I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1201 - This is the strongest!

After the answer to Kobe’s ball this time, Yes, of course, he raised his hands in excitement and excitement not because of the almost identical offense that Kobe and Kobe re-enacted.

Although the difficulty of this offense can be regarded as the number one in Yesh’s entire career, but this alone is not enough to make Yesh so excited.

Just now, Yers leaned back to avoid Kobe’s cover.

During this period of extreme backwards, Yesi’s shot time was relatively very, very slow.

This is a very interesting time!

This period of time is definitely more than twice the time that Yesh usually takes shots.

Ye Si’s usual shot speed is about 0.3 seconds.

But the preparation time for the stagnant shot just now reached at least 0.6 seconds.

what does this mean? !

This means that he has found an unprecedented way to be stronger!

In this game against the Lakers, Yesh put the most precious 100 touches to use.

It is because he guessed that Kobe will challenge him in this game. In fact, there is no need to guess at all. Anyone who knows Kobe knows how could Kobe not challenge him in this game?

Is he the strongest with the touch of 100 locked?

Kobe is constantly on the path to the strongest, and so is he.

If Ye Si just now can use the time he was leaning back in the air, hang up Zhu Fangyu’s one-second four-star card.

So the shot that Yesh just made was not a 120 touch, a 100 three-pointer.

But the feel of 120, three points of 120!

It will be stronger than ever!

As long as there is no other defensive player next to help defend.

As long as Kobe didn’t rush to defend, but faced him one-on-one, he could fully use Zhu Fangyu’s four-star card!

Thinking of this, Ye Si, who was pulled from the ground by his teammates, showed a smile on his face.

At this time, Kobe has recovered from the shock just now.

Looking at this moment, the face was no longer indifferent, but a faint smile on Ye Si.

Kobe’s face became more solemn.

“Sure enough, yes!”

“Sure enough, the strength is far beyond my imagination!”

However, such a Yes is worth looking forward to for three years!

I have been looking forward to it for three years, and dreamed of it for three years, not to fight a weaker Yes.

I, Kobe Bryant, stand on the court just to challenge the strongest guy!

Never back down, never afraid to challenge the strongest person!

I’m afraid Yes is the same.

So, even a person with a cold face like Yes, after completing this answer ball to me, doesn’t he have a happy smile on his face?

Thinking of this, Kobe buried all the shock in his heart.

Now, it’s the critical moment to take out all of your strength and face up against Yes!

Kobe is now fighting high.

Ye Si now has the same high morale because he is looking forward to being stronger than ever.

At this time, the aura that Yeth and Kobe exude from now really ignited the entire stadium.

Players of the two teams, spectators on the edge of the court.

Even the coaches of the two teams Sr. Nelson and Phil Jackson can see with naked eyes how much interest in the court is now.

“Ordinary players will be afraid when they see such a strong opponent, but Yes and Kobe are different. When the opponent is stronger, they will not be afraid. They will only rise to difficulties and become stronger!”

“In such an era, it is a blessing for Kobe, Yes, and basketball as a whole to be able to appear two players like this at the same time!”

On the side of the court and in front of the TV, everyone was amazed and shocked for the ultimate showdown between Kobe and Yesh.

On the court, Kobe once again jumped to the extreme in front of Yesh.

For Kobe, the defense against Yesh is completely different from the defense against Durant Leonard.

Against Durant, Leonard, James Harden or Antetokounmpo, Kobe can hold the ball.

He has his own advantages, either speed or skill, then strength.

This allows him to safely and easily bring the ball to the frontcourt when facing other players one-on-one.

But for Shangyes, this is different.

Yess’ full-court press made Kobe unable to easily push the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt.

When he pushed past the frontcourt and pushed it to the point of attack, it had already taken more than ten seconds, and he had less room to attack.

It is for this reason that although Kobe is a kaleidoscope, in the face of Yesh’s defense, his offensive methods are greatly restricted.

Especially this kind of extreme one-to-one without pick-and-roll.

Of course, if Kobe is like James, he will use the pick and roll to beat the weak.

Why should he challenge Yes?

Therefore, seeing Kobe’s limit once again, he stubbornly jumped up in front of Ye Si with difficulty.

The audience on the sidelines, the audience in front of the TV, no one thinks why Kobe is still using the same moves.

Because this is his final and strongest answer when facing Yes!

“This is Kobe’s only chance!”

“From this we can see how strong Yes’s defense is!”

“Yes actually said his defense is his weakest?!”

“Before Yes said he was stronger than three years ago, proving that Yes did not lie. Did Yes say that he is now the weakest defense and did not lie?”

Watching this time Kobe made a tenacious and stubborn shot under the cover of Yesh.

Looking at Yesh’s timing and ability to block, even the big guys on the sidelines dare not say that they are better than Yes.

A perimeter player has practiced blocking to such an extent. He said he has the worst defense. Who can believe it? !

Faced with the more extreme defense of Yers this time, Kobe, who once again shot at the extreme, missed this time.

Milicic blocked Bynum’s rush, Millsap subconsciously prepared to launch a fast break after grabbing a backcourt rebound. It was only when Rondo next to him stopped him that Millsap reacted embarrassingly.

Sure enough, he was much slower than Rajon.

Now is the time for the duel between Yes and Kobe. At the climax, he can’t make trouble.

Thinking of this, Millsap, after holding the ball and waiting for the Lakers to return to defense, accurately handed the basketball in his hand to Yess’s hand.

What fast break, what tactics, now Supersonic is the Yes moment!

This season, they have never seen Yes go all out!

Yes, who is stronger than three years ago, is not only curious about the opponent, but the audience is curious, even their Seattle SuperSonic players are curious!

“Kobe’s strength is very strong, but that kind of extreme offense, even Kobe, can’t hit every time, Yes’s defense is too good, bounce, strength, and blocking are almost perfect!”

“After Kobe missed this time, Yes received the ball from the backcourt again. Is he going to play Kobe in that incredible way like the opening of the fourth quarter?!”

Watching Yesh catch the ball from the backcourt again, and once again the kind of uniform dribbling.

Seeing Ye Si’s momentum and uniform speed at this time, at this time, O’Neill even felt more pressure on Ye Si!

“Because Yes proved that he is stronger than three years ago?”

It was the first time that Yesh used this kind of dribbling method like his “Overlord Step”. At that time, like the whole world, he did not feel that Yes was stronger than three years ago.

Looking at Yess’s dribbling on the court at this time, O’Neal thought of his domineering move, and there are many people who think of it like O’Neal.

Although the two are completely different, the feeling is the same.

They are full of that kind of overwhelming, yet unparalleled momentum!

“Yes is going to break through with lightning again!”

Looking at Ye Si who kept coming to him, Kobe felt that his palms were sweating at this time.

He has never felt intimidated by his opponent, but anyone who thinks of Yes’s breakthrough just now will feel unbelievable.

“Many people used to say that I was the fastest first step in the NBA. Compared with Yes, my first step was as slow as a snail.”

Grant Hill said that his first step was as slow as a snail, and no one next to him dared to say that.

Because throughout the history of the NBA, no one dared to say that except Yes!

“Here again, the lightning step of Yes is here again!”

This time, Kobe responded, and Kobe responded in the first place.

“too fast!”

But reacting is totally different from being able to defend.

This time, Kobe stretched out his hand madly, there was no way to stop Ye Si’s breakthrough, he could only grab Ye Si’s clothes!

At this time, none of the members of the Sky Group next to Grant Hill dared to say that Kobe’s defense was not good enough.

“If it weren’t for Kobe, or even 99% of the people in league history, they wouldn’t even be able to catch the corner of Yes!”

“too fast!”


Ye Si, who was grabbed by Kobe in the corner of his clothes, jumped high again.

The clothes are torn.

And Ye Si in the air threw the basketball in his hand steadily and slowly!

There is no defender in front, the clothes are torn and the defense interferes, 120 three-pointers, 120 touch!


Staples heard this beautiful sound like water splashes again!

121 to 115!

Yesh hit his three-pointer for the third time in the fourth quarter!

Looking at Ye Si coming down from the air at this moment.

Looking at this part of Ye Si’s clothes again, Kobe’s eyes flashed in surprise.

His defense, against such a Yes, can’t catch it!

“Master’s lightning breakthrough is so cool!”

“That’s Kobe!”

At this time, the TV was full of close-ups of Kobe’s surprised and twinkling eyes.

On TV, apart from admiring the power of Yes’s breakthrough, no one laughed at Kobe’s defense for not being good enough.

“If it were me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even have a chance to foul the corner!”

“However, a breakthrough method like Yes is quite physical, especially hurting the knee.”

“Yeah, and I heard Rose said that this offensive method is very addictive. After all, that kind of speed on the court is just as addictive as speed. If it is not good, the player’s knee will be destroyed. Ross has expended a lot of effort to get rid of the wind speed addiction. Of course, Yes is definitely different from Rose. Yes has top control.”

After Yesh’s attack, once again, the Warriors’ locker room was frantically discussed.

Every offense by Kobe and Yesh, whether in or not, will make them intoxicated.

It’s not too much food, it’s not that they haven’t seen the world, but this matchup between Yes and Kobe, every picture, even every frame is a classic in the classics!

Kobe caught Yees’s clothes for a foul. Yees reappeared on the court after changing into a new outfit on the sidelines and made an additional penalty.

3+1, at the same time, the score on the court has also become 122 to 115!

It’s worth mentioning that Kobe didn’t return the jersey part he tore off to Yesh’s broken jersey, but carefully handed the torn part to his son Michael on the sidelines. And little Michael hugged him like a treasure.

“Mom, this is the taste of Yes!”


Vanessa felt that if his father heard this, it would be very sad.

This baby…

It can be seen that there are traitors in the Corvo family.

This episode did not affect the fluency of the game.

It also did not affect the duel between Yesh and Kobe.

After another defensive failure, Kobe didn’t get to the waist again this time, but at the top of the arc, asking for the ball outside the three-point line.

Compared to three points, Kobe’s CIC is better.

Therefore, he had always planned to use CIC before.

Just like Durant and him, Durant will seal the three points.

The weaker side will always be more cautious when challenging the strong side.

Not to mention the casual Durant, even the persistent he can’t avoid the vulgarity.

Of course, this time stepping on the three-point line to catch the ball is not to make a three-pointer.

But to see if there is more room for adjustment.

He did not intend to break through Yesh, nor did he intend to shoot three pointers.

After two failed attempts to change the direction of the breakthrough, Kobe suddenly half-turned and pulled up. In the movement, although Yes’s defense is still up, the degree of defense has indeed decreased!

“This goal can be scored!”

This time, Kobe almost fell from the air, without even looking at the trajectory of the basketball, just feel his own feeling, you can feel that the goal can be scored, and thus raised his right hand high!

“Kobe actually celebrated in advance!”

“With such a strong defense of Yes, I actually celebrated in advance!”

Many people are unbelievable.

Until, brush!

When the sound of basketball brushing the net sounded again, the statue-like Lakers No. 24 made people look at him.

“Kobe tonight is as powerful as it is incredible!”

Barkley is a bit of a five-body shot against Kobe at this time.

This is facing Yes!

In the face of a defense like Yes, it is difficult for ordinary players to even take shots. Even if they take shots, I am afraid that most of them are three non-sticks. Kobe can make a goal and celebrate in advance!


so amazing!

“Sure enough, when Kobe feels good, even if it is Yes, it can’t be prevented!”

“Kobe’s offensive skills have indeed reached the level of strength. When his hand feels excellent, coupled with his perfect technique, maybe he is only a little short of physical talent from Yes’s perfect offense. If Kobe has Yes or Jordan The same perfect physical talent…”

Barkley regretted when he admired.

“God didn’t drink alcohol when creating Yes. He definitely drank alcohol when creating Kobe, Jordan, and James. They all forgot to put something on them!”

However, compared with Barkley’s regret.

Kobe on the court did not feel any regrets.

Ke somebody doesn’t care about perfect and imperfect talent!

Go upstream, never ending, being strong is never because of perfection, but because of tenacity and hard work!

“Yes, this time, I celebrated in advance, do you dare to repeat it!”

Kobe’s smile, who scored again, appeared on his face again and again.

“This viper!”

On the sidelines, O’Neal also showed a playful smile on his face when he heard what Kobe said at this time through the live radio.

This poisonous snake habitually played psychological tactics again, putting pressure on Yes.

“Yes, don’t be fooled by this viper!”

Although he knew his voice could not reach Yeth’s ears, O’Neal shouted out when Yeth and the Sonics attacked.

Almost at the same time, the Lakers fans who were still celebrating Kobe’s offensive cheers and crazy Lakers just now were choked once again!

Because on the court, Yesh was almost in front of Kobe, and once again made the exact same offensive action!

And the important thing is!

“Celebrate in advance!”

“After Yes, just like Kobe before, he raised his right hand high!”

“Kobe is holding 2, and Yes is holding 3!”

What an incredible picture this is!

Even Russell and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on the sidelines have never seen such a picture in their own personal growth!

“On the court, there are actually two players celebrating in advance?!”

Looking at the Ye Si who raised his right hand high, Nick Young on the sidelines was shocked and wanted to cry.

He always celebrated his failures in advance, why didn’t he learn the magic skills of the master!


When the sound of basketball brushing the net was as crisp as Kobe’s shot just now, the whole Staples was suffocated again!

This is also OK? !

Not to mention that the audience is dumbfounded, but Kobe is definitely the dumbest person at this time.

Is this Nima okay? !


“Another perfect AnswerBall!”

“Yes shot another incredible and perfect AnswerBall in front of Kobe!”

“125 to 117, Kobe is constantly hitting, but the gap between the two teams has begun to widen!”

At this time, Kobe had only Yers in his eyes.

At this time, only Yes and Kobe were in the eyes of other audiences in the arena.

The duel between Yesh and Kobe was shocking and incredible.

Except for the two of each other, anyone standing in front of them will be torn apart by the two of this game.

The strength of these two men in this game has exceeded many people’s imagination.

This can be seen from Jordan’s shocked and somewhat sluggish expression on the big screen.

How crazy is the strength of Kobe and Yes in this game!

As a spectator, Phil Jackson will of course be crazy for such a wonderful game.

But as the head coach of the Lakers, Phil Jackson couldn’t help but pay attention to the score changes in this game.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Lakers were 1 point ahead of 112.

And after four rounds of confrontation between Kobe and Yes…

Kobe tried a three-pointer in front of Yes for the first time in the fourth quarter, but failed. The score was still 125 to 117!

After Kobe played against Yes for four rounds, the team’s point difference has become 8 points!

Is Kobe not strong enough?

No, Kobe is strong enough!

Yes is more powerful!

Whether it is offensive or defensive, they are perfect and powerful to the incredible kind of power!

Just when Phil Jackson thought of this, the whole Staples once again let out a crazy exclamation!

“Appeared! Appeared again!”

“Yes’ lightning breakthrough has appeared again!”

When Phil Jackson looked at the court, Yees would always use his lightning breakthrough to hit Kobe in the rounds when Kobe didn’t make a shot. Faced with such a breakthrough, not only Kobe, but also throughout the history of the NBA. No one can defend one-on-one!

Yes’s explosiveness, Yes’s technology, this is the player with the best ball control skills in NBA history, and the best 100-meter champion player in human history!

128 to 117!

In the fifth round, Yes made another three-pointer, and the score between the SuperSonics and the Lakers was 11 points!

The team has been stretched to more than 10 points, but Kobe is still fighting spirit on the court.

After failing the last three-point attempt, this time Kobe used his mid-range again.

And this time, facing the incredibly strong defense of Yesh, Kobe made another hit.

128 to 119!

Although the difference between the two sides was once again narrowed to within ten, Phil Jackson knew that this was only temporary!

Listen to the crazy atmosphere at the scene!

Take a look at Kobe and Ye Si who are getting more and more vigorous at this time. At this time, no one is paying attention to anything that is not a score~www.mtlnovel.com~ even him!

He knew that even he was almost completely indulged at this time, only his instinct as the Lakers head coach made him draw so much attention!



The current confrontation between the two men really deserves to be the confrontation between the two strongest players in human history, basketball history, and NBA history!

Every minute, every second, and even every moment of their duel is an art and classic that can be eternally recorded!

Phil Jackson knew that he couldn’t stop him now!

He was as silent as the whole world in the storm that Yes and Kobe jointly blew, and then he was silent!

In the early morning of December 26th, 2013, I watched the earthquake-like images on TV.

Listening to the terror on the TV and cheers like a tsunami.

At this time, the entire locker room of the Cleveland Cavaliers seemed exceptionally quiet.

Everyone’s face was full of shock.

At this time, the shock on their faces was even more shocking than the Cleveland Warriors’ five or eight hits on Christmas Eve.

165 to 136!

There is no fifty-eight, only twenty-nine!

But this time, Twenty-Nine shocked them even more than Fifty-eight.

At the moment, James watched the supersonic No. 14 and the Lakers No. 24 on TV, and the expression on his face was constantly changing.

This is the ceiling of the strength of NBA players? !

This is the strongest? !

He saw…

James, who had been dissatisfied before the start of the fourth quarter of the game, fell to the bench behind him depressed at this moment…


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