I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 69

Chapter 68 Your preference (2)

The voice of the system just fell, and a rain cloud suddenly gathered in the sky somehow. The area of ​​the cumulonimbus was too large, covering the top of this large area of ​​villages and mountains. It’s like the whole world is going to fall with it.

The people around the fire-torture frame seemed to feel the anger from the heavens, and they knelt down in panic and fear, with fear and panic on all sides, constantly worshiping the sky, and they chanted all kinds of prayer gods. Words of forgiveness and prayers in her heart also came to Xu Jiao’s ears. For a time, Xu Jiao felt that the world was like a large prayer room, with messy sounds everywhere.

She closed her eyes.

The torch fell on the high firewood in front of her, and the heat of the igniting made it intolerable for anyone. At this moment, the sky suddenly crackled and fell heavily, which was a momentary downpour.

The rain fell on the flame, first hitting the spark higher, but after a short time, the fire on the woodstack went out, leaving only the gray smoke, but after a while, even the smoke disappeared, sight Only the rain curtain remained in the range, and those who bowed in the rain, splashed with mud on their bodies but still did not dare to leave.

The rope on Xu Jiao was loosened at some point.

She slowly landed on the firewood stack, and the tall wooden pillar behind her for execution of fire and punishment was suddenly struck by a thunder that rolled down from the sky, and it instantly turned into black coke and ceased to exist.

Xu Jiao did not look at these people kneeling on the ground, but step by step towards the sound of the breeze that she had heard before. Her long hair was like seaweed growing out of the dark black night, moving slightly at her waist. The feet are bare, but the dust and mud in this world can’t touch her snowy skin.

Every step seemed to be stepping on the mud, but in fact it was walking away. The drips of rain did not wet her hair, the corners of her clothes, and the world was the only one who was clean.

She came facing the wind and rain.

The black hair is flamboyant, and the eyes are deep like the night sky. Here, black is regarded as an unknown color, the color of death and the devil, because she is so beautiful that everyone thinks she is a witch , Came to the world only to confuse mankind to fall.

They don’t know—

The God who created the light and all things in the world should be exactly like this.

Because light and darkness are always with you.

Lilith watched her step by step towards her, she forgot to breathe, she knelt there, the bamboo basket rolled on her feet, the fresh mushrooms just picked inside rolled in the mud and scattered, but she didn’t After reacting, she watched Xu Jiao come to her in a daze.

She was amazed by Xu Jiao’s appearance, and did not notice that Xu Jiao’s eyes looked at her with surprise.

This Lilith…

Why does it look like this?

The rain washed her face clean, revealing what she should have been. Even though the clothes on her body were dingy, with dirt that was difficult to wash over the years, no one could pay attention to them, and their eyes fell on her. Zhang face—

The pale golden natural curls seem to have been kissed by the sun, and the dark blue eyes resemble the expansive sea on a sunny day, which can hold everything. Her nose is tall, the tip of her nose is slightly warped, and her cheeks are slightly red.

This face.

There is no coincidence with Xu Jiao’s idea of ​​the heroine.

In her original setting, Lilith should have black hair and black eyes, and she should be exactly the same as Feng Qingyu, Shen Yelan, and Xia Jingzhe. After all, if it weren’t for Lilith’s appearance, she would not be bullied by her stepmother. In that way, she took away her short-lived father’s money and inherited most of her father’s property as a widow, making her brothers and sisters live as well.

She alone.

Like a poor little bug, she can only sleep in the kitchen at night. There are countless tasks waiting for her during the day. In such a big room, her stingy stepmother does not invite any servants, and all the work is suppressed. In her body, the neighbors took it for granted.

Because Lilith is an ominous sign, in their villages and towns that believe in the sun god, this kind of night witch was thrown into the mountains to feed the devil wolves before she was born, which is already exceptionally good.

In the eyes of everyone—

Lilith is a person who will die sooner or later.

From this name, it can be seen that Lilith is also said to be one of the waitresses serving the gods, but then she angered and annoyed the gods, so the gods said that from now on in this world, 100 of her children will die every day.

The heroine was called this name because her parents felt that she was not her own child, but Lilith’s. They hoped that she could be cursed by God and become one of the hundred children who die every day.


Now Lilith has a face destined to be favored by the sun god, why is this so?

Is it because Xu Jiao’s original plot has not yet progressed to this point, so the world in the book automatically generates what the heroine should look like based on this Western magical background?

Can the premise plot she set still exist?

Xu Jiao was a little unsure for a while.

At this moment, the pouring rain stopped abruptly, the gray haze in the sky was dispersed, and a golden pierced cloud fell on the village and town, just to take the half-kneeling person in front of her into the picture.

The golden light enveloped her light blonde hair, making her look like she would shine, dazzling and dazzling, and there were small exclamations from some people around, as if no one knew Xu Jiao, kneeling in front of her. Of this person.

A faint wind blows, and the pleasant wind brings the sound from a distance.

The sound of rolling wheels, the sound of guards marching, and the sun’s magical breath still remained in the sunlight above her head. Xu Jiao raised her head slightly, looked at the tomorrow in the sky, and squinted her eyes.

The previous rain seemed to have been driven away by some high-level religious believer.

But she didn’t care about those,

She just lowered her eyes faintly, looking at the kneeling person in front of her. After a while, she opened her lips and whispered: “Tell me your name.”

The blonde girl looked up at her in a daze, and opened her lips unconsciously. The beautiful lips were covered with rainwater like pink petals, and her voice was as beautiful as the singing of an oriole:


She said: “My name is Lilith, Lilith Att.”

Have a surname.

Explain that she is a descendant of a nobleman.

It also shows that she is Xu Jiaoshe

Set heroine.

Sensibly aware of the emotion of the person in front of her sinking a bit, Lilith’s shoulders trembled slightly, not knowing whether it was instinctive fear or something else. She seemed to want to explain her name very much, but she didn’t know where to start.

In the end, she just asked carefully: “You are…”

Xu Jiao opened her lips and was about to say her name, but the moment she spoke, she vaguely felt that the words she was about to say would touch all the elements in the world and bring this beautiful little girl in front of her. Go to disaster.

Ordinary people without supernatural powers cannot listen to taboos.

The syllable that was about to be exported in the throat was taken back.


There was an exclamation from the crowd behind him!

There is a strong light force coming in this direction.

Xu Jiao tilted her eyes slightly, and a golden light flashed in her afterglow, like a falling golden meteor. The beauty of the scene can only be seen in this world full of gods.

The golden light fell towards the place where she was. In fact, it was a golden carriage inside. The person driving the carriage was wearing golden armor, shining very brightly, golden light shining brightly, and a vague voice came from the direction above her head:

“The sun **** is on! The saint has come! We are here to welcome the saint!”

The sound contained a profound power, and it spread to every corner of the village in an instant. Before the fire-torture frame, it was beaten by wind and rain, but now it is the village and township shocked by this “saint”. People are trembling.


They actually regarded the saint of the Sun Temple as a heresy, and put it on a fire-torture…

The sun **** is on! It was their ignorance that blinded them, and their ignorance that made them be confused by appearances. They must have been bewitched by the devil just now to make such a stupid decision!

I hope the temple can take this into consideration, and bypass their stupid subjects.

The residents who watched the fire-torture at this time only dared to bow their heads and then lower their heads, rustling in their hearts and praying to the gods they believed in, and by the way, they prayed for the pity of the God of God, the God of Creation, hoping they could Not subject to punishment from the Temple of the Sun.

The golden carriage stopped beside Xu Jiao. Xu Jiao saw that the horse made of gold turned into a carriage statue and stopped there quietly. The guards stepped down from the door and lined up in two rows.

The car door opened from the inside, and an old man with a white beard in a red robe came out.

this is…

The cardinal of this miraculous continent of the Sun God Temple.

With a kind and kind smile on his face, he smiled at Xu Jiao, and then turned to look at the position of the fire-torture frame just now. He clearly looked so kind, but the sound he made was deep.

“The sun god’s divine illumination

There shouldn’t be darkness where the brush is. ”

“The sinner should be judged by the sun.”

He was punishing these stupid mortals for her in a disguised form.

Xu Jiao’s eyes moved slightly, trying to stop him, but she heard another smiling voice in the wind: “Andrew, you should put everything to trial by fate.”


There are countless reddish lines in the air, spreading out from everyone, Lilith in front of him, those on the ground, including the bishop of the sun temple, and those reddish lines.

The threads rushed to the sky and intertwined, as if something was in the middle of arranging their lives.

This is the line of fate.

It is the power of the goddess of destiny.

Andrew frowned, a golden light appeared in his hand, he wiped it in the air and wiped the thread off his body, before he said: “Hey, Beyonce, what are you here to join in the fun? This is the land of the sun god. .”

Suddenly there was a figure in the air. It was a slender figure wearing a hood. She said loudly: “The Goddess of Destiny guided me here to meet our saint.”

Her voice fell, and suddenly other answers came from all directions:

“Beyonce, you should retreat, you got it wrong, that is not the fingerprint of the goddess of fate, this is the saint of our temple of the storm, don’t you see the natural elements surging around her? This wind and rain follow her Summon, I can feel it.”

“The line of fate is useless to her. She is free from this world. She should be a just judge of order by nature. This is the saint of our temple of judgment.”

“The God of Wisdom prefers her, she should be the saint of the Temple of Wisdom.”

The town of Stray has never been so lively.

The archbishops of the six great temples all came, and there was a dispute over the girl who was almost burned to death, and they all wanted her to be their saint.

Xu Jiao heard the arguing from the sky, her expression on her face was still faint. From the moment she came to this book, she felt that these voices were noisy, even if no one was speaking, the noisy voices from their hearts would still be heard. Where she is.


These so-called sun gods and wisdom gods are all the incarnations of the creation gods who came to the world when they were bored. He could not tell his own name, and even had some evil tastes, so he only told people that he was a subordinate **** of the creation gods. .

Gradually, there are many more temples in the world.

God of Sun, God of Wisdom, God of Destiny, God of Judgment, God of War and God of Storm…

Only the God of Creation did not own the temple.

Because He cannot be seen by people, cannot be perceived by people, and cannot be worshipped by people. He is everything in this world. He created everything. The appearance in those temples can be regarded as his substitute.

Today, Xu Jiao’s body was made by the God of Creation with one of his ribs in the book. Because it was transformed from the bones of God, nothing in the world can hurt her. Therefore, her wisdom, her Her beauty and the voice she listens to are inherited from the Creation God.

She is both an incarnation and God himself.

“It’s better to let her decide for herself? Whom does she go to, which temple’s saint, how about it?” The dispute in mid-air was considered to have a vague result.

The sound ceased for a while.

Xu Jiao looked up, from the golden carriage in the Temple of the Sun, to the scythe shimmering with rubies in the Temple of Destiny, the white tornado surrounding the Bishop of Storm, the Libra of Judgment, the winged Pegasus of the Temple of War, and finally A few snow-white doves of peace on the shoulders of Bishop Wisdom.

In the end, after nodding politely to everyone, she asked Lilith in front of her: “Where do you want to go?”

When Lilith heard this question, the expression on her face was completely dull.

I just think the one I saw today

All of them completely broke her cognition for more than ten years. First I saw the saint, and then the people in the major temples, and now… unexpectedly…

She asked: “I…I can too, can I enter the temple to study?”

There is a huge temple in the center of the miracle continent. The temple is composed of six temples of different sizes. It guards a tower in the center. The tower has a total of six floors. Different books of the six temples are placed. The seventh floor is permanent. closed.

Some people say that there is a way to heaven on the seventh floor.

It is also said that the seventh floor is the dwelling place of the God of Creation on earth.

The argument is uncertain, people are always keen to extol the glory of the gods, and they have been talking about it for a hundred years, and various versions have been derived.

Lilith grew up listening to these stories since she was a child, but she did not expect that she would be blessed by the temple one day.

She feels like a dream.

Until Xu Jiao said again: “Yes, your prayers saved me. Now I want to repay your kindness. Would you like to join me in the temple to study?”

Lilith’s cheeks were red, and her blue eyes were shining. She was longing for such a temptation, but she babbled for a while, her chest was constantly rising and falling, but she just said to Xu Jiao:

“I… I just prayed.”

“You will be saved because God has pity and care for you, and I, I cannot be repaid by you.”

The surrounding archbishops looked at each other and didn’t know what the saint was doing, but they didn’t mind seeing the little tail around the saint. With the wealth accumulated by the major temples, multiple idlers were nothing, so no one was at all for a while. speak.

Xu Jiao heard her answer and saw the anxiety and anxiety in her eyes. After a while, she squatted down gently, raised her hand and touched Lilith’s shoulder fabric with her fingertips, and she was hitting a grease stain on her shoulder.

Lilith drew back anxiously, as if she was afraid that her filth would defile such a clean and beautiful person.

Until Xu Jiao spit out a word:


The syllables in the throat were very strange, and they did not belong to any language of the miracle continent, but the people in the Temple of Storm opened their eyes instantly, and they could feel the pure wind elemental power.

The wind was jumping for joy, cheering, because Hearing heard her call.

The next moment—

Lilith was so frightened by the wind that she closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that all the stains and filth on her body had disappeared, and the clothes were new and white, and as clean as she had never expected.

Even the fallen hair became fluffy, soft and curled.

Xu Jiao said: “Cure.”

Her hand walked over an old wound on Lilith’s neck, her fingertips were slightly cold, and she gently brushed from the pulse. Lilith felt that she was suddenly enveloped by a golden light, and the light was warm and warm. Comfortable, like a baby in the mother’s swaddle, she couldn’t help closing her eyes, feeling the warmth falling from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.

The whole person shuddered comfortably.

When she opened her eyes again, all the old wounds on her body, the wounds she suffered while doing housework, and the wounds beaten by her elder brother and sister stepmother, all disappeared, and her skin was as smooth and translucent as milk.

It’s also like a peeled egg.

The soft blond hair fell on her cheeks, her eyes blurred, she looked at the beautiful man in front of her, who was only loosely draped in a white robe, squatted down, her eyes were level with her, and the emotions inside were as deep as night, but It attracted her gaze deeply, making her unable to look away from her, she just stared at this man dumbfoundedly and impolitely.

But the people in front of you don’t seem to mind this.

So Lilith heard her slowly say:

“God takes care of me, but I want to take care of you.”

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