I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1219 - This kid is invincible!

“Does Durant and Anthony have such a big difference in single-handedness?”

“In the past major media heads-up rankings, Jordan ranked second the most times, followed by Kobe. Durant and Anthony have always been on the same level, but now, you feel that the level of the two heads-ups is not the same. Is it similar?”

To be honest, Durant cut the melon so easily in the heads-up with Anthony, not to mention other people, even the players of Yess and the Sonics were very surprised.

Especially James Harden and Leonard who lost to Anthony before.

The two lost to Anthony were somewhat unwilling, because they played very close to Anthony.

But they actually admitted that Anthony’s heads-up strength is indeed very strong, and it is okay to be better than them.

At best, they are equally divided with Anthony.

But, Anthony, who was evenly matched with them, was so easily defeated by Durant?

Doesn’t this mean that the single-handed strength gap between them and Durant is so huge?

This makes James Harden and Leonard a little uncomfortable.

They have always felt that although there is a gap with Durant, the gap is not that big.

But now they know, it turns out that the team with the most hidden strength is really not them, it is Durant!

Of course, although Yesh was surprised by Durant’s heads-up strength, he felt normal.

Durant’s physical condition is so good!

Such a tall height has too much advantage in heads-up.

Like Anthony playing Durant, it takes a lot of effort to find a shot.

But what about Durant?

Durant can simply ignore Anthony’s defense, raising his hand is open.

Whether to make progress has nothing to do with the opponent’s defense, it has to do with your own touch.

Those taller than him are not as flexible as him.

He is not as flexible and faster than him.

And Anthony is neither as tall as him, nor as fast as him, nor as flexible as him. He is stronger than him, but the advantage of this power is not worth mentioning in the face of other overall disadvantages.

With such a big physical advantage coupled with Durant’s excellent technique and shooting ability, it would be a ghost for Anthony to win Durant in a heads-up.

So, after losing to Durant so easily, Anthony shook his head with a wry smile.

No way, really no way.

Can’t win, really can’t win.

I am willing to bet and lose.

Gua recognized this time.

I have to say that Anthony is still very gracious. After losing to Durant in a heads-up, he also smiled and hugged Durant and expressed his appreciation before leaving.

Seeing Anthony like this, Durant’s face was cold, but his heart moved slightly.

Well, I won’t hack you for a month.

“KD’s heads-up is very, very strong. Be careful.”

Anthony’s current strength is recognized by the entire league. It is different from the laughter after Rondo lost. No one laughed when Anthony came down. It was not that Anthony was not strong, but Durant was too strong.

So in the face of Anthony’s reminder, the All-Stars of the league team also take it seriously.

Of course, it is important to attach importance to it, and the colleagues who attach importance to it are very excited.

“Kobe, Mike, Stephen, who are you on?”

As a heads-up madman, Irving can’t wait now.

And seeing Owen so impatient, although Kobe and Beasley also wanted to go up and try, but in the end they gave Owen a favor.

As for Curry.

After closing my eyes and feeling it.

It shrinks back carefully.

Seeing Curry’s actions, Kobe didn’t really care.

Curry’s heads-up is indeed incomparable with the rest of the team. It is not only that the offensive skills are not so comprehensive, but the physical fitness is not good. It can be said to be the ‘Rondo’ of the league team.

Curry’s heads-up skills are not strong, but he is strong in his hand, so the efficiency of singles in official matches is extremely high.

Curry and Rondo are the guards with the second highest and third highest success rate in singles in the NBA this season.

Therefore, from the perspective of Kobe and other league players, Curry’s level of heads-up is an enhanced version of Rondo.

After all, no one can see the illusory thing of the hand.

Therefore, Curry’s heads-up has a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit. It feels bad. With his physical fitness and heads-up skills, he is another Rondo.

It’s normal for such a heads-up player to shrink from a strong heads-up player like Durant.

If you really can’t help yourself to grab this chance to go to the ring first, what’s the difference between that and Rondo?

Withdraw his gaze from Curry, at this time Durant and Irving’s heads-up has begun.

Durant first strikes.

Regarding Durant’s physical condition and Irving’s physical condition, Durant and Irving singled out, when playing Irving, the style of painting is completely different from that of playing Anthony.

Faced with Irving’s close defense, Durant didn’t even bother to dribble the ball.

Regarding Irving’s height, he can only defend close to Durant. Like Anthony, he can prevent Durant from breaking through and retreating. Irving will not even have a chance to block.

But even if it is a close defense of Durant, the difference in height is too obvious.

Durant may not even see Irving when he shoots.


1 to 0!

It can’t be easier.

Irving is not discouraged.

The two are so familiar, it’s not the first time that Durant has been beaten like this.

Durant is not only able to pull him out, but also can use technology to break through him, but I don’t know if he wants to retain his physical strength, so Durant did not intend to use breakthrough or other methods, but chose the simplest Hit him in a relaxed way.

Irving knows very well that his defense can’t prevent Durant, mainly offense!

To win, you must attack!

1 to 0!

2 to 0!

3 to 0!

Finally, after Durant hit three consecutive dry draws, the fourth was finally lost.

And Irving’s opportunity came.

As long as he is not taken away by KD, he has a chance!

And his understanding of KD, KD is different from Kobe’s heads-up. KD’s heads-up is very stable, but not as explosive as Kobe. Kobe will really take away opponents in waves.

If it’s ten goals, KD or Jordan’s heads-up is definitely better than Kobe. The more you play, the more important the stability is, but only five goals will test your explosiveness.

Therefore, in terms of rules, five goals are very beneficial to explosive heads-up players like him and Kobe.

Already behind 0 to 3, the expression on Owen’s face is still like a rainbow, which makes the audience next to him very incredible.

But soon, they knew why Irving had such a mentality.

“Owen’s possession of the ball is too strong?!”

“How can you really get to the basket with three dribbles?!”

“What three dribbles? This is two dribbles and three layups!”

After Irving’s first attack, a very freehand one-handed dribble tricked Durant, he broke through Durant, and then went straight to the basket to complete his first offense.

This possession of the ball makes all the next pile look dumbfounded.

“The first person to control the ball under Yes is a well-deserved reputation!”

Pippen, who was standing next to Jordan, deliberately sighed loudly. After that, the look on Jordan’s face next to him was not very good.

After all, in ESPN’s first possession game in NBA history, Irving defeated him to enter the final. On the other hand, Yesh defeated Iverson to enter the final. In the end, Yes won the championship and Irving was runner-up.

Of course he is not satisfied with this result.

But I have to say that this kid’s ball control skills are really strong.

It is really too difficult for the American heads-up to score points with such a breakthrough.

Especially in the face of Durant’s defense, Irving can do so easily.

Of course, Durant was not fooled in Irving’s second attack, and Irving, who finally failed to break through, was forced to fall back in the horn area on the left, riding an archery and hit again!

2 to 3!

Irving’s offense not only shows that he has strong enough ball-handling skills, but also strong enough offensive ability, this is Durant!

“I have to say that as a defender, it is not unreasonable that he finally forced James to single-handedly play.

“This kid’s heads-up is really strong!”

In the third offense, Irving once again tricked Durant with his possession of the ball, but this time it was not a breakthrough layup, but after a false jump, he immediately changed the direction into a step backward. The ball was controlled directly. Dang Durant below the free throw line.

In the one-on-one heads-up, a defender like Durant was swayed to the point of falling. This Nima directly showed Anthony, who had no way to fight Durant just now.

“This kind of ball-handling skill of holding the ball on the spot almost knocked people down, I have seen it in Yes. In the game with the Warriors, Yes, holding the ball on the spot directly swayed Dream Green!”

“This ability to control the ball is simply amazing!”

Whether it was fans, other players or professionals, they were all dumbfounded, and Ye Si’s eyes kept shining.

This hand is really beautiful.

In fact, Owen’s dribbling dribble on the spot really learned Yers.

After Ye Si’s magical skill of shaking people in place, it naturally caused a group of people to imitate.

Just like Ye Si’s previous magic skills such as traffic accidents, non-adjustment and dry pull, etc. after the emergence of a bunch of people imitating, Ye Si’s swaying people also attracted a bunch of people to imitate.

But apart from the defensive players cooperating with the offensive players to act and shoot videos, basically in actual combat, no one has ever attacked against a defensive player of the same level.

This hand looks freehand, but it is too difficult to learn.

Unexpectedly, Owen actually learned it!

And I learned so well!

This is Kevin Durant!

Durant’s overall defense is not as good as Green, but Durant is still very strong in heads-up defense, even if it is not as good as Green, it is definitely not bad.

Even if the success is accidental, it is also a success, after all, even Yes can’t successfully play Green again and again.

Besides, this is Seattle, and this magical skill is one of the twelve great magical skills of Yes.

It’s not exciting to see how such magical skills reappear.

The atmosphere at the scene is warm, but this does not affect Owen’s current mentality.

Irving outside the arc top three-point line after a pause to adjust, not very fast, but a pretty picturesque shot made this three-pointer.

3 to 3!

Behind 0 to 3, they even tied with 3 to 3!

And the three offenses used completely different three offenses.

Irving’s heads-up ability even shocked Jordan next to him.

“Is Irving’s heads-up matchup better than Anthony?”

“Can’t say that. The results of Irving and Anthony’s one-on-one singles are still unpredictable, but Irving is indeed more suitable than Anthony to singles Durant. Many of Anthony’s singles advantages cannot be played in front of Durant, but Irving does not. Similarly, his heads-up advantage can be used very well. Irving’s strongest point is possession. Although Durant is very flexible, after all, there is no way to restrict Irving’s possession of the ball above 2 meters.”

Irving’s possession of the ball is a great advantage for Durant, but it is also the only advantage.

So in the fourth offense, after Irving once again broke through and was blocked and was seen by Durant, he still could only attack from the middle distance.

But this time, it failed.

If a 1.88-meter defender is attacking a 2.1-meter forward, it is still difficult to attack.

3 to 3!

Offensive and defensive different positions.

When he lost his offense, Irving knew that the heads-up was over.

5 to 3!

Durant did not give Owen any more opportunities.

In the end, he defeated Irving by a score of 5 to 3.

After Durant and Irving’s heads-up, there was a burst of crazy applause.

No way, this time Durant and Irving singled out more exciting than just now Durant and Anthony singled.

“If Irving makes the first strike this time, can he defeat Durant?”

“It is possible, but it is still difficult. Durant’s talent and ability are simply BUG in heads-up!”

After Irving’s defeat, Beasley was the next player to play. Kobe was still polite to these unstoppable young people~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Curry continued to shrink.

“Durant’s talent in heads-ups is the same as a bug. Now, another bug is coming!”

When Beasley walked onto the court, the two stood together, as if they were really like a mirror.

The two look like a mirror, but there is still a difference. Durant’s defense is stronger. At the same time, Durant is stronger than Beasley’s three-pointer.

These two advantages are the reason why Beasley is not as good as Durant in various heads-ups and has been placed in the third echelon.

In fact, Beasley still lost in this heads-up against Durant.

2 to 0

2 to 2

3 to 2

3 to 3

5 to 3!

The same big score as Irving, but the game process is completely different.

Neither Beasley nor Irving’s defense is good enough, but Irving’s three offenses have breakthroughs, with three points and mid-range, but Beasley, one three-pointer, two mid-range, but the two missed are all three. Minute.

Although Beasley has comprehensive skills, his offense relies too much on mid-range, which is easy to target.

Of course, Beasley’s shortcomings are not something everyone can address. Just like Anthony’s shortcomings, they are shortcomings in front of Durant, but not in front of others.

“Durant is already a string of three!”

“Now there are only two people left in the league. Curry can ignore it. Kobe is the only one left. As far as Durant has shown in this singles, Kobe is probably not lucky enough!”

“This time Durant won’t take the title of heads-up in the first quarter?!”

This kid is going to be invincible!

Even Barkley and O’Neal were shocked by Durant’s tough heads-up level.


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