I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 153

Chapter 146 As I saw (3)

Xu… Jiao? !

When Ye Zhen heard the name, a shock of lightning flashed through his heart!

It’s not that she doesn’t have the child’s name in her memory, it’s just that the other party basically didn’t communicate with her when she came to the past. Secondly, there are too many incomplete places in those memories, like something created out of thin air. The purpose of is to explore his identity and the source of this memory, who knows…

Go around.

This kid is actually called Xu Jiao.

All Xu Jiao’s attention was devoted to the joy of reunion with her deceased, so she did not notice the surprise of the other party, and never thought about why Ye Zhen, who should have met for the first time, seemed to naturally know how to get along with her. , The voice is very low, and she didn’t approach her easily because of her cute appearance, but always kept her distance, as if she was worried that her abrupt behavior would stimulate her.

Thinking of Xu Jiao’s standard self-introduction just now, Ye Zhen flashed an insignificant surprise in her eyes, and then she showed a gentle smile, as if she wanted to get closer to Xu Jiao, but those words reached her mouth. At the same time, she was vetoed one by one. In the end, she was just not far away, keeping the posture of squatting and talking to Xu Jiaoping, watching her smile motionlessly.

Xu Jiao looked at the direction of the room behind her, a little complicated in her eyes.

In her original world line—

After Ye Zhen’s incident happened, when she was almost of adulthood, Xu Jiao moved out of the house by herself, and lived by writing articles. She rented Ye Zhen’s house, and the system gave her a simulated space decoration, specifically in this house. .

Of course, now that Ye Zhen lives there, the furnishings are definitely different from when Xu Jiao moved in later. Xu Jiao was invited to the house countless times when she was a child, but she never cared about the furnishings in the house. It’s hard to remember, after all, she could sit silently in the corner for a long, long time at that time, just immersed in her own world, and she didn’t even remember what Ye Zhen had said to her.

This is something Xu Jiao regrets very much.

Now that she has recovered, even if she still doesn’t like the crowd, she would rather lock herself alone in a familiar environment, but Ye Zhen is the only accident in her life.

She wants to be closer to each other.

Learn a little more.

Fill in all the forgotten details that could not be remembered at the beginning in the memory blanks.

Ye Zhen didn’t know what she was thinking. Seeing her looking at the direction of her house, he still

After hesitating for a moment, he said softly: “Do you want to go to my house to play?”

Without waiting for Xu Jiao to respond—

There was a “dingdong” in the direction of the elevator door.

Shows that someone has arrived on this floor.

Xu Jiao remembered the things that the system said to prevent her from suddenly falling apart, thinking about the surrounding environment, even if she did not have the memories of neighbors when she was a child, it would not prevent her from presenting the current relationship based on the current situation of this dense and old residential building. When she was a child, she had autism, and the family would try to avoid taking her out, and this kind of densely populated tube building must be a good place to convey gossip. Even if the neighbors rarely see her, they definitely know that there is a child like her.

Because she didn’t bring the key, Xu Jiao didn’t close the door of the house when she went out just now. Now there are only two people in the hallway, she and Ye Zhen, and it is easy to guess her identity.

Xu Jiao tightened her lips and stood still, just staring at the people coming out of the elevator from the corner of her eye.

It was a middle-aged woman with a few colorful plastic bags in her left hand and a red leather bag on her right wrist. She was surprised when she saw Xu Jiao and stopped, and then looked at Ye Zhen who was not far away.

After walking back and forth like this for a few times, the middle-aged woman smiled at Ye Zhen, revealing the crow’s feet at the corner of her eyes: “Is the little girl newly moved? Look at the face.”

Ye Zhen hid his inner emotions, nodded to the woman, just thought of a polite sentence, and thought that Xu Jiao in front of him should be in such a state that he should not be able to contact strangers, so he didn’t speak any more.

Unexpectedly, the woman didn’t mean to stop, she moved a few steps in their direction, and said as she walked: “Is this little baby your sister who looks pretty?”

Ye Zhen: “…”

She bit her lip in embarrassment, and her gaze fell unconsciously to the room behind Xu Jiao, as if she was a little entangled in whether to recognize this half-sister.

But before she said anything, the middle-aged woman followed her gaze and guessed something, and her tone rose a little immediately: “What is Lao Xu’s family doing? Is this the autistic child of their family? How can you just let it go? Out?”

There was a bit of panic in her voice, as if it was not a four or five-year-old child that was released, but a destructive weapon that could blow up the entire tube building.

Xu Jiao suddenly turned her head to look at her position when she heard her ending sharply. The woman was met by her bottomless black eyes, and she was subconsciously held by her evil eyes. It was just a moment before Ye Zhen listened to Ye Zhen. Slowly speak:

“Auntie, please be quiet, your voice will affect the whole building

‘S kids are scared awake—”

“The adults in her family just went out for a while and asked me to take care of them. You don’t need to make such a fuss.”

She was yelling with respectful names, but anyone could hear that the middle-aged woman was a little annoyed by Ye Zhen’s tone. She was opening her eyes and trying to say something, but she heard a scream that was harsher than her. The distance hits the eardrum!

Ye Zhen watched as the girl who was well-behaved and cute a few minutes ago, and even able to introduce herself to herself, suddenly returned to her sharp and sensitive appearance, screaming at the woman as if she had received some terrible harm.

Several nearby houses opened their doors one after another, wanting to probe what happened outside. Even though the woman was very effective in the tube building on weekdays, she could not care about a child who was sick, and immediately stepped on her own. With the disgusting expression of Dirty Shui, she deliberately moved away from Xu Jiao and headed towards her home:

“Old Xu’s family is really a little madman, I can’t afford it!”

She raised her voice like this to show that Xu Jiao’s scream had nothing to do with her.

Ye Zhen didn’t want Xu Jiao to hear those people’s gossip, nor did she want her to accept those strange gazes. She knew what a kind child this was, but it was just sick.

Fearing that Xu Jiao would be more irritated, she had to muster the courage to approach. In fact, this behavior was very dangerous, because it was the first time she and Xu Jiao met. Aside from the previous friendly performance, she was approaching the emotionally acute time without permission A child with autism may also put her in a dangerous situation.

It may be light for Xu Jiao to hit her stomach twice with her head.

But Ye Zhen really couldn’t take care of so much for a while. When she reacted, she had already walked to Xu Jiao’s side, gently pressing her head in her arms, covering her ears, preventing her from seeing At the same time, she dared to take Xu Jiao to the other’s home with the strange gazes of those neighbors. After all, that was the environment this child was most familiar with.

The child in his arms quieted strangely.

When Ye Zhen entered the room, she realized that her back was in cold sweat. She instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, and lowered her head to give the children around her a positive feedback: “Awesome, Jiaojiao is so obedient.”

Xu Jiao: “…”

Hearing this deceptive compliment from a normal, adult perspective, her mood is inevitably a bit complicated.

Especially this praise comes from people I admire.

She didn’t know what kind of reaction she should make, but Ye Zhen didn’t care. He glanced at the time, although she wanted to stay longer and touch it.

She knows Xu Jiao’s specific situation, but she knows that now is the time when she can’t be stunned. It is not a good opportunity to expose herself to Xu Jiao’s stepdad.

In the end, Ye Zhen squatted down again and touched Xu Jiao’s head, with a soft tone in his tone:

“Be obedient at home, elder sister will come to play with you tomorrow, okay?”

Xu Jiao: “…”

The age difference between Ye Zhen and Ye Zhen, who is obviously over ten years old, makes her extremely depressed, and she can only express her thoughts with a depressed nod.

But Ye Zhen couldn’t help raising his brows when he saw her nodding.

The door was finally closed.

Xu Jiao stood inside the door, quietly looking at the door, as if looking at the reincarnation of life and death that had blocked her and Ye Zhen in memory, standing there motionless for a long time.

Instead, it was Ye Zhen outside the door. After taking a step out, he suddenly looked back at the solid wooden door—

A few deep thoughts flashed between her eyebrows.

Xu Jiao.

She chewed these two words lowly between her lips and teeth, and then raised her left hand finger to press the position of her temple. This name has accompanied her through many worlds. She has said it in countless lingering moments of madness, she I have talked about the other’s ruthlessness and cruelty, and I have also felt the other’s affection and concentration, but I have never associated this powerful **** with the poor girl in weird memory.

After all, they are too far apart.

Who can think of it?

The thoughts that flashed in my mind just now were hurriedly suppressed. At this moment, they appeared again just like pressing a gourd to float the scoop. Ye Hao stared at the door, thinking of Xu Jiao’s appearance when she saw herself before. , And that string of conversational responses that are almost impossible to appear. After a while, she asked the system in her mind:

“You said, now Xu Jiao, is she really autistic or pretending to be?”

“If it’s pretending, what kind of soul is in her skin?”


It replied calmly: “You already have the answer.”

Ye Zhen retracted his gaze and smiled lowly.

“Yes it is.”

She did have an answer.

That is, no matter what the child looks like, she will take good care of the other person. After all, this is the treasure in her palm, the treasure in the palm of her hand.

It’s the person she cares about for a long time.

Ye Zhen didn’t want to see Xu Jiao hurt a little bit.

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