I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 40: In Which Eve Uses Mind Magic On Me, Just A Little Bit, Probably, It’s Fine

It was a few hours until dinner, so Eve and I walked out, past Princess Asperia informing Zince of her new task. I glanced at her, but she was focused on the Princess, not me, a serious look on her face as she nodded.

Eve took my hand and pulled me on a bit faster until we were away from them, and took me by the chin, tilting my head upwards, and looked down into my eyes pleadingly. "I gave up everything for you... do you love me again?"

"I always loved you, I was just upset with you, because I had given everything up for you and it felt like you just resented me for it." ...ah. So she was probably worrying something similar would happen to her. I smiled up at her and petted her cheek. "I love you. Thank you. Good girl."

She broke down crying, and then I started crying too, and we hugged each other in the hallway, me clinging to her, her hugging me very gently, presumably so she wouldn't crush me with her otherworldly strength.

I wasn't at all sure if I liked her as much as before, and maybe it was the betrayal and lying, but also... I had always sort of thought of her as a dog a little bit, maybe, not another human, so it was easier to like her when she was stupid and loyal and I didn't really know she had tortured girls for a living. Maybe that was a bit fucked up of me, but I felt like she was more fucked up, so I didn't feel super bad about it right now.

It was more like she was a rescue dog, that had been like... in dog fights or something, and lets that ignore that's actually Valentine, I don't think there's an analogous job for dogs to torturing other dogs into submission. But she was very cute and sweet in her own way, and I kind of felt an obligation to take care of her, and her dominance could be very sexy, but I still wasn't entirely over that fear of her... nor should I be, considering how much mind magic she had used on me last night. I wondered how much mind magic she had used on me overall, but I wouldn't really believe her if the answer was only a little, and I'd get upset with her if the answer was a lot, so there was no point in asking.

I had stopped crying, and she smiled down at me a little, wiping my tears away gently with her fingers and an application of magic, the remaining tears sliding off my face entirely.

"...wait, you can do that?" I glanced around to make sure no one was listening, and lowered my voice. "Does the necklace not work?"

She blinked, then smiled with a bit of arrogance. "I used magic on the water, not you. There's a thousand loopholes to these things unless you're very good at constructing sentences... Princess is probably either bad at fundamental logic, or so used to her fanatically devoted followers that she hasn't developed the need for thorough orders." She sweeped me up into a bridal carry and kissed my nose. "Valentine told me you liked this."

I flushed and looked up at her face. "Look, um, yeah... you aren't still mad about Valentine?"

"What's the point in being openly jealous if it just gets you fucked in front of me? ...and I'll get fucked too..."

I patted her shoulder. "Maybe you can do the fucking and top girls. Would that be better?"

Eve considered this for a moment, then nodded slightly. "If Princess allows it."

"I think the point is just the copious amounts of sex next to each other, not a power dynamic thing-- though I could be wrong."

She wrinkled her nose, but started walking.

I glanced around the halls, feeling a little helpless and aroused. "Um, where are you taking me?"

"Our room." She walked for a little while longer, and then paused. "...since we're trying to act as equals, am I supposed to ask you permission?"

"...I guess you can just do things, as long as you stop if I ask you to."

She rolled her eyes but nodded.

"And no stopping me from talking without permission."

She pouted and looked down into my eyes. "Awwh, really? You liked that, though."

"I don't know if 'liked it' is the right word."

"You came a lot!"

"Yes, that was the problem-- plus, you can just make me cum at a touch anyways."

She smiled. "True. Want me to make you cum right now?"

"No, we're out in the halls."


"Oh, right, I have this thing called, what is it, shame."

She leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Yeah, maybe a little too much, honestly."

"You could do with a little more," I responded, but she kissed me on the lips passionately, and after a few moments of that, pulled back, smiling down at me arrogantly, as I looked back up at her, feeling a little dazed, breath quickened.

She leaned in closer to my ear and said softly, "Is kissing okay?"

I squirmed a little. "...kissing is fine."

She kissed the tip of my ear, and then sucked on it, eliciting a little moan from my lips.

"Hey, um, I don't know if we should do this, we're going to be having sex with people all night."

She set me down on the ground on my feet, and opened up our door. "Yes, which is why I want to establish my ownership of you. I mean, as equals."

"...what does that even mean?" She picked me up again, and rubbed her cheek against mine, moving inside our room and shutting the door behind us with a push of her heel.

"Well, we both like it when I'm in charge during sex, right?"

I flushed a little and nodded.

"So I'm going to utterly take control of you for a bit. Is that okay?" She smiled down at me with that arrogance, but I could see a bit of that desperation in her eyes. She wanted reassurance, and sex was probably the least horrible way to do it. 

I swallowed. It was a bad idea, but... I wanted her to feel good about this. Also I was feeling kind of aroused... she wanted to control me, but she was actually asking permission!? It's like I could almost trust her or something. "...okay. But nothing too intense."

"Hmm... you just don't want to get your body overwhelmed, right?" I nodded. "You get otherworldly stamina, but I don't know how much this body can take."

"You'd be surprised. Can I use a little magic on you?"

When I nodded before even thinking about it, she brushed a finger gently against my forehead, and my eyes fluttered closed.

When I opened them, I was naked, and Eve was on top of me, naked as well. We were in an orchard of cherry trees at night on a stone slab, an altar maybe? Hopefully not a sacrificial one. The moon hung in the sky overhead, large and bright and illuminating the night almost as well as the sun would the day.

She slowly caressed me all over my body, and I moaned and squirmed.

I looked up at her, panting softly. "What... what did you do?"

"Oh, this is like the mental torture technique. I can fuck you for what feels like a day, and neither of us will get physically tired from it." She pinched my nipple gently.

"Uh... yellow... I don't know if this is a good idea."

She blinked a few times. "...yellow?"

"Oh, heck, I didn't teach you safewords. Yellow means slow down, red means stop, green means go."

She narrowed her eyes a little. "...so you're ordering me around now?"

"No, unless I say them, you're in charge. It's so... I can feel safe."

She glared down at me, and for a moment I thought she was just going to do whatever she wanted to me regardless of what she said. She slowly inhaled, exhaled.

"Okay. We can stop whenever you want." She leaned down and bit my neck softly, and I whined, just utterly wanting to surrender to her now. She caressed my body and I could feel my pleasure increasing, and she thrust her cock into me again and again and again and again and rather than cumming it was like it was just building, an infinitely deepening as my entire body was overcome with a soft but increasingly overwhelming pleasure as I moaned her name.

As she pleasured me, the moon set, and the sun came out, as hour after hour of her slowly fucking me passed, my body trembling with pleasure and my words incoherent, but still not feeling exhausted... I could probably take days of this, if my mind didn't break.

The building pleasure suddenly rose at my incoherent moans, and I screamed as all of the pleasure rose at once, the trees and sky twisting as the entire world seemed to orgasm with me, and my mind was overwhelmed, my eyes fluttering closed.

I opened them again, and I was back in our room, naked, as was she. My pussy was flooded and needy, but I felt physically fine, and mentally fully pleasured. "You... you can do that whenever you want?" I struggled to collect my voice and thoughts.

"Yes. There's a reason a lot of users of Mind Magic go insane. There's so many temptations." She groped my breast and set me down on the bed, cuddling up next to me as she stroked my breasts and belly, eliciting more moans from my paradoxically extremely needy and utterly satisfied body.

I nuzzled up close to her and kissed her on the lips, and she scritched behind my ear as she kissed me back. Fuck, I wanted to belong to her, why did I feel so submissive to her now? "Fuck me? Please?"

She smiled slowly as she walked her fingers towards my pussy, causing me to arch my back, raise my hips, and whine... I needed her inside me so bad. "Don't you need to save your physical strength for tonight?"

"I can't wait... did you... did you do something to my mind?"

"I mean, yes, obviously-- giving you an entire day of overwhelming pleasure is doing something to your mind. And your body, being seperate from it, is confused and wants to catch up. Well, that's a very simplified explanation of what's happening, at least."

...fuck, she basically had the mental equivalent of drugs, didn't she? Arousingly terrifying. And I was too horny to last several hours. "Please fuck me, Mistress?" I spread my legs and moved my fingers down to spread my pussy, looking into her eyes desperately. "Please? I'm too horny to not cum now or all night?"

"What's this about not cumming all night?" Eve traced her fingers against my womb tattoo, causing me to shudder, feeling pleasure in the very core of my being as I whimpered needily.

"I... I can only cum with your permission... because of that tattoo... and obviously you know that...."

"Yes, but I thought you'd want it turned off," replied Eve as she continued to lazily caress the tattoo that seemed to be causing pleasure to spill into my soul.

"I... will you feel better if I don't cum from anyone else...?"

"...yes." Eve moved above me, pressing her cock against the entrance to my pussy, needy moans coming from my lips as I rubbed my entrance against the head of her cock, lifting my hips as I tried to get it inside me. "You'd do that for me?" She looked down into my eyes curiously. "Endure an entire night of not cumming as you're fucked by person after person?"

"...yes. I want you to feel good and secure and... fuck!" Eve had just thrust her cock deep into my soaked pussy, and started to thrust violently with all her strength inside me-- actually no, not all her strength, clearly she had to be holding back a lot because I was still alive, but it was the hardest I had ever been fucked her, and I barely comprehended the fact that she wasn't using all her strength, so aroused and pleasured and overwhelmed and a little in pain as I came on her cock almost immediately, screaming with overwhelmed pleasure as she continued to fuck me through my orgasm, body trembling and shaking beneath her, even though it felt distant underneath all the physical pleasure I was feeling right now.

She finally pulled out and came all over me, her cum spraying over my breasts and face, and without pausing, moved up to straddle my head and pressed her still-dripping cockhead against my lips, and I opened, licked, sucked, endured as she thrust down my throat a couple of times before pulling back out and looking down at me with a very satisfied smile with her cock still half in my mouth. "I love you, Sasha."

I moaned into her cock in response, and she moved back a bit, leaned down over me, and slowly and thoroughly licked her cum off my very sensitive and pleasured body as I twitched and squirmed a little in response. "Mmm... fuck... thank you... I love you too...." All the pleasure made me feel extremely connected to her, but it was hard to feel bad about that... if the only way she manipulated me was by fucking my brains out, maybe I was fine with that....

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