I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 39

Chapter 38 Do not want to divorce (5)

Going back to the room and changing to a new inhibitor will make Xu Jiao look like Xu Jiao’s guilty conscience and desire to cover up after being discovered the truth, but if he doesn’t change it, Xu Jiao will swagger through the market with the smell of wind sapphire. comfortable.

She rarely encountered such a dilemma. When Feng Qingyu entered the room, she stood alone in the corridor for a while, and chose to go to her room.

At the same time, Xu Jiao mentioned to the system: “I am not sensitive enough to these pheromones. If I use the wrong pheromone next time, you remember to remind me.”

It took a long time for the system to speak out, but it asked another question: “From my observation, you don’t seem to be going to take the route of’brushing wind sapphire favorability’?”

Xu Jiao walked into her room, closed the door with her backhand, reopened her dressing table cabinet, found the bottle of inhibitor she had just used, threw it into the indoor wastebasket, and answered it aloud: “Yes.”

She said, “I thought I had acted very obviously–”

“I don’t want to have any constant and chaotic entanglement with the heroines of these worlds. Even if I have a marriage relationship with her in this world, nothing will change. I will ask her for divorce in half a year. During this period, I will try my best to develop my own business.”

Although Xu Jiao intellectually knows that the world in these books is very false, but every time she enters a role, she will work hard to be herself and learn many new things, because if she always revolves around the task goal, then she is like It will be like a passive summoned beast, waiting to be summoned by the protagonist.

If that is the case, then she has fallen in the first world.

It is precisely because she can always adapt to her new identity and learn different new things in each world, in order to keep herself sensible and sober forever. In the first world, she learned fairy art, and in the second world, she will be The knowledge that I didn’t understand in my student days has been thoroughly studied, and fortunately, I have listened to a period of class in the hall of higher education and expanded my knowledge…

Now Xu Jiao has entered “Starlight”.

She is an actor, and she also has a skill that can help her adapt to this status quickly. The world of acting is unfamiliar and broad to Xu Jiao, and she is very happy to explore the door of this new world.

The identity of an actor, to some extent, has something in common with the creator. It requires observation of life and a certain degree of empathy, otherwise your performance and creation will not be able to move people’s hearts.

The division of factions in acting is also similar to creation.

The expressionist approach is to let the audience know what you want to express through externalization techniques, the same emotional expression and certain processing art. This technique is like a routine that allows actors to easily understand what they need in the scene. Something to express.

In writing, it is like the author has compiled a certain number of articles, summed up the trend of the routines and the development of the story, even if his own writing style has not kept up, but because he knows the tastes of the readers of the prosperous subject, even when writing In fact, I can write good works without feelings.

In the performance, the experiential school is naturally touted by the outsiders. By resonating with the character, and understanding the emotion of the character to be played, let yourself be substituted into the character, so that’you are not yourself, but the character himself’, You can impress the audience with your understanding.

Putting this technique into the article is to give a character a soul based on the author’s own, special experience, so that the character in the story written will have his unique image and impressive details.

Because of this, Xu Jiao really wants to experience the identity of an actor. It is not only because of the identity of the original owner, nor is it just because she is boring to find something to do. She is full of respect and desire for exploration in this industry. She wants to learn from this profession. Something that breaks through the bottleneck of my creation and gives myself more inspiration.

Regardless of the success or failure of this world mission, Xu Jiao has already decided–

She wants to stay here longer.

She wants to go to a higher place as an actor, just as she once wanted to swim to the front in the same industry as a creator.

Xu Jiao spent the night in the house with the skills.

The script had not been sent to her, and she was not in a hurry. Instead, she picked out some stories or even classics from the bookshelf, randomly selected one of the characters, looked in the mirror, and watched her acting skills in the state of equipment skills.

That was herself Xu Jiao had never seen before.

When the skills are on her body, her expression, her body, and even her emotions are not under her control. The smiles, emotions and expressions of this character are all she has never had before.

This experience is far more than just a puppet with a string. Xu Jiao originally thought that because of too cold feelings and too little emotional fluctuations, she would appear to be acting too fake, or it was a kind of separation of body and soul, and the soul looked at herself coldly. The feeling that his body is being-manipulated, but neither is it.

The power of the skill ‘Immersive’ is really special.

Even during the intermission when the role performance was over and the skill halo was not there, Xu Jiao couldn’t get out of that state for a long time. She looked at the tears in the corner of her eyes in the mirror, her eyelashes had been drained and wet, as if she had been drained. The reeds on the riverside that had been hit by the rain did not return to their original elegance and agility. The fine and dense flying flies stuck together embarrassingly, bowed their heads dejectedly.

The tears on the side of the face were about to dry, and there was still a blush on the cheeks caused by overexcited emotions.

This is just appearance.

What shocked Xu Jiao most was her heart at the moment.

The endless beach was suddenly washed by the endless waves. When the tide faded, the clean beach was gone. Sand pits, seaweed, gravel, and those stranded creatures that had no time to return to the water were all left behind. Above.

Those traces are the traces of her emotions after being affected by this skill.

She raised her hand and pressed it on her face on the mirror. She saw the sadness on the face of the person in the mirror. She also saw the slight trembling of the back of the hand on the mirror. The fingertips brought the temperature of the body, leaving a blur on the mirror. The fingerprints disappeared in an instant.

Xu Jiao took a few deep breaths before she managed to slowly dissipate the sequelae of the excessive excitement in her body. After a while, all the waves in her eyes disappeared, and she became the original calm look again.

The system suddenly asked at this moment: “How is the experience of using this skill?”

Xu Jiao curled her lips, her eyes were cold: “One star, bad review.”

System: “…I’m not asking you to rate.”

Xu Jiao expressed disappointment in her tone: “As the highest-end artificial intelligence, doesn’t it allow customers to rate service? Your system is too domineering.”

Hearing that she was unable to complain about her disappointment, the system: “…”

It was silent for a while, and then spoke again: “I think you are stubborn and the possibility of modifying the ending successfully is too low. I need to learn enough lessons from you so that I can choose the next host. Keep your eyes open and choose a task with a higher completion rate.”

Xu Jiao heard the words that were like prophecies and curses, raised her brows and asked, “Is this your behavior called eating in a bowl and looking at the pot?”


One person, one system, fatherhood hurt for a long time, Qi Qi fell into silence, and finally Xu Jiao moved the topic back to this skill. She had a shallow look and casually expressed her feelings about her use:

“I don’t know if I am suspicious.”

“I always feel that you even the poverty alleviation gift package reveals a kind of conspiracy. How do I feel that you seem to think that my emotions are too cold. In order to let me invest more emotions in this world, I gave me this A skill that makes me emotional anytime, anywhere?”

Participating in the play means emotional resonance, and people with weak emotions cannot enter the play, nor can they empathize with the character——

Once Xu Jiao has experienced the emotions and desires, the pain and helplessness, joy and happiness of these characters in this world in the same way, is she still worried that she will never have true feelings?

The system seems to be more willing to see her being immersed in a scene forever and unable to extricate herself from it, and does not want her to watch the world ruin and remain indifferent.

Hearing Xu Jiao’s words, the system replied flatly: “This skill appears randomly based on different attributes in the world. “Starlight” has an entertainment label, so the probability of dropping skills such as acting or queen halo, etc. higher–”

“You can also choose not to use it.”

Xu Jiao smiled, the corners of her lips raised higher. In the mirror, she seemed to have a sweet smile, which matched the pheromone smell on her body perfectly, sweet and sweet.

“Use,” she said, “Why not?”

Xu Jiao tilted her head, staring at her eyes in the mirror, keeping her smile like this, even her voice was inevitably tainted with the same sunshine-scent.

The words that can be uttered have an unmoved coldness:

“In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers.”

“Let’s wait and see, whether I was lost in this world first, or let the emotions and desires…in the end be controlled by me.”

Before Xu Jiao appeared under the camera, she had already experienced what it means to be crazy for a play.

She stayed up all night and went to experience the lives of the characters in the book one by one. When she felt it was almost done, she wanted to take a look at the time with her mobile phone and saw a document sent by Feng Qingyu.

It is 5:18 in the morning.

Feng Qingyu’s document was sent at 11 o’clock last night.

Xu Jiao was thinking of saying “thank you”, and thought that this person’s mobile phone is not silent at night. According to her own habits, people sleep very lightly in an environment with irregular work and rest, and it is easy to be noisy by small movements. wake.

In the end, she just ordered the file to receive, and was ready to thank Feng Qingyu face to face tomorrow morning.

Because Xu Jiao is not an actor whom the film crew sees, it is impossible for her to get the script. Even the one from Feng Qingyu is just a few of the fragments and outlines of the relevant characters to help her preliminarily construct a scene. And simply understand the characters.

Xu Jiao doesn’t know if Feng Qingyu will have a complete script and a summary of the story, but she knows from the memory of the original owner that in some stricter crews, the actors will even be released after they have all entered the crew. , Conduct a study session of the script.

——This is to avoid premature disclosure of content.

Since there is no way to know more character images for the time being, she can only grind these fragments repeatedly, even equipping the skills to perform repeatedly in front of the mirror, and finally pick up the phone to make notes in the memo.

The system looked at it for a while and thought it was Xu Jiao who was too guarded, and couldn’t help reminding: “In this world, this ‘immersive’ is permanently effective, no matter what the situation.”

Xu Jiao’s typing did not stop in the slightest: “I know.”

She said: “But I don’t just want it to work in this world.”

She wants to make this skill her own.

One day, Xu Jiao will perform a real drama that belongs to her without using this skill.

The system was shocked by her unforgivable bit of cheap land, and after a while, a sentence came out: “Your behavior is the legendary eating and taking, right?”

Xu Jiao didn’t even look away from the phone, she only nodded cheerfully: “Thank you.”

It’s eight thirty in the morning.

Xu Jiao went downstairs sleepily, deliberately missing the usual breakfast time, but she didn’t expect Shi Weiya to be still in the lobby on the first floor, sitting on the sofa flipping through the magazine.

Seeing her come down, Shi Weiya looked up, her face was originally smiling, but she was startled when she saw Xu Jiao’s face:

“Jiaojiao, did you not sleep last night?”

Xu Jiao touched her cheek, smiled at Shi Weiya, and walked down the stairs, “Is her complexion very bad? I looked in the mirror on purpose just now, shouldn’t it be okay?”

Shi Weiya stood up, and came to her direction nervously: “What’s the matter? Did you have insomnia? Can’t sleep well? Or—”

Xu Jiao shook her head and quickly calmed down: “No, no, no, I just got a script that I like very much last night, so I forgot the time to study the role. I’ll just go to catch up later.”

Shi Weiya was stunned for a moment, and immediately pushed her toward the dining table: “Is it? Oh, this is too hard. Just eat while it is hot. Don’t be exhausted from work. You can’t follow Qingyu to learn this bad habit. ”

Xu Jiao is not very good at coping with such enthusiasm, so she can only follow Shi Weiya’s movements towards the dining table, “I know, Aunt Shi, don’t worry.”

Shi Weiya obviously didn’t believe it. Seeing her sitting down at the dining table, she went to the kitchen to ask for a new breakfast, and asked Xu Jiao if she wanted to drink hand-ground soy milk. Her babbling words were full of care.

Xu Jiao sat quietly on the chair, her eyes soft in the direction of Shi Weiya.

She remembered that after the original owner married Feng Qingyu, he wanted to call Feng’s husband and wife directly as her parents, but the marketing and hot searches she bought that day made Feng Qingyu very unhappy.

At that time, the original owner hadn’t grasped Feng Qingyu’s temper. He was guilty and unreasonable. He came to the mouth with a cry of cheap parents, but changed it into a polite and restrained “Uncle Feng is good, Aunt Shi is good”.

Shi Weiya smiled and said at the time: “You are married to Qingyu now. We are a family. How do you call it such a stranger? It should be called Mom and Dad.”

Just when the original owner was about to climb along the pole, she suddenly noticed Feng Qingyu’s eyes, and somehow smiled: “I…I and Qingyu are married by the state. She shouldn’t be comfortable with it yet, and I’m also a little bit ill I’m used to it, I don’t want my uncles and aunts to think I’m here to take advantage, so I want to change my mind later, okay?”

Shi Weiya felt that the original owner was kind at that time.

Later, in order to maintain his image in front of Feng’s family, the original owner never changed his words, but in fact, he has secretly called his parents many times on Weibo.

Xu Jiao didn’t have any special feelings about the original owner’s scheming–

She just thinks this is good.

So just continue to use it.

A few days before going to the audition, Xu Jiao shut herself in the house every day. Except for meeting people during the three meals, she seemed transparent at all times, completely losing her strong sense of existence.

The only person who was not used to was Shi Weiya. She saw that Xu Jiao worked so hard for her work and there was nothing to help, so she changed tricks to make the kitchen make some tonic stews and so on, trying to make her more comfortable in eating and drinking. .

Feng’s Alpha are all workaholics. Feng’s father went out to discuss business this week. He only had a fixed video call with Shi Weiya every morning considering the time difference. Feng Qingyu’s brother was in the army all the year round, so he couldn’t take leave of absence. .

Before Feng Qingyu was not very busy, she could accompany her more at home. Later, she became more and more popular, and she received more and more endorsements, advertisements, and dramas. For ten days, even during the filming period, there were various activities interspersed, either to participate in shows or commercial activities. Even if they came back, they would go out early and return late, completely incompatible with Shi Weiya’s biological clock.

So after Xu Jiao got married, Shi Weiya successfully transferred all of her maternal love knots to Xu Jiao’s body.

Now that Xu Jiao has the tendency to become a workaholic, Shi Weiya is happy for her and a little lonely, but in general, she also hopes that Xu Jiao can be like Feng Qingyu with a prosperous career so that the two can also help each other.

The night before the audition.

Shi Weiya deliberately went to bed late for a while, and when it was late at night, Feng Qingyu, who had just returned, was a little surprised: “Mom, why are you still asleep?”

Shi Weiya cared about her itinerary today, and then turned the topic to the other side: “I heard Jiaojiao is going to audition in your crew tomorrow?”

Feng Qingyu’s eyes cooled down, thinking that Xu Jiao wanted to ask her for some bargains through her mother again. Before Shi Weiya could say it, her voice had faded a bit:

“I have helped her win the audition quota. Whether or not to use her is a matter for the crew to decide. Even if you want me to help her, there is nothing I can do.”

Although her words were not the most rude, it was because her education did not allow her to say harsh words to an Omega in front of others, and it did not mean that Feng Qingyu was not angry.

She really hated Xu Jiao’s use of her mother to take advantage of her.

Shi Weiya was stunned for a moment, vaguely felt that she was a little self-defeating tonight. She clearly wanted to increase the relationship between the pair of Biren, so why did she seem to make her daughter hate Xu Jiao even more?

Just when Feng Qingyu was about to walk upstairs without stopping, she said again:

“You are wrong, Sapphire.”

“Jiaojiao didn’t mean to let me come to you to ask for any benefits. I just saw that she kept herself in the room these days, just to prepare for tomorrow’s scene, thinking about the time you spent on the crew. Long enough, it should be able to remind her in some places, teach her, that’s it.”

Shi Weiya’s voice is not hurried, but with a full human touch: “Since she came in, I haven’t seen her working so hard, so I can’t bear to see her disappointed. If it makes you feel troubled, Just be your mother and didn’t say anything just now.”

Twisted melons are not sweet, Shi Weiya understands this truth.

Feng Qingyu’s expression changed when she heard Xu Jiao’s serious rehearsal these days. She thought of the web dramas that Xu Jiao had filmed before, and some of them couldn’t imagine how this person could make progress in three days.

Although she was suspicious in her heart, she turned around and responded to Shi Weiya’s words: “Sorry, I just thought about it.”

“I will take care of it. Mom, please go to rest early. You are not in good health, so don’t stay with us.”

“Why is the boss Shangguan free today?”

“I heard that today I was selecting the role of the director, and I stopped by to take a look. I have always heard that you are very strict in selecting people. I have the honor to have a long time today.

“Come on, I don’t know you Shangguanyan. Today, there is a supporting role that your company recently praised? Worried that I will brush her down?”

“Director Zhen don’t say that. We said it well at the beginning. I am responsible for paying the money and you are responsible for the shooting. I don’t care about the selection of people. Other crews don’t dare to ask me to invest in your words. ”

An office on the 16th floor in a certain building.

Shangguanyan and the director of “The Willow on the Palace Wall” were sitting and drinking tea. The two of them were in the same profession at home. They have known each other since they were young, and they have become familiar with each other when they talk.

Zhen Rui is also an extremely good-looking Alpha. In the early years, he liked to make literary and artistic films and sent abroad to win awards. Later, he became obsessed with classical culture somehow. Shang is more sophisticated in ancient films, making his first costume drama a direct hit!

Directly promoted an 18th-line actress to the top of that year!

Nowadays, the screenwriter of the work “The Willow in the Palace Wall” is Zhen Nai’s wife. She handed it over to Yantian Entertainment. It was reviewed by the company’s special department and handed it to Shangguanyan. So there are two people this time. Shangguanyan was named as the producer of this work. Today he came to see this casting, and it was justified.

The two were chatting, when they heard someone knock on the door, Shangguan Yan turned his head to see——

The person who came was Feng Qingyu.

Shangguan Yan’s eyes condensed without a trace on her body, and she heard her warmly greet herself: “President Yan, Director Zhen.”

Shangguan’s family has been a merchant for generations, and Shangguanyan’s father is even more famous in the industry. In the early years, some people said that their father and son were both big and small Shangguan. Later, Yantian Entertainment was enlarged by Shangguanyan. His father distinguished himself, and he called “Zong Yan” respectfully.

Zhen Yu smiled and asked her to come over and sit, and a new cup was ironed in his hand, and said to her: “Which one you brought here today? How about it, did you secretly open a small stove for her at home these past two days?”

Under the hype of the original owner Xu Jiao, few people in the circle didn’t know Feng Qingyu’s little wife.

Feng Qingyu smiled and was about to speak, when Shang Guanyan next to him suddenly interjected: “I remember, in “The Willow on the Palace Wall”, Concubine Rong and the Queen have a relationship line, right?”

“The role of the queen is set for you. If you play with her for a while, with the feelings and understanding of the two of you, will the others be out of play?”

There was a bit of joke in his voice. At first it sounded like he was boasting that Feng Qingyu and Xu Jiao had a good relationship, but in fact it was implying that Feng Qingyu should not bridge Xu Jiao too far.

Feng Qingyu thanked Zhen Tao for the tea in a low voice, the curvature of the corners of her lips and smile did not change at all, meeting Shangguan Yan’s gaze, the warm voice sounded in the room:

“President Yan joked, I haven’t told her what role I took.”

Because of her gentle personality, no one knows exactly how she and Xu Jiao are getting along. Just listening to this is like she reserved a surprise and is planning to wait for Xu Jiao to tell the other party about it.

At the same time, I answered cryptically, rest assured, I will not break the rules in the public.

Shangguan Yan picked up his tea cup, his handsome eyebrows and starry eyes bright as the sun, and his movements blocked part of his expression. His eyesight was short, and he recalled Xu Jiao’s hot-eyed web drama performance he saw last night.

For Feng Qingyu, he is bound to win.

and so……

There are some obstacles that he will personally remove when needed.

According to his investigation, Feng Qingyu and her nominal wife are actually close to each other, and they will separate naturally without any tricks.

Under this circumstance, he certainly can’t give the two people any chance to increase their relationship.

Now he wants to see, Feng Qingyu will not go off the stage to lead the show, what can he do with that net celebrity face alone?

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