I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 49

Chapter 48 Do not want to divorce (15)

“The fans of the troupe said Xu Sajiao’s acting skills have improved! Director Zhen has praised it many times! What should I do about this plot I have begun to look forward to QAQ”

“Isn’t there a trailer tonight? I have moved the bench and waited! I heard that this is a drama invested by Yantian and now premiered on Starlight! I am really looking forward to the help!”

“Guangqiu Yongli and Lu Xun are responsible for the traffic. I can see the ratings on the day of the first broadcast. Didn’t I find that both of them are overwhelmingly searched online in the past six months? The picture of Lu Xun walking the Cannes red carpet is still It’s hanging in his own super talk advertisement.”

“Speaking of which, in this ancient costume battle drama, the heroine will be blackened in the later stage. I really look forward to the blackening look of my Ewha baby! She played little fairies before, and I really haven’t seen it before. She has become a tyrant, cool and handsome!”

“Have you forgotten the stills! Ah, ah, ah, ah, I am the only one who is still thinking about the stills of Qi Yunchang Rongqing! This pair of vice-p I am looking forward to exploding! I heard that the “Seven Loves” have been super talked. It’s built! The outrageous thing is that this drama has not been broadcast yet, and a wife has already started to produce food based on that still picture!”

“Can the sister granary upstairs give me a look!”

The trailer of “The Willow in the Palace Wall” is about to be released. Thanks to the popularity of the two protagonists, a blockbuster discussion about the show has been set off on the Internet. Even Shi Weiya, who takes her nanny to cut flowers every day at home, is also posting news. I called Xu Jiao that night.

“The crew is very good, the food is good, the place to live is also good, yes, auntie, don’t worry about me…” Xu Jiao sat in front of the laptop and watched Ni Hong talk about endorsements with An Xin. Although his eyes were focused on the screen, Shi Weiya’s answer was sweet and gentle.

“Video?” Xu Jiao heard the request over there, and looked around the room, and found that there was nothing too messy in her room, so she changed the original voice call to video.

The lens is open—

Shi Weiya’s appearance appeared on that end. She was wearing a dark green long dress. This color was too deep and elegant. It was not something that a young girl could hold down. It was worn on her body but it was just right, giving her time. The sense of precipitation, but because of the excellent maintenance of the face, it shows a mature charm.

Xu Jiao carefully observed her complexion and state through the camera, and found that she was very good compared to how she looked before she left home and joined the crew. She immediately relieved her mind, moved her phone a little away, and sat at the table to talk to her.

“…Why isn’t Qingyu here? It’s so late, does she still have a role?” After mutual concern, Shi Weiya naturally brought the topic to Feng Qingyu.

The smile on Xu Jiao’s lips closed slightly, “I didn’t live with her. The crew arranged a room for each of the actors… Didn’t she tell you?”

Shi Weiya reacted to something immediately, and the expression on her face paused for a while before she said: “That crew is pretty generous. Oh, I thought you two lived together. I haven’t contacted her recently. There are many faults and particularities. I was impatient to deal with us when filming, so I called you…Let’s see, this is all this point, and I won’t affect your rest anymore?”

Xu Jiao smiled and replied: “It’s okay. I just took a shower and I haven’t gone to bed so early. Auntie usually has no one to talk at home. I happen to have no particularly tired scenes today. I can chat with you for a while.”

Shi Weiya smiled with joy at the end of her eyes: “You are still sensible.”

Since Xu Jiao didn’t live with Feng Qingyu, Shi Weiya didn’t mention her daughter too much. She asked Xu Jiao to show her the layout of the hotel room and saw the big bed. She suspected that the quality was not good and affected her sleep. , I wanted to send her a silk quilt I bought before from home, but Xu Jiao smiled and refused.

The camera turned around in the room. After Shi Weiya looked at the environment, she wanted to see whether Xu Jiao was thin or not. Xu Jiao saw that Ni Hong was busy, and she didn’t know where to put the name, so she could only turn it in front of the camera. After a lap, he reluctantly said to Shi Weiya:

“Auntie, I’m really not thin. I have an agent here to take care of me. In addition to eating the same meals as everyone in the crew, I also eat supper… The other Omega stars are all fruits and vegetables. I have eaten this food. Severely exceeded the standard.”

Speaking of this, I have to praise Omega’s good physique.

Xu Jiao found that in this ABO world, there are not many big fat people on the road. Alphas are generally taller than others, and they seem to shine in the crowd if they are tall and handsome, although Betas are the majority of the population. , And there is no such trouble as pheromone and glands, but their facial features and body shape are good, there is no particularly ugly, and their appearance and body are all above the average line.

Not to mention Omega, each of them is fragrant, and looks soft and delicate—

The whole world seems to have undergone a round of selection for survival of the fittest in terms of appearance. This is especially obvious in the entertainment industry. Xu Jiao watched a trainee selection program two days ago and almost saw aesthetic fatigue.

Shi Weiya immediately refuted Xu Jiao’s words: “Don’t learn from those people! Their habit is very bad. You are still young. You don’t know that Omega’s combined heat period is very physically exhausting. Once you don’t have enough to eat, you will be there. At that time, it took ten days and a half months at a time. How did you survive it? And if you have a child in the future…”

Xu Jiao listened to her hypothesis awkwardly, her eyes wandering.

Those words such as “lactation-lactation period” and “pregnancy period” are like golden stars that dangle when dizzy, and they keep circling in her mind. Xu Jiao wants to shake her head when she hears it, and wants Shi Weiya not to hold it. I will be able to give Feng Qingyu a child’s illusion in the future.

But when the words came to her lips, she held back again.

For the original owner, Shi Weiya is the only parent who has given her affection and love. This kind of admiration for Shi Weiya is deeply engraved in the memory. Although it does not have much influence on Xu Jiao, as long as she faces her For Shi Weiya, when hearing the other party’s voice, her body instinctively treats this person gently.

Xu Jiao understands this feeling and will respect it. From the memory of the original owner, I can tell that the original owner’s parents are not too sad for her, but they value her younger brother more. When she was young, even if the family life was rich, the parents did not. To make a bowl of water smooth, even to buy an expensive Lego brick, I only thought of the one I bought for my son, and never thought about whether my daughter needed it or not.

Later, the family’s middle way fell. The parents divorced and they were fighting for the custody of the son. For the daughter, it was thrown at the old man’s side. As a result, the original owner’s younger brother eventually followed the mother, and the father soon had his own. Family, he couldn’t stand the decline in the quality of life, and became the son-in-law of a rich woman.

The mother took her younger brother to a foreign country, and there was no news later. The original owner lived with her grandparents to high school. The two elderly people were seriously ill. She followed the man who was already someone else’s father and sent away the two elders, and then she was in society. Work hard.

Without financial resources, she can’t even save up her high school fees and living expenses, let alone work while studying after entering university. This’Xu Jiao’ is used to living in poverty and knows how difficult it is to earn money. Desperately trying to get ahead in the entertainment industry, to be a master, want to know what it’s like to count money and get cramps.

At this moment—

The author arranged for her an unexpected marriage.

She married the popular star Feng Qingyu, entered that warm family, received love from her mother-in-law, and even unexpectedly received the care of her elders from Shi Weiya that she had missed and thought she would never have for the rest of her life.

In fact, the original owner thought about getting along well with Feng Qingyu.

As long as she can live in Feng’s house forever, she won’t even mind Feng Qingyu’s indifference… But Feng Qingyu’s divorce thoughts deeply evoked her fear of those poor days, and this fear overwhelmed everything else. Emotions caused her to jointly plan the hype with Ni Hong.

All of these are the automatic extension of the plot of the world that Xu Jiao draws from the memory of the original owner, which is reasonable and reasonable.

However, now that Xu Jiao is here, she is determined to change Feng Qingyu’s destiny, and she will not do all the following things in the way of the original owner. She will let the original owner have countless wealth, and will also let Feng Qingyu not. Hurt.

And Shi Weiya.

She is willing to accept Shi Weiya’s love, just like the previous world, willing to maintain that good friendship with Su Xi.

Xu Jiao didn’t interrupt Shi Weiya’s ideas about those pregnant and having children, but Shi Weiya stopped by herself—

“Jiaojiao, what was the big piece of plaster on the back of your neck just now? Did you hurt it during filming? Does it matter? Did Qingyu take you to the hospital?”

Shi Weiya looked worried, wishing she could pass through the camera immediately to see how Xu Jiao’s injury was.

It stands to reason that Xu Jiao should be able to think of some reason for the injury at the first time, but from Feng Qingyu’s attitude to Xu Jiao, and the details of the two of them not living together in the crew, etc., Shi Weiya subconsciously This option is excluded.

And she didn’t even ask, because she was afraid that she would see another sad expression from Xu Jiao, which hurt Xu Jiao’s heart.

As a result, Xu Jiao’s expression in the camera was blank for a moment, her eyes moved aside, and she quickly thought about countermeasures.

It’s definitely not good to say that stiff pillows, because I just boasted that the hotel beds and pillows are good, and I also rejected the strange demand of sending pillows and quilts from home. It seems that I was bitten by mosquitoes.


“Well, I accidentally got it while filming.” Xu Jiao finally chose to throw the black pot to Director Zhen.

Shi Weiya feels distressed: “What can hurt your neck? I heard that your character is an ancient drama, right? Is your character hanged? Has his head beheaded? Is it about to be finished? I make the kitchen more. Make some soup to make up for you.”

Xu Jiao: “…” She kind of wondered what costume dramas Aunt Shi usually watched.

But because the reason is hard to say, Xu Jiao could only vaguely recognize these statements in this kind of care, and found an excuse to hang up the phone with a guilty conscience.

Ni Hong listened attentively to the computer for a long while, staring at her: “That’s right, Jiaojiao, I have a good way to get a mother-in-law—”

Xu Jiao restrained her emotions, did not answer her words, walked to her side and asked:

“Have you replied over there?”

“Of course, the result is good. They think your image is more in line with the concept of the product, and they think you are very suitable for the new advertisement! Let’s see which day we are free, we go to sign the contract, and then shoot the advertisement.”

The other end.

After hanging up Xu Jiao’s call, Shi Weiya dialed the number to Feng Qingyu again.

Feng Qingyu had just communicated with her team through Xu Jiao’s endorsement, and was ridiculed by her agent: “You, you used to be unwilling and unwilling to others, now you know. You have made such nine bends and eighteen bends again, don’t let people know, are you tired?”

She didn’t explain too much to the agent, only smiled and said: “You just pretended that I missed you, and now I want to make up for it.”

Unexpectedly, just after the call was hung up, the phone with residual heat rang again.

Feng Qingyu put down the half-turned script, glanced at the caller ID, a little surprised in her eyes, but quickly picked up: “Mom, why have you not rested so late? Is there something at home?”

Everyone in the family knows her habit. Once she enters the filming group, she plunges into the script. In order to catch up early or make evening scenes, she often reverses her schedule, and there are even scenes that require constant change of scenes. Let her be in the south today and fly to the north tomorrow, so she is very busy, so she usually doesn’t call when she joins the group.

Unless there is something.

Shi Weiya’s voice slowly sounded over there: “I called Jiaojiao just now, and she said that you finished work early today, so I just chatted with her a few words—”

Feng Qingyu glanced at the time, and rarely interrupted her mother’s words impolitely: “We ended early today because there will be a scene to be filmed at four o’clock tomorrow morning, and you will have to get up after three o’clock. Mom, you want it next time. If you call her, you can send me a message first. You know that she is close to you, and you will definitely not hang up.”

Shi Weiya was stunned for two seconds.

Originally wanted to ask Feng Qingyu about Xu Jiao’s injury, but when she heard what her daughter said, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.

So she stopped, and she tentatively answered: “Oh, then I won’t bother you to rest. Your drama is for a break, right? It should be over soon? I just want to ask today, I Seeing Jiaojiao put a plaster on her neck, do you know that she was injured?”

Feng Qingyu laughed softly when she heard this, her tone was not as tight and polite as before facing Shi Weiya, she became much more relaxed: “That’s what she told you? Injured? What injury?”

Shi Weiya was vaguely aware of something in her mind, but she hadn’t reacted to it yet: “I said it was an injury during filming. This child would not say clearly what it was.”

Feng Qingyu’s laughter was more pleasant.

Shi Weiya heard her smile and wanted to say something about her. Even if she didn’t like Xu Jiao, she couldn’t make this attitude when others were injured. However, when the words came to her lips, she suddenly reacted—

Feng Qingyu’s voice sounded at this moment:

“Mom, what kind of third-rate crew can hurt the glands on the back of the neck when filming?”

Shi Weiya uttered “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

In her slight astonishment, Feng Qingyu spoke out the answer unhurriedly and with a smile: “It was her who became hot recently and asked me to temporarily mark it. She didn’t want people to see it, so she kept sticking the plaster. .”

Of course, the traces of the previous wind sapphire bite have actually grown.

Because the skin and flesh near the glands recover very quickly, even if the original bite is broken, as long as it is not too cruel, only shallow marks will be visible after three or five days.

The reason why the plaster is now attached is because…

Xu Jiao’s combined fever this time was very long, nearly half a month.

Except for the first burst that was suppressed by Feng Qingyu’s pheromone, when it was about to end, one day early in the morning, Feng Qingyu’s room door was knocked by Xu Jiao.

The people standing outside were neatly dressed and looked particularly cold, but they walked to the room while unbuttoning the top buttons of their floral embroidered shirts, and said in a calm tone:

“Sorry, the pheromone you gave before seemed not enough—”

“Could you please help me again?”

Obviously speaking, there is no trace of eroticism in the voice, but this man’s actions are extraordinarily presumptuous. The neat shirt collar has been untied, and the three buttons have been loosened, revealing a beautiful and delicate collarbone, and that Shoulders as white as milk.

The slender neck was slightly raised, like an instinctive and unknowing invitation.

Of course, Feng Qingyu had no reason to control, and even excuses that in order to make her pheromone soothing and suppressing a little longer, she bit deeper than last time.

That time, Xu Jiao was marked by her being held on the bed.

The snow-white folds were turned out by the waves, and the two people swept by the white waves held tightly together. One was holding the person in front of him unconsciously in pain, and the other was out of possessiveness.

At that time, Feng Qingyu continued to fiddle with the bite wound harshly, causing the person in her arms to tremble constantly, tears rolled down, and finally could not hold it back, and the vague, faint groan-groan overflowed from the throat. Come.

Temporary marking…is to let people know the taste.

And this effect will only be shorter than once.

If you only need to bite the glands and inject a small amount of Alpha pheromone at the beginning to allow Omega to survive the conjugative heat period, then later, even if the Alpha pheromone is sufficient, Omega will get it during this temporary labeling process. Pleasure, and the chain triggers more intense physiological needs.

At that time, even if the temporary mark can survive the difficult period, the body’s needs are comforted, and the mental desire will flow out.

Judging from the fact that Xu Jiao doesn’t have much feelings for Feng Qingyu now, she is also a person with excellent restraint, but she can resist the pain of the first time, but she can’t resist making a sound in this second mark.

What will it be like next time?

Feng Qingyu recalled all this late at night, only feeling that her throat was tight, her gaze couldn’t help but fall on the bed beside her, and for a while, she felt that the bed was a bit too big, space, and too cold.

Shi Weiya’s surprise voice drew her attention back to the communication: “Ah! You…you two…have your hard rock finally opened up?”

“Jiaojiao is true, too. Why are you hiding such a good thing from me? I thought the scene you were filming was so dangerous, and I was terrified for you at home.”

Hearing her mother’s caring complaints, the dark color of Feng Qingyu’s eyes faded a little, and she calmly said: “Since she doesn’t want you to know, then you don’t know about it.”

“Why? She has liked you for so long, mom can see it, now she has got what she wanted, and you like her too, such a good thing, why should I pretend not to know? I’m still going to talk to your dad Let’s just say, don’t look at your dad who is usually busy with work. He is very worried that your marriage will not have a good result. He secretly told me many times about your affairs.”

Feng Qingyu’s eyes showed a bit of helplessness.

Before Shi Weiya was ready to talk more, she stopped in time:

“Because the situation has changed a little now—”

“Mom, I like her now, she doesn’t like me anymore.”

Shi Weiya: “…?”

She was speechless.

After a while, Shi Weiya asked in a daze and puzzled: “You young people now… do all of you like to play this way?”

Feng Qingyu laughed: “It’s not clear in two or two sentences. Mom, take a break. We will finish filming next week. We will go back and talk with you again when that time comes.”

Shi Weiya can only say: “Well, I won’t tell you anymore, it seems that there will be a preview soon! I want to see the masterpieces of our Qingyu and Jiaojiao!”

At this moment, the palace wall willow preview has been topped in the top three of the hot search.

The Internet is overwhelming.

The trailer kicked off with the super-beautiful palace wall and Baimei, followed by the changes in the palace wall and on the court. The last moment was Liu Ruyi and the emperor’s Hua Qianyuexia, and the next second was Qi Yunchang and Rong Qing’s visit to Tangquan in the outskirts of the palace. Embrace—

Then the rhythm suddenly accelerated. In the court, news of the Qi family’s rebellion in the northwest came. The courtiers asked to play the emperor’s abolition; in the harem, Rong Qing set up a monstrous plan to make the queen bear the heir of God and the prince. The maid beside Ruyi knows…

The squiggly clouds in the Zhengda Guangming Palace, the controversy and beauty in the imperial garden, the smoky battlefield, the depressed and lonely cold palace, the lens is constantly changing, the color is bright and dark, the light is weak and strong, as if the ten thousand years ago The story is scrolled, condensed into a drop of ink, dripped lightly and gently on a piece of rice paper, rendered and opened—

At the end of the scene, the rhythm changes from fast to slow, which settles down from the extreme changes.

Concubine Rong, dressed in a gorgeous dress, sits under the willows by the lake, with intricately patterned metal finger cots decorating her lush white fingers. She is delicately draped on the armrest of the chair. Behind it is the red and high palace wall, and the new green buds of the willow tree emerge. Swing gently with the breeze blowing from the lake.

She closed her eyes and looked very comfortable. Suddenly, she heard a **** in the distance shouting while pinching his throat:

“The queen is here!”

The camera advanced to Rong Qing’s face.

In the gorgeous makeup, Rong Qing’s eyelashes quivered, and slowly opened her eyes. The sunlight fell in her eyes, making her look trance for a moment, as if she didn’t know where she was for a while.

The light in the trailer slowly dimmed, and the voice of the narration sounded at this moment:

“The yellow sand buries the dead bones, and the red face flows in the dust.”

“Thousands of years ago, I also want to talk under this endless galaxy—”

“A new willow, a palace wall, they have witnessed love and hatred, they have recorded the conspiracy and tricks, now let them tell you, listen to the big dream in the light at that time.”

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