I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 78

Chapter 74 Your preference (8)

Xu Jiao opened her eyes and sat up from the soft bed.

The absurdity of last night seemed to have never happened. There were no traces of the thin, flexible vines entangled in the quilt or on the body, as if nothing had happened, even the groggy feeling on the body was retreated.

If you want to describe it, it feels like healed after a serious illness.

Xu Jiao slowly moved her gaze to Lilith beside her. If everything in the carriage before was like a conspiracy that couldn’t reach the source, now this coincidence…instead, she has determined the source of all the abnormalities.

Lilith in her sleep didn’t know what was going on. She was lying on the bed made of clouds, even the quilt covered was the same soft, her face was ruddy, as if she had had a very, very happy dream.

Xu Jiao silently got off the bed and walked to Lilith’s bed, staring at the other person who was asleep, even with a relaxed smile on the corners of her lips, she suddenly raised her hand, and a pattern like a scale appeared in her palm, and she pressed it. On Lilith’s forehead.

The detection magic was thrown into Lilith’s body.

Like sinking into the sea.

There is no response.

It seemed that Xu Jiao had thought about everything. In fact, the man in front of him was really just a human with the power of a thin sun god, and even that pitiful power was due to the blessings given by the previous temple.

Xu Jiao took turns using the magic that she knew about detection and threw it on Lilith’s body. Some of them seemed instinctive and natural, and some of them were learned by looking at materials and documents in the tower these days.

So Lilith’s body appeared in various colors of light, like a broken rainbow.

at last.

The light awakened the sleeping person. Before Lilith opened her eyes, she felt as if something colorful was blooming in front of her. She rubbed her eyes and looked up, only to find that it was only the sunlight outside. It just came in.

She didn’t know how good her complexion was at the moment, she only sat up half-supporting the soft mattress under her, and she saw the snow-white figure standing by the window sill with her back facing her.

The saint was wearing a white long skirt, and the hem of the skirt fell down diagonally, revealing the half of her right calf, which was more beautiful than every winter snow she had ever seen in the small town of Stora.

A golden ribbon fell from her shoulders and turned around her waist, like a dragon biting an orb, pulling out her slender waist.

Lilith looked dumbfounded unconsciously, but the person facing her back looked like a pair of eyes on her back. Just when she was sitting up, she turned her body on her side and said warmly:

“Good morning, Lilith.”

Lilith quickly returned to her senses, not wanting to leave Xu Jiao with the impression that she was lying in bed, she quickly got out of this bed, and was about to raise her hand to fold the quilt neatly, the cloud bed and the quilt were scattered like mist. Go, leave no traces.

Lilith raised her hand to adjust her hair, and even subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth, with the usual joy in her tone: “Good morning, noble saint.”

Xu Jiao looked over calmly and asked her, “Did you sleep well?”

Lilith touched the curled part of her head that was slightly curled up, and recalled as she touched it: “Very…not bad, I’m fine.

It’s like a dream, but I can’t remember exactly what it is—”

“The dream that I dreamed in the palace of the saint should be a very good dream.”

She said so.

Xu Jiao couldn’t see any changes in mood or anger, she calmly seemed to be listening to someone say something that had nothing to do with her. If it weren’t for the horrible feeling of vines blooming in her body and growing prosperously, perhaps even herself Everyone will be deceived into thinking that they just had a too realistic dream last night.

She lowered her eyes and moved aside to let Lilith see the plant on the window sill next to her. It was still green last night, and two new branched green vines grew, but today it has withered yellow. Up.

Not only that, the vines were completely shriveled, and they were no longer the juicy and vigorous look they used to be. Now they can’t die anymore.

Lilith did not notice this at first, her focus was entirely on Xu Jiao alone, until she followed the other’s gaze, she suddenly exclaimed:

“Oh my God!”

“My Excellency, this green vine…how…how could it?”

The vitality in this plant is completely gone.

Even using healing and restoring magic is useless, unless it is at a higher price, such as transferring some anger from other living creatures.

But Xu Jiao didn’t plan to do this.

It’s just an ordinary plant.

Lilith looked sad and sad. She never trot over from a distance. She didn’t even notice that she was wearing or not wearing shoes. She walked to Xu Jiao’s side barefoot, holding up the dry and yellow green vine, blue. Sadness in her eyes.

Xu Jiao had practiced acting skills in the last world. Although she can’t be regarded as a very experienced senior, she still has some discernment in this respect. Seeing Lilith’s sadness so sincerely, her heart can’t help but feel a little bit subtle.

After all… In a way, Lilith should be the culprit who killed this plant.

However, Lilith herself didn’t seem to realize this at all. She didn’t even remember the dream that happened last night, so she forgot her consciousness or something else, attached to this vine, causing…

The vine grew wildly overnight, completely overdrawing its vitality.

Or, this vitality was absorbed by something else.

Thinking of this, Xu Jiao couldn’t help showing a bit of chill in her spine. Lilith…what exactly is it?

Did these things Lilith did in her subconscious mind and in her dreams come from some instinct that could not be said, or did she have other intentions? Since she can absorb the vitality of this kind of clinging creature, will she also be taken away from herself when she touches it?

Also, the current

Xu Jiao, as the incarnation of a god, where did the power of Lilith restrain her?

Xu Jiao was determined to clarify this. She intuitively felt that this incident had something to do with God’s incarnation coming to the world.

The documents in the tower of the gods record that every time a **** came to the miraculous continent, his incarnation was an ordinary baby born of his aura entrusted to human beings. At first there was nothing different from other people until they were growing up. , Gradually realize different things from the environment, fight side by side with human beings, and then emerge from everyone.

But this time is different.

The **** took out one of his ribs.

It is more solemn than every previous time. It seems that the gods already know the extraordinary things that will happen when they come to this world this time.

Lilith didn’t know how many things had turned in the mind of the saint standing next to her.

She held the plant wholeheartedly in sadness until Xu Jiao recovered and said casually to her: “Everything will grow and die. Don’t be sad.”

Lilith nodded, as if obediently, but her delicate brows were still frowning together. She raised her hand to hug the plant and whispered to Xu Jiao: “I’m sorry.”

Xu Jiao blinked: “En?”

The sadness in Lilith’s eyes has not completely disappeared. At this moment, there is still a haze in the blue eyes. She just looked at Xu Jiao intently and said to her: “This kind of plant is the most common in the mountains and wild. It will bloom very much in spring. I originally wanted to give you beautiful flowers so that you could see the scenery, but I didn’t expect…”

Unexpectedly, it died somehow.

Only one night.

The more Lilith thought about it, the more sad, and there was guilt in that sadness, because this was the first gift she wanted to give to the saint, but it ended in a sloppy way.

Xu Jiao looked at her now, pursed her lips somehow, and then said inexplicably, “I think…maybe I have seen it. The snow-white flowers are small and beautiful, right?”

Astonishment appeared on Lilith’s face.

Then, she nodded quickly: “Yes, yes, that’s it, have you seen it?”

Speaking of this, Lilith suddenly remembered that the man in front of her was the most knowledgeable person she had ever seen. She seemed to know every corner of this miraculous continent. An unnatural flush appeared on her face, embarrassing. The meaning is even stronger: “Sorry…you must have seen it before, after all, this kind of flower can grow anywhere.”

Xu Jiao didn’t explain under what circumstances she knew the appearance of this flower, but just raised her hand and touched her head.

Only a simple and incomparable action made Lilith feel healed for no reason.

She was holding the small flowerpot and was about to go outside to deal with this plant. Suddenly she heard Xu Jiao say: “Be happy, girl, I have good news to tell you.”

Lilith cheered up and looked at her intently. It was obvious that Xu Jiao hadn’t said what it was, her eyes had brightened up again, as if no matter what it was, it was the best gift for Lilith. .

Xu Jiao stared at her, and then whispered: “I told Bishop Andrew yesterday afternoon that he would let you go to the Sun Academy, and he has already agreed–

“After a while, remember to go to the Sun Academy to take a divine power test. After the test passes, you can go to school.”

Lilith was taken aback for a moment.

Then, her expression was “!!!”

The children’s happiness and sorrow come and go so simple, the gift to Xu Jiao withered, this matter soon waved away in Lilith’s heart, she went out and buried the small flower pot, and then went happily. Go to Bishop Andrew and ask yourself about going to the Sun Academy for testing.

At this moment. In the Temple of Destiny.

Black and red are the main tone of this hall. Compared with the golden and shocking shining of the Temple of the Sun, the slightly dim and hazy feeling of the Temple of Destiny always has a cult-like tone.

Of course, it is equally shocking, especially the dozens of beads of different colors inlaid on the top of the main hall, and there are deep lines connecting them together, reflecting different lights in this hall. On the ground, it gives people a sense of dazzling fascination, as if stepping into an unknown universe instantly.

There was a figure completely shrouded in a black robe in the hall.

In addition, there are some phantoms around. One of them is golden all over, with a crooked crown on her head. If Xu Jiao is here, she will definitely be able to recognize it. This is the Pope of the Sun Temple, Henry.

“Karina, in the past six months our six great temples have sent a total of 50,000 high-ranking knights out, but we haven’t even seen the shadow of that thing. What is going on?”

“I listen to the sound of the wind every day in the temple, but I still haven’t caught the trace of the devil, Karina, you count here every day, but you can’t even point out a direction?”

Karina, it is the empress of the Temple of Destiny who wears a black robe and a hood.

She didn’t reveal her true face, only the scepter inlaid with unknown gems in her hand was shining, and she stared for a long time. Even though she was the same Pope-level divine power, everyone felt a slight dazzling fascination.

Her voice was low, not like a female voice at all, and the tone was flat, as if she was telling a story:

“It has appeared–”

“When God is, it will be there. You may be missing something.”

“Now that the incarnation of God has appeared, it must be watching from a distance.”

As soon as Karina’s voice fell, different voices came from the other five-faced illusion, still full of protest and dislike, and even vague contempt:

“Not far away… Our knights’ footprints are almost all over the entire continent, but we still haven’t found that thing, Karina, can you be honest with us? Don’t take the trick of fooling believers to us.”

“Be specific, Karina, you have the ability to be more specific.”

“What am I talking about? Anything that comes to the Temple of Destiny will always get worse, because there are always people who don’t even know what to say.”

Various accusations that were emphasized came from all directions.

Karina seemed to be used to it. She just turned her hood and turned in the direction of Henry, who had never spoken: “Instead of asking me, it’s better to ask our Pope Henry—”

“When are you going to hand in the incarnation of God

come out? According to the previous agreement, since the Sun Temple could not find that thing, it should also give us a chance. ”

“If I remember correctly, it had escaped from the Temple of the Sun. The accountability should also be asked our great Pope Henry. Without him, no one would have to work so hard now.”

Hearing her words, the young man showed a smile on his face, touched his chin, felt the gaze cast by the phantoms around him, and he smiled softly.

“As expected, Karina, you always seem to be good at forgetting things.

For example, before that guy escaped, the detention and guarding of the Sun Temple had always been the strictest. Who was it that proposed to guard it together, which led to its escape? ”

“It’s you, Karina.”

“In the manpower sent out to find now, none of the high-ranking knights of the Sun Temple left, but you, not only did you miscalculate the location of the incarnation of the gods, but also caused our great **** to be sent by stupid mortals with torches. Going back to the sky, now that he is still reluctant to reveal the whereabouts of that thing, it must be because he wants to claim credit alone.”

“As for surrendering the incarnation of the gods…This statement is even more absurd. That is the great **** who created everything. The plan has not yet succeeded. I need to remind you, do you be less arrogant and do more?”

Henry’s mouth succeeded in blocking the rest of the people unable to say a word.

The law of the Temple of Judgment is not used in this regard. They are the weakest among all allies, and the Temple of War is the same. Although the monster was defeated by them, the imprisonment still requires the most restrained sun power; the footprints of the Temple of Storm are all over the place. In the mainland, they have created a variety of teleportation arrays; the Temple of Wisdom is a smiling tiger, who has always been responsible for making rounds, but the most adept at seeing the wind and rudder, the most flattering; the Temple of the Sun and the Temple of Destiny have the strongest power and the most people. , Among them, the sun’s divine power has a natural restraining effect on monsters; the Destiny Temple is capable of measuring all existence in this world.

In general, today’s debate is a game between the Temple of Destiny and the Temple of the Sun. The remaining temples are all choosing sides, some speaking for Henry, and some watching Karina silently.

Seeing that this meeting was holding on to accountability, the queen of the Temple of Wisdom said in a timely manner:

“Well, this matter is over.”

“I have a way to find out that thing as quickly as possible—”

“Do you want to listen?”

“What? The expedition?”

Xu Jiao, who was walking out of the tower, met Henry head-on. The other party seemed to be waiting here on a special trip. The crown inlaid with rubies on the top of her head was as dazzling as ever, just like his handsome face.

I don’t know how many girls around me secretly blushed.

Xu Jiao didn’t feel anything, she was just confused by what he said.

Henry smiled, and gracefully gave her a “please” gesture, leading her to the back garden where he used afternoon tea, and at the same time he explained:

“Yes, the six colleges will have such activities every few years. According to the calculations of the Temple of Destiny, a magical forest will appear in the northern polar region this year. This is the result of the magical energy on the Zach Mountains. The bishops of the Great Temple led the students to enter together, so that the students could realize the terrible power of darkness in advance without being hurt.”

“We generally support such activities as ‘Adventures’. Are you interested in going there?”

“The Temple of the Sun will guard your safety.”

To be precise, they used the saint as bait to lure the monster to appear.

Xu Jiao smiled and looked at him. The last time she met, she had discovered that she could not hear Henry’s inner voice. She has not seen the popes of other temples yet, so she didn’t know that this was a person of the pope’s level. It’s too strong to block others’ prying eyes, or something else. Henry said very beautifully. It sounds like it would be a great regret if he didn’t go. Xu Jiao smiled and promised happily:


She asked: “Will you go?”

Henry hung a gentleman’s smile, nodded, and added: “It’s not just me, but Karina will be there too-oh, Karina is the queen of the Temple of Destiny, when the time comes, the popes of the six temples will be with you. You meet at the party the night before the expedition.”

He smiled so politely, Xu Jiao naturally gave him face, and immediately said: “I look forward to that day.”

Henry: “After seven days, we will prepare the most suitable dress for you to attend the party. You don’t have to worry about anything. If you need anything, you can just ask us.”

“The Temple of the Sun will always be your most loyal servant.”

He leaned over and took Xu Jiao’s hand, and kissed the back of her hand again.

At that moment–

Xu Jiao suddenly remembered something.

She remembers that when she was writing this article, in order to reflect the status of the major temples, she deliberately searched for the status of the major churches in Europe in the Middle Ages. Religious, even leaning over and kissing the pope’s toes.

This custom has a taste, but Xu Jiao still copied it into her article.

Now that the pope talked about the status of “faithful servant”, she suddenly remembered this strange setting, but she didn’t think too much, after all, she didn’t have the habit of letting others kiss her feet.

Had an afternoon tea with Henry, and listened to him by the way some interesting things that happened in the Temple of the Sun. The time passed in this relaxed and happy atmosphere.


Xu Jiao took the book from the tower to her residence. Recently, she had read the records of three or four temples. Lilith also went to the academy to learn those profound knowledge. According to the regulations of the academy, even if she and the temple She is close, and she can only live in the academy during class, and she can only take one vacation in a period of time, and then she can return to the temple once.

So the meeting time between the two is much less.

As Xu Jiao guessed, as long as she doesn’t live in the same room with Lilith when she sleeps, she will not be restrained by that strange power, nor will she be inexplicably invaded.

And among the books she is currently reading, there is no mention of anything that poses such a threat to God.

and also.

The incarnation of God seems to have always been single.

I don’t know if God was originally asexual, or the ancient books cannot record this aspect.

Anyway, Xu Jiao didn’t find any clues. The only improvement was to learn some magic arts, but she was right

There is not much joy here, because she is the creator, and all the elements in this world can be used by her. Whether she learns these things or not will not prevent her from creating these spells when she needs it.

After turning over another rainbow fart with no patience, she was distracted. Suddenly she heard the movement from a trot in the distance. Xu Jiao turned her head and saw the sparkling gold running towards her under the moonlight. .

It’s Lilith.

Xu Jiao realized with hindsight that tomorrow was a day off for the Sun Academy.

There was a kind of gentleness in her eyes,

Putting the book in his hand aside, he beckoned to the person holding the skirt outside the door: “Lilith.”

“My honorable saint, good night.” Lilith became more polite and lively. It seems that after solving the shadow caused by her two sisters, playing with girls in the same grade can make her Slowly change back to what a child should be at this age.

Seeing Xu Jiao waving to herself, Lilith couldn’t wait to step into the hall, and trot to her side, her eyes sparkling and her breath was not yet full.

Xu Jiao looked into her beautiful blue eyes, smiled, and asked her, “Why are you running in such a hurry?”

Lilith’s chest was still rising and falling, but the words had already been spoken, “Because I…I miss you very much.”

She tried to pant evenly, smiled sweetly at Xu Jiao, and repeated: “I miss you very, very much.”

Can’t wait to see you sooner.

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