I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1178 - Two gods and one team!

After this game between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Golden State Warriors ended, the impact on the entire league was considerable.

As a contest between the biggest demon SuperSonic and the Warriors, one of the three NBA heroes, this game attracted a lot of attention before the game. Regardless of the outcome of this game, many people believe that, This game is destined to be a very exciting game.

In fact, this game is indeed quite exciting.

However, many people did not expect that this game could be so exciting.

In the first half, Curry had a series of fours against other Seattle SuperSonic players.

Playing the Seattle SuperSonics this season seems to be invincible four starters a little bit overwhelming.

Even after the first half of the game, Reggie Miller chanted the slogan “Shooter is invincible”.

Not only Reggie Miller, but even most of the other audiences have seen the shadow of “Peak Yes” from Curry.

This year’s undercover Curry was able to show such incredible strength, it really makes people feel incredible, so crazy.

And just when they began to imagine whether Curry would become the next king of the NBA.

The current king of the NBA, Yes, but let them like Curry, a good lesson.

The opening of the third quarter broke Curry one-on-one!

Then they mowed the Golden State Warriors with a series of five!

In the end, the third quarter scored 45 points in a single quarter, breaking Kobe’s single-quarter scoring record, and once again included the NBA’s single-quarter scoring record!

Because of Curry’s performance in the first half, and Curry’s invincible slogan, everyone in this game is paying attention to how NBA players are invincible.

Curry’s series of fours against the Seattle SuperSonics in the first half made people feel invincible.

However, there is no doubt that Ye Si in the third quarter does not make people feel invincible, but truly invincible!

Not to mention the third quarter, the 58 points, 5 rebounds, 8 assists, 5 steals and 8 blocks in the whole game are somewhat random data, and there is no way to stop people from dreaming.

“I suspect that the current Yes still has the ability to play whatever data he wants at his peak three years ago!”

“Even if the current Yes is only the ‘70%’ of the peak Yes strength three years ago, he also has invincible personal strength that no other player in the NBA has!”

The strength is only 70% of the peak, but even so, you can have any data you want.

This is indeed incredible.

This will give people a kind of, the highest strength of others is 100, and the peak strength of Yesh is 200. Even if only 70% is left, there is 140, which is still a lot higher than other players.

Not even a class!

This is a guess on Ye Si’s strength.

But seeing the stats of Yesh in this game, it’s hard not to guess his strength.

Seeing the stats of Yesh’s game, even people who are blind will not think that this stat is just an accident.

Obviously, this is a deliberate data by Ye Si!

Otherwise, how can there be so many coincidences!

This game between the Sonics and the Warriors, many people did not expect it to be like this.

Four of the five Supersonic starting players were struck by Curry. Many people even thought at that time that the Seattle Supersonics would lose and the devil would collapse.

I really didn’t expect that in the second half, Ye Si relied on his own strength to reverse the whole situation.

He once again broke the league’s single-quarter scoring record, and at the same time brought the Seattle SuperSonics to the Warriors in the second half to give the Warriors the first half in NBA history.

As a result, the Seattle SuperSonics’ consecutive victories and five or eight consecutive games this season have increased to fourteen games.

More importantly, the Warriors, as one of the three braves of this season, are also the same as the Cleveland Cavaliers. They were beaten by the Seattle SuperSonics.

Two of the three brave men received the “May 8 Paul Warrior Medal”, so that everyone’s eyes are now on the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe.

This year’s Christmas battle is the Seattle SuperSonics and the Los Angeles Lakers!

Both the Los Angeles Lakers and the Seattle SuperSonics have won all seasons. Among them, the Los Angeles Lakers win one more game and rank first in the league and first in the Western Conference.

The three big braves have already reached two, and now the Lakers are left with the hope of the whole village.

Speaking of, the Lakers’ treatment in the league this season is really good.

Weak teams will not look for the Lakers desperately, and the average strong teams will basically not bayonet with the Lakers, and let them go, a bit like the Seattle SuperSonics three years ago.

In fact, this season’s Cavaliers, Warriors and Lakers are all treated by the Sonics three years ago.

Three years ago, the All-Stars supported the Supersonics to dry the Heat, so for the Supersonics, it’s really easy to release, and for the Heat, it’s what you can to fight.

And now, the league does the same with the Lakers, Cavaliers and Warriors, just let it go.

Therefore, when the Lakers and Kobe face ordinary opponents, they can win the victory very calmly. Kobe doesn’t even need his own killer.

And Kobe’s killers can all stay in the Cavaliers, Warriors, and Sonics and won’t be put on their team.

This season, the Lakers and Warriors, the SuperSonics and the Cavaliers played a total of ten games.

The NBA regular season starts at the end of October and ends in mid-April of the following year, which is almost six months.

Kobe’s killer can be used twelve or even thirteen times during this period.

It can be said that these ten games are covered perfectly!

So, at the beginning of the season, when the Seattle SuperSonics became the big devil in one fell swoop, when the Lakers became the Braves team in one fell swoop, Kobe wanted to make big news this season.

“Win the season!”

“This season, our goal is not only to be the brave man to overthrow the Seattle SuperSonics, we also have to win the season!”

I have to say that this season is quite an extraordinary season in the history of the NBA.

In this season, starting with the Cavaliers, to the Seattle SuperSonics, to the Los Angeles Lakers, and even the Golden State Warriors.

There are actually four teams that once wanted to win the season!

One can imagine how fierce the competition this season is.

Of course, only the Lakers and the Sonics are the only ones who have the possibility of a full season win in the entire league.

The Cavaliers and Warriors have lost this opportunity.

The Warriors lost this opportunity to the Lakers before they played against the Sonics.

So does Kerr and the Warriors really care about the topic of incomplete wins in the season.

They really felt a bit wronged in this game against the Supersonics!

Was beaten fifty-eight in the half, which really made them feel helpless.

They really don’t think the difference between the Warriors and the Sonics is so big.

The reason why he was beaten five or eight was entirely because Curry was controlled by Yes in the second half.

Without Curry’s passing support, Yao Ming’s inside advantage would not be able to play, and Green’s pass could not help Yao Ming break Antetokounmpo’s lead.

Similarly, the absence of Curry’s three-pointer greatly increased Clay’s pressure.

It can be said that without Curry’s control on the offensive end, the entire Warriors offense has become individual singles.

And it’s not the kind of unlimited individual singles, it’s the kind of limited.

Yao Ming has the ability to singles the Sonics, but has no chance.

Green doesn’t have the supersonic strength of singles.

Clay also doesn’t have the strength of singles Supersonic.

In the end, the entire team’s singles all fell on Beasley.

This was also the cause of the Warriors’ collapse in the second half.

He scored 88 points in the first half and only scored 44 points in the second half. The score was cut in half and halved.

If Curry’s performance in the second half is not as good as the first half, but just normal, the Golden State Warriors will not be able to be beaten by the Sonics.

Of course, Curry’s performance in the second half made the Warriors and Cole very sad.

But it can also be seen from here how important Curry is to the Warriors on the offensive end.

And this is why the Warriors were finally overturned by the Cavaliers in this year’s Finals.

Without Curry’s offensive influence, the entire Warriors’ starting lineup, except for Beasley, will be compromised on offense.

The Seattle SuperSonics hit five or eight in the half, which made Cole and the Warriors quite unwilling.

Fortunately, the Warriors still have a chance to find face.

On November 28, Thanksgiving, this day of Thanksgiving, there will be four NBA games.

One is a game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Los Angeles Lakers.

One is a game between the Chicago Bulls and the Clippers.

There is another game between the Wizards and the Nuggets.

The last game was between the Golden State Warriors and the Seattle SuperSonics.

It can be seen from these four games on Thanksgiving Day that David Stern is ready to make a fuss on this holiday.

However, judging from past Thanksgiving battles, the effect is quite ordinary.

But this year, it’s different.

This year, because of Yesh’s participation, the attention of the Thanksgiving Day War this year has increased sharply.

While the degree of attention has greatly increased, the excitement of the game has also increased.

For the opening game of the Thanksgiving Day, the Lakers challenged the Cavaliers away.

As the civil war of the three major brave teams this season, the Lakers won all before and the Cavaliers only lost one game.

It can be said that the strength of the two teams is quite aloof.

In fact, the strength of the two teams in this game is indeed quite strong.

Cousins, thick eyebrows, Anthony, James, Wall.

Bynum, Duncan, Paul George, Kobe, Deron Williams.

The overall strength of the Cavaliers seems stronger, but the Lakers are not weak.

It can be said that judging from the lineups of the two teams, it is a contest between heaven and earth.

However, after the start of the game, the process of the game was not quite the same as imagined.

As a representative of the emerging new generation of power forwards, Duncan was suppressed as soon as his thick eyebrows came up.

Although the offensive Cousins ​​was not directly suppressed by Duncan like the thick eyebrow, he did not have any advantage or even the disadvantage in the matchup with Bynum.

Deron Williams faced James and the Cavaliers, but also new and old hatred, the big John Wall can only parry.

And more important is the duel between James and Kobe.

The duel between James and Kobe, three years ago, has always been James has a huge advantage.

Small forward vs. shooting guard, if the small forward has the same speed and agility as a guard, and a very good defense, Kobe as a shooting guard is very difficult to play.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Three years ago, whether James was in the Cavaliers or in the Heat, when Kobe played against James, whether it was record or stats, it was a comprehensive disadvantage, and even personal data was very backward. many.

But in the past three years, I don’t know why, after Kobe got older, he could suppress James when he met James!

In this game, because other positions of the Cavaliers were suppressed on a large scale, resulting in a matchup between Kobe and James, James’ disadvantage seems to be even greater!

Starting five positions, four positions were suppressed, at a disadvantage, the only advantage is Anthony vs. Paul George.

This makes this game between the Cavaliers and the Lakers really horrible.

This Thanksgiving battle with the Lakers, James wants to use it as a shame.

Cavaliers fans also hope to clear the haze of the season opener.

Although after the opening game, the Cavaliers won.

But no matter how many rookie teams won, there is no way to wash away the shame.

For the Cavaliers this season, the most important game is the six games against the Sonics, the Lakers and the Warriors!

Especially in the first three seasons, because the Cavaliers always lose against the Lakers, many fans say that the Cavaliers are also in the East. If they are in the West, let alone the championship, they can’t even make it to the Western Conference Finals.

The Cavaliers have lost three years in a row against the Lakers!

No way, Yesi has not been in the NBA for the past three years, and all of Kobe’s ulterior moves and killers have been thrown on the Warriors and Cavaliers.

The Warriors won 80 seasons last year, and the two losses were Kobe and the Lakers.

The Warriors are like this, not to mention the Cavaliers.

In the past three seasons, Kobe’s popularity and historical status have risen stubbornly, not only because his total data is rising steadily, but his strength contest is also quite incredible.

Stockton, which had the most inflated status in NBA history, was always ranked second in the history of point guards only because it accounted for the highest total statistics. Strong dialogue with Stockton was not only quite common, but even a little bit lax.

And Kobe, not only is about to have a total of 40,000 points in the regular season, but the total points in the playoffs are already the first in history, coupled with the explosive performance of so many strong dialogues, there is also a championship and regular season MVP. Base.

Kobe’s current historical position can be more stable than Stockton’s height.

Kobe can brush up to such a high historical status, it can be said that the Cavaliers and James, Warriors and Cole really contributed to the past three years.

In view of this, James is really ready for revenge in this game.

But in the end result, James still did not have revenge in this game, and of course he did not prove that he can succeed in the West.

The Cavaliers lost terribly in this game.

Not only was the first loss miserable, the Cavaliers coach Chandler Parsons, who performed very well this season, was trembling when he was defended by the little magician!

Yes, it’s not a fake shivering, it’s a real shivering!

During the game, every time Chandler Parsons came into contact with the little magician, Chandler Parsons’ body seemed to be shocked by electric shock, and then the whole game was in agitation and tremor.

The slippery, soft, and warm feeling touched by the little magician made Chandler Parsons doubt whether there was a problem with his orientation.

He was touched by a man, and his body actually had the so-called “heartbeat” feeling of a girl being touched by a boyfriend!

This Nima, of course, his heart cannot be moved by the little magician.

But his body ‘moves’ unconsciously!

This is the scariest thing, OK!

For this game Chandler Parsons was made by the little magic like a shadow of performance, let alone the Cavaliers players feel incredible.

Even the Lakers players are incredible.

“Chandler Parsons is more shaking than Chris Paul!”

“Because Chandler Parsons is more handsome than Chris Paul? The more handsome people are, the more jittery they are against ej?”

No, it’s not that the more handsome people shake me harder, the more handsome people are, the more ‘confidential love’ I put in.

The little magician looked at Chandler’s ghostly smile not far away, looked at this smile, looked at the little magician’s tongue that had been licked from left to right, Chandler Parsons felt as if he had gone out of his way. general.

A game with high hopes ended up losing 23 points 122 to 145 at home. This disgusted the Cavaliers fans and James.

Lakers, Warriors, Sonics~www.mtlnovel.com~ We have lost two of the six most important games!

And the Lakers and the Sonics are both big losses, leaving the Warriors not to lose.

Although James and Cavaliers fans have no difficulty facing the Warriors.

However, the fact that it is not difficult to win the Warriors also means that it is even more important to win two more difficult opponents like the Sonics and the Lakers!

But both games were a big defeat!

This makes people feel aggrieved.

Especially James, this game was again scored 60+ by Kobe on his head

Nima’s, he has played against Kobe for the last seven times. Kobe has already won him 50+ twice, 60+ four times and 70+ once!

His advantage over Kobe three years ago has returned all these three years.


James secretly suppressed his unhappy heart.

It doesn’t matter, no matter how strong you are, you are also a Western Conference team. No matter how strong you are, you won’t be able to make the finals!


The thought of Kobe would be crazy for the regular season, James’s face instantly looked bad.

The Lakers beat the Cavaliers 20+ in an away game, raising the team’s winning streak to sixteen games, making the entire NBA seem like a surprise.

“What are the three big braves? In this year’s NBA, only the Lakers are the biggest braves!”

For a time, the entire NBA and the entire world were watching.

On the same day, the Warriors, who were aggressively preparing to come to Seattle for revenge, were beaten fifty-eight on the road!

This time it was finally not half time, but full time!

When the two focus games of the Thanksgiving Day War are over, the focus of the entire NBA is no longer on the ‘One Devil and Three Warriors’.

“Compared to other teams in the league this season, these two teams are truly godlike teams!”

For a time, all the focus was on the Lakers and Supersonics!

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