick-skinned James is, he dare not wear it or eat it, hahahaha!”

Kobe is really laughing crazy now.

Phil Jackson, Duncan and other Lakers players were also a little dumbfounded.

On the contrary, young people like Paul George are as interesting as the expression on Kobe’s face.

“What if, if James really wears it, he really ate it?!”

As the only star in the history of the NBA who considers himself the only player to play a small trumpet and black other stars, Paul George has been bloodied with James fans on the Internet in the past three years. There is no way. These three years have been Kobe and James’s temporary titles. One person’s battle.

As the leader of 6 billion Komi, he has been a bit of a disadvantage in the past three years against the Zhan Mi, which claims to have 12 billion. If it were not for the leader of the 7.5 billion coconut flour, it is not 15 is second. The thigh is really going to be abused by those crazy Zhan Mi into dogs.

No way, there are too many black spots on the boss.

As Comet, he himself did not complain in his heart.

Therefore, seeing James so miserable, of course he hopes that things can be made bigger.

Hehe, maybe I am a rhythm master and NBA star in NBA history, right?

After all, I am the disciple of the first rhythm master’not fifteen is second’ hand in hand!

But it still disappointed Paul George. After staring at the Sonics players for a while, James finally gritted his teeth and took the Cavaliers players off the court.

And after seeing the Cavaliers players leave, the sidelines were full of Cavaliers fans, the expression on their faces was uncomfortable and depressed.

What made James lose in this game was his reputation as the’temporary first man in the league’ and had no other direct benefits.

But for Cavaliers fans, they can lose a lot of reality in this game.

That tens of thousands of dollars, completely washed away.

I knew that this game was the result of this. I received tens of thousands of dollars from Seattle fans and exchanged x3 for Cayenne. Isn’t it good?

“This game is very exciting. The five Sonics starters are very strong. It’s a pity that James collapsed too fast, and the Cavaliers collapsed too fast. I could not see the strongest five, the strongest Sonics. .”

The game ended completely, and Cole was a bit regretful.

Hearing Cole’s regretful sigh, the Warriors players around were not surprised at one or two points.

In the away game to sling the defending champion Cavaliers 58 points, this is not the strongest supersonic? !

The season opener between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Cavaliers is over.

But the sensation caused by this game was far from over.

In fact, there are too many things to say about the results and content of this game.

For example, in the post-match press conference after the game, the Cavaliers were absent. You know, David Stern is on the scene. If you don’t give NBA face, then wait for the fine to pay.

In addition, yes responded positively to the relationship between him and James for the first time in the press conference after the game.

“I have nothing to do with LeBron James. In my heart, he is a very good player. That’s it. I never wanted to be a teammate with him, and I never wanted him to come to Seattle for the Super League. Sonic, our team has many excellent players, kd, Kawhi, Giannis, James, and even Rajon, they are no worse than LeBron James.”

“Maybe you can imagine the combination of yes and Anthony, the combination of yes and Kobe, or even the combination of yes and Wade, but please don’t imagine the combination of yes and LeBron James, because this combination is very, very bad. It affects people’s sleep very, very much.”

This is the first time Yees responded directly to the relationship between him and James in a post-match press conference.

However, after the response of yes, no one believed it at all.

I even feel…

“Yes was hurt by James too deeply, which is understandable, and although yes said decisively, but you think, if you are not really looking forward to the combination with James, how will it affect sleep? I can be sure, Before the start of this game, yes every night he dreams of the combination of him and James!”

The hottest explanation on Twitter made Ye Si stunned.

Can you explain this way? !

Is this “Pickled Pepper Claw” so big?

Or is it that the Komi leader of “Pickled Pepper Branch Claw” is simply playing James’ rhythm?

Of course, after this brain hole came out, James, who was already dark, became even darker.

The Seattle SuperSonics and Cavaliers game, in addition to the relationship between Yees and James, the most interesting is of course the five small lineups discharged from the Seattle SuperSonics game.

After the five juniors were discharged in front of the defending champion Cavaliers, even the coconut powder and the Supersonic fans were crying.

However, the world did not expect that the five players in this lineup are so powerful!

The five starters of the SuperSonics in this game, yes is 30+7+7, Durant is 28+8+5, James Harden is 25+5+5, Leonard is 23+7+5, and then In addition, Antetokounmpo’s 18+9+5, five starting players, almost almost shot 20+5+5 data!

This data, in the history of the NBA, is simply a miracle!

And anyone who has watched this game knows that there is no water in the data of these five starting players, and even these data are not worthy of their strength!

Antetokounmpo and Leonard were killed with James and Anthony.

And these two are just younger brothers and younger brothers of the Seattle SuperSonics!

Therefore, after the game, not only the tweet of the first Comet fan’s “Pickling Pepper Branch Claw” was very popular, but the tweet sent by the second one after the game was also quite popular.

“LeBron James -99, Carmelo Anthony -96, yes, kd, kl, jh, ga, rr should be what, 2k, give you another chance to organize language_”

After being named by the super big v with millions of fans, not fifteen and second, how can 2k dare to neglect.

Hastily adjusted the ability value of the 2k14 just released.

Yes’s ability value of 99 has not changed. According to the standard of 0910’s yes, Yes is still 99, but James has changed from 99 to 96, and Durant is still 96. However, James Harden has increased from 89 to 92. Antetokounmpo has increased from 72 to 90, among which Leonard has increased the most and the fastest, and his ability value has been increased directly from 74 to 94!

The Seattle SuperSonics’ five starting capacity values ​​have increased to above 90.

However, Rondo’s ability value of 2k has not changed officially.

Because the 2k official is also very embarrassed~www.mtlnovel.com~ But I still explain it.

“Our colleagues are now stepping up the discussion about whether to add Rondo’s exclusive props, yes’s cat bell, to 2k. The results will come out soon, so stay tuned.”

Although there was no response, it was not fifteen that was the second change request of Rondo’s ability value.

But 2k still made compensation and made a very beautiful poster.

Yess sat on the throne in front with his legs crossed, his left hand scepter, right hand dog bell, and Durant, Leonard, Antetokounmpo, and James Harden lined up handsomely in the back.

And standing behind the four young handsome men in a row is a silhouette of a person in the shadow with a pet collar hanging around his neck.

The posters are beautifully made, and the expressions and poses of the characters are shocking.

The title of the poster is even more shocking!

The miracle generation of yes and the sixth man of dogs!

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