I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1157 - The dance and despair of the 2013 rookies...

On October 31, 2013, San Antonio, ATandT Arena, the Spurs played the first game of the 1314 season at home against the Memphis Grizzlies, their rivals in the Southwest.

This is the first game of the Spurs’ new season and the NBA debut of this year’s No. 1 pick Bennett.

Although Duncan’s departure made the Spurs fans very, very sad, but because the team has now won a new insider champion after 16 years, the Spurs fans will soon turn their sadness of Duncan’s departure into expectation of Bennett. .

Especially in the opening game, the Seattle SuperSonics’ second-best pick after the game with the Cavaliers hit a blockbuster, and the league’s once “temporary first man” James was so dark, and finally was adjusted by the 2k who likes to praise Yes. By the 90s, Spurs fans were really jealous!

With Dior as the second place in the rankings, can our top pick be more Dior? !

It can be said that Bennett is now the hope of the whole village.

I have to say that this season, for Spurs fans, it is really quite unfriendly.

Tim Duncan, who has played for the team for 16 years, is their favorite because he can’t stand Popovich’s dementia and the team’s series of operations after the introduction of Rondo, so he chose to leave.

Although Duncan didn’t say anything after he left, it’s not a secret. Three years ago, Popovich licked so much in the media for Rondo. All fools knew who got Rondo.

Popovich, Bowen, Buford… It can be said that, besides Duncan, the Spurs licked Rondo up and down.

In order to get Rondo, Parker, and Ginobili, if Rondo succeeds in the Spurs, it’s okay. After three years of failure, Duncan can bite his teeth and insist on three years of salary cuts for three years, as the greatest in history The striker, accompany you to play bad, help the team to get the No. 1 pick, it is really benevolent.

Therefore, although the Spurs fans are very sad about Duncan’s departure, they are all blessings and no one complains about Duncan.

Basically, most of the complaints are Popovich. How can a person so savvy at the beginning have dementia?

However, Popovich’s historical contribution to the Spurs is too great, just like Tang Xuanzong in Chinese history.

Kaiyuan retired, it was a competitor for the eternal emperor.

But if you have to finish playing Tianbao, then…

Popovich is like this now. The previous achievements are too great and he does not want to retreat. Although the fans have complaints, it is not easy to force them. Tang Xuanzong was forced to abdicate after the Anshi Rebellion.

Although the Spurs are miserable now, they are not yet at the hopeless moment of the Anshi Rebellion.

The new season is very unfriendly to the Spurs fans. Duncan is gone, Rondo returned to the Supersonics and broke out again. 2K even gave Rondo the exclusive item’Yes’ cat bell’, and his stats were all 96. Leonard, who traded Rondo, now has an ability value of 94.

Nima’s, Spurs fans are really jealous to the extreme.

The jealousy is jealous, the uncomfortable is uncomfortable, but it is not desperate.

Although they don’t have Duncan, Leonard, and Rondo, they still have Bennett!

“The 2K official said that in this game against Oden, if Bennett has a brilliant performance, he will also adjust Bennett’s ability value after the game!”

“2k said that Antetokounmpo played the first man James and the first small forward Anthony, and now Bennett is playing the first center Oden, which is regarded as an opponent of the same intensity and difficulty. I will also Don’t ask Bennett to play 18+9+5+4+2 and Antetokounmpo’s same data, double-double, facing Oden, I only need the ball Bennett to play the same 15 as Tim’s NBA debut. +10 double double!”

The game has not yet started, and the Spurs fans around the stadium have already filled their expectations.

In fact, it’s not just Spurs fans. In front of the TV, many people on the Internet are full of expectations.

Now the hatred of the entire NBA has been sucked away by the Seattle Supersonics. It can be said that the 2k adjustment of the supersonic capability value this time is an outlet for the entire NBA to encircle and suppress the supersonics.

And Antetokounmpo is the vent of this vent again.

Therefore, in the face of such turbulent public opinion, 2k is also persuaded.

So, just say, as long as this year’s rookies can play good data against 2k approved strong opponents in their debut, they will also adjust their ability values.

Then, all of the NBA’s top rookies’ debuts, except for No. 1 pick Bennett, have been played.

But in the end, it made these fans of “inverted coconut”, “inverted supersonic” and “inverted 2k” a little bit awkward.

The game between the Bucks and the Knicks, the Bucks’ probing show, Antetokounmpo, the stats were only 2 points, 1 assists and 3 turnovers. The playing time was 20 points constantly. In the end, Bucks coach Larry Drew really watched Don’t go down, replace Chris Middleton from the Pistons, who had been on the bench for Antetokounmpo this season. Unexpectedly, Chris Middleton’s performance simply put Antetokounmbo in a slap. .

Playing Antetokounmpo has long hands and long feet, but the skills are awkward. The NBA and NCAA are different. The regular season and the preseason are different. Now the small forwards are in a prosperous age. They are not weak and pure. It simply doesn’t work.

In addition to the poor debut of Antetokounmpo, the fourth show was selected by the Pacers and was awarded the title of Nowitzki and Larry Bird’s combination by Yes.

In 16 minutes, 6 of 1, 2 points and 4 rebounds.

On the fifth show, Ryan of the Suns, 8 minutes, 1 for 1, 2 points, 2 rebounds and 3 fouls. Aldridge dangling for a quarter was a foul. The Suns did not dare to let him go.

On the sixth show, Ben McCollum faced the Nuggets’ top star, Avery Bradley, playing 1, 4 points and 1 rebound in 17 minutes.

On the seventh show, Oladipo selected by the Pistons, facing the Wizards’ super giant Arenas, had 4 of 11, 11 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists. This data is already quite brilliant.

At the very least, among the rookies who have finished playing this year, they are second only to Antetokounmpo.

And the opposite Arenas, Joe Johnson, these are not weak.

So 2K admitted his stats and performance, and at the end of the game announced that Oladipo’s ability value was increased from 74 to 80.

The eighth pick, the 76ers McAway, this is one of the rookies of this year, one of the most shocking rookies, as a substitute for Tony Roten and Iverson, facing the Heat, played 22 minutes, actually played Stunning 11 points, 7 assists and 6 steals. Although not directly against Wade, the Heat’s backup guards were basically abused by him.

Therefore, after the game, 2K also adjusted McAway’s ability value from 72 to 80.

The ninth overall pick, the Little Magician of the Lakers, as a player who can play from 1 to 3, he is positioned as a substitute for the Lakers, with Deron Williams on the bench, Bryant on the bench, and Paul George on the bench.

In the game between the Lakers and the Clippers, Little Magic and Deron Williams played the Clippers’ second master Chris Paul in a normal game. It was really stunned.

The little magician played for 24 minutes in this game, 6 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists. The data is still not as good as Antetokounmpo, but at the end of the game, Chris Paul, who has always liked playing black, watched the little magician point at him. After licking his tongue weirdly, Chris Paul was so frightened that he almost fell.

This picture has also become a hot spot in this game. Many people say that the little magician scared Chris Paul, and a rookie scared a super point guard with a 2k ability value of 94!

In fact, Chris Paul was really scared by the little magician.

The look in this kid’s eyes was terrifying, and what was even more scary than the look in this kid’s eyes was his body!

Chris Paul has played against many, many players in the NBA, but he has never encountered a person who would ignore him so much, or even love him!

That’s right, in the game, Nima actually felt that the little magician loved his little movements very much and loved fighting against his body.

The whole of him not only seemed to be electrocuted in his body, but also to his soul.

It is precisely because of this that although the little magician is not so outstanding in data, not as good as McAway, his ability value is the largest increase except for Antetokounmpo.

The ability value was directly increased from 78 to 85 by 2k!

According to 2k’s explanation, whether it is against Chris Paul, or against Nick Young, or even against Kevin Love, the little magician has never suffered!

His speed and explosiveness are not so fast, but he is extremely smart on the court, as if he can instinctively smell the position and thoughts of the opponent.

A rookie unlike a rookie.

This is the performance of this year’s hot rookies. Some rookies are indeed quite outstanding, but most of them are actually mediocre.

This rookie class evaluated before the draft is the weakest rookie class in NBA history.

For the Lakers fans, 76ers fans and Pistons fans, the performances of Little Magic, McAway and Oladipo are amazing, but for those neutral fans, they are for the 2k face, aiming at the Sonics. .

The little magician has done a good job, but it is not enough.

Antetokounmpo is 90, and the little magician is 85!

So, now they can look forward to the top pick Bennett.

The Spurs fans, of course, hope that Bennett will overtake Antetokounmpo in the first battle and secure his position as the No. 1 rookie.

But if the little magician faces Nick Young and Chris Paul, Oladipo faces Arenas and Joe Johnson, they can also accept it.

After all, Bennett is the hope of the whole village now. Others want him to be a tool man, but their own village cannot use Bennett as a tool man.

Of course, mainly, after so many rookies failed to face Antetokounmpo and 2k.

Although everyone continues to want to fight face 2k and Antetokounmpo.

However, now they are shouting to slap their faces, but they have accepted the 2k practice in their hearts.

Look at the performance of the hottest rookies this year.

The opponents of Oladipo and the Little Magician are stronger.

But no matter how strong the two opponents are, can James and Anthony be much stronger?

Can Opradibo’s little magician’s statistics and performance match Antetokounmpo?

According to the standards of Little Magician and Oladipo, it can be said that some people have accepted that Antetokounmpo may really be worthy of 90’s ability evaluation.

Of course, psychology is one thing, and lip service is another.

Especially for Spurs fans.

Now their stubbornness, their hope, and their glory are really all tied to Bennett!

The game between the Spurs and the Grizzlies, before the start of the game, the entire San Antonio, the entire ATandT arena is full of expectations and hopes.

The pressure this caused suffocated Bennett and Popovich.

Bennett now feels that he is under a lot of pressure. For the insiders of Oden and Gasol, he does not say that he wants to play a 15+10 Duncan stat. At least a double-double is the lowest expectation of Spurs fans. .

Thinking of what Spurs fans expected of him in this game, Bennett felt his hands and feet were shaking.

And Popovich, his pressure is greater than Bennett.

In the past few years, he has made continuous mistakes in the team.

If the hope of the whole village of San Antonio is still not in his hands.


“No, no, even if Bennett can’t play Antetokounmbo’s performance, not even Little Magician’s performance, but he plays Oladipo or even McAway’s performance. There are still.”

“He certainly can’t water, it’s definitely impossible to water, he is the champion!”

“In the past 20 years, Bogut, the most watery champion, is a quasi-all-star player. With my training, Bennett will not be buried as long as he has the potential. How could the champion be without potential!”

“Don’t scare yourself!”

Popovich now feels that his liver is shaking. After Duncan left, he knew that he was now with the Spurs, not to win the championship. The only purpose of his stay with the Spurs is to build a strong team for the Spurs. Foundation, and then Guan Rong retired, keeping his reputation for the first half of his life.

And Bennett is his only hope for this goal!

Putting his reputation and honor on Bennett, Popovich now only hopes that Bennett can be like Duncan back then and don’t let him down.

The Grizzlies and Spurs game began.

The hope of the whole village, Bennett, shivered and played!

Opposite Oden and Gasol also played seriously, they don’t want to be the same as James Anthony for Antetokounmpo and Leonard as the background board.

A 48-minute fight directly silenced the hot and crazy ATandT Arena before the game.

And the hope that filled the entire San Antonio sky has all turned into despair at this moment.

When the game ended, no one paid attention to the big score of 76 to 115.

Compared to Bennett’s data and performance in this game, the score of this game is not that important at all.

0 of 15 shots, 0 of 9 3-pointers, 0 of 2 free throws, 0 points, 4 rebounds, 0 assists, 0 steals, 0 blocks, 5 turnovers and 6 fouls.

Looking at the data typed on the TV, even if it was Duncan in front of the TV, Ginobili’s face at the moment was dumbfounded with ever-changing shock.

“I, Tim, Tony, so many of us, finally got such a thing?!”

“I, Tim Duncan, my three years of poor performance, three years of enduring humiliation for the Spurs, and the three years wasted for the future of the Spurs have finally been exchanged for such a future?”

Ginobili and Duncan, as well as Charlotte’s Parker, all look like this on their faces at this time.

Even seeing the expressions of Duncan and Ginobili, Kobe and other Lakers players next to him are quite sympathetic.

Duncan is particularly sympathetic.

Duncan actually left the Spurs two years ago, but for the Spurs’ No. 1 pick, he couldn’t leave. He wanted David Stern to see him, the first power forward in history, in such a miserable old age, and he would give him mercy. The Spurs got a top pick.

The Spurs also got the No. 1 pick in the end, but…

It can be said that the Spurs’ No. 1 pick, Duncan used his two years of career and life and countless salary cuts in exchange for money.

When the TV was turned on just now, the Lakers players watched Duncan’s look full of expectation.

But now…

“I have known him for a long time, and I have never seen Tim so desperate.”

Kobe feels distressed at this time.

Nima’s, why did the Spurs suddenly turn into waste snacks?

The No. 1 pick Antetokounmpo and ej, even if it doesn’t work, Oladipo and McAway are fine.

Why did you choose such a waste snack?

After being risked by Oden and Gasol a few times, they didn’t dare to get into the basket. They only threw three-pointers outside and couldn’t make them. Not only were they mentally unsuccessful, they were also unskilled!

Leonard, Rondo, Antetokounmpo!

If you can operate well, these can all be left in the Spurs!

Coupled with Duncan, the Spurs have not taken off directly!

But now, Leonard, Rondo, Antetokounmpo, Duncan are all gone, staying at the Spurs, surrounded by the hope of the Spurs village, it is Bennett…

“I am now worried that Popovich may not be able to withstand this blow.”

Phil Jackson was a little distressed watching the old opponent who was covering his head on TV~www.mtlnovel.com~ But after Phil Jackson finished, Duncan and Ginobili both looked complicated.

All this is actually his own choice…

Carrying the hatred of the whole world on his back, the world centered on Antetokounmpo, the softest supersonic persimmon, and set off the first wave of’inverted supersonic’ movement. In the end, Bennet was beaten by Oden and Sol’s sling ended in a funny way.

“I have never seen such a soft and weak NBA champion!”

“I will give them more time to observe other rookies, but Bennett, there is no doubt that he is a parallel importer. No matter how strong his talent and strength he usually shows, he can also retreat in such key games. However, you can’t get down, let alone squat on the ground with your head, like a girl!”

“Barkley is second, hahahaha, my second child was not so soft when he was the softest, hahahaha!”

Spurs fans look forward to the first player Bennett’s debut, the ability value soared to more than 85.

The final result is that after this game between the Grizzlies and the Spurs, Gasol’s ability value was adjusted from 81 to 86 by 2k…

“The Spurs Grizzlies game is over. Spurs coach Popovich suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. Now he is out of danger!”

Even Yesh was surprised.

“Is it so miserable…”

Thousands of miles away, Ye Si could feel that the Spurs were shrouded in the shadow of despair from top to bottom…

And Rondo, now can’t wait to laugh loudly.

As soon as Wang spoke, Rondo covered his mouth in shock.

Nima, how come my perverted body is so out of my control?

Actually, I really woke myself…


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